Type Fusional
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Either
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 97%
Nouns 100%
Verbs 100%
Adjectives 100%
Syntax 100%
Words 370 of 1000
Creator Aenil2
Apasan Flag

The Apasan flag

Apasan (in Apasan : Hāta /hä:tä/) is a conlang somehow minimalist and highly fusional


Apasan phonology is pretty small, as it's composed of 10 consonants and 5 vowels


Labials Coronals Dorsals
Nasals m n
Plosives p t k, ʔ <'>
Fricatives ɸ <f> s h
Approximants ʋ <v>


Front Back
Close i, i: <ī> u~ɯ, u:~ɯ: <ū>
Mid e~ɛ, e:~ɛ: <ē> o, o: <ō>
Open ä~a~ɐ <a>, ä:~a:~ɐ: <ā>


(C)V word-initially, CV everywhere else (Verbs can end in -n, and adjectives can end in -t though)


Word order[]

In Apasan, word order is free, except when a genitive construction happens : the possessor and the possessee need to follow each other.

Ex : "Pu vīkino i etīt" (SPossVO) , "I vīkino pu etīt" (VPossSO) and "Etīt vīkino pu i" (OPossSV) are valid sentences, but "Pu i vīkino etīt" (SVPossO) isn't, as S (Subject) and Poss (Possessed) aren't following each other


Nouns can be declined using five cases, two numbers and definitiveness :

Cases and numbers[]

Suffixes on the left are singular, and suffixes on the right are plural
Case Function Suffix
Nominative Subject of a verb Stem / -tē
Accusative Direct object of a verb -sa / -sā
Genitive Possession -no / -nō
Dative Indirect object of a verb -vi / -vī
Prepositional Words which are described by a preposition -hu / -hū


Definitiveness Prefix
Definite k(a)-
Indefinite Stem


Verbs are the most complex feature of Apasan, as they are conjugated using 2 tenses, 2 numbers, 3 aspects, 4 moods and 4 voices, all in 2 affixes and 1 "auxiliary"

TA + Numbers[]

Suffixes on the left are singular, and suffixes on the right are plural
Tense Aspect Function Suffixes
Present Perfective Completed action in the present Stem / -(m)ū
Non-Present Completed action in the past/future -(f)ā / -(v)a
Present Imperfective Not completed action in the present -(s)ō / -(n)o
Non-Present Not completed action in the past/future -(p)e / -(t)ē
Present Prospective (can be COND) Action subsequent to a present action -(h)u / -(e)kū
Non-Present Action subsequent to a past/future action -(a)mu / -(a)nū


Mood Function Prefix
Indicative Factual Statements Stem
Subjunctive Desired / Potential Events (can work as Tentative) n(i)-
Imperative Commands / Requests s(o)-
Interrogative Questions h(u)-


Voice Function Auxiliary
Active Subject is the doer of an action None
Passive Telic aspect and promotes an object as subject kōvi
Antipassive Atelic aspect and promotes an object as subject ēvi
Applicative LOC : Promotes a locative object nomā
INSTC : Promotes an instrumental-comitative object otā


Pronouns are declined using five cases and two numbers : the same as nouns, except the suffixes are different

Suffixes on the left are singular, and suffixes on the right are plural
Case Function Suffix
Nominative Subject of a verb Stem / -nī
Accusative Direct object of a verb -ta / -tā
Genitive Possession -su / -sū
Dative Indirect object of a verb -fe / -fē
Prepositional Words which are described by a preposition -vo / -vō


Adjectives are declined using 3 forms and 2 numbers

Suffixes on the left are singular, and suffixes on the right are plural
Forms Function Suffix
Positive Standard adjective form Stem / -(n)i
Comparative Greater degree of adjective -(t)u / -(p)a
Superlative Greatest degree of adjective -(s)e / -(h)o

Other grammar points[]

Changement of Part of speech[]

Apasan has prefixes to change words' part of speech

POS changer Prefix
Nominalizer r(a)-
Verbalizer k(u)-
Adjectivizer n(i)-
Adverbializer s(e)-


Demonstratives have no distinction between Proximal and Medial, as they are the same :

Singular Plural
Proximal-Medial na navo
Distal ke kevo


Polarity markers can be placed wherever in the sentence, and defaults to Affirmative when no markers are written

Polarity Marker
Affirmative None / ō
Negative ē

Example texts[]

UDHR Article 1[]

Ka'avetē kukanememu fosukeni u hemāfoni vi monufisahu u 'ufusahu. Nenī ōpūnuva fekefīsa u osūkesu, sefīpova kōva fāsāhū kōva mapivesahu

Ka-'ave-tē ku-kaneme-mu fosuke-ni u hemāfo-ni vi monufi-sa-hu u 'ufu-sa-hu. Ne-nī ōpūnu-va fekafī-sa u osūke-sa, s-efīpo-va kōva fā-sā-hū kōva mapive-sa-hu

DEF.human.PL.NOM VBZ.birth.PL.PFV.PRE free.PL.POSI and equal.PL.POSI in dignity.SG.ACC.PREP and rights.SG.ACC.PREP || 3P.NOM give.NPRS.PFV.PL reason.ACC.SG and conscience.ACC.SG | IMP.act.NPRS.PFV.PL with others.ACC.PREP.PL with brotherhood.ACC.PREP.SG

(Litt. Humans are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They were given reason and conscience (at birth), (and) must act with others with brotherhood)
