Progress 5%
Bahasa Panau 
Pronunciation: IPA: (bah-HAH-sah pah-NAW)
Spoken in: Panau 
Region: Southeast Asia
Total speakers: ~400,000 - 600,000
Language family: Austronesian
 Malayo-Polynesian (MP)
  Nuclear MP
Writing system: Tamil, Thai, Latin, Devanagari (Buddhist), and Arabic (Muslim) 
Official status
Official language of: Panau
Regulated by: Panauan Government
Language codes
ISO 639-1: pn
ISO 639-2: pn
ISO 639-3: pn

Bahasa Panau (bah-HAH-sah pah-NAW) is an Austronesian language spoken in the Island of Panau, Malay Archipelago. This is based on the island nation of Panau in Just Cause 2.

Bahasa Panau, also called as Panauan in English, is a variant of Malay spoken in the Panauan archipelago. Due to influence with its neighbors as well as various races (Malaysians, Indonesians, Filipinos, and native Ulars) living in the archipelago, it has mixed words from the races living here.

The language uses Latin, Tamil, and Thai alphabets. Due to religious reasons, Devanagari is used by the Buddhist community and Arabic script by the Muslim community in the southwest.

Author's Note: Updates every 2 days or 1 week depending on my schedule!!

History of the Language (Sejarah Bahasa)[]

The earliest settlers in Panau were the Ular people from the Pacific Islands. They spoke a language called Ular (Pasa Ular), which was related to other Austronesian languages. They adopted Hindu and Tibetan scriptures, gained their religion, built temples, and got some loanwords.

Because of the ongoing growth of Islam in the Malay Archipelago, Panau was influenced by Arab merchants during the 13th century. Islam spread quickly, however the native Ular people stopped the spread of Islam, thus only the southwest portion of Panau became Muslim. Also, lots of people from Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines migrated to Panau. This resulted in more loanwords from Arabic, Malay, Indonesian (Javanese, Sundanese), and Filipino (Tagalog, Bisaya). And since Malay was the language of trade, a variant of Malay emerged in Panau, called Bahasa Melayu Panau or Panauan Malay (later became Panauan)

During the Age of Exploration, most lands were conquered by the Spanish, however, other islands were controlled by the Portuguese, Dutch and British. Most words obtained were from Indo-European.

During World War II, the Japanese controlled Panau. Many Japanese people migrated to Panau, and learned how to speak any dominant languages of Panau depending on region: Malay, Indonesian, Filipino and Ular. The Japanese also influenced Panauan culture, explains why there are lots of pagodas in Panau. Also, many Mongolian settlers settled in the high, snowy mountains, receiving a few Mongolian loanwords.

After Panau declared its independence led by Papa Panay, the government decided to make a language that can unify people. They chose Malay as a basis of a unifying language, added some words from the four dominant languages in order to balance the cultures of every ethnic group. And the result was Bahasa Panau.

This is the text from one Panauan article after the independence movement:

"Bahasa ini akan menjadi bahasa rismi Panau untuk bersatu semua orang-orang yang hidup di tanah raya ini, untuk kita mempersatu semua yang memiliki budaya dan adat yang berbeja, dan bahasa ini membuat pembelajaran mudah untuk semua orang Panau dan orang lain dari luar bangsa ini. Ini bisa digunakan untuk setiap hari, edukasi, perdagangan, komunikasi antara ras lain, dan lainnya. Ini sentinasa akan menjadi bahasa kebangsaan kita."

"This language will become the official language of Panau for unifying all people living in this great land, for us to unite all who have different cultures and traditions, and this language makes easy learning for all Panauan people and other people from outside the country. This can be used everyday, education, trade, communication between different races, and others. This will always become our national language."

berbeja - different (berbeza in Malay, berbeda in Indonesian)

rismi - official (rasmi in Malay, resmi in Indonesian)

sentinasa - always (sentiasa in Malay, senantiasa in Indonesian)

Alphabet (Alpabet)[]

Latin, Tamil and Thai are dominantly used throughout Panau, Devanagari is used by Buddhist monks, and Arabic by the Muslim minority.

Sound Latin Tamil Thai Devanagari Arabic
/a/ a อะ ا (beg., end or long v.)
/b/ b ப் ب
/ch/ , /tdz/ c च / छ چ
/d/ d த் د
/e/ e เอ ع (beg. or end)
/ph/ f ف
/g/ g க் گ
/h/ h ه / ح
/ee/ i อิ ى
/dz/ j ج
/k/ k ك
/l/ l ل
/m/ m م
/n/ n ن
/o/ o โอ ۆ (beg. or end)
/p/ p پ
/r/ r ر
/s/ s ص / س
/t/ t ت
/u/ u อุ ۇ
/v/ v ڤ
/w/ w و
/y/ y ي
/z/ z ظ / ز
/bah/ (De.) bah ப்`ஹ به
/ng/ ng ந`க न्ग ڠ / ڭ


(ee-NEEH ah-dah-LAH EEHN-duh)

Ini adalah indah.

இநி அத்ல: இநத்:.

อินิ อะทละ: อินทะ:.

इनि अदलः इंदाः

يني ادلاه ينداه.

Unused Sounds[]

Sound Latin Tamil Thai Devanagari Arabic
/q/ q क़ ق
/ks/ x க்ஷ คส क्ष كس
/th/ th ط / ث
/dh/ dh ட் ض / ذ
/sh/ sy ஸ் ش
/ny/ ny ڽ
/zh/ zy ஷ் ژ


Hello! = Halo!

Goodbye! = Selamat tinggal!

How are you? = Apa kabar? / Kamu baik? / Anda baik?

I'm fine. = Aku baik. / Saya baik.

I'm not fine. = Aku tidak baik. / Saya tidak baik.

What is your name? = Siapa namamu? / Siapa nama anda?

My name is ... = Namaku ... / Nama saya ...

Where are you from? = Kamu berasal dari mana? / Anda berasal dari mana?

I'm from ... = Aku dari ... / Saya dari ...

Where do you live? = Kamu tinggal di mana? / Anda tinggal di mana?

I live in ... = Aku tinggal di ... / Saya tinggal di ...

How old are you? = Berapa usiamu? / Berapa usia anda?

I am ... years old. = Usiaku ... / Usia saya ...

Nice to meet you. = Gembira bertemu denganmu. / Gembira bertemu dengan anda.

Good morning. = Selamat pagi.

Good noon. = Selamat siang. / Selamat tengah hari.

Good afternoon. = Selamat sore.

Good evening. = Selamat petang.

Good night. = Selamat malam.

Yes. = Iya.

No. = Tidak. / Bukan.

Maybe. = Mungkin.

Thank you. = Terima kasih.

Thank you so much. = Terima kasih banyak.

You're welcome = Sama-sama. / Kembali.

Excuse me. = Maaf.

Sorry. = Maaf.

Numbers (Bilangan-bilangan)[]

Numbers Panauan Cardinal Numbers Panauan Cardinal
0 sero 0th kesero
1 satu 1st kesatu, pertama
2 dua 2nd kedua
3 tiga 3rd ketiga
4 empat 4th ke-empat
5 lima 5th kelima
6 enam 6th ke-enam
7 tujuh 7th ketujuh
8 lapan / delapan 8th kelapan / kedelapan
9 bilan / sembilan 9th kebilan / kesembilan
10 sepuluh 10th kesepuluh
11 sebelas 11th kesebelas
12 duabelas 12th keduabelas
13 tigabelas 13th ketigabelas
20 duapuluh 20th keduapuluh
50 limapuluh 50th kelimapuluh
100 seratus 100th keseratus
1,000 seribu 1,000th keseribu
10,000 sepuluh ribu 10,000th kesepuluh ribu
100,000 seratus ribu 100,000th keseratus ribu
1 million sejuta / semiliun 1 millionth kesejuta / kesemiliun
1 billion sebiliun 1 billionth kesebiliun
1 trillion setriliun 1 trillionth kesetriliun

Colors (Warna-warna)[]

red = merah

orange = orenja

yellow = kuning

green = hijau

blue = biru

purple = ungu

brown = warna coklat / warna kopi

black = hitam

white = putih

pink = warna rosa / merah muda

Language, Do you Speak ...?[]

Do you speak ...? = Kamu bisa bercakap ...? / Anda bisa bercakap ...?

I speak ... / I speak ... language. = Aku bercakap bahasa ... / Saya bercakap bahasa ...

Do you understand? = Kamu bisa memahami? / Anda bisa memahami?

Yes, I understand. = Iya, aku paham. / Iya, saya paham.

No, I do not understand. = Tidak, aku tidak paham. / Tidak, saya tidak paham.

Questions (Tanya-tanya)[]

English Panauan
who siapa
what apa
when bila / kapan
where mana / di mana
why mengapa / kenapa
which yang mana
how bagaimana
how many berapa
how much berapa weng

Animals (Hiwan-hiwan)[]

dog = anjing / asu

cat = kucing

cow = sapi

horse = kuda

goat = kambing

bird = burung

chicken = ayam

parrot = burung loro

duck = itik

lizard = cicak

crocodile = buaya

bee = lebah

ant = semut

mosquito = nyamuk

housefly = lalat

monkey = monyet

pig = babi

lion = singa

tiger = harimau

bear = beruang

elephant = gajah

squid = sotong

deer = rusa

rhino = badak

snake = ular

owl = burung bahau

rabbit = arnab

fish = ikan

snail = siput

turtle = penyu

beetle = kumbang

frog = kacek

halcyon = sentosa

squirrel = bajing

anteater = tenggiling

Flavors (Rasa-rasa)[]

sweet = manis

sour = masim

salty = masin

spicy =pedas

bitter = pahit

fresh = sewari

delicious = sedap

hot = panas

cold = sejuk

Parts of the Body (Bahagian-bahagian badan)[]

hair = rambut

eyes = mata

ears = telinga

nose = hidung

mouth = mulut

tongue = lidah

head = kepala

face = muka / wajah

neck = leher

shoulder = belikat

arms = lengan

hands = tangan

fingers = jari tangan

chest = dada

belly = perut

hips = pinggul

legs = tuhur

knees = lutut

feet = kaki

toes = jari kaki

heart = jantung / hati

liver = hati

blood = darah

skin = kulit / kutis

Seasons (Musim-musim)[]

spring = musim bunga

summer = musim panas

autumn = musim jatuh

winter = musim sejuk, musim salja

Members of the Family (Anggota-anggota keluarga)[]

father = bapa, ayah

mother = ibu

child = anak

sibling = saudara

grandfather = datuk

grandmother = nenek

parent = induk

cousin = sepupu

uncle = paman

auntie = bibi

in-law = mertua

husband = suami

wife = isteri

niece / nephew = keponakan

Plurality (Pluraliti)[]

Just repeat a noun, like for example, children = anak-anak, goats = kambing-kambing, etc.

Pronouns (Pronun-pronun)[]

person singular form possessive singular form plural form
1st per. exclusive kami (we, excluding you)
1st per. inclusive aku / saya (I, me) -ku (my, mine) kita (we, includes you)
2nd person kamu / anda (you) -mu (your) kalian (you people)
3rd person dia / beliau (she, he) -nya (her, his) mereka (they)

Since there are no possessive forms for plural pronouns, use the formula: (noun) + (pronoun).

Alternative form of "kamu" is "engkau" and "kau".

To use the noun "tangan", which means hand, there is a lot of possessive combinations:

  • tanganku = my hand
  • tanganmu = your hand
  • tangannya = his / her hand
  • tangan kami = our hand (not you included)
  • tangan kita = our hand (you included)
  • tangan kalian = your hand (you guys, you people)
  • tangan mereka = their hand

However, plural pronouns should not be confused with the sentences:

Tangan-tangan mereka = Their hand

Mereka adalah tangan-tangan. = They are hands.

The notable difference is seen, in which in the second sentence, the word "adalah" is placed, which means is or am.

There are some pronouns for objects like:

Ini -----> "This"

Itu -----> "That"

In order to tell "this one" or "that one", place the word "yang" in order to be "yang ini" or "yang itu".

Sini----> "Here"

Sana --------> "There"

Seperti ini / Begini =====> "Like this"

Seperti itu / Begitu =====> "Like that"

Nature (Alam)[]

sun = matahari

moon = bulan

star = bintang

sky = langit

cloud = awan

rain = hujan

fire = api

water = air / danum

wind = angin

snow = salja

land, soil = tanah

mountain = gunung

hill = bukit

valley = lembah

plains = datar / kedataran

tree = pohon / pokok

flower = bunga

desert = gurun

forest = hutan

sand = pasir

grass = rumput

island = pulau

archipelago = kepulauan

river = sungai

sea = laut

ocean = lautan

earthquake = gempa, lindu

tsunami = cunami

storm = ribut

typhoon = badai / taifun

snowstorm = ribut salja

Basic Connectives (Penghubung Asas)[]

Connective Panauan Connective Connective Panauan Connective
for untuk with dengan
and dan without tanpa
nor maupun to ke, kepada
but, yet tapi than (comparison) daripada
or atau like (comparison) seperti
so jadi, begitu don't jangan
if jika, kalau not yet belum
also juga can (ability) bisa
except kecuali can (be allowed to) boleh
even bahkan, pun can (to manage) dapat
before sebelum let mari, biar
after setelah until sampai
that (stating) yang, bahwa, agar is ialah, adalah
because kerena meanwhile, while, when sementara, sembari, selagi, ketika
from dari during selama
according to menurut about tentang, mengenai
in, on, at di, pada should, shall, must harus, mesti
by oleh since sejak, semenjak
as sebagai again lagi
only hanya, cuma, sahja really sungguh
besides selain always selalu, sentinasa
sometimes kadang rarely jarang
actually sebenarnya indeed memang

Percentage of Loanwords (estimate)[]

Language Percentage (estimate)
Austronesian ~85%
Indo-European ~10%
Afro-Asiatic ~5%

Subjects (Sabjek-sabjek)[]

Mathematics = Matematika

Social Studies = Pelajaran Masyarakat

History = Sejarahan

Geography = Geografi

Economics = Pelajaran Ekonomik

Civics = Pelajaran Sivik

Science = Sensa

English = Bahasa Inggris

Music = Musika

Arts = Seni

Physical Education = Pelajaran Jasmani

Health = Kesahatan

Technology and Livelihood Education = Pelajaran Teknologi dan Kehidupan

Home Economics = Pelajaran Ekonomik Rumah

Countries (Bangsa-bangsa)[]

U.S.A. = Amerika / Serikat Amerika (S.A.)

Philippines = Filipinas

Panau = Panau

Malaysia = Malaysia

Indonesia = Indonesia

Vietnam = Vietnam

Thailand = Thailand

China = Cina

Japan = Yapon

Korea = Korea

U.K. = Kerajaan Bersatu Inggris Raya (K.B.I.R.) / Inggris

India = Hindia

Saudi Arabia = Saudi Arabia

France = Pranses

Spain = Espanyol

Italy = Italia

Russia = Rusia

Germany = Alemania

Brazil = Brazil

Mongolia = Mongolia

Kazakhstan = Kazakhistan

Pakistan = Pakistan

Iran = Iran / Persia

Iraq = Irak

Israel = Israel

Turkey = Turki

Greece = Yunani

Vehicles (Kenduraan-kenduraan)[]

car = kereta

motorcycle = motorsiklet

bicycle = bisiklet, sepeda

tricycle = trisiklet

unicycle = unisiklet

pedicab = becak, pedikab

scooter = skuter

truck = trak

bus = bus

van = van

train = keretapi

boat = perahu

ship = kapal

airplane = pesawat, erplen

helicopter = helikopter

Directions (Arah-arah)[]

north = utara

south = selatan

west = barat

east = timur

northwest = barat laut

northeast = timur laut

southwest = barat daya

southeast = tenggara

up = atas

down = turun, bawah

left = kiri

right = kanan

front = hadap

back = kembali

Affixes (Afiks-afiks)[]

Prefix (Prefiks)[]

pem-, peng- = states where the person is from, what his/her job or doing is.

ber- = to be, to have

mem- , meng- = to do

di- = was done, did

ter- = most, least (superlative, adj.) / accidentally (verb)

se- = one thing (Filipino sang-), (Malay / Indonesian se-)

ke- = sets the gloss of an adjective (Fil. ma-, ka-)

Suffix (Sufiks)[]

-kah = asking a question curiously

-lah = saying politely, stressing the sentence

-an = suffix that makes new words

-i, -kan = results in a verb indicating causation; making or causing something to happen.

Confix (Konfiks)[]

ke- -an, ker- -an = (English -ness), noun referring to a place or region, etc. (Malay / Indonesian ke- -an), (Filipino ka- -an)

ketidak- -an = (English in/un- -ness), negation of ke- -an

pe- -an, per- -an = noun referring to a place or region

Basic Words (Kata Dasar)[]

person = orang, rakyat, manusia

man = lelaki, pria, lakilaki

woman = gadis, betina, wanita, perempuan

city = kota

town = bandar

country = bangsa, negara

animal = hiwan, binatang

plant = tanaman

house = rumah

language = bahasa

province = wilayah, provinsi

region = regi, daerah

race (people) = ras

earth = bumi, dunia

Technology (Teknologi)[]

computer = komputer

cellphone = selpon

tablet = tablet

television = televisi

radio = radio

refrigerator = refrijeretor, kulkas

microwave = mikrowaif

CD disk = disk CD

bulb = bombila

Government (Pemerintah)[]

government = pemerintah

president = penghulu, presiden

vice president = penghulu visi

senator = senator

senate = senat

law = hukum

court = hukuman

community, society = masyarakat

politics = politik

economics = ekonomik

factory = pabrik

product = produk

Mathematical Operations (Operasi Matematikal)[]

addition = tambahan, adisi

add = tambah

subtraction = bausan, subtraksi

subtract = baus

multiplication = biakan, multiplikasi

multiply = biak

division = kilahatian, divisi

divide = kilahati

fraction = fraksi

... over ... (... / ...) = ... per ...

1/2 = satu per dua / separuh (half)

1/3 = satu per tiga / sengarat

1/10 = satu per sepuluh / sepulir

equals / equals to... = sama (same)

Emotions (Emosi-emosi)[]

happy = gembira, senang

sad = sedih

angry = marah

laugh, laughter = tawa

worry = kuatir

doubt = ragu

pity, mercy = kasihan

scared, fear = takut, ketakutan

nervous = marudah

depression = kesedihan, depresi

Adjectives (Kata-kata sifat)[]

beautiful = indah, cantik, bagus

ugly = jelek, hodoh

good = baik, bagus, enak

bad = buruk

right = tepat, benar

wrong = salah, kilaf

true = benar, betul

false = palsu, salah

real = nyata

fake = falsu, salah

tall = tinggi

short = pendek

big = besar, gedang

small = kecil, dikit, ketek, kincup

many = banyak

few = sedikit, beberapa

colorful = penuh warna

bright = terang, cerah

dark = gelap, gulita, redup

dim = redup

great = hebat, raya

famous = terkenal

hot = panas

warm = hangat

cold = sejuk

long = panjang

short (length) = pendek, ikli

smelly = berbau

tasty = lezat

delicious = sedap

School-related Things (Benda-benda berkaitan Sekolah)[]

student = pelajar, studen, mahasiswa, murid

teacher = pengajar, guru

learn, study = belajar

teach = ajar

school = sekolah

pencil = pensil

bolpen = bolpen

paper = paperis, kertas

book = buku, kitab, akolat

notebook = notbuku, kuaderna, buku catatan

chalk = kapur

crayon = krayon

draw = lukis, seri

paint = pinta

scholar = sekolar, sarjana

medal = medal

test, exam = kir, eksam

quiz = ulangan, kwiz

seatwork = kursi kerja, sitwerk

answer = sahut, jawab

chart = cart

globe = model dunia, glob

map = peta, map

Verbs (Kata-Kata kerja)[]

speak, talk = cakap, berbicara, berbahasa

say = berkata

understand = paham

tell = mencerita, bercerita

advice, notify = memberitahu

teach = ajar

learn, study = belajar

know = tahu

want = ingin, mahu, hendak

love = cinta, kasih

like = suka, gemar

sing = nyanyi, berlagu

dance = tari

walk = berjalan

run = berlari

jump, leap = lompat

see = lihat

hear = dengar

smell = bau

taste = cipi

feel = merasa

touch = sentuh

read = baca

write = tulis, surat

paint = lukis

cook = masak

eat = makan

live = hidup

stay = tinggal

leave = meninggalkan

play = main

try = coba

get = mendapat

take = ambil

create, make = membuat, mencipta

destroy = hancur

add = tambah

delete, remove = hapus

finish, finished = selesai

do = melaku

open = buka

close = tutup

become = menjadi

happen = terjadi

watch = tonton

wear = pakai

take off = lepaskan

start = mulai

end = berakhir

wash = cuci

dry = kering

rise = naik, bangun

fall = jatuh

stand = berdiri

sit = duduk

lie down = berbaring

tell the truth = menceritakan kebenaran

lie (telling a lie) = bohong

smile = senyum

frown = kerut

have a romantic excitement (kilig) = kilig

bring = bawa

go = pergi, tuju

aim = menuju

buy = beli

sell = jual, benta

keep = jaga

hide = sembunyi

show, point = menunjuk (tunjuk = point)

own = sendiri, memiliki

have = punya, memiliki

wait = tunggu

return = kembali, balik, pulang

reply = balas

post, send = kirim

chat = ubrul

save = simpan

need = butuh, perlu

hold = memegang

hurt = sakit, menyakit

accept = menerima

decline = menurun

respond = tanggap

receive = beroleh

scold = memarahi

cheat = curang

trigger = icu

deceive = mengicu

sleep = tidur

build, wake up = bangun

Food (Makanan-makanan)[]

eat = makan

food = makanan (notice the -an)

breakfast = sarapan

lunch = makan siang, tengaharian

dinner = makan malam, sorean, malaman

snack = camilan, marenda

meat = daging

beef = daging sapi

pork = daging babi

chicken = daging ayam

squid = daging sotong

fish = daging ikan

fruit = buah

vegetables = sayur

hotdog = hatdog

sausage = soseja

rice = beras (uncooked), nasi (cooked)

milk = susu

chocolate = coklat

salad = salad

egg = telor

apple = apal

orange = orenja

grape, grapes = anggur

pear = pair

mango = mangga

banana = pisang

tamarind = sempaluk

guava = jambu

coconut = kelapa, niur

candy = kendi

cracker, crackers = kraker

wafer = wafer

jelly = jeli

lollipop = lolipap

ice cream = ais krim, sorbetas

vinegar = cuka

soy sauce = sas soya

ketchup, catsup = kecap

sauce = sas

gravy = grefi

carrot = karot

cabbage = kabes

lettuce = saleda

celery = seleri

cheese = keju

oil = minyak

noodle = mie

soup = sopas, sebau


Date and Time (Tanggal dan Waktu)[]

Date (Tanggal)[]

Months (Bulan)[]

English Bahasa Panau
January Januari
February Febrari
March Marsi
April April
May Mayu
June Junyu
July Julayu
August Agustu
September September
October Oktober
November November
December Desember

Days of the Week (Hari Minggu)[]

English Bahasa Panau Muslims Hindu Buddhist
Sunday Minggu Ahad Rawi Aita
Monday Senin Isnin Soma Soma
Tuesday Selasa Selasa Mangala Mangala
Wednesday Rabu Arbia Buda Buda
Thursday Kamis Khamis Guru Bihi
Friday Jumat Jumat Syukra Syukra
Saturday Sabtu Sabat Syani Syani

Other Terms[]

month = bulan

day = hari

week = minggu

year = tahun

Time (Waktu)[]

hour = pukul, jam

minute = minit

second = saat

am = pagi

pm (afternoon) = sore

pm (night) = malam

Example: November 27, 2:35 pm = November duapuluh tujuh, pukul kedua dan minit ketigapuluh lima sore


every = saban, setiap (saban hari, saban bulan, saban tahun)

People and Society, etc. (Orang-orang dan Masyarakat, etc.)[]

people = orang / rakyat

community, society = masyarakat

living = kehidupan

religion, belief = agama / kepercayaan

technology = teknologi

government = pemerintah

culture = budaya

tradition = tradisi / adat

race of people = ras

species, specimen = spesi, spesimen

language = bahasa

native language = bahasa asli / bahasa asal (original)

sign language = bahasa isyarat (sign)

communicate = komunikat

communication = komunikasi

start = mulai / awak

end = akhir

conversation = konversasi / percakapan

inside = dalam

outside = luar


Romance (Percintaan)[]

I love you. = Aku cinta kamu.

Do you love me? = Kamu cinta aku?

I love you so much. = Aku cinta kamu banyak.

I want you. = Aku mahu kamu.

You're beautiful. = Kamu adalah indah. / Indah kamu.

You're handsome. = Kamu adalah tampan. / Tampan kamu.

You're sexy. = Kamu adalah seksi. / Seksi kamu.

You're attractive. = Kamu adalah menarik. / Menarik kamu.

Can we have a moment? = Boleh kita jurus? (jurus = moment)

I'm (...) = Aku adalah (...). / (...) aku.

single = lajang

married = dinikah (nikah = marry)

widowed = dijanda (janda = widow)

divorced = dicerai (cerai = divorce)

complicated = dirumit (rumit = complicate)


Tenses (Tegang-tegang)[]

Past: sudah & telah (already), dulu (distant past), tadi (recent past)

Present: setiap, sekarang (now), sedang (currently, in moderation)

Future: akan (will), harus (should), kelak (distant future), nanti (near future, later)

Events (Acara-acara)[]

Happy Birthday! = Selamat Hari Lahir! (lahir = born, birth)

Happy New Year! = Selamat Tahun Baru!

Merry Christmas! = Selamat Krismas! / Selamat Hari Noel!

Happy Easter! = Selamat Hari Paskah!

Happy Anniversary! = Selamat Aniversari! / Selamat Hari Pernikahan! (nikahwin = marry, pernikahwinan = marriage)

Classifiers (Penggolong-penggolong)[]

Classifier Use
sebatang long objects
sebuah fruits
secangkir liquids in a cup
seekor animals
segelas liquids in a glass
sehelai a strand of
selembar a sheet of
semangkuk a bowl of
seorang people
sepasangan a pair of
sepiring food
setangkai plants
setitik a drop of

Colloquial Panauan (Bahasa Panau Kolokyal)[]

Wah = well, so, well then

Nih = ini

Tuh = itu

Dih = confirming the listener about the statement, emphasizing about an adjective

Lah = strong emphasis

Nu = right?

Lem = this is so, you know

Ya = yes, isn't it

Hika = let us, let's go

Pronunciation (Pronunsiasi)[]

ai = e (ex. ramai => rame, main => men, baik => bek, sehelai = seh'le)

au = o (ex. hijau => hijo, burung bahau => burung baho, harimau => harimo)

e = ' [depending] (ex. selalu => s'lalu, sempaluk => s'mpaluk, belajar = b'lajar)

Rules of e[]

  • e will change to ' once it is a second letter of the word or middle syllable
  • e will not change if the letter h is next to it.
  • if the first two syllables has an e, the first one will remain the same but the next syllable will become ' (like kedelai = ked'le)


person singular form possessive singular form plural form
1st per. exclusive kami (we, excluding you)
1st per. inclusive kong (I, me) -ku (my, mine) kita (we, includes you)
2nd person mong (you) -mu (your) lian (you people)
3rd person ja (she, he) -nya (her, his) reka (they)