Atramia Lexicon

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Abbrivation in this Lexicon[]

In order to notify the properties of the words faster, I chose abbrivations. Here's some you will see:

  • A. -Accusative
  • D. -Dative
  • F. -Femiline
  • M. -Masculine
  • N. -Nominative
  • P. -Plural
  • R. -Reflexive
  • S. -Singular



Atramia English Gender Note
abès abyss M.
abricuut apricot M. Can also be used as adjective
abasiofiliè abasiophilia F. sexually interested in people with orthopaedic appliances
abtog copulation F. see the verb "abt"
acident accident M.
aciid acid F. /ɑtʃid/
aciir steel M.
acua water F.
acueèsižeun acquisition M.
aculaink actress F.
aculant actor M.
acurotomofiliè acrotomophilia F. sexually interested in people with amputation
aer air F.
aeravir kite M. aer+avir (air bird)
aermobil airplane, aircraft M often shortened as "aermob"
aermobil-vleè aircraft carrier M.
aerport airport M.
aerè era, age M.
agalmatofiliè agalmatophilia F. sexually interested in dolls or mannequins
agnul lamb F.
ağent agent M.
akademiè academy M.

Including both "Kolliğ" and "Licim"

ala wing M.
alaink woman F.
alant man M.
alfa alpha M. Greek alphabet 
algolagniè algolagnia F. sexually interested in pain
alumènèò aluminum M.
amè soul F.
amèteèst amethyst F.
amik friend M.
amulant fan M.
androğuen androgyny F. Combination of masculine and femiline characterstics. Cf. "harmafrodito"
andromimetofiliè andeormimetophilia F. sexually interested in trans men
anğ angel F.
animal animal M.
ankor anchor M.
annè year M.
antropofağeu anthropophagy F. sexually interested in eating human flesh
antropomorfizmo anthropomorphism F.
aogt August M.
apotemnofiliè apotemnophilia F. sexually interested in being an amputee
april April M.
arbeur tree M.
arbeuròiz sapling F. Same as "arbeur žuin", but with different gender
arğant silver M.
ark arc M.
arm weapon M.
armoneu harmony F.
armur armor M.
assficièfiliè asphyxiophilia F. Cf. "l'assficiè'roticuo"
astrodo star M.
atiler atillery M.
atlònt  Atlantic M.
aubliv oblivion M.
aurb dawn, daybreak F.
autagonistofiliè autagonistophilia F. sexually interested in being on stage or camera
autassassinofiliè autassassinophilia F. sexually interested in life-threatening situation
autènicuo authentic M.
autoandrofiliè autoandrophilia F. sexually interested in imaging oneself (female) as male
autoğeunfiliè autogynephilia F. sexually interested in imaging oneself (male) as female
autorèt authority M.
autofonžon eigenfunction M. Axx
autovaloro eigenvalue M. Ax=λx
autozoòfiliè autozoophilia F. sexually interested in imaging oneself as animal
autò car M.
autum autumn, fall M.
auvum egg M.
avidèt greed M.
avir bird F.
avor ivory F.
ažuur azure F. Can also be used as adjective
bagağo baggage M.
bahsin boxing M.
ball ball M.
ballè jewel F. Somehow silimar to Hymmnos
baseball baseball M.
batun stick M.
bauhsit bauxite M.
belladono belladonna F.
beoloğ biology M.
beta beta M. Greek alphabet
bèlo bullet M.
bin fist M.
blicu brick M.
bled seed, corn M. Bigger than "semen"
boka mouth M.
bombo bomb M.
bomb-barg dive bomber M.
bomb-tar bomber M.
bord border, edge M.
brah arm M.
breèz breeze F.
brònzo bronze M.
buzzol compass M.
centòur centaur M.
ciivelo brain M.
cikatriğ scar M.
ciokolat chocolate M.
criturš creature M.
cualitè quality M.
cuant quantum M.
cuer leather F.
cuezžeun question M.
cuoprofiliè coprophilia F. sexually interested in (eating) feces
cuulciur culture M.
cuusign cousin M.
cuusaign cousin F.
daèminžeun dimension F.
daèrheè diarrhea M.
dentè tooth M.
despeur despair M.
destrolant destroyer M.
det date M.
dècèmbro December M.
dèlta delta M. Greek alphabet
dèmòn demon M.
dèpart departure F.
diè day M.
dièist today M. Combination of "ist" and "diè"
dièlèt dialect M.
dih finger M.
dimand demand M.
diseum lowness M. Developed from "disim" long ago
distanz distance M.
diveèžeun division, branch M.
doplè evening M.
dòvr duty, resposibility M.
drèmaturg dramatist M./F.
drenèr drain M.
duciatto duchy, principality M.
dufill twin M./F.
dumaèn tomorrow M.
ehsibižeunizmo exhibitionism F. sexually interested in exposing one's genitals to people
eletri electricity M.
elf elf F.

In Atramia mythology, an elf is regarded as a kind
of human who can use magic spells.
They also feature long ears.

elm stream M.
enkr ink F.
epsilon epsilon M. Greek alphabet
eta eta M. Greek alphabet
èffežeun efficiency F.
èkonomiè economic M.
èlèmaunlaink elemental M.

In Atramia mythology, the term "èlèmaunlainkòv" refers
to six spirits: perrmuz (fire), alfèž (earth), nivžiè (wind),
sden (water), mosruev (plant), and ğèsmaciè (thunder).

èlèmaunt element M.
èmeraud emerald M.
èmètofiliè emetophilia F. sexually interested in vomiting
èmožeun emotion F.
èpilogo epilogue M.
èssenz essense F.
èstèm esteem F.
èsti summer M.
ètulant student M.
Èturna God, Lord M.
èuforiè euphoria F.
èumailant human being F. One human being
èumain human F. The whole species
èumainoed humanoid M. in human's shape
èvunb mansion, palace M.
fabricuo factory M.
falcil sickle M.
falig cavity F.
famil family M. The entire family
fanciulla maiden, girl F.
fantasih fantasy F.
favòr favor F.
  • Gia lò favòr = Please
februir February M.
feèr fair, exhibition M.
fegris wife F.
feiss fate, fortune M.
femms woman F.
festivul festival M.
feticiizmo fetishism F.
feulim leaf F.
feur fire M.
fès face F.
fèz fairy F. In Atramia mythology, a fairy is considered small female
human-like creature. They can fly with their wings
, while elves and humans can't.
fidèll fealty, loyality M.
  • fidèll pit = fealty to
fief claw M.
fill descendant M.
fin end F.
fisicuo physics M.
flèš arrow M.
fliper pinball M.
flor flower F.
flumeun river M.
fohbiè phobia M.
fohs leaf M.
foreiss force, strength M.
forett forest M.
forn furnace M.
fòèr iron M.
frarrè brother M.
frègmènt fragment F.
friz error M.
frotteurizmo frotteurism F. sexually interested in rubbing others
frut fruit M.
ftelo guts M.
fuèd faith M.
  • fuèd gia = faith in
fungèd fungus, mushroom M.
furlind village M. Somehow silimar to Hymmnos
futurm future F.
gab knife M.
gamma gamma M. Greek alphabet
gazz gas F.
gcat game F.
genz skirt F.
gles ice M.
glor glory, honor M.
gom elbow M.
gol throat M.
gonat knee M.
gorvès meat M.
got drop, droplet M.
granad granade M.
granad lussttub illumination shell M.
granad mèrzs depth charge M. literally "sea grenade"
Grandè Greatness M.
grava gravel M.
grèssiè fat M.
gudron slime F.
guerr war, battle M.
guerrnevè warship M.
ğanuir January M.
ğasmeèn jasmine F.
ğegfi geography M.
ğello frost F.
ğul July M.
ğun June M.
ğustè justice M.
hafèino caffeine M.
haglaoli scorpion M.
hahpiè harpy F.
hahps harp F.
haòs chaos M. /ˌxɤˈos/
harmafrodito hermaphrodite F. Possessing both male and female sex organs. See "androğuen"
havrèh harbor M.
hehlikter helicopter M.
helis tail M.
hemia chemistry M.
herbes grass F.
hèzz reward, prize F.
hi chi M. Greek alphabet
hidro hydro M. Used for chemistry nouns such as "hloridhidrozs" (hydrochloride)
hlorid chlorine M.
horežon horizon M.
hovžeèr cornflower F.
ifrad crude M.
indiggo indigo F. Can also be used as adjective
indiz clue M.
infon child M.
inklun anvil M.
inseht insect M.
insagcn ensign M.
iota iota M. Greek alphabet
ir yesterday F.
islè island M.
isnalant teacher M.
istoriè history M.
ivar winter F.
izog hive M.
kabin cabin, cage M.
kadmèò cadmium M.
kafè coffee M. Can also be used as adjective
kamis shirt M.
kannè dog M.
kanon cannon F.
kanonpoudèr gunpowder M.
kaplius hair F.
kapos head M.
kappa kappa M. Greek alphabet
karb fuel M. might be derived from "karbun" (carbon) or "carburant" (french fuel)
karbun coal M.
kart card M.
karol carol F.
kas case, event M.
katastrop catastrophe M.
kavill ankle M.
kembra cambric M.
klarin bell M.
klest whole leg M.
klismafiliè klismaphilia F. sexually interested in enemas
klub club M.
kobòlt cobalt M.
kolliğ university M.
kollur collar M.
kolor color F.
kommèttè committee M.
kommunauteè community M.
kommunizmo communism F.
kompont component M.
konkurs compitition M.
kopleu fish M.
kord rope M.
korn horn M.
korpso body M.
korsa speeding M.
korsiž speed M.
kortek bark M.
korz heart F.
kouht seam M.
koul neck M.
kran skull M.
krèpskèull twilight, dusk F.
kris crisis M.
krasir cruiser M.
kromo chrome M.
kruss crus F.
ksi xi M. Greek alphabet
kur yard M.
labra lip F.
lacuo lake M.
laèktofiliè lactophilia F. sexually interested in breast milk
laèt milk F.
lahrim tear, teardrop F.
lambda lambda M
lamiè lamia F.
lan wool F.
lapis lazil lapis lazuli F.
l'assficiè'roticuo erotic asphyxiation F.
last problem, trouble M.
latitèudam lattitude M.
legnum wood F.
leksicuo lexicon M.
licim high school M.
licuid liquid M.
lila lilac F.
liliz lily F.
limèt limit M.
lingeuğ language M.
lingò tongue M.
livèr book M.
lociè birch M. The sterm "loche" can sometimes be heard in songs from Kalafina
ludais sport M.
lun moon F.
lusòir lust F.
luss light, lux F.
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia English Gender Note
Maèsteum Majesty M.
magiè magic F.
magius magi M.
malakit malachite M.
mandarin mandarin, tangerine F. orange
maniè mania M.
mannècuin mannequin F.
manos hand F. Including palm and fingers
markurs mercury M.
maròon maroon F.
marrè Mother F.
marš March M.
masohizmo masochism F. sexually interested in suffering
mašalagniè maschalagnia F. sexually interested in armpits
matematia mathematic M.
matèn morning, dawn F.
matris husband M.
maun world, earth F.
medeèterrèn Mediterranean M.
megct myth, tale M.
megctolooğ mythology M.
mehsetozò mycetozoa M.
meiè May M.
memor memory F.
ment mint F. /ment/
mènt mind F. /mønt/
mèr sea F.
mèr-zam submarine M.
mèss month M.
mèssağo message M.
mètafisicuo metaphysics F.
mètul metal M.
milliono million M./F.
militar army, troop M.
miraècuul miracle F.
missil missile M.
mižonn mission M.
mlamla blabla, fuss M.
mobil mobile M.
mod way M.
  • mod pit = way to
moment moment M.
monologo monologue M.
montongo mountain M.
motòun ram F.
mouvomeunt movement M.
mue mu M. Greek alphabet, /my/
munižeun ammonition M.
murteur mortar M.
navigc navy M. from latin "navigium"
naz nose M.
nažeun nation M.
necurofiliè necrophilia F. sexually interested in corpse
neèn nihility, nothingness F.
negc snow F.
nemik enemy M.
netroğeun nitrogen M.
nevè boat, ship M.
niddo nest M.
niub cloud F.
nobl noble M.
noik night M.
nom name M.
novembro November M.
nuculeèr nuclear M.
nue nu M. Greek alphabet
obztacuo obstacle M.
ocurè ochre M. Can also be used as adjective
ocutobro October M.
ocuup team, group M.
ohsiğeun oxygen M.
olivo olive M.
olt top M.
ombrèll umbrella M.
omega omega M. Greek alphabet
omikron omicron M. Greek alphabet
omms man M.
ompront footprint M.
oraènğ orange F.
oriğin origin F.
orto art, artificatio M.
orvil ear M.
ossè bone M.
ozei shield M.
ožo eye M.
òmbro shadow F. /ɔmbəɻ/
òor hour M. /ɯɻ/
òr gold F. /ɔɻ/
paèpir paper F.
pakt pack, package M.
pakt ant-itorpirzs anti-torpedo bulge M.
paradis paradise F.
paradohs paradox M.
parafiliè paraphilia F.
paranoiè paranoia M. An anxious and frightened thought
paranoink paranoiac F. A paranoid female
paranont paranoiac M. A paranoid male
parlamènt parliament M.
parol word M.
parrè Father M.
part part, section M.
parzlegco parsley F.
pas step F.
peciz sin M.
peèso peace M.
pedio louse M.
pegc wrist M.
pelleus skin M.
penseè pensy F.
person person M.
pest peach F.
petos breast, chest F.
pèn pain M.
pèntocuo scallop M.
pèvon peacock F.
phi phi M Greek alphabet, /fi/ in Atramia
pi pi M. Greek alphabet, /pi/ not /pɑi/
pier stone, rock M.
pionn plain M.
pist track, trail, runway M.
pistol pistol, gun M.
plasent placenta F.
pleig plague, disaster M.
pliforis information M.
pode foot M.
politik politics M.
politis policy M.
polm palm M.
polpo octopus M.
polv dust M.
pomm apple F.
pont deck M.
poršeln porcelain, china M.
posiè poem F.
posièvf poet M./F. /ˌpɤˈsiøv/
port door M.
poteia power M.
potod saliva F.
poudèr powder F.
preriè prayer F.
presidunt president M.
primvè spring F.
prinss prince M.
progeus back M.
progrom program M.
proğèkt project M.
prologo prologue M.
propagand propaganda M.
psi psi M. Greek alphabet, /psi/ in Atramia
pum feather F.
radar dadar M.
radicuo root M.
radiò radio F.
ragclant surveilliance aircraft M.
refèğo shelter M.
regeul rule M.
regnuu kingdom M.
reign queen F.
rešerlant searchlight M.
règeun region M.
respublicuo republic M.
rho rho M. Greek alphabet, its /ɻo/ in Atramia
roèolt country M. Probably developed from "regnuu", or somehow "royalty"
rosmahrèun rosemary F.
rozò rose F.
rubin ruby F.
ruii king M.
rumur rumor M.
sabod sand M.
sadizmo sadism F. sexually interested in inflicting pain on others
salvaz salvation F.
samğ sage F.
sangues blood M.
saoveur savior F.
Sc. Ms. F. Saciod
seci mirror M. /setʃ/
seè saw M.
seèlnevè sailboat M.
semen seed F.
sen dream F.
sendromè syndrome M.
sener ash M.
sepenso snake M.
septembro September M.
serèmonus ceremony M.
setif money, current F.
sèl salt M.
sènt thorn M.
sèžeun season F.
sèžut stove M.
sieklo century M.
sigma sigma M. Greek alphabet
sihun mermaid F.

Derivated from "sirèno". Once "sirèno" was used for
birds with human face, another word "sihun" was created
to refer to mermaids.

sikot liver M.
siman peak M.
simforofiliè simphorophilia F. sexually interested in witnessing a disaster
sir wax F.
sirèno siren F. A sort of mythologic creature.
siun sound F.
skettè wrong M.
Sn. Mr. M. Segneur
snati honor, glory F. original
snort story, tale M.
socializmo socialism F.
sofofiliè sophophilia F. sexually interested in learning
sol sun M.
somnofiliè somnophilia F. sexually interested in sleeping or unconscious people
sonar sonar M.
sorrè sister F.
sort sort, kind M.
spamt vermin M.
spèg beach F.
spiriteus spirit, soul M.
sup soup M.
surfès surface M.
survilaink waitress F.
survilant waiter M.
šalz lime F.
šans song F.
šaval horse F.
šemneè chimney M.
šiel sky, heaven F.
šielark rainbow F. šiel + ark
šorz lock M.
tau tau M. Greek alphabet, /tɔ/ in Atramia
teknoloğ technology M.
tempèt tempest, storm M.
tentacuul tentacle M.
teoriè theory M.
tèim thyme F.
tèitum titan
tèmp time F.
tèrr ground, land; territory M.
tèrra earth, dirt F.
theta theta M. Greek alphabet, /θetɑ/, native Atramia may have difficulty pronouncing
tolo canvas, cloth F.
tomb tomb M.
topoz topaz F.
tor tower M.
torpir torpedo M.
torpir-tar tarpedo bomber M.
tozuig ruin M.
traèteè  treaty M.
trèdižeun tradition M.
tron trunk, log M.
turben turbine M.
turcuiz turqoise M.
uillo oil M.
ungò fingernail, nail M.
urgòè enthusiast, devotee M./F.
urolagniè urolagnia F. sexually interested in urine
utèrs uterus F.
vaèrus virus M.
vakanzz vacation F.
vall ball, feast M.
vamperizmo vampirism F. sexually interested in blood
vapor steam F.
veia road M.
vent wind, air vent F.
ventrè belly M.
venum poison M.
verit truth F.
verm worm M.
vèn well M.
viculant winner M.
vicutor victory F.
vill village M.
viòlin violin F.
viòlilant fiddler M.
vizza girl F.
vadia remembrance F.
vogceurizmo voyeurism F. sexually interested in spying on people
volontò will, volition M.
vorarefiliè vorarephilia F. sexually interested in being eaten by/eating others
vos voice F.
vuis waist F.
zaem bluise F.
zaffiž sapphire M.
zag snail F.
zeèprom cenotaph, gravestone M.
zèta zeta M. Greek alphabet
zoòfiliè zoophilia F. sexually interested in animal
zuid copper M.
zulf sulfur M.
žaen string F.
žellas ladder M.
žòeu cheek F.
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)



Atramia English Case Gender Number
altrè'n other N. - S.
altrè'nsos others A. - S.
altrèss other N. - P.
altrèssuèv others A. - P.
arò they A. - P.
aru themselves R. - P.
au I N. M. S.
I N. F. S.
aun I N. F. S.
cuand when - - S.
cuat how many, how much - - S.
cuei what - - S.
cuèšcuei something N. - -
cuèšcueiz something A. - -
cuèšcui someone N. - -
cuèšcuiz someone A. - -
cui who - - S.
cuom how - - S.
cuovo where - - S.
dien her A. F. S.
dinš them D. - P.
dion her D. F. S.
dos he N. M. S.
elž they N. - P.
erò him D. F. S.
èzè that N. M. S.
èzèss that A. M. S.
èzò that N. F. S.
èzoir that A. F. S.
fes you N. - P.
figcuei anything N. - S.
figcueiz anything A. - -
figcui anyone N. - -
figcuiz anyone A. - -
geun we N. - -
gor us A. - P.
ourselves R. - P.
gors us D. - P.
ğeus you A. - P.
you D. - P.
yourselves R. - P.
ie you A. - S.
yourself R. - S.
ies you D. - S.
iu you N. - S.
kèlt there N. F. S.
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia English Case Gender Number
me me A. - S.
me D. - S.
myself R. - S.
možè those N. M. P.
možèss those A. M. P.
možò those N. F. P.
možòir those A. F. P.
mullè these N. M. P.
mullèss these A. M. P.
mullò these N. F. P.
mullòir these A. F. P.
necuei nothing N. - -
necueiz nothing A. - -
necui no one N. - -
necuiz no one A. - -
oro him A. M. S.
si himself, herself R. - S.
šalei each thing N. - -
šalus each person N. - -
šana each thing A. - -
šanug each person A. - -
tuttias everyone N. - S.
everything N. - S.
tuttid everyone themselves R. - S.
tuttiu everyone A. - S.
everything A. - S.
vor she N. F. S.
this N. M. S.
zèss this A. M. S.
this N. F. S.
zòir this A. F. S.
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)



Atramia English Note
abandun abandon, forsake
abiter dwell, stay
abt copulate
acutt act
ador worship
afas stop
akompliz accomplish, finish
alart alert
alpas stand
amiu love
  • might be the typo of "amur" long ago
amur hold in esteem
announci announce
anzièt become anxious
apparè appear
appit call
  • appit gia = ask for
  • appit sleigeun = call one names
applicuo aaply
appraoš approach, draw nigh
argur develop
ariv arrive
assficiè asphyxiate l'assficiè'roticuo = erotic asphyxiation
assigno assign
atir attract
attonžon attention
avar have, own
aviceklamuvz shear the wool of sheep obsolete
avit shear
avuz get, obtain
azrè enclose, surround
bad notice, be aware of
barg dive, plongeon
baž kiss
beb drink
bim close
blocuo lock, block
brud blur
bruslò burn
cèto rage, get mad
cuecc quest, request
cureèr create
curet correct
daènz dance
defond expand, spread
dereèvr derive
dessieum hide, conceal
desidr decide
destror destroy
deteta hate
devin guess
  • devin n.D n.A = guess that n.D is n.A
dèrot divert
dir say
disi keep low
dissin draw
distia obey, follow
disturi disturb, bother
dolor grief
don give
dormi sleep
dotèr endow
doulèr pain
duv initialize, purify
ehip equip
ekot listen
elevarr elevate
enapparè disappear
enkonteur encounter
entrar enter
esoler isolate
espet wait
esser be
evid avoid
ežlak lean
  • ežlak sleigeun = lean against
ècuipr equip
èffeto effect
èmèt emit, radiate
èsplod explode
èstabll establish
ètud study
èzir exist
fagres drag
favest wipe
fazur fade
fažeun fascinate
feaurs blow
ferr do
fid believe, trust
fing spring
finiz finish, end
fles flow
flotè float
frigia manage
fumur smoke, make smoke
fura rage, get mad
gelèr freeze
gloreu glorify
gonfir swell
gouvun govern
gouž kneel
grattè scratch
ğetèr throw
ğentl gentle
ğòè pass out, die
ğuğ judge
ğurer swear
  • ğurer gia sth.= swear for
  • ğurer pit sb. = swear to
halten halt
heseun push
hiteusaèz criticize
holps collapse
huli make, turn
  • huli n. h'adj. = make n. adj.
  • huli n.D v.R = make n. v.R
ihmin plough
inizior start, begin
invètro invite
inved invade
isnad teach, educate
iutir hunt
kampar understand
kledis smell
kohet link
kolit align
kombat fight
kommunicuo communicate
kompagc accompany
komprar buy, purchase
kompremiè squeeze
komtò count
kondeur lead, guide
koncuir conquer
konscuo lie down
konsil advise
konskreur devote
  • konskreur nA. pit = sacrifise for
konstru build, construct
kontrolè control
konvòuk summon
kor run
kozd cost
krir scream, cry, shout, yell
kristellèzz crystallize
kriv write
kunğar confound, confuse
kzaèt sneer
laciur let
lacuer fall down
lacurim shed tear, cry
laèktat lactate
lament lament, grief, sore
lavess wash
lesvuh bloom
lih lick
livrè live
lond praise
lonteun get away from
lospò walk
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia English Note
malvdir curse
manğ eat
mav flatten
maz hug, embrace
metur go
mildon accept
milmomir revive
  • Sb. milmomir = Sb. is revived
  • A milmomir B = A make B revive
milvulv return
modeurnèzz modernize
momir die
montun climb
mordor bite
natan swim
nebiè mist
nevigeur sail, nevigate
nikden seek for
  • No prepositions required
obzarvz observe
offir offer
olseum play
orgaènèzz organize
ossid kill
paffon scatter, split
parahsit (parasite) live on
paraliz paralyze
pardun forgive
parlè speak
parteèr leave
passèr pass
pasvi step
pensèr think
perda lose
pešèr fish
pevs dye
pioantropomorfizmzs anthropomorphizate
pioaltrè differ from
piolibèr free, release
pioross dye red
pluv rain
possed own
praudir foretell
pres press
preven prevent
procuu approach
profdè go deep into
progrom program
pronaunci pronounce
punga stab, punch
purta reach, get to
purtè give birth to
rafaki flurry
ragc do surveilliance Cf. vlop
ramaž regret, repent
recuugc collect
redresèr straighten
refèus refuse
rekolt harvest
rekompenso reward
relacus relax
repek remember
reprèsant represent
rer laugh
respirè breathe
respònso response
rest stay, rest
rešerš search, look for
rèvoluž revolute
ridiur cut
romprè break, smash
rub rub
rubèv rob, steal
sabart smash, crash, slam
saesro seize, grab
saèluèt salute
  • saèluèt gia
sakraff sacrifice
saot jump
savor know
sed sit
semir sow
senti feel
sentik pity
separat separate
sgod scald, burn
sigor give up, quit
sik open
sission split
skateè forget
soffèir suffer
son sing, ring
soriž smile
spiral spiral
sput spit
suicido suicide
suker suck
surviz serve
šin shine, glow
šinllò cry, sob
tar lay (eggs)
temau fear
tenèr hold, keep
tenter try
test test
tirer pull
tlapir bury, cover
tlolos hear
torprit defeat, beat
tres trace
trim tremble
trist be sad
  • trist sus = pick on
tros dig
trovar find
tuis help
turbein swirl
ulu howl
unir join, take part in
  • unir pit = join in
utiliz use
uunat unite, merge
vahalektèm have sheep go up mountain obsolete
vaudèm thank
vedè see
veni come
viag voyage, travel
vicuur win
vivrè live
vleè carry
vlop survey, investigate
volèrr fly
volon want
vomis vomit
vonsar tie
vucelektèm have sheep leave mountain obsolete
vulv turn
zanuèr aprehend, capture
zepir hit, crash
zied ask
žod choose
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)

Gerund with New Meaning[]


Atramia English
lò fumur smoke
lò ningò snow


Atramia English
lò nebiè fog, mist
l'olseum entertainment
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)



Atramia English Note
abil able
  • abil dè = able to
aciil blind
  • acil gia = blind to
acuamareèn aquamarine
acusciè exquisite
aer-mèr air-to-sea
are-tèrr air-to-land
afille sharp
altrè other
anòr inner
arrogant arrogant
avid greedy
ault high
  • ault ce lè ruii = proud as Lucifer
baun good, nice
bèu beautiful
bleu blue
bref short
brilant brilant, light
brun brown
brut brutal, violent
cian cyan
cientr center
cuèš some
curemuus crimson
denso thick, dense
dè facut de facto
disim low
druot straight
duèls sweet
dur hard, difficult
duzz light, not heavy
eletrimagcnazs electromagnetic "l'ÈEM" (EMR) refers to l'Èmèt EletriMagcnazs
ellè that (masculine, active)
ellèss that (masculine, passive)
ellò that (femiline, active)
elloir that (femiline, passive)
enfris innocent, harmless
estereu foreign
evidant obvious
ègoist egoistic
èlègeunt elegant
ètèrna eternal
faciil easy double i
faos false, fake
faug young
fig any
fineus thin
firo proud
flesiò flowing
floènt fluent, smooth
formòl formal
fòu insane
fris harmful, guilty
frodo cold, freezing
grand great
gravas heavy
griğ gray
ğaler yellow
ğelou jealous, green-eyed
ğentlo gentle
ğeos joyful, glad
ğènricuo generic able to apply to almost everything
halk general normal, not specific
himportant important
honet honest
infonilt young
insint pregnant
iumid wet
kaci khaki
kandid candid
kauroğ brave
komplètè complete
lent slow
lesti funny, interesting
this, the (masculine, active)
lèss this, the (masculine, passive)
libèr free
lissi smooth
this, the (femiline, active)
loir this, the (femiline, passive)
longo long
longitèudam longitude
lontun far
  • lontun pit = far away from
losli dull
lucid lucid
lusuem luxury
Atramia Lexicon Index
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Atramia English Note
magcna magnet
mağent magenta
mağeur major
mallè these (masculine, active)
mallèss these (masculine, passive)
mallò these (femiline, active)
mallòir these (femiline, passive)
malv bad, evil
mèr-aer sea-to-air
mèr-tèrr sea-to-land
meun full
midièv middle
mind clear
modeurn modern
motšè those (masculine, active)
motšèss those (masculine, passive)
motšò those (femiline, active)
motšòir those (femiline, passive)
molt many, much
mèut mute, dumb, silent
  • mèut gia = forbidden to say
naciur natural
nastò rotten
našdut deaf
  • našdut gia = deaf to
ne not
  • Ne cuom ist. = Come what may. / Whatever.
nord north
nord-èst north east
nord-uèst north west
nour black
novò new
otos narrow
òuvart open, on business
pal pale
parèl parallel
paril equal
particular particular /pɑɻtikʷlɑɻ/
pauš few, little
perfet perfect
peviv small
por afraid, scared
posibl possible
purpro purple
presènd previous
procuu near
psand big, large
rapid rapid, fast
rauž right (direction)
reèl real
remoto remote
ross red
roton round
saèl mere
sakra sacred, solemn, holy
secue dry
segret secret, private
silaèn silent
sinist left (direction)
siseun same
skarleèt scarlet
solt lone
solz dirty
somb dark
strèng strange
sud south
sud-èst south east
sud-uèst south west
šal each
šaldo warm
šer beloved, dear
tarrè horrible
tèrr-aer land-to-air
tèrr-mèr land-to-sea
timid timid
tir white
tonz clean
total total
tuto whole, all
urg passionate
vastò vast, wide
vermilleèun vermillion
venuttud poisonous while "venumzs" refers to "related to poison"
vert green
viola violet
viridiaèn viridian
vlad deep
voteus old
vrèm true
zelòèt vivid
žnat fool, stupid, idiotic
žuin young
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia English
allòr then, at that time
apèn barely
arrèr backwards
bas down
baunparteèr goodbye, farewell
dè novò again
dièist today
dumaèn tomorrow
enkor still
enseèm together
giom never
ğuž surely, certainly
ia hey, hey you
icue here
incuo there
ir yesterday
mei but, however
neun now
noikment tonight, this night
novus again
oigc oh, o
per tuto after all
plu anymore
salvar hello, hi
sul only, merely
untemp once
vleèd deeply
vto even
žaem forever
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia English Note
an in, surrounded by
ber at (time, place)
dèor out, outside; instead of, rather than
dèornier besides out and with
dupu since
et and
èntor between, betwyxt
gia for, for one's sake
  • gia ne = in vain, of no avail
ğab from
hiz in, inside, inward
kontrò facing, against
lih about, related to
luz after (time, place)
mei but
milnier without
modum like, as
nekontrò despite
nier with
  • nier untemp et plu = forever, forever and ever
ò or
per through, throughout
pit to
preèv before (time, place)
sleigeun against, next to
  • tèmp sleigeun tèmp = time after time, again and again
sus over, above
šis on, on top of
zam under, beneath
žvan including, containing
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia English
hiol lest, in case of
modum like
pars because
seus if
šar so, thus
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)

Auxiliary Verb[]

Atramia English
devre should
dover must, have to, ought to
enpet can't, unable to
pet can
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)



Atramia Number English
un 001 one
du 002 two
tret 003 three
cuòt 004 four
sincuo 005 five
sèks 006 six
sepèt 007 seven
okt 008 eight
neuvo 009 nine
dim 010 ten
undèm 011 eleven
dudèm 012 twelve
tredèm 013 thirteen
cuatòrdèm 014 fourteen
sincudèm 015 fifteen
sèkdèm 016 sixteen
sepèdem 017 seventeen
okdèm 018 eighteen
neuvòdem 019 ninteen
vint 020 twenty
vint un 021 twenty one
vint du 022 twenty two
vint tret 023 twenty three
trecun 030 thirty
cuatrèn 040 forty
sincun 050 fifty
cillè 100 hundred
millè 1,000 thousand
dim millè 10,000 ten thousand
cillè millè 100,000 hundred thousand
millòn 1,000,000 million

un millòn du cillè trecun cuòt millè sincuo cillè sèksun sepèt = one million two hundred thirty four thousand five hundred sixty seven (1,234,567)

Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)


Atramia Supertext English
primò 1 first
dutèrs 2rs second
treteus 3us third
cuatreus 4us fourth
sincueus 5us fifth
sèkseus 6us sixth
sepèteus 7us seventh
okteus 8us eighth
neuvòeus 9us ninth
dimieus 10us tenth
Atramia Lexicon Index
Abbrivation·Noun(A·M)·Pronoun(A·M)·Verb(A·MGerund·Adjective(A·MAdverb·Preposition·Conjunction·Auxiliary Verb·Numeral(Cardinal·Ordinal)