
This language was created for the Ozymandias Challenge on Discord. It was the winner of this challenge (possibly because it was the only entry).

Orthographical Summary[]

There are two register tones, the lower of which is represented by underlining the vowel (a vs a).

Long vowels are represented by colons after the vowel (a vs a:).

Stress (solely consisting of syllable loudness) is represented by an acute over the vowel (a → á). These are combined with umlauts to form “double acute accents” on stressed vowels with umlauts (ö → ő).

Grammatical Summary[]

The language is SOV. However, adjectives appear after nouns and adverbs come after verbs.

There is a zero copula, so the present-tense word analogous to "is" is omitted.

Verbs conjugate for mood (indicative or imperative).

Nouns conjugate for definiteness and case (genitive, locative, vocative).

The language has many instances of non-concatenative morphology, both derivational and inflectional, with possession by oneself indicated using an entirely different root (suppletion).

Notably, “(most important, notable) x of x’s”, is directly derived from the word x (so “king of kings” is a single word derived from “king”).

Ozymandias Text[]

And on the pedestal these words appear:

'My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!'

Nothing beside remains. Round the decay

Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare

The lone and level sands stretch far away.

Reit sü:k vzas gvor

'Mälléi Ozymándias, grózu.

Zö:ré: gzülűn, bëbé:s, reit ö:ba̋:n!''

Nű:zö:t. Mo:rá:

mutávö sup, tözík zö:rgű reit dë,

tö:r reit dvön görp svo:.


This is in order of appearance in the Ozymandias text, with related words and inflections included. Words within the Ozymandias text are in bold.

reit = and

su:k = a pedestal

swigi = this or that pedestal

swik = on a pedestal

sü:k = on this or that pedestal

bas = word

bäs = this or that word

bózus = words

vzas = these or those words

gépär = write(s)

gu:g = write!

gvor = is/are written

mälléi = my name

mölléi = my names (the things people call me)

égüt = name

göft = this or that name

mágu = names

gëlá = these or those names

grózu = king of kings

grëző = kings of kings

grádu = a king

gëlő = kings

gálö = this or that king

rëdú = these or those kings

műgüs = see(s)/look(s) upon

gzülűn = look upon (it/them)!

zügú: = is/are seen

zárë = my creation

zö:ré: = my creations

vü:n = creation

vínü = creations

bias = mighty (one)

beviás = mighty ones

be:s = o mighty one

bëbé:s = o mighty ones

nébev = despair(s)

ö:ba̋:n = despair!

őböhü = cause someone to despair

zri:t = there is something

re:n = there is nothing

zrëgé:t = there is still something; something remains

dövőt = there is nothing (now); nothing remains

dü:gí:s = something beside remains

nű:zö:t = nothing beside remains

tó:rk = flat area of sand

tő:zik =  this/that flat area of sand

tő:zerk = flat areas of sand

tözík = these/those flat areas of sand

mort = a wreck

brat = this/that wreck

brádu = wrecks

mudór = these/those wrecks

bráza = around a wreck

mo:rá: = around this/that wreck

brávu = of a wreck

mutávö = of this/that wreck

sup = colossal

sü:rk = boundary

së:rgű = having bounds

zö:rgű = boundless

dë: = bare

slë: = more bare

tö:r = alone/lone

da:r = more alone

dvön = level

zin = more level

ke:p = stretch something

gä:vn = strech!

görp = is/are stretched

svo: = far away

zva: = farther away
