Conlang map 2

Map of the world

This world is a parallel earth. The geography and biology are the same, but the culture and history are different. Instead of the Earthly languages we're all familiar with, on this world our conlangs flourish as the languages of the people.

[This world currently has no name. Please see the Talk Page to submit suggestions for names. We recommend you submit the word for "world" or "earth" in your language(s).

If you'd like to join and contribute to this world, contact Wario Toad.

Nations and Their Languages

The following names are all native names. 

(Note: if the native script is not Latin, Cyrillic or Greek, or a combination thereof, the Latin transliteration will be provided.)

Nation Capital Language
Gelogland Gëlburg Gelog
Lhubanil Iaþi