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Classification and Dialects[]

It is one of the many rich and vibrant languages of the moon, Foséna. Ákəla is related to Losa.



Legend has it that the language descended down from Heaven on Creation Day. It was gifted to mortals from Naləkila, the god of languages.




Labial Alveolar Dorsal Glottal
Nasal m n ŋ
Stop Voiceless p t k ʔ
Voiced b d g
Fric. Voiceless f s x~χ h
Voiced v z ɣ
App. Medial w r~ɹ~ɾ j
Lateral l

/n/ turns into /ŋ/ when there is a velar stop after it.

/ŋg/ turns into /ŋ/.


Front Central Back
Close i ~ ɪ ʊ ~ u
Close-Mid e~ɛ
Mid ə o
Open a~ɑ


i u
a ai au
e/ɛ ɛi eu
o oi

Allophony/Sound changes[]

[ɛ] turns into [e] at the end of a word. [ɛ] occasionally turns into [e] in a stressed syllable. [n] turns into [ŋ] when there is a velar stop after it. [ŋg] turns into [ŋ].


Writing System[]


Uppercase Letter Lowercase Letter IPA value Pronunciation of the letter (IPA)
A a a~ɑ a~ɑ
B b b bi
D d d da
E e e~ɛ e~ɛ
Ə ə ə ə
F f f fa
G g ɡ gi
Ġ ġ ɣ ɣa
H h h ha
I i i ~ ɪ i ~ ɪ
K k k ka
L l l la
M m m mu
N n n nu
Ns ns ns ~ nz
ŋ aŋa
O o o o
P p p pa
R r r~ɹ~ɾ aɹa
S s s sa
T t t ta
U u ʊ ~ u ʊ ~ u
V v v vi
W w w we
X x~χ x exe
Y y j jadə
Z z z zi
ʔ oʔi


The most common stress pattern is: The first syllable is stressed, the second syllable has no stress, and the third syllable has secondary stress. Another stress pattern is: The first syllable has no stress, the second syllable is stressed, and the third syllable has no stress. When in a stressed syllable, a is notated á, e is notated é, i is notated í, o is notated ó, u is notated ú. Ə is never in a stressed syllable. The secondary stress is not notated.




Singular Plural
Nominative Ø -s
Genitive vu- vu-, -s
Accusative -dra -dras
Dative -van -vas
Ablative -ma -fan
Locative la- las-,-s
Allative -nus -nustas
Instrumental -ku -kus



verbs ending in "a" (1st conjugation)[]
Singular Plural
Indicative Past -nta -nte
Present Ø -n
Future -na -nas
Imperative -s -totas

verbs ending in "-e" (2nd conjugation)[]
Singular Plural
Indicative Past -la -lan
Present -ka -kan
Future -da -dan
Imperative -ra -das

verbs ending in "-o" (3rd conjugation)[]
Singular Plural
Indicative Past -sa -san
Present -n -tus
Future -mo -mos
Imperative -ra -ras
verbs ending in "-u" (4th conjugation)[]
Singular Plural
Indicative Past -sa -sas
Present Ø -s
Future -ta -tas
Imperative -ra -ras

róta (1st conjugation)- to turn
Singular Plural
Indicative Past rotánta rotántas
Present róta rótan
Future rotána rotánas
Imperative rótas rotótas
se (2nd conjugation)- to need
Singular Plural
Indicative Past sela selan
Present seka sekan
Future seda sedan
Imperative sera seran
ekó (3rd conjugation)- to injest
Singular Plural
Indicative Past ekósa ekósan
Present ekón ekótus
Future ekómo ekómos
Imperative ekóra ekóras
tu (4th conjugation)- to care for
Singular Plural
Indicative Past tusa tusas
Present tu tus
Future tuta tutas
Imperative tura turas
tu (4th conjugation) - to give
Singular Plural
Indicative Past tusa tusas
Present tu tus
Future tuta tutas
Imperative tura turas
amatu (irreg)- to love
Singular Plural
Indicative Past sámatu sámatus
Present ámatu ámatus
Future ánta ántas
Imperative amúra amúras
kánta (irreg conjugation)- to talk
Singular Plural
Indicative Past kánaka kánakas
Present kánta kánarus
Future kántam mékam
Imperative kántra kántras
váta (irreg conjugation)- to talk
Singular Plural
Indicative Past váka vákas
Present váta vás
Future ván vánas
Imperative fátra fátras
ela (irreg conjugation)- to hear
Singular Plural
Indicative Past eka ekas
Present ema erus
Future eta etas
Imperative era eras


Add -to to the end of the word after the case ending or verb ending.


Add -li to the end of the word


Singular Plural
1st Person Exclusive ni nis/niz
Inclusive nos/noz
2nd Person ra ras/raz
3rd Person su sus/suz


Singular Plural
Definite funta funtan
Indefinite deste destes


There aren't any supines, participles, or infinitives. Akəla word order is SVO (Subject Verb Object).


Akəla Word (the unmodified versions) English Word Part of Speech Words it is derived from Transliteration Sound changes (from words it is derived from) Notes
na now Adjective
-tu makes a noun a verb particle Unrelated to tu (gift)
color Noun
ma parent Noun
parental Adjective
matu to care for Verb ma+tu
Ora light, pale; solar Adjective
day, the star Fosena orbits, light, sunlight Noun
to brighten, turn pale, shine Verb
pa sky Noun
Féna ground, soil, the planet that the Akəli tribe lives on Noun place (of) life s → Ø

o → Ø

s → Ø

i → Ø

derived from archaic form of osi, which is fosi.
séna life Noun
séntu to live Verb séna+tu a → Ø
óka plant, vegetation, herb Noun
to plant Verb

house, home, habitat, a dwelling

to dwell Verb

song, singing

song-like Adjective
to sing Verb
tu gift Noun
to give, gift Verb


night, darkness, midnight Noun
to darken Verb
ta to make a snapping noise Verb
snap Noun
ilo time Noun


lunar Adjective
stela constellation, star, nightlight, Noun
stellar Adjectives
Orasako solar eclipse Noun "Sun" dark

i → Ø

da and Conjunction
ága unless Conjunction


hátu to sustain, give food/water Verb ha + tu to give sustenance
ekó to ingest Verb
dasa torso Noun
vena hair Noun
óto to smell, stink Verb
smelly Adjective
stench, odor, nose Noun
se a need Noun
to hunger (for) / to thirst / to be thirsty for / to need Verb


quick, fast Adjective
váli quickly Adverb
váta to hurry Verb la → Ø

u → a

ela ear Noun
etu To listen, hear Verb

speech, mouth


to talk, converse, have a conversation

Verb kána+-tu a → Ø

u → a




ámatu to love Verb áma+-tu
vo permission Noun

to allow, let, enable, give permission

sáka mind, head, neck, soul Noun

main, leading

sáta to control, steer, rule, lead Verb
sis hiss Noun
to hiss Verb
roha roar Noun
to roar Verb
awu howl Noun
to howl Verb
óko eyes Noun
to look, see Verb
ocular Adjective
zuga large, giant, big, gigantic, enormous, huge Adjective
stiti small, miniscule, tiny Adjective
titi sharp Adjective
ho smooth Adjective
lolo to undulate
okóto to look, see Verb u → o
seso to stop Verb
menene to repeat Verb
fira fire; cooking element, chemical reaction, heat source Noun object (of) Ora o → i

s → Ø

i → Ø

derived from archaic form of osi, which is fosi.
to light (on fire) Verb
flammable Adjective
háka any part of a plant that is edible Noun ha+oka sustenance plant o → Ø
yero hatred Noun
to hate, despise Verb
osi person, animal, place, thing, object Noun
muka strange, foreign Adjective
məlisə bad, evil, foul, terrible, dirty, disgusting, corrupt, toxic, crazy, drunk, psychotic, awful, despicable, poisonous, venomous, deceptive Adjective
evil, devil, demon, dirt, filth, pollution, disease, poison, lie, liar, venom, lunatic Noun
to lie, decieve Verb
badly, filthily, crazily, fouly, terribly, awfully, drunkenly, venomously, deceptively Adverb
makes a word derogatory Particle
məlixa to dirty, turn evil, corrupt, intoxicate, foul, manipulate Verb məlisə+máka to make evil/intoxicated k → x

sə → Ø

ma → Ø

məloka poisonous plant Noun məlisə+oka evil plant

isə → Ø


good, angel

good, just, righteous Adjective
justly Adverb
sutu to do that is just Verb
firai sunrise, sunset Noun fira+pa fire sky

p → Ø

a → i

peta flower Noun
péno toe, foot, leg; a walk Noun
penóto to walk Verb
máka creation Noun
to create Verb
bala circle Noun
circular, round Adjective
babala sphere, orb, globe, globule Noun
spherical, orb-shaped, globular Adjective
róta to turn Verb
ánə finger, hand, arm Noun
lápə sleep Noun
to sleep Verb
lásəna dream Noun lápə+séna sleep life p → Ø

ə → Ø

ɛ → ə

to dream Verb
Ukúka Heaven Noun úka+úka above above a → Ø
Pəpélo Hell/The Underworld Noun pélo+pélo below below l → Ø

o → Ø


Akəla English What it is used for Cases it is used with
ki in, within, inside Location Locative
out from Motion from Ablative
into Motion towards Allative
ke on Location Locative
from the top of Motion from Ablative
onto Motion towards Allative
ko outside Location Locative
out from Motion from Ablative
out to Motion towards Allative
úka above Location Locative
down from, from above Motion from Ablative
up to Motion towards Allative
pélo below Location Locative
up from, from below Motion from Ablative
down to Motion to Allative


This language has a base 6 number system.

Akəla English Word Combination Sound Changes from words it is derived from Notes
senal (base 6) decimal

(base 10

za 0 0
re 1 1
ti 2 2
xa 3 3
ne 4 4
le 5 5
rozu 10 6
roro 11 7
rota 12 8
roxa 13 9
rone 14 10
role 15 11
tazu 20 12
taro 21 13
tata 22 14
taxa 23 15
tane 24 16
tale 25 17
30 18
31 19
32 20
33 21
34 22
35 23
40 24
41 25
42 26
43 27
44 28
45 29
50 30


Body Parts (Akəla)

éla óko óto óko éla
ánə ánə
péno péno
Body Parts (translated)

Ear Eye Nose Eye Ear
Neck and/or Torso
Finger, Hand, and/or Arm Finger, Hand, and/or Arm
Leg, Foot, and/or Toe Leg, Foot, and/or Toe


Akəla Transliteration English Sound Changes
color (of) the sky, the ocean and plants blue, gray, green, purple
color (of) night, darkness black, dark blue, dark gray
color (of) fire and Ora red, orange, yellow, white
color (of) the moon silver
color (of) Féna brown, gray, brownish-gray, dark brown

Example text[]


Ni ekón vénadras vuni.

Case Translation[]

ingest-1stPresentSg hair-Pl-Acc of 1st-Sg-Gen.


I ingest the hair of I.


Type Agglutinative
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Head-Initial
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders None
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 89%
Nouns 70%
Verbs 97%
Adjectives 100%
Syntax 98%
Words 48 of 1500
Creator Sgt Haleakala

I eat my hair.
