
Grammar rules for Ylysepen.


Word Order[]

Ylysepen is a mixture of SVO and SOV word order. The grammatical tense is introduced before the object, but the verb itself isn't revealed until afterwards. The formula for sentences is thus:


Subordinate clauses[]

Subordinate clauses are formed in a manner similar to English.

The woman saw [the man who had given her the flowers].
I o̧ser ver [o imer kim sjerom gilker luken] kjosen.

Note that infinitives do not exist in Ylysepen. They must be represented as subordinate clauses with a subject.

The dog wants [to fight the cat].
I kanak es [émke im es o korbiker somen] spajren.



Ylysepen-vowel mutation

a, e, and ʌ are unrounded so they move up. o and u and rounded so they move forward. The remaining vowels do not change even if they are in the accented syllable.

Nouns have complex pluralization. The accented (usually first) syllable of the word rises if the vowel is unrounded, or comes forward if its unrounded. If the accented syllable is the final syllable also, then an -i is added to the end. A set of irregular nouns ending in -Vs pluralizes differently. In this case, -Vs is dropped, and em is added.

Singular Plural Demonstrates
i sjenel dem sjénel rising
i kjos dem kjo̧si nearing, -i
i yly dem yly no change
i naris dem nárem rising, s>m

The s>m also affects the articles i and ilos. They form dem and ilem this way. Interestingly, speaking of the i article is even more strangely pluralized:

Dem iren jans árticul.
Is are articles.

This is the only word that takes -n when pluralized. Note that articul is a nonstandard word, borrowed from English.
