
Kantabriagu, a sister language to Galeiga, is the revived form of the ancient Celtic language of Northwestern Iberia known as Cantabrian. It's an Ibero-Celtic language with Ibero-Basque loans and a few exceptions for Latin, Gothic Arabic via the Ibero-Romance languages. Many Celtic words from Gallaic and Brythonic survive to this day in Cantabrian, Asturian, Galician and Portuguese, which have been incorporated into the language. There are also loans from Gaulish, Brythonic (Galicia was colonized by Britons during the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain) or from primitive Irish/Gaelic words that can be traced back to their Celtiberian equivalents. Galeiga and Kantábreih are seen as Western Celtiberian and Northern Celtiberian respectively. Kantábreih tends to be much more conservative in its morphology and has a significant Basque influence. The modern areas associated with these languages are Galicia (Gallaecia) and Cantabria. "Totz gena danga totz gena arma ez"; "a people without a language is a people without a soul".

Proto Cantabric: Cantabriaco tangua sena Cantabrias eni Toute-uφos Iberias esi, auota inte nouion to dumne nouie indi cantaiesti uicontis oinos.

Old Cantabric: Cantabriaco tangua sena Galaiciaco eni Tode-ufos Iberiaco esi, auoda noiona duune noieensat endi cantaisti ficonti oinos.

Middle Cantabric: Kantabriagu danga sena Galeigiaku Toðe-hoan Ibereaku ese, auda noioa do duunu noioentzat kantaisea higonti oino.

Kantabriagu: Kantabriagu danga zen Galeiagu Totzehoan Ibéreagu ez, auda noioa dun noioentzat kantaiza higondi on.

Galeiga: Galeiga tãg séa aHaleia en Tozefó azIbérea es, ouda ã noiu dó doun noiu ã gandais figõd oen.

English: "Gallaic is the old language of Gallaecia in Northwestern Iberia, made anew for the new world of the twenty-first century."

Português: "Neo-Galaico é a lingua antiga da Gallaecia no noroeste da Ibéria, reconstruida para o novo mundo do século vinte e um."



Kantábreia>Cantábria>Cantábri: Land of a Hundred Hills. "Canta" (hundred) + "Bria" (hill).

Kantábrei>Cantábrega>Cantábrica: Of the Cantábri

all vowels (a,e,i,o,u) are pronounced much the same as they would be
in Galician or Asturian, stressed vowels (á,é,í,ó,ú) are elongated 
and take the word stress, diphthongs take the stress in words as well. 
z - /s/
ll - /lj/ (pronounced like the Portuguese "lh")
k - /k/ 
g - /g/ 
j - /j/
tx - /tʃ/ 
h - /x/, /h/
in(vowel) - "iñ_" (Vínu is pronounced "víñu" <vínhu>)

-Historical Sound Changes-[]

Proto Celtic Gaulish Celtiberian Gallaecian English
wer- >uɸer uer or or over
ouxs ux os/us os/us up
uɸo uo uo/vo uo/ua (vo/va, fo/fa) under
eɸiro- eron ero eru after
geno- genos genos enus born
sego- segos segos seus victory
brig- brix briga bri/bria fort/elevated
widu- uidus uidus/vidus fidus wood
tarwo- taruos taruos tarvus bull
anman- anuan alman alman name
kʷenno pennon cennon cennun head
rextu- rextus retus retus right
dumno- dumnon dunon dunun world
swexs suex sues sues six
wlana- ulana lana ulana wool
ɸlano- lanos lanos lanus field/full
duxtir duxtir duater duater daughter
rig- rix ri ri king

-Lenition and Compound Words-[]


Lenition in Kantábreiha is purely hypothetical and has been applied here in a limited manner, there being some evidence for it in the continental Celtic tongues. Lenition is applied at a mutation of the initial letter of the second word in compound words and when a personal pronoun is attached to a preposition.

Consonant Mutation Pairs










Compound Lenition (Adjectives and describing nouns precede nouns in compound words)

Kurmidegu - Kurmi + Tegu (Tavern, "beer house")

Aurgurmi - Aur + Kurmi (Cider, "apple beer")

Tentsur - Ten + Dur (Liquor/Spirits, "firewater")

Hinugar - Hinu + Kar (Grape, "wineberry")

Kenan - Ken + -an (Brain, "in head")

This also applies to the plural form of body parts that come in pairs:

Ear: Kruz - Dagruz

Hand: Lam – Dallam

Arm: Brak – Damrak

Leg: Gar – Dahar

Foot: Troh – Dutsroh

Eye: Ok - Duok

-Plural Form-[]

The plural form of Kantábreiha is mostly regular, borrowing the plural suffix from Basque

Dog - Dogs: Kun - Kuñek

Cat - Cats: Gatu - Gatuek

Beer - Beers: Kuren - Kureñek

House - Houses: Teh - Tehek



"Kantábreih ezo."

"I'm Cantábrian."

"Vinoan vitzahta ez, kurenan launahta ez"

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is joy

"Druvits ezo, ma kamen Druvitsahta ez."

I am a druid, my path is Druidry.

"Katzuraun ak zergarauna kurendehats rakamen. Allan kuren radehen ak kih matza raetsen".

A warrior and a huntress walked to a tavern. They drank a lot of beer and ate good meat.

"Urtsuna mu dó ez, umbiotz ma krets ez, Tiara mu nemetzón ez."

The universe is my god, nature is my faith, the Earth is my temple.



0: zero

1: on - ona (oinos<oino<on - oina<ona)

2: du - da (dwei<dwe<du - dwa<da)

3: tri (tisris<tiris<tris)

4: ketur (kwetru<ketur)

5: kenk (kwenkwe<kenk)

6: zeiz (swexs<sweis<zeis)

7: zets (sextam<seita<zet)

8: oitz (oxtu<oitu<oitz)

9: nav (nawan<naua<nau<nav)

10: deh (dekam<deca<deh)

11: ondeh

12: dudeh

13: trideh

14: cedurdeh

15: kenkdeh

16: zeizdeh

17: zetseh

18: oitzeh

19: navdeh

20: vihont (wikonti<viconti<vihont)

30: vihont deh

40: duvihont

50: duvihont deh

60: trivihont

70: trivihont deh

80: cedurvihont

90: cedurvihont deh

100: cant (kantom<cantu<cant)

1,000: mil

1,000,000: millón
