
Head direction
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations Yes
Genders Two
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 4%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words 137 of 137
Creator matershelnaki

Classification and Dialects[]

There are ways of formal and informal speech. Besides this, there are no dialectical differences in the simple tongue.

Phonology & Writing System[]


Those in () are for condensed and professional use.

Bilabial Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Velar
Nasal m n
Plosive p t ch (č) k, g
Fricative v s z sh (š), zh (ž)
Affricate ts (ŧ)
Approximant w j (i)


Front Central Back
High i u
Mid e o
Low a


Grammar (incomplete)[]


Plurals of nouns are formed by simply adding the suffix "-im" to the stem.


In shelnaki, there is an honorific system akin to the French's vous for the singular second person, the Japanese suffix system, and the vocative.

Respect is denoted via the -o'i suffix (masculine) or the -oa suffix (feminine), where the ' indicates a gluttural stop.

For example:

Names: Ari -> Aro'i, Maks -> Makso'i, Sara -> Saroa

Words: knesa -> knesoa, kal -> kalo'i


Verbs are identified by taking the stem of the word and adding the following prefixes or suffixes, demonstrated via the words "knes" (hunt, gather) and "tot" (complete, finish):

*note that j would be written i in actual script

shem sheladam (pronoun) a'antetam (past) asettam (present) a'akertam (future)
ani knesti | totti knes | tot jiknes  | jitot
te, yu knesta(sh)*  | totta(sh) knes(h)  | tot(esh) jitot('esh)
li, il knestan  | tottan knes(en)**  | tot(en) jiknes  | jitot
nu knestam  | tottam knesim  | totim jiknesim  | jitotim
vu, ja knestae  | tottae knese  | tote jiknese  | jitote
li, il knestao  | tottao kneso  | toto jikneso  | jitoto

the infinitive is denoted by -te

  • the "-sh" suffix is used in writing and foral speech only. It is not spoken or used in casual conversation.
    • the "-en" suffix is only used in the present progressive.


Noun - Verb - Direct Object - Indirect Object / Prepositional

Lexicon (incomplete)[]

There are 137 words in shelnaki. This is the entire extent of the language. Adama (feminine) forms are formed by adding the suffix "-a"
shem (word) šhm nan šhlnaki adam (masc) adama (fem) shem shelratz (verb) ali (other)
adam adam man, humankind, dirt, ground woman, earth, mother nature till, farm, dig
aeo a'o
ai ai
ale (al) al
alifu alifu
ame am
amon amon
ani ani
anko anko
blazo blazo
bouzhizo boužizo
chichi čiči
cozi cozi
dako dako
dati dati
de d
desu dsu lower part below place under, go under, tunnel
detevan dtvan
disupa disupa nothing absence remove, eradicate
dobin dobin
doso doso two, even duality duplicate
ekado 'kado one, God, odd one, unity unite, bring together
emete 'mte a life, truth experience
ensiku 'nsiku
ensu 'nsu
eshi 'ši
esupu 'supu
ezumewado 'zumwado
filupaia filupaia
fulo fulo
fuwiku fuwiku
fuwontu fuwontu
gaku gaku
Gashem Gašm
guchizhi gučiži
gulan gulan
gumi gumi
guwande guwand
i / e i / e
iagen iagn
iu iu
izhimu ižimu
kadesu kadsu
kalos kalos
kaonu kaonu
kashucheshu kašučšu
kebilu kbilu
kel kl
komu komu
konko konko
kopu kopu
kose kos
kuleo kul'o
lakan lakan
lanuyo lanuyo
leko l'ko
li (il) li (il)
longuii longuii
lozho ložo
lumpu lumpu
lun lun
ma ma
mai mai
mashu mašu
menso mnso
mepo mpo
minioni minioni
mishtameshu mištamšu
moku moku
moluso moluso
muli muli
mulu mulu
muotsu muoŧu
naki naki purity, orderliness, logic, goodness beauty, aestheticness, heartwarming organize, make pure, adorn
nan nan
nezo nezo
no no
nome nom
nowo nowo
nuli nuli
o o or
ola ola
opo opo
osefu osfu hunter, strategist thinker, collector hunt, gather, absorb
ovedi ovdi
pakan pakan
palan palan
pi pi
pilanfulu pilanfulu
pili pili
pizu pizu
pokatu pokatu
pol(u) pol
pu pu
pulido pulido
sefa sfa
selan slan
shishum šišum
shoen šo'n
shone šon different thing, mutation different idea, vision, dream to differentiate, to change, to dream
shozu šozu
shuku šuku shop, store, vendor sell, vend
sin sin
sofu sofu
sutako sutako
sudate sudat
sulone sulon
sumikuse sumikus
supidoso supidoso
supuloi supuloi
tagoto tagato
taimo taimo
tan tan a wait wait, remain
tenmun tnmun
tomu tomu
totu totu full, entire amount, c. physical world entire, whole, possible whole, c. theorhetical complete, finish
tsevu ŧvu
tu tu
tun tun
ven vn
wasuki wasuki
wasupilu wasupilu
waza waza
we w
wilai wilai
woko woko
wovoko wovoko
yoli yoli
zakudu zakadu
zenchi znči
zendo zndo
zhame žam
zhilu žilu
zhu žu
zili zili
zon zon
zulu zulu

Number System[]

Shelnaki utilizes a base ten numbering system with a full range of numbers. While it is fully possible to communicate in the language without using numbers, there are a number of derived compounds from the stemlist that create all numbers up to 1,000. From that point on, loaned SI prefixes are used to increase number. The word for "ten" uses the honorific form "-o'i" as it refers to a "minyan" - the minimum number of adults required to carry out religious acts in Abrahamic faiths.

The words utilized are "ekado" for one, "doso" for two," "blazo" for five, "kebilu" for ten, and "konko" for one hundred. "kebilu" is derived from a minyan which is a group of ten people while "konko" is derived from being the square of "kebilu"

kaonu shlnaki
1 ekado
2 doso
3 ekadoto
4 dosoto
5 blazo (ekadote)
6 dosote
7 ekadone
8 dosone
9 ekadono
10 kebiluo'i
11 (ke)biloiekado
12 bilo'idoso
20 dosokebil(u)
21 dosokebekado
22 dosokebidoso
30 kebilto
40 dosokebiluto
50 blazokebilu (kebilute)
60 dosokebilute
70 kebilune
80 dosokebilune
90 kebiluno
100 kebilukonko
200 dosokonko
300 ekadotokonko
400 dosotokonko
500 blazokonko
1,000 KILOkonko
1,000,000 MEGAkonko
1,000,000,000 GIGAkonko
1,000,000,000,000 TETARAkonko

Example text[]

When God began to create heaven and earth...

Altaimo Gašm vntn kul'ot manaki'ma....

(at the time God began to create paradise and land...)

the earth being unformed and void, with darkness over the surface of the deep and a wind from God sweeping over the water -

Ma disupa kopu, imdak ads muoŧušlsupiloi'a'o d Gašm a'o'n ads liku -

(earth lacked form, with dark over the surface of depth and wind from God breathing over water)
