
⁵ui²y is a Musical Conlang created by InfernalToast/Nondescrypt for the third annual Scratch Conlanging Studio contest.

Type Analytic/Synthetic Mix
Alignment Nominative-Accusative (maybe)
Head direction Initial
Tonal Yes
Declensions Yes
Conjugations No
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words 0 of 50
Creator Nondescrypt

Classification and Dialects

Highly structured, as most of the grammar is based on word order.



The purpose of this language is to have no consonants whatsoever, ergo there are none.

However, consonants did play a role historically, in that they developed into the different tones present currently.


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i y ɯ u
High-mid ɘ ɤ
Low-mid ɔ
Near-low æ œ*

Vowels can also be nazalized (ⁿ) and breathy ( ̥)

*slightly higher than the /æ/ of General American English


This language has 5 levels of tones, all of which can/are combined in different ways to expand the range of possible sounds. Each of the tones, ordered 1 to 5 in ascending order, is one of the 5 notes on the pentatonic scale.


Writing System

⁵ui²y Script

"_________" (lit. soundflow)
Sound i y ɯ u ɘ ɤ ɔ æ œ (-ⁿ) ( ̥)
Letter | . . .|. . . | . . .|. . . |
Tone A B D E G

The bar "|" along the three dots ". . ." denotes the position of the main flowing line of the word in ⁵ui²y Script.


Letter i y w u e U o a O n h
Sound i y ɯ u ɘ ɤ ɔ æ œ (-ⁿ) ( ̥)
Letter 1 2 3 4 5
Tone A B D E G

When there is a slide from one tone to another, it will be written as (StartingTone)(EndingTone)[vowel(s)](FinishAscention). For example, if you are moving from note E to note G during the vowels ɯ, i, and ɘ, it is written as 45wie5.. The "." denotes that the next note will be jumped to directly, without a slide.

When you waver around in note but remain at a single vowel, it is written (StartingTone)/(Waver1)/(Waver2)/(etc.)[vowel] (denoted by the "/" between tones). It is assumed that once a vowel is changed, it will remain at the final tone on the next vowel unless otherwise noted. Length of each tone, unfortunately, cannot be denoted in the romanization; however, it is denoted by the length of the line in the original script.



Nouns can be marked for number, but gender and definiteness are nonexistent in this language and case is denoted by word order and postpositional particles.

The word added at the end of a noun to mark duality is "5yu"

The word added at the end of a noun to mark several is "5Ua"

The word added at the end of a noun to mark a very large number of something is "5oO"

Singulars are left unmarked.

The particles that come at the start of a noun phrase are as follows:

acc nom dat of(gen) to(place) in/on/at with(together) with(instrumental) near/adjacent behind



Connotations of Word Order in the Sentence

The sentence is ordered such that words will always come in this order:

Declarative Sentence:

Stative - SOV, head is initial but for adjectives.

Transitive - [[Adjective]Subject

Intransitive -

Interrogative Sentence:

Imperative Sentence:

Concatenation of Words

When two words are combined to make a new word, they will typically be joined by a -u- particle between them. It takes on whichever note is most convinient for the speaker and often acts as an intermediate point for the note to trasition smoothly, as in a singular word.


Number words:

"5yu4e" - two

Example text
