Progress 1%
Spoken in: Union of Asgdamia
Total speakers: 145,000,000
Language family: Indo-European (Slavic)
Language codes
ISO 639-1: as
ISO 639-2: as
ISO 639-3: asg

Lesson 1 - The Asgdamian Language[]

The Asgdamian language is a language spoken by the Asgdamians in 2125. It was developed by the Asgdamian congress. In 2125, Russia changed the name to Asgdamia, combined of Asgard in the east and Asdam in the west. But many words are influenced.

(Asgdamia is similar to the Soviet Union)

Lesson 2 - The Cyrillic Alphabet[]

The Cyrillic Alphabet used by the Asgdamians.

Аа /a/ The first vowel a.

Бб /b/ The smaller letter looks like the number 6.

Вв /v/ The sound is v, but the letter is b.

Гг /g/ This has a hard sound, g as for goat.

Дд /d/ This has a softer sound than g, d as for drum.

Ее /ye/ This displays the character e, but it's ye like in the phrase "Yeah!"

Ёё /yo/ This has two dots on e, but the pronunciation is yo.

Жж /zh/ This is half of the letter j, which is pronounced /dzh/. Remove the d to pronounce /zh/.

Зз /z/ This looks like the numeral 3.

Ии /i/ This looks like an inverted N. Also sounds as /ee/

Йй /ee'kratkayah/ This looks like an inverted Ñ. Sounds as /y/ in words.

Кк /k/ This is a hard sound, K.

Лл /l/ This is l.

Мм /m/ Still looks the same.

Нн /n/ Looks like the letter H.

Оо /o/ Still looks the same as in Latin.

Пп /p/ Makes the /p/ sound.

Рр /r/ Looks like the letter P.

Сс /s/ Looks like the letter C.

Тт /t/ Still the same.

Уу /u/ Looks like the letter Y, with a slight curve on the hook.

Фф /f/ Looks like one of the Greek letter, Φ /phi/.

Хх /kh/ Sometimes /h/ or /kh/.

Цц /ts/ Sometimes /c/ or /ts/.

Чч /ch/ Use /ch/ like CHurch

Шш /sh/ A softer sh.

Щщ /shch/ A harder sh.

Ъъ /tvyordiy znakh/ The hard sign. /"/

Ыы /i/ The vowel i.

Ьь /myagkiy znakh/ The soft sign /'/

Ээ /e/ Single vowel e.

Юю /yu/ Yu as in you.

Яя /ya/ Ya as in yacht.

Learning Cyrillic Practice 01[]

Please do not be alarmed. Learning a new alphabet needs practice, but do not worry. Learning Cyrillic is easy, sometimes confusing, easy when you know the basic letters. You should practice it during your leisure time. At the end of the lesson, I will show you some letters. After that, repeat from the first one. If you are now ready to face the myriad challenges against you, please read some Russian words:

Здравствуйте! Меня зовут ______.

Приятно познакомиться!

Learning Cyrillic Practice 02[]

Learning the Cyrillic letters, are confusing when you forget it. P is read as /r/, right? And H is read as /n/, right? Please, try to study Cyrillic harder. Even there are also strange characters inhabiting the Cyrillic alphabet like Й. Beware to mispronounce even the letters with different sounds! The most important is the hard & soft sign. Do not forget it!

Россия, является одним из крупнейших страны в мире. Он распространяется до Азии и Европы.

Learning Cyrillic Practice 03[]

This is more harder than 02. When you forget the characters, please go back, and start Practice 01 again. Please read the paragraph:

Россия является одной большой страной. Он расположен в Восточной Европе и Северной Азии. Его соседние страны Казахстан, Монголия, Китай, Беларусь, Болгария и другие славянские общины, говорящие по всему миру. Обучение России очень легко узнать ..

Answer Key[]

Is learning Cyrillic fun? There. No problem. It's super duper easy, and only takes minutes to master the entire Cyrillic alphabet! So giving the answer key...

(NOTE: Do not look at the answer key before you answer the all the Cyrillic practices!)

Answers for Cyrillic Practice 01[]

Zdravstvuyte! Menya zovut ______.

Priyatno poznakomit'sya!

Answers for Cyrillic Practice 02[]

Rossiya, yavlyayetsya odnim iz krupneyshikh strany v mire. On rasprostranyayetsya do Azii i Yevropy.

Answers for Cyrillic Practice 03[]

Rossiya yavlyayetsya odnoy bol'shoy stranoy. On raspolozhen v Vostochnoy Yevrope i Severnoy Azii. Yego sosedniye strany Kazakhstan, Mongoliya, Kitay, Belarus', Bolgariya i drugiye slavyanskiye obshchiny, govoryashchiye po vsemu miru. Obucheniye Rossii ochen' legko uznat' ..

Getting It Ready[]

Are you ready to face the challenges? Alright, let's start the Basic Phrases, or Greetings! Make sure you know the alphabet clearly! The Cyrillic Practices are testing you how much you know the alphabet. This is a basic practice, but if you forget, try to go back to this Lesson.

Lesson 3 - Greetings[]

Zdravstvitye! - Hello!

Proshchay! - Goodbye!

Kedesi? - How are you?

Dobriy, spasiba. - Fine, thank you.

Spasiba! - Thank you!

Votami! - You're welcome!

Kakye nimyaviy? - What's your name?

Nimyanim _____ dov. - My name is _____. (male)

Nimyanim _____ dova. - My name is _____. (female)

Kakye vozdrastviy? - How old are you?

Vozdrastim _____ yeskiy. - I am ___ years old.

Dobriy vstretyen viy! - Nice to meet you!

Da. - Yes.

Nyet. - No.

Menim lobov viy! - I love you!

Dobriy mornya! - Good morning!

Dobriy noch'mitye! - Good afternoon!

Dobriy abonin! - Good evening!

Dobriy nakht! - Good night!

Lesson 4 - Numbers[]

0 - nul'

1 - odin

2 - duva

3 - tri

4 - chaturi

5 - pyat'

6 - shist'

7 - syem'

8 - vosyem'

9 - dyevet'

10 - dyekset'

11 - odinnatsat'

12 - duvanatsat'

13 - trinatsat'

14 - chaturitsat'

15 - pyat'tsat'

16 - shist'tsat'

17 - syem'tsat'

18 - vosyem'tsat'

19 - dyevet'tsat'

20 - duvasat'

21 - duvasat' odin


30 - trisat'

40 - chaturisat'

50 - pyat'sat


100 - sto

200 - duvasto

300 - tristo

400 - chaturisto

500 - pyat'sto


1,000 - tisyacha

1,000,000 - millyon

1,000,000 - billyon

Lesson 5 - Pronouns[]

Menim - I (-nim = my)

Viy - You (-viy = your)

Yon - He (-yon = his)

Yona - She (-yona = her)

Yoni - They (-yoni = their)

Miy - We (-miy = our)

Premi - You guys (-yemi = your)

Yeto - it / this (-yeto = its)

Chto - that

Lesson 6 - Questions[]

Who? - Kato?

What? - Kakye?

Where? = Gdzye?

When? = Kogda?

Why? = Zashtom?

How? = Kak?

How many? = Kolko?

How much? = Kolko nodrvats?

Lesson 7 - Colors[]

red - tsavan

orange - naranchsten

yellow = zhovyan

green = zelenen

blue = ploven

purple = purpulen

white = byelon

black = chernon

brown = smedyon

pink = rozlon

gray = sivin

Lesson 8 - Country[]

Кел тройана? - Kyel troyana? - What is your nationality?

Нихе тройана ______. - Nikhye troyana ______. - I am _____.

Ланйкъ кел оворда? - Lanyk" kyel ovorda? - Where do you live?

Нихе оворда ______. - Nikhye ovorda ______. - I live in _____.

  • troyana - nationality
  • ovorda - home, living, address

Lesson 9 - Going to Restaurants[]

Ланйкъ кел ускам? - Lanyk" kyel uskam? - Where do you want to eat?

Нихе ускам _______. - Nikhye uskam ______. - I want to eat at ________.

Нихе ёка ____. - Nikhye yoka ______. - I want to order _____. / I will eat ____. / I eat ______.

Соттка, минеппошка. - Sottka, minyepposhka. - Receipt, please.

  • uskam - eat at a place
  • yoka - eat a food / to order a food
  • sottka - receipt, bill
  • minyepposhka - please, ask for favor
  • ok - food

Fast Foods, Foods[]

Макёдам - Makyodam - Macdonalds

Нанне - Nannye - Jollibee

Кэ-эф-си - Ke'ef'si - KFC

Палсек - Palsek - fries

Eккир - Yekkir - burger

Коёкане - Koyokanye - Coke

Сапараиттиб - Saparaittib - Sprite

Чак - Chak - Shake

Щоколе - Shchokolye - Chocolate

Вазэжи - Bazezhi - Spaghetti

Ванила - Vanila - Vanilla

рогра - Pogra - rice

акпон - Akpon - fried rice

яддах - Yaddakh - pizza

ласанйа - Lasania - lasagna

нонёл - Nonyol - restaurant

Lesson 10 - Shopping[]

Бьаыроща ва? - B'ayroshcha va? - How much is this?

Бьаыроща та? - B'ayroshcha ta? - How much is that?

Руболсэ 100. - Rubolse 100. - 100 Roubles.

Нихе рар. - Nikhye rar. - I will buy.

Зиме чор! - Zimye chor! - Thank you for shopping!

  • va - this
  • ta - that
  • vamt - this one
  • tamt - that one
  • rubolse - Rouble
  • rar - buy
  • chor - shopping
  • sem - sell

Lesson 11 - Basic Words[]

{ CREATOR'S NOTE : I will not put Russian letters in Lesson 11 and 14 (Word Dictionary).Since you now know it, I suggest to learn Asgdamian. If you don't know, kindly turn back to Lesson 2. Thank you.}


Spring - yutta

Summer - svarda

Autumn - yevzhna

Winter - kharruba


Kindly go back to lesson 7.


sky - mal've

earth - di"ve

sun - bvak

moon - lun'a

stars - ishchyere

land - damtsko

water - kratlek

fire - styevnok

ice - frovansyek" kratlek

thunder - thorozhnav

wind - vortekha

storm - vortazhnir

cyclone / hurricane / typhoon - volzhadnezambis

thunderstorm - thorozhnir

hail - faramba

hailstorm - faramzhnir

continent - kamek

country - troyvass

state / region / province - agravan

clouds - vemnachi

river - livyem

sea - akdazi

ocean - melakyet

rain - akpor

earthquake - di"vimk'a

mountain - monta

valley - sudzha

plateau - yudo

plain - yuzhnekmitz

North - lemaya

South - tima

West - dvorga

East - dyama

hot (weather) - yum

cold (weather) - tsek


family - khiyachi

mother - mama

father - papa

elder brother - koyan

elder sister - atyan

younger brother - kotan

younger sister - attan

brother - ko

sister - at

grandmother - radmama

grandfather - radpapa

cousin - vigrazhnyo

aunt - delna

uncle - chevna

old - yanzhne

young - tanzhne

husband - davnir

wife - khekhono

child - vi

adult - komilarzhat

in law - iyoe


hair - kiko

face - khada

eyes - dip

eyelash - dippa

eyelid - dipzan

nose - nozas

ear - ek'ra

mouth - favron

teeth - favgot

tongue - favshcha

neck - nekhek

shoulders - adarkaz

arms - adarny

hands - ymazy

fingers - khad

fingernails - khadporo

nail - poro

chest - buzy

belly - vorak

abdomen - vorda

hips - lek"izhna

knees - kahar

legs - monda

feet - dzhim

toes - khak

toenail - khakporo

body - amepil


See Lesson 9 for details. Other foods will be put in Word Dictionary, 2500 words. After Word Dictionary is Grammar Rules.


sweet - gefem

sour - sekhem

salty - nelem

bitter - nortem

spicy - dzhim

hot (flavor) - dil

cold (flavor) - chyardal

tasteless - gahok

tasty / yummy / delicious - sizorhok

fresh (flavor) - dizham


dog - kimit

cat - motna

cow - kappisha

fish - buldzhnom

chicken - zezhnoye

turtle - skalba

sheep - nurkh

bird - zhnoye

mouse - gaket

ant - gippi

fly (insect) - kilit

mosquito - akazi

crocodile - alkhebed

monkey - talkazed

snake - visu

elephant - ansavikzhny

lion - grykadfa

tiger - rameny

duck - vulvo

wolf - nesazy

owl - smudka

rabbit - delem

goat - brup

pig - entoky

bee - chitsal

frog - kikigaya

worm - chentsy

Everyday Equipment at Home[]

knife - naypaf

scissors - dzhado

spoon - ilashchim

fork - dektsye

chopstick - tsaptsyk

teapot - namul

pan - dzhimashchi

bed - chuyu

pillow - tundrignot

bottle - botalye

glass / cup / mug - gifton

bowl - yabezhin

tray - shinnolpa

needle - hiftkyunk

thread - lidozna

chair - yetsels

clock - kop'kag"ra

umbrella - ren'yem"

Office Materials[]

paper - dyby

pencil - louty

desk - symoti

phone - gehe

cellphone - gyetyo

computer - kalkhotya

copier / xerox - sis

documents - nyelvo

fax - daf

pen - aggy

ballpen - retaggy

signpen - shoggy

Lesson 12 - Month, Dates, Time[]


Formula is макн + (number)


Хануа - Khanua - January

Фебиа - Fyebia - February

Маргэс - Marges - March

Априло - Aprilo - April

Ме - Mye - May

Джунет - Dzhunet - June

Джулим - Dzhulim - July

Огоста - Ogosta - August

Сетем - Setem - September

Оссот - Ossot - October

Новйл - Novyl - November

Диссант - Dissant - December

Lesson 13 - Connectives[]

1. vra - subject marker at the front.

Example: Вра Лизй тобсй ямха. (Lizy is beautiful.) (Vra Lizy tobsy yamkha.)

  • tobsy - connective
  • yamkha - beautiful

2. tobsy - adjective marker at the front.

Refer to the last example.

3. lyet - place marker

Example: Нихе авэ лет Бэиджинг. (I am going to Beijing.) (Nikhye abe lyet Beidzhing.)

Lesson 14 - Word Dictionary[]

Here, you may want to take a look of words here in the Word Dictionary.


abacus - abako

abandon - yizh

abdicate - dzhnom

abbreviate - lenk'op

abdomen - vorda

abide - som

ablaze - zypkna

able - fuydyakel

abnormal - avnormalye

aboard - dylom

aboriginal - gemikh

abort - travna

about - lot

above - nikhyal

abscond - keppyschna

absent - nonetel

absent minded - gurim

absolute - agev

absorb - khima

absorbption - khimap

abstract - khemo

absurd - zhelem

abundant - tsaris

abuse - tishchyka

abyss - khakh

acacia - akasha

academic - kholor

academy - kho

accelerate - aseratsa

accent - egivnochatye

accept - yuznalvopra

access - talyagersh

accident - dikotop

accommodate - likage

accommodation - likageye

accompany - zhadnol

accomplice - zhadska

accomplish - vyem

accordingly, according to - sibis

accordion - vilzhna

account - assonto

accountant - assontone

accounting - assontyov

accurate - yalzhneddar

accursed - vivantak

accuse - sevnit

ace - givamyut

ache - chyevon

achieve - sarshona

achievement - sarse

achiever - sarshos

acid - asido

acknowledge - antesibo

acne - sabelzhnok

acorn - dem

acoustic - fino

acquaintance - umbralir

acquire - dyevet

acre - akher

acrobat - akrobatte

across - lavut

acrylic - akrilik

act - setkabnil

action - sayareb

activate - alime

active - dozhnokki

activity - mordon

actor - setkabnizhnoroya

actress - setkabnizhla

actual - azep

acute - zumide

adapt - gorva

add - pelassim

addict - adyok

additional - pelassis

additive - muspela

address - ovorda

adjacent - setip

adjective - vyaz

adjust - adey

administrator - dzhevanek

admirable - avryloky

admiral - avry

admire - avshchenki

admission - pelko

admit - kapetil

admittance - kazhnorouk"

adopt - ankan'

adore - hedya

adorable - div

adorably - divnin

adoration - kheddekh

adult - komilarzhat

advance - imalzan

advantage - tsekan

advantageous, advantageously - tsiborke

adventure - gelev

adventurer - gelevnuk

adverb - kheyakhi

advertise, advertisement - dzhibo

advertising - dzhimmel

advice - sassim

adviser - sashnochimtsa

advisory - sashnochimin

aerobics - eyrovim

affair - dzhilmazhil

affect - semtar

affection - semkhnon

affiliate - dnev

affiliation - dnevzhank

affirm, affirmative - dndzhenkuye

affix - afiks

afford - presibos

aflame - zypkna

afloat - dilkhe

afraid - piras

after - yevnozhnil

afterlife - khiba

aftermath - bekhev

afternoon - azhno

afterward - zhnalinsky

again - ulyam

against - vershi

age (person) - visan

age (time) - broloznisk

aged - visantey

ageless - etyam

agency - yedzhensi

agenda - akhenda

agent - sfiy

aggression - zomalziriy

aggressive - branzhanye

ago - kniva format

agony - sheva

agrarian - felshusk

agree - sizoyo

agreeable - sizoyo spaski

agreement - bologis

agriculture - felshamtsi

ahead - yubo

aide - zmalikne

aide - zmalisnosha

ailment - simis

aim - debzhnanky

air - vrimdo

air conditioner - yerzhna konszivenkiyu

aircraft - kholl

air field - bazhna

air force - bazhnarusk

airlift - dzema

airline - bazhnoll

airliner - bazhnollip

airman - dzibazh

airplane - bazadazhak

airport - plessazhak

aisle - vormy

alarm - kuryam

albatross - alkhaban

album - pikottoshne

alchemy - alkemiko

alcohol (cleansing solution) - grevnash

alcohol (wine) - rakha

alcoholic - rakhazum

alcoholism - rakhazamen

alert - mishno

algae - aldzhey

algebra - aldzhevra

alias - alyas

alien - zrevunn

align - kradofno

alike - davakham

alive - virshchon

alkali - alkalye

all - kyemnokil

allegiance (country) - vrazdande

alley (bowling) - znevna

alley (passage between buildings) - chavruk

a little - vroshka

a lot - vroshchka

alliance (war) - vatsayk

alligator - alkhebed

allow - gepiz

allowance - katsyuna

alloy - akha

all right, alright - vzhenk

almanac - al"manak

almighty - yargutniz

almond - bein

almost - yeven

alone - grazzom

along - grachez

aloud - vorna

alphabet - mynot

alphabetic - mynesk

alphabetical - mynov'ky

alphabetize - mynoue

already - shum

also - dzhenva

altar - kachim

alter - vizhnoksy

alternate - vizhimni

alternative - azhenkmni

although - v"er'na

alto - alton

altogether - vizhknoroutkem

aluminum - noroksiba

always - sunyt pravida

amateur - novyam

amaze - govni

amazon - ryvnek

ambassador - khelem

amber - simbys

ambition - yutrom

ambulance - chevnak" istnop'oteyshon

ambush - krevnikissish

amethyst - tebolsur

amnesia - dzhiaf

amoeba - anmiba

among - zoroshte

amount - zible

ampere - deypa

amphibian - yekshchtoro

amphitheater - delez

amplify - amplifi

amplifier - amdez

amplitude - ksibos

amulet - dervo

amuse - dzhivabbne

anaconda - yulanayako

analogy - khevir

analysis - veas

analyze - gervun

anarchism - fekh

anarchy - fekhmon

anatomy - bodya dzhneva

ancestor - deshachitsa

ancestress - deshamory

ancestry - tsidachish

anchor - bvyam

ancient - siva / shikayem

anesthesia - krubukun

angel - spaisne

anger - brovnezha

angle - hezhny

angler fish - dulnovshky

angry - brovnezha

animal - dronontye

animate - gilkav

animation - gilkazin

animatronic - dornovintra

animosity - vesetch

ankle - dedzher

annex - grogoup

annihilate - sembayn

anniversary - dzhavu

annotate, annotation - dzhrakezmir

announce - zhizhavnotty

announcer - zhiveks

announcement - zhizhadzhay

annoy - pippatyo

annoyance - pippessi

annual - dzhenes

anoint - berzhnottik

anonymous - broffan

another - belizhnik

answer - biva

answerable - bivans

ant - gippi

antagonist - pregabides

Antarctic - zhnoudvelizhnukk

antelope - chule

antenna - kable

anthem - zourou

antibiotic - antyebyotik

antler - dima

antonym - spenska

anus - sirk

anxiety - vissasyes

anxious - varnodzhi

any - vrett

anybody - davon

anymore - gelhevna

anyone - mili

anything - zharvna

anytime - gorouzhnak

anyway - silpsanska

anywhere - borouzhnetter

apart - dzhavil

apartment - svesbis

ape - talkazed

apocalypse - apokalipsin

apologize, apologetic - setem

apology - settsym

apostle - krasma

apostrophe - kreday

apparatus - zhimba

appear - brozholongka

appearance - drezhbonkyf

appetite - yardyz

appetizer - krasnozhali

appetizing - dyard

applause - difanykh

apple - lyemkyske

appliance - appelon

applicable - dzhovunt

applicant - dezoros

application - denssimke

apply - dzhovler

appoint - mit

appointment - mitlova

appreciate - dzheuva

apprentice - krakatsin

approach - zevit

appropriate - shutatsyum

approval - sivti

approve - sivnyel

approximate - grobon

apricot - gebor

April - aprilo

apron - kovamshty

aqua / aquarium - zhovutnelp

aquatic - zhovous

arc - roz

arcade - gedzhun

arcane - vortiz

arch (structure) - valimroz

arch (chief) - dogoun

archaeology - rozimptis

archaeologist - rozzalez

archery - svesmilt noksibmil

archipelago - arkipelagyes

architect - zvovna

architecture - zvogarlna

archive - arkevo

arctic - zhpillsaknusle

area - arya

arena - areneys

argue - zimplitsa

argument - zimplodeff

arid - dronk

arise - belzhankessa

aristocracy - dzhevel montagyesle

arithmetic - aryetakhmetikas

arm - adarny

armadillo - turtos

armor - zalek

armory - zalek stestes

armpit - dzhunkestis

army - brolov

aroma - arromakh

around - dzhevnu

arrange - galelek

arrest - restokh

arrive - ribbokh

arrogant - arogantedzhnal

art - yshu

arthritis - artrit

artifact - shekhch'i

artificial - khimel

artist - yshuvenska

ascend - broloussa

ash - blev

ashamed - vonzakzhimit"skaya

ashore - brogul

aside - dzhiven

ask - labrivitzimiky

asleep - brolondas

assassin - bkhimev

assassinate - bkhivoros

assemble - firma

assign - fegrolov

assist - gadzhuuk'

assistance - gadazhuuk'

assistant - gadaruakh"

associate, association - bimonlovm

assorted - bskayminska

assortment - bskayminssyos

assume - vagtitye

assumption - mimminl'ek"

assure - vagmosye

asteroid - astyeroyad

asthma - asma

astonish - dipa

astray - vinggdzhi

astrologer - astrolodzhim

astrology, astrological - astrolodzhyem

astronaut - astronat

astronomy, astronomical - astronayem

astronomer - astronomzhim

atheist - atyst

athlete - azhinkodka

athletics - braadzomgar

atlas - atyelyen

ATM - ey'te"em'

atmosphere - atmospkherrta

atom, atomic - atomika

atomic bomb - bombardam atomika

attach - takvelizi

attachment - dokunve

attack - brondo

attempt - bradzallynskyet

attend - brogod

attention - avirnt

attire - veshchnilvok

attitude - velssivis

attorney - attornay

attract, attraction, attractive - kimshiltskourouts

attribute - atrevyute

audience - krodya

audio - odyo

audiovisual - odyovisyel

audition - odisyen

auditorium - oditrod

August - Ogosta

aunt - delna

aura - ora

aurora - vensilis

aurora borealis - venskha m'oporista

aurora australis - venskha os"tralista

authentic - vladne

authenticate - kogor

