
Ayleidoon is a constructed elven language from the Elder Scrolls franchise, first appearing in the game Oblivion. This page will collect ayleidoon passages and attempt to decipher a coherent grammar and vocabulary.

It's important to distinguish between what we know and what we assume, and therefore unlike many other collections of Ayleid words, I will not add Aldmer words to the dictionary unless we have evidence that they are also used in Ayleid. The grammar sections will for the most part be speculative, and I have marked these sections as such. I have also included all instances of the language in the game as evidence so readers will better be able to judge.

Ayleid Words and Phrases[]

Phrases Directly Translated In-Game[]

Ceyatatar - "Shadow of the Fatherwoods" (Glories and Laments)

Veawend Ede - "Sea Journey's End" (Ravenwatch Research: Veawend Ede)

Av Auri-El ye Tamri-El dellevoy an Arpen Aran tarnabye! - By Auriel and Tamriel, grant [imperative] [the] Noble [ie, True] King passage. (Secrets of the Ayleids Quest)

Av Sunna Tam Riel arctavoy an Arpen Aran malaburo! - Upon this bright crown acknowledge [the] Noble [ie, True] King loving-vassalage. (Secrets of the Ayleids Quest)

Par Molag - "Fire's Grip" (Fire's Grip)

Bisnensel - "New water halls" (Bisnensel: Our Ancient Roots)

Epevoy an anyadena av <<2>>e pado an sunnand. - "Speak the life-treaty of <<2>> before the blessed-stone." (Loriasel tablet notes)

Can an canomora racuvarima. - "Call the Daedric herald who was cast down." (Loriasel tablet notes)

Arctane va ceye av <<2>>e. - "Accept the shadow of <<2>>." (Loriasel tablet notes)

Malatu ye nemalatuis shauta ry relle asva relleis. - "Truth and not-truth come as water within many waters" (Loriasel tablet notes)

Barra agea ry sou karan. "Wear lore as your armor." (Ayleid Reference Text)

Av molag anyammis, av latta magicka - "From fire, life. From life, magic." (Ayleid Reference Text)

Agea haelia ne jorane emero laloria - 1. "Terrible wisdom never betrayed the loremasters." 2. "Wisdom leared by pain is a reliable guide in dark times." (Ayleid Reference Text)

Nou aldmeris mathmeldi admia aurane gandra sepredia av relleis ye brelyeis ye varlais. - ""Our exiled Elven ancestors heard the welcoming gifts of peace in the streams and beech trees and stars." ["Mathmeldi" means literally "from-home-driven."]" (Ayleid Reference Text)

Suna ye sunnabe. - "Bless and blessed be." (Ayleid Reference Text)

Va garlas agea, gravia ye goria, lattia mallari av malatu. - "In the caverns of lore, ugly and obscure, shines the gold of truth." (Ayleid Reference Text)

Vabria frensca, sa belle, sa baune, amaraldane aldmeris adonai. - "The foaming wave, so thunderous, so mighty, heralds the lordly Elves." (Ayleid Reference Text)

Malada - "High Fane" (Cleansing of the Fane) lit: "High Gods"

Heca! - 1. "Begone!" 2. "Stand aside!" (Umaril's Dialogue)

As balangua, Ehlnada racuvar! - By my power, the mortal gods shall be cast down! (Umaril's Dialogue)

Abagaianye Ehlnadaya! - I do not fear your mortal gods! (Umaril's Dialogue)

Rahtan Pelinale na anda! - Pelinal's reach is long! (Umaril's Dialogue)

Asma bala ni hilyat sino? - By what power do you follow here? (Umaril's Dialogue)

Man kana mitta abasel Umarile? - "Who dares enter Umaril's forbidden hall?" (Umaril's Dialogue)

Pelinal na vasha. Sa yando tye. - "Pelinal is gone [dead]. So also [will] you [be]." (Umaril's Dialogue)

Shanta, ehlno. Tyavoy balangua! - "Come, mortal. Taste my power!" (Umaril's Dialogue)

As oiobala Umarile, Ehlnada racuvar - "By the eternal power of umaril, the mortal gods shall be cast down!"

Av molag anyammis - "From fire, life" (Vahtacen Pillar)

av mafre nagaia - "From frost, death." (Vahtacen Pillar)

magicka loria - "Magic darkens" (Vahtacen Pillar)

magicka sila - "Magic Shines" (Vahtacen Pillar)

pellani - "outsiders" (The Wild Elves)

welkynd - "Sky child" (Magic from the Sky)

Varla - "Star Stone" (Magic from the Sky)

Autaracu alata - "Remnant of light" (The Remnant of light)

Fal sorn glathe - "Cold sunset limit" (The Remnant of light)

Culle-anda - "Food Stone" (The Remnant of Light)

Alasilagea - "Vision-Lore" (Nilata Search Plan)

Ceyemeratu - "Shadow-Music" (Nilata Search Plan)

Goriarcan - "Secret-Magic" (Nilata Search Plan)

Heculmora - "Outcast-Daedra" (Nilata Search Plan)

Silatarn - "Shining Portal" (Nilata Search Plan)

Phrases Untranslated In-Game:[]

Ma seate... auta! Auta!


Ge epea veyn! Eve as gravia lambe ye lael.

Ne goria! Heca! Delia ye metana Gandra Lambe, sino. - Ayleid Ghost, ESO

Anyammis alata malatua latta vasha anyabelda sancre - Incantation at the Doomcraig, ESO (i.e: Life of light truth light disappear life-(something) golden.)

Hyrma MORA pado ADA oia NAGAIA aba AGEA cava APOCRA dena GORIA gandra ARCAN - Unknown (fragmentae abyssum hermaeus morus) (i.e. Hermaeus Mora before the gods eternal death forbidden knowledge something apocrypha secret treaty gift of knowledge)

ye sa sou meldi calne tarn va nou molagnensaliye trumbi nou bala

ilpen av sou meldi nagaiale as guntumnia spantelepelaelia arani morae

ye sou liebali racuvane ye nu rautane ye nu hautalle nou buroi

gume sou gravuloi sa metane sye garlis frey as gandra dwemera tarcel 

lane sou agea ye frey as emeratis avatheledia carelle sou anyamissi 

bisia silya nu hecta sou arcten rias nu nemalauta ge nu hecta sou epe 

gandra rias ne nemalauta ge nu frey sepa sye arcta varlor denai 

cullei noue staneiaye ry sou alasil auta ry loria shanta abagaiavoy 

malautavoy fey nou darre ye alata rou malae asma moraga sou anyamis 

av sercen pado ye get heng sou wend narilia vey emeratu sou oia bisia - Unknown (Calcelmo's Stone)


This section is speculative and based on Umaril's dialogue from Knights of the Nine.


a = as in father

e = as in bet, or at the end of a word as in "eh?"

o = as in so

i = as in see

u = as in rude

y = as in "yellow" at beginning of word. Pronounced as "eye" when used as a vowel.


ou - as in loud

au - as in loud

ye - as in tie

ae - as in tie

ey - as in mate

ay - as in mate

oy - as in oyster

*all other vowel combinations are pronounced separately*


b, p, d, t, k, c, g

*note, as with English, c and g are soft when followed by an i, e, or y. 

f, v, th, h, sh, j (french j as in genre)

m, n, ng

l, r 

*There is currently no evidence of x,z,ch, or q in Ayleidoon*



Plurals are formed by adding an -i suffix to the end of a noun. (i.e. sel, seli)

Nouns ending in a vowel receive an -is suffix. (i.e. relle, relleis)

There also appear to be some irregular words whose plural form is the same as the singular, or otherwise do not conform to the above rules.

Note that the Falmer dialect does not appear to use the -is suffix. Examples from the Falmer Contract will therefore not be included on the list.

List of Possible Irregular Plurals[]

Singular Plural
Ada Ada
Aldmer Aldmeris
Mora Mora


The suffix -o denotes an agent noun. It is analogous to Enlish "-er" and is frequently used for names of professions. (e.g. emero - guide, ehlno - mortal, cano - herald)


This section contains speculation.

Ayleidoon contains a possessive case, which is formed by the suffix -e. (e.g. Rahtan Pelinale - Pelinal's reach.)

The language also contains possessive-pronouns and possessive-pronoun suffixes. (e.g. Nou rahtan, rahtanangua - our reach, your reach).

It appears that the affixed forms are preferred for the singular, while the pronouns are used for plural possessors.

Singular Plural
1st *(a)ngua (my) nou (our)
2nd *ya (your (s.)) sou (your (pl.))
3rd unknown rou?


This Section Contains Speculation

Ayleid pronouns do not appear to have case. They may be suffixed to the verb of which they are the subject (e.g. hilyat - you follow), or may be used as a separate word. The affixed versions are not the same as the freestanding pronoun, and it is not yet apparent whether they are marked for number in this configuration.


Singular Plural
1st ? nu?
2nd tye sye
3rd ? ?

Pronoun Suffixes:

Suffix Form
1st *nye
2nd *t (you)
3rd ?

It appears that the suffix form must only be used as the subject, while the freestanding version may describe a subject, or direct/indirect object.

See possessive section for discussion of Ayleid possessive pronouns.

Verb Forms[]

This Section Contains Speculation


Ayleidoon contains a past, present and future tense.

The present form of most verbs ends in -a and is identical to the infinitive form of the verb.

The past tense of the verb is currently unknown, but may be related to the suffix -le in the Falmer dialect

The future tense of the verb is formed by the suffix -ar (i.e. racuvar - will be cast down.)


Ata na kanane - Father is daring.

Ata nar kanane - Father will be daring.

Ata nale kanane - *Father was daring?


Imperatives are used to give commands. They may be formed either by using the present tense with no subject (as in english), or by adding the suffix -voy for stronger emphasis.


Mitta! - Enter!

Mittavoy! - Enter!

Passive Voice[]

Passive voice is used when the subject of the sentence is the object of the verb. It is formed by the suffix -abe, and in some cases may cause the doubling of a final single consonant (e.g. suna - bless, sunnabe - be blessed)


Ata admia - father heard

Ata admiabe - father was heard

Opative Voice[]

Verbs may describe a possible or desirable action, similar to English's can and may. Verbs in this voice may be used to express a desire, make a polite request, give permission, or state a possibility. Used in the negative, it implies that the action can not occur, or is forbidden to occur. The Opative is formed by the suffix -ne


Arctane ageangua. - may you accept my wisdom.

Ada epene. - The Gods may speak.

Atangua ne jorane tye. - My father could never betray you.

Attributive Verbs[]

Verbs may also be used to describe nouns in the manner of an adjective. A verb which is describing its subject receives the suffix -ne (similar to english -ing), while a verb which is describing its object receives the suffix -rima (similar to english -ed)


meldi aurarima - the welcomed exiles

meldi aurane - the welcoming exiles

Atangua gaiarima gaia gaiane aran. - My fearing father fears the feared king.


Aba Forbidden
Ada Gods
Admia Heard
Adonai Lordly
Agea Lore/wisdom
Alata Light
Ald Old
Aldmeris Ancestors
Amaraldane Heralds
An The (Often not used)
And Stone
Anda Long
Anyadena Life-treaty
Anyammis Life
Arctane Accept (Imperative verb)
As By/with
Asma By what
Asva Within
Ata Father
Aurane Welcoming
Autaracu Remnant, vestige, fragment
Av From, of
Bala Power
Barra Wear (Imperative)
Baune Mighty
Belle Thunderous
Brelyeis Beech trees
Can Call
Canomora Deadric Herald
Cey Shadow
Ceyatatar Shadows of the Fatherwoods
Culle Food
Cyro Heart
Delle Grant
Diil Land
Ehlnada Mortal Gods
Ehlno Mortal
Emeratu Music
Emero Guide
Epevoy Speak (imperative verb)
Fal Cold, Snow
Frensca Foaming
Gaia Fear
Gandra Gift
Garlas Cavern, outpost, community
Glathe Limit
Goria Obscure
Gravia Ugly
Haelia Terrible
Heca Be gone, stand aside
Hectahame Home of the exiles
Hilyat Follow
Jorane Betrayed
Karra Armor
Laeloria Throat of Darkness
Laloria Dark times
Latta Light
Lattia Shines
Lipsand Soapstone
Loria Darkens
Mafre Frost
Magicka Magic
Mala High
Malatu Truth
Mallari Gold
Math Home
Mathmeldi Exiled
Meldi Driven
Mer Elf
Molag Fire
Molavar Fire mouth
Mora Daedra
Nagaia Death
Naril Final
Ne Never
Nemalatuis Not-truth
Nou Our
Nye I
Oio Eternal
Pado Elder/Before
Par Grip
Pellani Outsiders
Racuvar Cast Down
Racuvarima Who was cast down
Rahtan Reach
Relle Water/stream
Relleis Streams/waters
Ry As
Sa So
Sel Hall
Sepredia Peace
Shanta Come
Shauta Come
Sila Shines
Silyanorn Acorn (library)
Sino Here
Sorn Sunset
Sou Your
Suna Bless
Sunnabe Be blessed
Sunnand Blessed Stone
Tar Woods
Tarna Pass
Tarn Delve, portal
Tor Hill
Tyavoy Taste (Imperative)
Tye You (will be)
Va In
Vabria Wave
Varla Star
Varlais Stars
Vasha Gone, absent (adjective)
Welkynd Sky Child
Wend Journey (also, survival, existence?)
Yando Also
Ye And

Books on Ayleid Language, Culture, and History[]

Loriasel Tablet Notes

Nilata Search Plan

The Remnant of Light

Ayleid Reference Text

Masterwork of the Inducer

The Last King of the Ayleids

Glories and Laments

Daedra Worship: The Ayleids

The Heart of Valenwood

Aurbic Enigma 4: The Elden Tree

The Whithering of Delodiil

Exegesis of Merid-Nunda

Tears of Anurraame

Ayleid Survivals in Valenwood

Cleansing of the Fane

Magic from the Sky
