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Grammatical Cases[]

Morphosyntactic Cases[]

Singular Dual Plural
Nominative yun / nyu yen / nyé
Accusative is / si yas / sya yés / syé
Dative it / ti yut / tyu yét / tyé
  • Nominative

Indicates the subject of a sentence. Example: ayásh (The fire [as a subject]).

  • Accusative

Indicates the direct object of a sentence. Example: ayáshis (The fire [as a direct object]).

  • Dative

Indicates the indirect object of a sentence. Example: ayáshit (The fire [as a indirect object]).

Location and Movement Cases[]

Singular Dual Plural
Locative ip / pi yap / pya yép / pyé
Ablative ib / bi yup / byu yéb / byé
Allative ik / ki yuk / kyu yék / kyé
  • Locative

Indicates location on/at/in the term. Example: I'm at the house.

  • Ablative

Indicates movement away from the term. Example: I'm going away from the house.

  • Allative

Indicates movement to the term. Example: I'm going to the house.


Singular Dual Plural
Adjectival il / li yal / lya yél / lyé
Adj. of Inferiority iléssu / lyéssu ilóssu / lyóssu ilíssu / ilyýssu
Adj. of Equality iléssi / lyéssi ilóssi / lyóssi ilíssi / lyýssi
Adj. of Superiority iléssa / lyéssa ilóssa / lyóssa ilíssa / lyýssa
  • Adjectival

Indicates relationship to the term; it is used to form adjectives. Example: I see the beautiful house.

  • Adjectival Comparative of Inferiority

Indicates relationship to the term; it is used to form comparative adjectives. Example: The house is less beautiful than the other.

  • Adjectival Comparative of Equality

Indicates relationship to the term; it is used to form comparative adjectives. Example: The house is as beautiful as the other.

  • Adjectival Comparative of Superiority

Indicates relationship to the term; it is used to form comparative adjectives. Example: The house is 'more beautiful than the other.


Singular Dual Plural
Causal ish / shi yash / shya yésh / shyé
Comitative iz / zi yuz / zyu yéz / zyé
Adverbial irh / rhi yurh / rhyu yérh / rhyé
Possessive 1st Person Sing. (My) ir / ri
Possessive 1st Person Dual (Our [2]) erér / rér
Possessive 1st Person Plural (Our) yér / ryé
Possessive 2nd Person Sing. (Your) ar / ra
Possessive 2nd Person Dual (Your [2]) arar / rar
Possessive 2nd Person Plural (Your) yar / rya
Possessive 3rd Person Sing. ur / ru
Possessive 3rd Person Dual ór / ró
Possessive 3rd Person Plural ér / ré

The possessive sufixes can be combined to another case sufixes.

For example:

ayash n. "fire" (not inflected)

ayashir "My [singular] fire [singular] (as a subject)"

ayashyéssér "Their [plural] fires [plural] (as a direct object)"

ayashyutyér "Our [plural] fires [dual] (as an indirect object)"

  • Causal

Indicates response or cause to the term. Example: I'm going away from the house because it is old.

  • Comitative

Indicates company with the term. Example: I'm going away from the house with my fiancée.

  • Adverbial

Indicates relationship to the term; it is used to form adverbs' Example: The house is ridiculously ugly.

  • Possessive

Indicates a possession. Example: This is my house.
