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Name: Alsaßiennisch



Head Direction:

Number of genders: 3

Declensions: No

Conjugations: Yes

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect


Alsaßiennisch is a language derived from romantic and Germanic origins. It is spoken in the border regions between Germany and France. Due to the proximity of the two languages, many cognates and similarities occur in the language. The German case system was dropped, and the ambiguities of spoken and written French were simplified. With some confusion, the genders were mixed, causing some previously feminine French words to become neuter or neuter to masculine with the same occurring on the German side. However, the changes are minute, and gender of nouns can easily be memorized just as with French and German.

Alphabet and Pronunciation[]

Alsaßiennisch is a language with romance vocabulary, syntax, and grammar spoken like a Germanic language. The common phenomenon of silent letters and endings in French was eradicated by the final voicing of e (pronounced as the ou porous (Eng.); or final e of eine (Ger.)) in German. In the same fashion the omission of the final 'r' is marked by a circumflexe over the final vowel before the 'r' (examples below). Both the accents observed in French (aigu, grave, circomflexe, trema, cedille) and German (umlaut; ß) are sometimes used in concurrence. (ex. intereßé) Because of the mutual use of these accents, common letters missed due to deep orthography are either omitted or stressed to ensure comprehension. Words such as œuf and prévenu in French are written simply as öf and prévenü respectively. Moreover, wunderbar and Bär in German are written as wunderbâ and bê in Alsaßiennisch. All have the same phonetic value; however, when heard, there is less ambiguity in spelling due to the phonetics, in turn, creating a more shallow orthography compared to those of French and German. The Germanic influence has caused a 'standardization' of the hard 'c' sounds in the language, replacing many of them with the letter 'k'.

Alphabet - Dê Alfabesse Alsaßiennisch[]

The Alsaßiennisch alphabet is made up of the Roman/Latin alphabet including special accent letters and the German "eszett". 

Letter Name Pronunciation (English Equivalent)


Ah father
Bb bring
Cc sun (before and i); otherwise kraken
Dd dog
Ee Epsilon every
Ff Ef french
Gg grass
Hh ranges between here and no pronunciation
Ii Ee meet
Jj Jie azure
Kk kangaroo
Ll Êl fill
Mm Êm move
Nn Nu never
Oo Oh show
Pp Peh pen
Qq Koo crack
Rr no English equivalent; French 'r' (rouge)
Ss Etz zebra (when between vowels); otherwise, sun
Tt today
Uu Oo

zoom; otherwise French 'u' (rendu)


German 'ü' (über)

Vv Fow ranges between fox or violin (regional)
Ww Vay violin
Xx Eeks zoom or box
Yy Ee greco

ranges between meet and yellow

(depends on word)

Zz Zett zoom or blots
Ââ Ah circomflexe pronounced as a
Ää Ah umlaut pronounced as e
Àà Ah grav pronounced as a


Epsilon aigu play
Êê Epsilon circomflexe pronounced as e
Îî Ee circomflexe pronounced as i
Ôô Oh circomflexe pronounced as o
Öö Oh umlaut azure
Üü Oo umlaut no English equivalent; venu (Fr.), über (Ger.)
ß Eszett double 's' 
Çç Cedige pronounced as eszett
Ïï Ee trema archaic; naïve
Ëë Epsilon trema archaic

Vowel and Consonant Clusters[]

Common consonant and vowel clusters include and are pronounced with their English equivalents as follows:

qu - kangaroo

ch - shine or crazy

ou - booth

ai - age

eu - soy

oi - water

ph - fox

ui - week

isch - fish

ie - here

ei - my

er (at end of word) - way


Gender Cases Numbers Tenses Persons Moods Voices Aspects
Verb No No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Nouns Yes No Yes No No No No No
Adjectives Yes No Yes No Yes No No No
Numbers No No Yes No Yes No No No
Participles Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No No
Adverb No No No No No No No No
Pronouns Yes No Yes No Yes No No No
Adpositions Yes No Yes No Yes No No No
Article Yes No Yes No Yes No No No
Particle No No No No No No No No


Masculine Feminine Neuter
Definite Singular Dêm
Definite Plural Dês Dâs Dêmen
Indefinite Ün Ünâ Ünem


English Subject Pronoun

Alsaßiennisch Subject Pronoun

I Ik
He Ir
It Ett
One On
We Uns
You (Plural and Formal) Vou
They (Masc./Fem.) Ihn



Masculine Singular Femenine Singular Masculine Plural

Feminine Plural

My mein meinâ meines meinâs
Your tein teinâ teines teinâs
His Îren Îrâ Îres Îrâs
Her Zein Zeinâ Zeines Zeinâs
Its Etten Etten Ettenes Ettenes
Our Unsen Unsâ Unsenes Unsenâs
Your Voutre Voutrâ Voutres Voutrâs
Their (masc. or mixed gender) Îhnen Îhnâ Îhnes Ihnâs
Their (fem.) Zeinen Zeinen Zeinen Zeinen
English Reflexive Pronoun Alsaßiennisch Reflexive Pronoun
Myself/Me Me
Yourself/You De
Him/her/itself Se
Ourselves/Us Uns
Yourself/You Vou
Themselves/Them Ihn

**Neuter nouns follow the masculine possessive pattern.

Nouns and Pluralization[]

Alsaßiennisch nouns have somewhat straightforward rules dealing with the process of pluralization. Nouns ending with a vowel simply add -nen to the word regardless of the word's gender. (ex. dê matâ –> dês matânen) Any other words not ending with a vowel simply add -s to the end. In addition to this, all nouns in Alsaßiennisch are capitalized.


Adjectives in Alsaßiennisch are declined according to gender and number. Adjectives, while they technically follow their noun, can be precede the noun it describes. The use of the preceding adjective has been well adored, while scholars prefer the traditional following adjective syntax. Adjectives describing a feminine noun take an extra 'e'. Adjectives describing a plural masculine or neuter noun take an 'em' or 'nem', while feminine nouns take an 'es' or 'nes'.

gut - good Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular gut gute gut
Plural gutem gutes gutem
nouvô - new Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular nouvô nouvône nouvô
Plural nouvônem nouvônes nouvônem


Adverbs always precede the verb they modify. In other cases, the adverb can be the first or last word of a sentence. There are few exceptions to this rule, for there are not many opportunities to break it.


Prepositional sytax in Alsaßiennisch follow those of French and English very closely. The use of the word lui in French is completely replaced by the reflexive pronouns. The main pronoun 'at' is simply 'à' in Alsaßiennisch. À is the only preposition declined according to the gender and number of the noun it describes. Otherwise, prepositions are simple to form and use.

Declensions of À Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular a dê a dâ am
Plural anês anâs â demen
Indefinite an anâ anem


Alsaßiennisch has ten forms, including compound forms, of every verb stretching between the indicative, imperative, conditional moods. In reality, verbs only have four forms; however their other compound forms add to the total. 


Getting closer to being somewhat done. CheeseGrits (talk) 07:07, July 2, 2014 (UTC)
