
Below is the list of known words of Altieric, categorised alphabetically.










é part. [Direct Object Marker] [ɛː]


fadyra v. love [fʌ̞ᶁiɹʌ̞]
falschin n. research, analysis, experimentation, thesis, study [fʌ̞ɫ̪͡s̪͡çɪn]
fariseho n. darkness [fʌ̞ɹisɛhɔ]
Farisehomil n. [Tenum] darkness (Note: Used to refer to the primordial element of darkness, Tenum.) [fʌ̞ɹisɛhɔmil] Divinetha
farzm n. language, dialect, tongue [fʌ̞ɹ̥zm̩]
fáidh n. line [faːɪð]
fhtagn adv. with ignorance, ignorantly, obliviously [ɸ͡tʌ̞ɡn̩]
fifalzir n. dragon [fɪfʌ̞ɫ̪͡z̪iɹ]
fios v. manipulate, alter (Note: 'fios' is primarily used to refer to the manipulation of metaphysical or scientific elements.) [fɪɔs]
fm'latgh n. rite of passage, coming of age [fm̩ʔɭat̚ɡʱ]
forzista n. ray, beam [fɔɹzistʌ̞]
fusairi adj. foolish, idiotic, stupid [fʊsaɪɹi]
fusari n. fool, idiot [fʊsʌ̞ɹi]


Word Class Meaning/Translation IPA
gabh adv. always [ɡabʱ]
goatt inter. [Expression of pain] "ouch!", "that hurts!" [ɡɵt]
givid n. grandfather (informal)
gof'nn v. excommunicate, banish, disown, exile
goka v. let go, release [ɡokʌ̞]
gralf adj. abnormal, unusual, strange, weird
guarda n. (Note: Much like the Japanese "senpai", it is commonly used by adolescent males to address their male seniors as a sign of respect.)


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
ha-meghil'avide n. xenolinguist [hʌ̞ˈmeɡʱilˌʔʌ̞vide]
ha-meghiltisa n. xenolinguistics [hʌ̞meˈɡʱiɫˌtɪsʌ̞]
hamicma v. forsake [hʌ̞mik͡xmʌ̞]
holqui v. feel, sense (Note: Does not refer to a physical manner of sensing.) [hɔɫqʊɪ]
hrí adj./adv. only [ɹ̥iː]
Hymnophazur pron. Hymmnomancy [ꞕimnoɸʌ̞zuɹ]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
ia'iadix n. altar
ia'ialtale n. skyscraper
inter. [Expression of praise]
iehusoz n. server, network
iehusozir n. program
il'avide n. scientist, researcher
ilsenya n. omniverse, multiverse [iɫ̪͡s̪ɛɲʌ̞] Divinetha
ilyá v. go [ilʲɑː]
iolarois n. city, metropolis [ɪolaɹɔɪs] Dialäcthan
ite v. give, bestow [itɛ]
iwelaeth n. labyrinth, maze


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
Íthr'Rinel n./pron. Aetherinel [iːθə(ʔ)ɹinel]


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jhetes n. element /ɟetɛs/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
k'yarnak adj. parallel /ᶄˁʌ̞ɹnak/
kadishtu n. (Note: Has extremely hostile or vulgar connotations. There is no direct translation of the word, though "bastard" comes close to it as non-vulgar and hostile as it can get.) /kʌ̞diʃ͡ṯʊ/
kasarid [kʌ̞sʌ̞ɹid]
khuandesite n. mathematics [kʰʊandesɪtɛ]
kinsaitatmeph n. technology [kɪnsaɪtʌ̞t̚meɸ]
kl prep. [Elative Particle] outside
kulz adj. old, elderly, ancient /kʊɫ̪͡z̪/
kulzphazur n. ancient magic, Altiamancy [kʊɫ̪͡z̪ɸʌ̞zuɹ]
kvund v. fall [k͡vʊnd]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
lapila n. gem, gemstone, precious stone, mineral
Legefarzm n./pron. Panimeri
Legesér pron. Faunthian [ɭeɡesɛəɹ]
legeth n. fauna, animal, wildlife
legethir n. species, race, kind
levithmong [ɭeviθmoŋ]
li'hé v. commit (a crime), offend, violate (a law)
lierga n. spell, charm, (magical) technique, skill
linschiol v. shatter, break, fragment, crack
liom v. see, watch, look
londohio n. hell [ˈɭonˌʃɪd͡ɹ̝ʌ̞]
Lonshidra pron. lit. "Season of Luminosity" (Name of one of Ardimalia's six seasons)
lrasd v. fly, soar
lshenje v. sing, chant, recite, intone
lshenqira n. song, ode, hymn
lu-ialpor v. protect, guard, defend, safeguard


Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
madreiax n. hunk, jock (Note: Slang term used to refer to a male who has an athletic build or is handsome.)
maj v. change (Note: Used to refer to a partial physical change.) [meθʌ̞sɪ]
maolh adj. faint, weak
mef'thasi n. district
meghiltisa n. linguistics
méyeur v. fail, disappoint
miänoaɡ n. status, report, survey [mɪænɵɡ]
mirc inter. s**t
míle v. shine, radiate (light), illuminate, glow, gleam [miːle]
mo part. [Interrogative Particle] (Note: Used to turn a sentence into a question or query only if "who", "what", "where", "how", "when" or "why" are not used in it. Like the Japanese interrogative particle 'ka', it is placed at the end of a sentence.) [mo]
mvawsho'tivslo [məβɒːʃɔʔtɪvs̩lo]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
nalihni'it-ga adj. (utterly) beautiful (Note: Has connotations of love. Its often used by men to describe the women they are attracted to.)
naoi n. father (Note: Colloquial form; can be compared to the English "papa" or "daddy" expressions infants commonly use.)
naperua v. save, rescue
nazarth n. network, system, program
neadr n. muscle (Note: As in body part)
netæbramɡ [nilk͡xʌ̞]
nglui n. doubt
nilca n. day (Note: Refers to the 24-hour period)
nilgh'ri n. sob, weeping, cry
nir inter. [Exclamation/expression of disagreement] "no", "never" (Note: Direct equivalent to the English "no".)


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
og adj. every~, all~ /og/
ol part. [Animate-Class Subject Definer] /ol/
orr'e herein
othilrsad n. grimoire
ozoiene n. armour (Note: As in metal armour)


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
óm prep. [Postelative Particle] behind


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Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
pa'aoxidic [pʌ̞ʔaʊξʰɪdik͡x]
paradial v. forbid, prohibit [pʌ̞ɹadɪal]
paradialdi adj. forbidden, prohibited [pʌ̞ɹadɪaldi]
phazukil'avide n. magitechnician
phazukinsaitatme n. magitechnology [ɸʌ̞zukɪnsaɪtʌ̞t̚me]
phazur n. magic, sorcery [ɸʌ̞zuɹ]
phectalia n. hope [ɸɛk̚tʌ̞lɪʌ̞]
philaiti'sa n. E.S.A. ~Ein Sof Anima~ (A type of Altian starship vessel)
philrxima n. altruism, selflessness [ɸɪləksʰɪmʌ̞]
Phosyelta n./pron. [Pholux] light (Note: Refers to the Primordial Element of light, Pholux.) [ɸɔsʲɛltʌ̞] Divinetha
phosylra n. light Dialäcthan
phyllonsa n. harmony, balance, concord, order, peace, tranquillity, resonance, resonation [ɸɪʎonsʌ̞]
piama n. tool, instrument [pɪamʌ̞] R'Sonian
piamolora n. instrument (Note: Refers to a musical instrument) [pɪamoloɹʌ̞]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
qalmasv n. rigidity [qʌ̞lmasəβ]
qenthyra n. aether, quintessence, divine energy
Qenthyrala pron. [Akasha] aether, quintessence (Note: Used to refer to the Primordial Element of quintessence or divinity, Akasha.) /qɛnθiɹalʌ̞/ Divinetha
qreioz n. cabal, society (Note: Used to refer to magic cabals in general.)
quanis n. city, metropolis /qʊanis/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
r'luh n. prisoner /ɻəlu/
raclirgil n. adult /ɻakxḻiɹgil/
raibh v. hate (Note: Used in a joking manner.) /ɻaɪbʱ/
razeinthia n. knowledge, wisdom /ɻazeɪnθɪʌ̞/
repth n. memory /ɻepθ̟/
rhíanol n. atonement, repentance /ɽiːanol/
ri'ntse v. dive /ɻiʔⁿʦɛ/
rig v. do /ɻig/
riugg n. adolescent, teenager /ɻɪuɣ/
rlaoigghashht n. fate (worse than death), a fate beyond death (Note: Used to imply a fate far more worse than death.) /ɻˡɐɪɣʱaʂʈ/
roghsa n. mother-in-law /ɻogʱzʌ̞/
roimh conj. where /ɻɔɪmʱ/
ron n. child, kid /ɻon/
runimshe n. ship (Note: Can be used to refer to any type of vehicle or transportation designed for space travel.)
runimshe'pa n. starship
ruzia n. rose /ɻuzɪʌ̞/



Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
s'uhn v. promise, vow, swear /sˁʊn̥/
sa pron. that /sʌ̞/
sa'au conj. when /sʌ̞ʔaʊ/
saharui v. leave, abandon, desert /sʌ̞hʌ̞ɹʊɪ/
saih'hedri n. gene, genome, DNA
samvelyseg n. mothership
saol conj. but, however, although /saʊl/
sapaxhix n. phonology
pron. those /saː/
scíol v. fly, soar /sʧiːol/
se pron. this /sɛ/
seisean v. know, be (already) aware of, understand, comprehend /seɪsɛan/
sejein n. clan, tribe /sɛʤeɪn/
seo conj. for (the sake of)~ /sɛɔ/
pron. these /sɛː/
sgn'wahl v. retaliate, act out of self-preservation, act in self-defence, act in defence /skʰn̩ʔɰ̊ʌ̞l̥/
shenthuqelia n. library, archive, place of knowledge, librarchive [ʃɛnθʊqɛlɪʌ̞]
shi'na adj. arrogant, prideful, egotistical /ʃɪʔnʌ̞/
Shyulaneia n. [Psychanima] psyche, Qualia (Note: Used to refer to the Primordial Element of the mind, Psychanima.) /ʆʊlanɛɪʌ̞/ Divinetha
sibh adj. obvious, evident /sɪbʱ/
Sibsirui pron. lit. "Season of Redemption" (Name of one of Ardimalia's six seasons.) [sɪbsɪɹʊɪ] Divinetha
sll'ha n. sister (Note: Does not actually refer to relatives but rather comrades in a militaristic perspective.) /sɫ̩ʔhʌ̞/
solpeth n. mage, person who uses Magic (Note: Because it is not gender-specific, it can be applied to any gender. Is used when referring to a group of mages of mixed gender groups.)
solpethia n. mage, person who uses Magic (Note: Used strictly for female mages and groups of mages composed solely of females.)
solpethil n. mage, person who uses Magic (Note: Used strictly for male mages and groups of mages composed solely of males.)
Sonfarzm n. Language of the Magi Dialäcthan
sophomil n. sage, teacher, person of knowledge /sɔɸɔmil/
syull'nahat n. brother (Note: Does not actually refer to relatives but rather comrades in a militaristic perspective.) [ᶊʊʎʔnahʌ̞t]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s) IPA Family
talhod conj. who /tʌ̞ɬɔd/
teloch n. body, corpse /tɛlokxʰ/
telochis n. murderer, killer /tɛlokxʰɪs/
Telocinxir n./pron. [Necorto] death, mortality (Note: Used to refer to the Primordial Element of death, Necorto.) /tɛloʧɪɴξʰɪɹ/ Divinetha
tera n. leader /tɛɹʌ̞/
throd adj. plain, ordinary, normal [θɹ̱od]
thyan'yalánja n. astrophysics [θʲʌ̞nʔjalaːnʤʌ̞]
Tiobliora pron. lit. "Season of Bloom" (Name of one of Ardimalia's six seasons) [tɪoblɪoɹʌ̞]
tis'iapfil n. lake [tɪsʔɪʌ̞p͆͡fɪl]
tl prep. [Perlative Particle] through, via
tol part. [Concept-Class Subject Definer] (Note: Used to define concepts or forces metaphysical, spiritual, magical, phenomenal or figurative in nature as the subject of a sentence.) /tɔl/ Divinetha
torzutul n. coordinates
tózulir n. daemon, demon, devil (Note: Is meant to be used to refer to the species, not used pejoratively.) /tɔːzuliɹ/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
ul prep. [Subessive Particle] below, under, underneath [ul]
ulnyar adj. handsome, attractive (Note: Always used to describe males.) /uɫɲaɹ/
ulta n. hand /uɫtʌ̞/
unchirlan v. vanish, disappear /uɴkxʰɪɹlan/
urthu v. hate, loath, resent, detest /uɹθʊ/
utla adv. please~ /ut̚lʌ̞/ Divinetha


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
ú-vey v. regret, feel shame/remorse/guilt over~ /uːveɪ/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
vanix n. name, title /βaniξʰ/
visterhv n. illusion, mirage
virqqasahi n. paraphernalia, equipment, tool, instrument /βiɹqʷʌ̞sʌ̞hɪ/ Dialäcthan
vl prep. [Inessive Particle] in, inside, within
vnhalto n. executioner (Note: Can also be translated as "reaper" in archaic terms.) /βn̩ʱaltɔ/
vnphexe n. violin /βn̩ɸɛξʰɛ/
vonphol v. destroy, ruin, annihilate, delete, erase, obliterate, devastate /βonɸɔl/
vonpholani adj. destructive, of destruction, of ruination, of annihilation /βonɸɔlani/
vonphozol n. destruction, annihilation, ruination, devastation /βonɸɔzol/
vonphyllo n. punishment, decree, sentence, verdict /βonɸɪ̈ʎo/
vonphyllonsa n. capital punishment [βonɸɪ̈ʎonsʌ̞]
vou-shi v. follow, pursue, chase /βoʊʃɪ/
Vouinardis pron. lit. "Season of the Sun" (Name of one of Ardimalia's six seasons) [βʉɪnaɹdis] Divinetha
vót-vey v. accompany /βɔːt̚veɪ/
vrizoil n. syndrome /βɹ̱izɔɪl/
vulgtlagln n. prayer, orison /βuɫʁl̩agḻn̩/
vulgtm v. pray /βuɫʁm̩/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
weren v. rob, steal, snatch /ɰeɹen/
westanie n. residence
wgah'n v. bind, suppress, restrain, restrict /ʷgahn̩/
wienesha n. dear, beloved (one) (Note: Used as a form of endearment between couples and lovers. Used commonly by males.) [ɰɪeneʃʌ̞]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
xalphiera n. ball, orb, sphere
xca'rleuea'bha n. day of judgement [χʰʌ̞ʔɻˡyɛʌ̞ʔbʱʌ̞]
xcthwilmetxic n. circulatory system [t̪͡θʷɪɫmetsʰɪkx]
xhistoleria [ħïstɔleɹɪʌ̞]
xl'hastirgge n. (A type of food in Altian culture) [χˡh̩ʌ̞stɪɹɣe]
xlastanm adj. merciful, compassionate [χˡʌ̞stʌ̞nm̩]
xlhrray'ntha [χɬʮaɪənθʌ̞]


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
y part. [Plural Definite Article] /i/, /jɪ/, /ɪ/
yarhyolci n. difference /jaɾʲolʧɪ/
yhallhatlha n. sublimation /jʱaḻhʌ̞tɬʌ̞/
yrpoilil v. share, exchange /jəpɔɪlil/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
ý part. [Emphasis Marker]
ýralte n. threshold /ɨɹaltɛ/


Word Class Meaning/Translation (+Note(s)) IPA Family
z'täx v. speak, say /zətæξʰ/
zacam n. cacodemon /zakxʌ̞m/
zacamran adj. horrendous, mortifying, monstrous, abominable
zacamranjesh adv. horrendously, mortifyingly
zacarem n. incubus /zakxʌ̞ɹem/
Zalarathia pron. Zallarathia /zalaɹaθɪʌ̞/
Zalmejhera n. (Note: According to Altian knowledge, it is a type of title applied to a certain category of leadership. They are used to refer to the subordinates who work under the Aetherinel on the same tier as the Kajatels, but not exactly -- how it works is still unknown to many.) [zalmeʤeɹʌ̞] Divinetha
zheleophan n. anesthesia /ʒelɛɔɸʌ̞n/
zhro inter. f**k /ʒɹ̩o/
zienay adj. wounded, scarred /zɪenaɪ/
zildarásy inter. "so be it..." (Note: Used to express one's melancholic resignation (to their fate)) /zildaɹasɪː/
ziom v. change (Note: Has figurative connotations of change, so it does not mean a physical change.) /zɪɒm/
zirn inter. [Affirmation] "yes", "indeed" /ziɹn/
znrzacar n. disease, sickness, illness /zn̩əzakxʌ̞ɹ/
zonac-noqodi n. university [zonak̚noqɔdi]
zsiellhura n. organisation, company, group, faction /z̪ɪeḻhʊɹʌ̞/
zsol adv. apathetically, monotonously /z̪olas/
zsolais n. apathy /z̪olaɪs/
zsolas adj. apathetic, emotionless [z̪olas]
zumvi'u v. buy [zumviʔʊ]
zvwva adv. any further [zβ̩ʊvʌ̞]
zylna adv. please~ /zɪɫnʌ̞/ Dialäcthan