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Name: Bâgnam

Type: Isolated


Head Direction:

Number of genders: 3

Declensions: Yes

Conjugations: No

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

Classification and Dialects[]

This language vocabulary is similar to Vietnamese but the grammar is different.



Bilabial Labio-dental Alveolar Post-


Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Plosive b p d t c ɟ g k
Fricative f v h
Affricate s z ʃ
Approximant j
Trill r
Lateral app. l


Front Near-front Back
High i y u
High-mid e ɛ o
Low a ɑ


Dî and gî has the same sound. is always when the word begins with. Gî is in or at the end of the word.

Writing System[]

Letter Aa Ââ Bb Dd Ee Ěě Ff Gg Hh Ii Îî Qq
Sound a ɑ b d ɛ e f g h i j k
Letter Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Rr Ss Xx Tt Uu Yy Vv
Sound l m n o p r s ʃ t u y v
Letter Zz Ng
Sound z ɟ ɟ ŋ ɲ c



Plural forming: qulo (friend) ---> sa|qulo (friends)

Articles: nga (the) and lěn (a,an) --> nga|qulo (the friend) and lěn|qulo (a friend)


Bagnamese don't know tenses. They use adverbs to describe the tense.

Adverbs of present: - měngnîo (never), měngmu (rarely), měngxang (sometimes), qengxang (usually), qengnîo (always) Note: měng means 'no', qeng means 'yes'.

- něî (now), ngegnaî (today), sâng (morning), trong nam (before-noon), nam (noon), song nam (afternoon), trong xon [eve(ning)], xon (night), trong sâng (dawn)

Adverbs of past: - dyng (was), trong naî (yesterday), trong sâng trong (last morning), trong nam trong (last before-noon), trong song nam (last afternoon), trong xon trong [last eve(ning)], xon trong (last night), trong tîeng (last week), trong tan ngaî (last month), trong nyî (last year)

Adverbs of future: - song dy (will be), baî (then), song ngaî (tomorrow), song maî ngaî (after tomorrow), song trong sâng (next morning), song trong nam (next before-noon), song nam song (next afternoon), song trong xon [next eve(ning)], song xon (next night), song tîeng (next week), song tang ngaî (next month), song nyî (next year).


Example sentences
S Adtime Verb Adplace
Tîen trong ngaî trong nam dîong dan ngalangqoh
I yesterday before-noon go to the market
Tîen ngengaî song nam dîong dan ngalangqoh
I today afternoon go to the mall
Tîen song ngaî trong nam dîong dan ngalangqoh
I tomorrow before-noon go to the shop


Subject-Adverb of time-Verb-Object

Rule: You have to use the adverbs of time in every sentence in Bagnamese!!


Example text[]
