
This is a collaborative language.


Linguolabial Retroflex Uvular Pharyngeal Manual Anal Gluteomanual Pediterral
Nasal /n̼/ /ɳ/ /ɴ/
Stop /t̼/ /d̼/ /ʈ/ /ɖ/ /q/ /ɢ/ /ʡ/
Fricative /θ̼/ /ð̼/ /ʂ/ /ʐ/ /χ/ /ʁ/ /ħ/ /ʕ/ /ꚙ/1
Trill /r̼̊/ /r̼/ /ɽr̥/ /ɽr/ /ʀ̥/ /ʀ/ /ʜ/ /ʢ/
Percussive /👏/2 /п/3 /🦶/4
Coarticulated /👌/5


  • 1: farting; only used in the verb "to fart" in the indicative recent past 1st person subject ("I just farted", /ꚙ/) and the indicative present perfective 1st person subject ("I now fart", /ꚙ/)
  • 2: clapping once
  • 3: hitting butt
  • 4: stomping
  • 5: snapping; fricative followed by percussive
Front Back
Close /iʷ/ /ɯᵝ/
Close-mid /eʷ/ /ɤᵝ/


Uppercase Letter Lowercase Letter IPA value Pronunciation of the letter (IPA)
B b /d̼/
D d /ɖ/
E e /eʷ/
F f /θ̼/
G g /ɢ/
H h /ħ/
I i /iʷ/
K k /q/
L l
M m
N n
O o /ɤᵝ/
P p
S s
T t
U u /ɯᵝ/
V v
Z z


This language has 76 cases, 3 persons with clusivity in the 1st and 2nd person, 6 pluralities, >=3 genders, and 3 animacies. The pronouns are here on this chart. The pronouns also mark for age in relation to the speaker and formality.

Person Plural Gender Animacy Abessive Ablative (indirect) Ablative (space) Ablative (time) Absolutive (active) Absolutive (erg-abs) Absolutive (Inuktitut) Accusative 1 (nom-acc) Accusative 2 (nom-acc) Accusative (time) Adelative Adessive Adverbial Agentive Allative Antessive Apudessive Aversive Benefactive Causal Causal-final Comitative Comparative Dative Delative Distributive Distributive-temporal Egressive Elative Ergative Ergative-genitive Equative Essive (days, dates) Essive (shape) Essive (permanent way of being) Essive (temporary way of being) Exessive Formal Genitive Identical Illative Inessive Initiative Instructive Instrumental Instrumental-comitative Intrative Intransitive Locative Limitative Nominative (active) Nominative (nom-acc) Objective (catch-all) Objective/Oblique (not nominative or genitive) Oblique (not nominative or vocative) Orientative Ornative Partitive Pegative Perlative Pertingent Possessed Possessive (direct ownership) Postelative Postessive Prepositional Privative Prolative Revertive Semblative/Similative Sociative Substitutive Subessive Sublative Superessive Superlative Temporal Terminative Translative Vocative
1 Singular Male Nonliving /🦶iʷ👏ʐ/ /пeʷ🦶χ👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпʁ🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ħп/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ʕ👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пr̼̊👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пr̼👏п/ /👏ɯᵝɽr̥👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏ɽr/ /пeʷ🦶ʀ̥👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпʀ🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ʜп/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ʢ👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пn̼👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пɳ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝɴ👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏t̼/ /пeʷ🦶d̼👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпʈ🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ɖп/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶q👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пɢ👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʡ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝθ̼👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏ð̼/ /пeʷ🦶ʂ👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпʐ🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶χп/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ʁ👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пħ👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʕ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝr̼̊👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏r̼/ /пeʷ🦶ɽr̥👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпɽr🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ʀ̥п/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ʀ👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пʜ👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʢ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝn̼👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏ɳ/ /пeʷ🦶ɴ👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпt̼🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶d̼п/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ʈ👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пɖ👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пq👏п/ /👏ɯᵝɢ👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏ʡ/ /пeʷ🦶θ̼👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпð̼🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ʂп/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ʐ👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пχ👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʁ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝħ👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏ʕ/ /пeʷ🦶r̼̊👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпr̼🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ɽr̥п/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ɽr👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пʀ̥👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʀ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝʜ👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏ʢ/ /пeʷ🦶n̼👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпɳ🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶ɴп/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶t̼👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пd̼👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʈ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝɖ👏🦶п/ /🦶iʷ👏q/ /пeʷ🦶ɢ👏/ /👏🦶ɤᵝпʡ🦶/ /👏🦶ɯᵝ👏🦶θ̼п/ /👏пiʷ👏🦶ð̼👏🦶/ /👏🦶пeʷ👏пʂ👏🦶/ /ɤᵝ👏🦶пʐ👏п/ /👏ɯᵝχ👏🦶п/
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Dual Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Dual Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Trial Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Trial Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Quadral Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Quadral Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
5-9 Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
5-9 Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Plural Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Plural Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
2 Singular Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Dual Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Dual Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Trial Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Trial Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Quadral Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Quadral Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
5-9 Inclusive Male Nonliving secondum go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
5-9 Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Plural Inclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Plural Exclusive Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
3 Singular Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Dual Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Trial Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Quadral Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
5-9 Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Plural Male Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Female Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
Lego Nonliving go
Living go
Human go
