
Galeiga (Neo-Gallaic) is the revived form of the ancient Celtic language of the Gallaeci tribal confederation of Northwestern Iberia known as "Gallaecian" or "Gallaic". The vocabulary of Galeiga is solely Ibero-Celtic with Ibero-Basque loans as well as Latin, Gothic, and Arabic via the Ibero-Romance languages. Many Celtic words from Gallaic survive to this day in Galician and Portuguese, which have been incorporated into the language. There are also loans from Gaulish, Brythonic (Galicia was colonized by Britons during the Anglo-Saxon invasion of Britain) or from primitive Irish/Gaelic words that can be traced back to their Celtiberian equivalents. Galeiga is seen as Western Iberian Celtic whereas her sister language Kantabriagu is Northern Iberian Celtic respectively. Kantabriagu tends to be much more conservative in its morphology and has a significant Basque influence. "Tuda gen tãg tuda gen alma es"; "a people without a language is a people without a soul". Galeiga is that old soul of Gallaecia.

Proto Gallaic: Galaeca tangua sena Galaeceis eni Toute-uφos Iberias esi, auota inte nouion to dumne nouie indi cantaiesti uicontis oinos.

Old Gallaic: Galaica tangua sena ad Galaicia eni Tode-ufos ad Iberia esi, auoda ene noiun to duune noie endi cantaisti viconti oenus.

Middle Gallaic: Galaiga danga sena að Galeigia ene Toðe-fo að Iberea ese, auda an noiu do duunu noiu an gandaise figonde oenu.

Galeiga: Galeiga dãg séa aHaleia en Tozefó azIbérea es, ouda ã noiu dó doun noiu ã gandais figõd oen.

Kantabriagu: Kantabriagu danga zen Kantabriagu gu Totzean Ibéreagu ez, auda noioa dun noioentzat kantaiza higondi on.

English: "Gallaic is the old language of Gallaecia in Northwestern Iberia, made anew for the new world of the twenty-first century."

Português: "Neo-Galaico é a lingua antiga da Gallaecia no noroeste da Ibéria, reconstruida para o novo mundo do século vinte e um."


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Credit for Galeiga (Neo-Gallaic) goes to Brigantus Cambaricus:

To hear the language spoken, follow this link:


Galeiga: Gal+ega

(Gallaeci) Galla (Calla, C could also be G in Latin) from proto-Celtic "Gala-" (power, strength, force) plus "-ico"/"-eco", an Iberian Celtic suffix used to indicate possession or belonging. So, Gallaeci, Galla-eci (plural), Galla-ecos/eca (singular). Their name could mean something like, "Strong people" or "People of power".

all vowels (a,ã,e,i,o,õ,u) are pronounced much the same as they would be in Portuguese, 
stressed vowels (á,é,í,ó,ú) are elongated and take the word stress,
diphthongs take the stress in words as well. 
s - /s/, /z/ when preceding "e" or "i", /ʃ/ before a consonant
ll - /lj/ (pronounced like the Portuguese "lh")
c - /k/
g - /g/
x - /ʃ/ 
h - /x/, /h/
z – /ð/
in(vowel) - "iñ_" (Fínu is pronounced "fíñu" <fínhu>)

-Historical Sound Changes-

Proto Celtic Gaulish Celtiberian Gallaecian English
wer- >uɸer uer or or over
ouxs ux os/us os/us up
uɸo uo uo/vo uo/ua (vo/va, fo/fa) under
eɸiro- eron ero eru after
geno- genos genos enus born
sego- segos segos seus victory
brig- brix briga bri/bria fort/elevated
widu- uidus uidus/vidus fidus wood
tarwo- taruos taruos tarvus bull
anman- anuan alman alman name
kʷenno pennon cennon cennun head
rextu- rextus retus retus right
dumno- dumnon dunon dunun world
swexs suex sues sues six
wlana- ulana lana ulana wool
ɸlano- lanos lanos lanus field/full
duxtir duxtir duater duater daughter
rig- rix ri ri king

-Lenition and Compound Words-


Lenition in Gallaic is purely hypothetical and has been applied here in a limited manner, there being some evidence for it in the continental Celtic tongues. Lenition in Gallaic exists as a mutation of the initial letter of the second word in compound words and when a personal pronoun is attached to a preposition.

Consonant Mutation Pairs










Compound Lenition (Adjectives and describing nouns precede nouns in compound words)

Cordéu - Cor + Téu (Tavern, "beer house")

Oulgor - Oul + Cor (Cider, "apple beer")

Tenzouru - Ten + Douru (Liquor/Spirits, "firewater")

Fínugara - Fínu + Cara (Grape, "wineberry")

Enhen - En + Gen (Brain, "in head")

This also applies to the plural form of body parts that come in pairs:

Ear: Grusa - Doahrusa (clusta)

Hand: Lama – Doallama

Arm: Braga – Doamraga

Leg: Gar – Doahar

Foot: Troaz – Doudroaz

Eye: Ogu - Douogu

Personal Pronouns Attached to a Preposition

Islã adu! - Hello (Health at you) *Adu (a+tu), "at you"

Dor avi tá - Sorry (there is pain at me) *Avi (a+mi), "at me"

Personal Name Formation

Example: Egharoun Courel

Eg+garoun (gara+oun) = Horse Lover

Courel = Small Giant


Có? – Where

Cad? – What?

Cã? – When?

Cé? – Who?

Ced/Cad camã? – How? (What path/way)

Cez – How many?

Cadó? – Why? (what for)

Cad Fáz? – Why? (what reason)

Cad óar es? – What time?



I: Mi

You: Tu

He: E

She: Si

It: Í

Y’all: Sus

We: Nin

They: Sis

My: Mou/Moa

Your: Tou/Toa

His/Hers/Its: Soi/Soia

Y’all’s: Sou/Soa

Our: Nou/Noa

Their: Siu/Siua

Pronouns Attached to Prepositions

A (at/towards)

Avi - At me

Adu - At you

Azé - At him

Axi - At her

Azíz - At it

Axus - At y'all

Añin - At us

Axis - At them

Dó (to/for)

Dovi - To/for me

Dodu - To/for you


Govi - With me

Godu - With you

En (in)

Envi - In me

Endu - In you


The: Ã – Aña

This: Sú

That: Sin

These: Soi

Those: Sinu (sindo-)

Here: Ansú

There: Ansin



Again: Adé

Until: Co

Out/from: Eis

Over (great): Or (uor)

Top: Bar

Bottom/bum: Bunda

*superlative*: -óm

*diminutive*: -el/ela

*augmentative*: -ún/úna

Between: Endra (entara)

Up: Os (Osom highest)

In: En (Em when next word begins with "p", "b" or "m")

On: Or

Around: Om

Through: Trí

At/towards: A (Az before a vowel)

To/For: Dó

With: Gõ

If: Ma

Beyond (But): Édra

Also: Agu (c.i. Auku)

Too (also): Coadaida:

Under: Fú (c.i. uɸo)

Before: Cen

After: Eru (eɸiro-)

Next: Segaida

As: Sese (p.c. sweswe)

More: Barraida

Less: Bundaida

-Am- (Time)


Second: Segundu

Minute: Minutu

Hour: Óar - Óara

Week:  Sedañoid - Sedañoida

Weekend: Genxedañoid

Month: Mínsa – Mínsnã

Year: Blen – Bledna

Day: Diu – Diun

Today: Eniu (endiu)

Tomorrow: Amáreia (o.g. A-bárega)

The day after tomorrow: Diueru (day+after)

Tonight: Enoid

Yesterday: Dís

The day before yesterday: Diugen (day + before)

Now: Nú

Morning: Báreia - Báreiã

Night: Noid - Noida

Evening: Adah - Adaga

Midnight: Mezañoid

Sunset: Lé ã soul/Soullé ("set of the sun")

Sunset: Demsente

Sunrise: Éne ã soul/Souléne ("birth of the sun")  

Sunrise: Lugubrei (Lugu+brei: lightbreak) Basque: Argiurratze (light interruption).  

"Days of the week": Diun a sedañoid  

Weekdays: Sedañoideu diun  

Sunday: Souldiu (sun+day)/Domenga (Dominica)  

Monday: Lugradiu (moon+day)/Lugre (Lues)  

Tuesday: Caudiu (battle+day)/Marde (Martes)  

Wednesday: Endradiu (between+day)/Mergu (Mércores)  

Thursday: Nefudiu (sky+day)/Xofe (Joves)  

Friday: Lugudiu (light/Lugh+day)/Ferne (Vernes)  

Saturday: Madadiu (girl+day)/Xábadu (Sábado)  

-Rima- (Numbers)

0: seru

1: oen - oena (oinos<oinu<oen - oina<oena)

2: dou - doa (dwei<dwe<du<dou - dwa<doa)

3: trix (tisris<tiris<tris<trix)

4: cedru (kwetru<cetru<cedru)

5: coen (kwenkwe<coenca<coen)

6: seix (swexs<sweis<seis<seix)

7: seda (sextam<seita<seid<sed)

8: oidu (oxtu<oitu<oidu)

9: nof (nawan<noua<nou<nov<nof)

10: dea (dekam<deca<dega<dea)

11: oendea

12: doudea

13: trisdea

14: cedrudea

15: coingdea

16: sésdea

17: sédea

18: oidea

19: novadea

20: figõd (wikonti<ficonti<figond<figõd)

30: figõd dea

40: doufigõd

50: doufigõd dea

60: trisfigõd

70: trisfigõd dea

80: cedrufigõd

90: cedrufigõd dea

100: cãt (kantom<cantu<cant<cãt)

1,000: míl

1,000,000: millún

First: Centu/a

Second: Alu

Third: Tridu

Fourth: Ceduar

Fifth: Coenedu

Sixth: Seixu

Seventh: Sedau

Eighth: Oidau

Ninth: Nau

Tenth: Degau

*Rima aGantábreiha (Eastern dialect): oin/oina, du/dua, tris, cedur, coing, seis, sed, oid, nov, deh



The sentence struture of Galeiga is SOV, except in questions or negations, in which case it changes to VSO

The sentence structure becomes VSO. Questions are asked by beginning the question with the verb after the interrogative.

Cadó taí ansú? (Why are you here?)

Cede blen tá adu? (How old are you?) *How many year(s) do you have?*

There is no word for “yes”. Instead, the verb is repeated back in affirmation. “Ní” is “no/not”.

“Ezemuví az ã cordéu amáreia?” (Will we eat at the pub tomorrow?)

“Ezemuví”/”Ní ezemuví” (We will *eat*/We won't *eat*)


“Ní” precedes verbs to make negations. The normal SOV changes to VSO.

Ní tá avi cor. (I don’t have beer)

-Simple Past-

The simple past is indicated with the preverbial marker "ru-".

Cogeu mi = I cook

Rucogeu mi = I cooked

Dís ruezu cíg tourgea aga ruívu oulgur = Yesterday I ate boar meat and I drank cider

ru+ezu+mi (I ate) and ru+ívu+mi (I drank)


The future tense is indicated with the suffix "-ví".

Lavrau mi = I speak

Lavrauví mi = I will speak

Amárea téduví az ã cordéu = Tomorrow I will go to the tavern


"A" precedes the possessor (person), if the possessor is an object or place, "-eu" (masc) and "-ea" (fem) are used.

Aña dura téuea - The door of the house (téu+ea)

Sedañoideu diun - Weekdays "week's days" (sedañoid+eu)

à cor a mou garañu - My friend's beer


Hello: Islã adu! *health to you* (to one person)

Hello: Islã axus (more than one person)

Hello: Ola

Hey: Ei

Goodbye: Saz adu/asus *peace to you*

Goodbye: Adeu

Báreia maza – Good morning

Diu maz – Good day

Adag má – Good evening

Noid má – Good night

Please: Ma maz godu/goxus tá (If it's good with you)

Thanks: Sin maz bá (this was good) 

Thanks (a lot): Sin maz dovi bá (this was good for me) 

Thank you: Sin maz adu bá (this was good at you, *this was kind of you*) 

You're welcome: Nígoade es (it’s nothing)

Sorry: Dor avi tá (there is pain at me)

Galeig(a) esu (mi) - I am Gallaic

Eis Galeia esu (mi) - I am from Gallaecia

Galeiga Lavrau (mi) – I speak Gallaic

Ní lavrau (mi) Galeiga - I don't speak Gallaic

Galeiga biu tá – Gallaic is alive

Galei - "Gallaic people"

A lavra tau (mi) – I am speaking

Taí (tu) a lavra? – Are you speaking?

Moa – My name is...

Drui esu mi, moa camã Druizaida es – I am a druid, my path is Druidry

*Kantábreiha: "Drujtz ezo me, mua kaman Drujtzahta ez.".

Gara avi dodu tá – I love you

Tu garau (mi) - I love you


The word "and" (aga) is pronounced "ga" when spoken colloquially, much as the Basque word for "and" (eta) is pronounced "ta" in common speech. That is, unless the following word begins with a vowel, in which case "aga" is pronouned "ag-".

"Cor aga fínu" (kor-ga fiñu) - Beer and wine

"Orgu aga oulu" (orgu ag-owlu) - Pork and apples



à dam aga egã

En aña bría, dam eisgõ ulã egã rudergaí, oen eg carvãt trum a trag, oen lúd mag a ber, aga oen fer ã treg a ber. Ã dam az egã ruseg: "En mou grí dor tá, cã fer a lá egã dergau." Ã egã rusegn: "Ousa, dam, en nou gríz dor tá cã sú dergamu: fer, ã tíerna, gõ ulã demea omtoga tes dó esoesú ou. Aga ní a dam ulã tá." Sú a clusa, dam a lana ruraz.

The Sheep and the Horses

On a hill, a sheep that had no wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses." The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool." Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.

"Ol duña riu aga couínõ gõ díñas aga redua énen. Axis mendaida aga coufez dadu es aga dó’n maz dó oen az al en alma bradreadea ñemen".

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

"Súer eis tud ria esu mi" - Dounurí

"I am a free man from a free people" - Dumnorix

"Ã Olzoun mou dou es, ombíod moa créz es, Tíara mou nemedún es."

The universe is my god, nature is my faith, the Earth is my temple.

"Sese or, sese sú fú; sese endar, sese sú eis"

As above, so below; as within, so without.

"En sé gal maga es"

In silence there is great power

"En fínu fiaida es, en cor lounaida es"

In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is joy

"Cazufer aga selgamen a cordéu rucamen. Allã cor rudéun aga cíg maza ruezen".

A warrior and a huntress walked to a tavern. They drank a lot of beer and ate good meat.

"Tourgu aña nerte agadufer es"

The boar is the strength of the warrior

"Bí ge ní bí, sú aña argif es"

To be or not to be, that is the question"

(Tãg Dem aVordor: Ã Oen Fol)

Tris fol dó'n reí elfeg fú nefu, séda dó'n tíernã anãneg en siu hala crougea, nov dó Fír Marvuz a marve tongedu, Oen dó'n Tíerna Dem en soi rígadér dem en tír aVordor có ã iscaua lé. Oen Fol az ol ríga, Oen Fol axis entoag, Oen Fol az ol trá aga en demen ré en tír aVordor có ã iscaua lé. 

(Dark Speech of Mordor: The One Ring) 

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, Nine for Mortal Men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie. One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them, One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

 (Óed ã Ogaida Noidea) Noid toag, aga nú moa ogaida fudroazá. Ní eñá í co mou maru. Ní gaveuví baina, ní bí avi tírra, ní bí avi gentí. Ní bí avi coroa naga feuví mi glór. Biuauví aga marveuví en moa varda. Claiv en ã demen esu. Ogufer en ã falí esu. Ã isceu u vardé ã rigádã afír esu mi. Moa bioda aga mou briu óedu mi az aña Ogaida Noidea,  dó sú noid aga ola noida a toag.

(Oath of the Night's Watch)  Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch,  for this night and all the nights to come.

Verbs and Vocabulary


Verb conjugations: Present, Past, Future, Conditional

personal pronouns are used only for emphatic effect

-Gara- Love (present)

Garau mi - I love

Garaí tu – You love

Garaide sus – Y’all love

Garamu nin – We love

Gará e – He loves

Gará si – She loves

Garã sis – They love


Rugarau mi - I loved

Rugaraí tu

Rugaraide sus

Rugaramu nin

Rugará e

Rugará si

Rugarã sis


Garauví mi - I will love

Garaíví tu

Garaideví sus

Garamuví nin

Garáví e

Garáví si

Garanví sis


Rugarauví mi - I would love

Rugaraíví tu

Rugaraideví sus

Rugaramuví nin

Rugaráví e

Rugaráví si

Rugaranví sis

All personal pronoun suffixes are used for emphatic effect. Instead of saying, "Cor garau mi", you should simply say, "Cor garau".

Verb to be "Bí" (impermanent) - "Senu tau" (I'm old)

Tau- I am

Taí – You are

Táide – Y’all are

Támu – We are

Tá – He is

Tá – She is

Tã – They are

Verb to be "Bí" (permament) - "Fer esu" (I'm a man)

Esu - I am

Esí - You are

Eside - Y'all are

Esmu - We are

Es - He is

Es - She is

Esã - They are


Bia aga Íva (Food and Drink)

"En fínu fiaida es, en cor lounaida es"

"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is joy"

To Drink (alcohol): Déu (p.c. Degu-)

To Drink: Íve

To Eat: Eze (ede)

To Make: Ou (p.c. auo-)

To Cook: Coge

Water: Douru (p.c. dubro-, b. dour, pt. "rio Douro")

Cider: Oulgor (p.c. abalocourmi, "apple beer")

Cider: Sidra

Mead: Meu (Mezu-, mezucenus - MEDVGENVS < *medhu)

Beer: Cor - Corma

Ale: Alu - Alu

Lager (light beer): Cervexa - Cervexã (Gl. via Lt. "Cervesia")

Wine: Fínu - Fínu

Liquor: Tinzouru (Firewater)

Honey: Mel

Fruit: Tourad - Tourada [OIr. torad

Apple: Oul - Oulu

Berry: Cara - Cará

Grape: Fínugara (Wineberry)

Meat: Cigu - Cíu

Egg: Uf - Ufa

Seed: Sil - Sila (c.i. *silon "seed")

Bread: Arã

Wheat: Venez

Milk: Laid (p.c. laxto-)

Cheese: Ceis (pt. queijo/sp. queso)

Butter: Mã (p.c. amban-, w. menyn, b. amann, pt. manteiga)

Soup: Couxal (com+sal)/Sopa

Herb: Lú (p.c. *lubjo-)

Pepper: Pibra/Tinllú (Fire herb)

Salt: Sal

Spice: Ispexaria (pt. Especiaria)

Coffee: Café

Snack: Bia bea (little food)

-Basic Verbs-

…eisvi tá – I want… (" away from me")

"Ced corma eisdu tán?" (How many beers do you want?) *How many beers are away from you*

…avi tá – I have… ( " at me") *used for general possession

"Greña avi tá" (I have a beard) *Beard is at me*

…gõvi tá – I have… (“…is with me) *used for close or personal possession

"Doa cor gõvi tán" (I have two beers) *Two beers are with me*

Go: Teid

Come: Toag

Walk: Cam

Step/March: Cing

Run: Raz

Travel: Camína

(Trip: Caminagda)

Speak: Lavra


Sing: Cana

*Ru = preverbial particle (past)

Sang: Rucana

I spoke: Rulavrau mi

I will speak: Lavrauví mi

*-oun = occupational/action suffix

Canoun: Singer

Singer: Canoun

Say: Seg

Breathe: Ana

Hear: Clusa

Listen: Ousa

See: Derga

Believe: Cre (p.c. kred-)

Think: Mene

Know: Fé (p.c. weid-)

Remember: Gume

Forget: Anhume (an+gume)

Make/Do: Ou (gl. auot-)

Touch: Táze

Give: Dá

Take: Gave

Follow: Sege

Lead: Gene

Cover up: Agasalla (Latin *ad-gasaliare, from Visigothic *gasalja)

Be born: Éne (*Éndu bíz)

Connect: Coudáze (Coudáz "connection")

Smoke: Ismugu

Dream: Asuñe

Sleep: Suñe

Awaken: Dixuñe

Kill: Mara

Hug: Abrage

Hug tight: Agarre

Own: iga

Break: Brei (p.c. breg-)

Turn on (lights): Ou í cañu ("Make it bright")

Turn off (lights): Ou í dem ("Make it dark")

Turn on (sound): Ou í arzu ("Make it loud/high)"

Turn off (sound): Ou í sez ("Make it quiet/peaceful")

-Milua- (Animals)

Dog: Cú - Cún

Warhound: Árgu - Árgun


Wolf: Blez - Blezda

Wolf: Fael - Faelu

Bear: Ardu - Ardun

Cat: Gatu – Gatun

Horse (Male): Eg - Egaí

Horse (Female): Egua - Eguaí

Goat: Gavru - Gavrun

Bull: Tarvu - Tarvun

Falcon: Alcún - Alcúña

Raven: Boua - Bouã

Crow: Grou - Groua

Boar: Tourgu - Tourgun

Pig: Orgu – Oríu

Chicken: Cerga - Cergã

Cow: Bú - Búi

Tooth: Dãt - Dãta

Claw/Talon: Garra - Garrã

Tree: Crã – Craña

Flower: Blaza - Blazã

Leaf: Dula - Dulã

Fish: Esca - Escã

Rabbit: Conenu - Conenun

Frog: Sapu - Sapun

Snake: Nadra - Nadrã

Bird: Eznu - Eznua

Goose: Gíurra - Gíurrã (Gigurri, Asturian people, Pliny NH, III, 28)

Bee: Beu (p.c. beko) - Bevã

Feather: Éla (p.c. edel-) - Élã

Feather: Bluma - Blumã

Horn: Carn - Carna

Horn: Ázar - Ázara (bsq. Adar, ir. Adharc)

Wool: Ulã

Dragon: Drag - Dragún

Unicorn: Ongarn - Ongarna

Gnome: Dõd (pt. duende, pg. demd, sw. tomte)


-Tír aga Mór (Land and Sea)

Earth – Tíara

Sun: Soul (sauelos>souelos>souelu>souel>soul)

Moon: Lugra

Moon: Geleig (ir. gealach)

Hill: Bría (briga) – Brí

Mountain: Carná - Carnái

Rocky Mountain: Carvu - Carvun

Valley: Comba - Combã

Snow: Isneaida

Light Snow (falling): Neve

Ice: Ái (p.c. iagi)

River: Amona (Abona)

Sea: Mór

Bay: Mórcambe (sea bend) and Bái (bsq.)

Island: Enis

-Objects, Environment, Places, etc.-


Book: Liru - Lirua

Church: Igrexa - Igrexã

Wheel: Roa - Roã (older "roda")

Woven basket: Gís (p.c. kistā)

Kilt: Sái (sagia) - Saí

Skirt: Sáia (sagia) - Sáiã

Shirt: Camixa - Camixã (gl. via lt. Camisia)

Pipe: Piba

Pipe: Ismugarna (ismugu+carna)

Bed: Cama– Camã

House: Téu – Teí

Home: Tref (c.i. Trebo-; W. tref)

Beehive (farmed): Beudref

Door: Dura - Durã

Gate: Magadura (big door)

City: Gorta - Gortã (c.i. korta)

Neighborhood: coudref (con+trema)

Lake: Logu – Loí

Bridge: Breva - Brevã (c.i breua/p.c. brīwā)

Land/Ground: Tír – Tírra

Field: Lana (p.c. landa)

Nation: Genedlu (p.c. kenetlom)

National: Genedleg/a

Nationalism: Genedlegagda

Bay: Bai - Baia *Ibr.Bsq.

Landslide/Avalanche: Lurte *bsq.

Wood: Fí - Fíza

Forest: Cá - Caí (older "cada")

Flower: Blaza - Blazã

Tree: Crã - Craña

Sky/Heaven: Nefu

Wind: Ouél (c.i. auilio-)

Lightning: Lugeia (p.c. *luceca)

Thunder: Tarã (p.c. *tarano-)

Grass: Faltula (faltu+dula)

Stone: Crougia - Crougiã (old glc.)

Rock: Crav - Crava

Shadow: Iscau - Iscaua (older "iscadu")

Battle: Cau - Caua (older "cadu")

War: Cougau

War: Verre

Warrior: Caufer

Soldier: Cingez

Hunt: Selga

Victory: Séu (sego)

Guard: Varda (Visigothic wardja, from Germanic wardaz, from the IE root *wor-to-)

Guardian: Vardiã (Visgothic wardjan accusative of wardja)

Wagon: Vagã

Wagon: Carrún/Carvãt

Car: Carru

Load: Lúdu (p.c. luxto-)

Sword: Claifu (gl. cladibu)

Shield: Isceu (older "iscedu")

Bagpipe: Cãtluburgu (bag of songs) and Gaida

Jaw Harp: Caf-a-drui (Druid's mouth) and Cavarpa (cav+arpa)

Leather Sack/Bag: Burgu (p.c. bolgos)

Covers/Blanket: Gasallu (Latin *ad-gasalia, from Visigothic *gasalja

Giant: Cour (p.c. cauar-; "Serra do Courel" Galicia: courel = small giant)

Europe: Euroba

Kingdom: Rigaida

Base: Bun (p.c. bonu-)

-Tuda aga ã Bioda- (People and the Body)


Family: Clã - Clãd

Family: Teusloa - Teusloi

Ancestor: Cinadre - Cinadrí

Group: Isloa

Person: Dun

People/Tribe: Tuda

Man: Fer - Men: Fír

Woman: Bena - Women: Mna

Husband: Fair - Faír

Wife: Baina – Mnaid

Father: Adre - Adrí

Mother: Madra - Madrã

Daughter: Doadra - Doadrã (c.i. Tuater)

Son: Mag (o.r. Maqqi) – Maí

Child: Gente (c.i. Centis) - Gentí

Brother: Bradre - Bradrí

Sister: Soisra - Soisrã

Granddaughter: Neta - Netã

Grandson: Netu - Netun

Grandfather: Senadre - Senadrí

Grandmother: Senvadra - Senvadrã

Boy: Meninu

Girl: Menina

Friend: Garañu/a

Neighbor: Counes (c.i. Couneso)

Lord: Tíerna

King: Rí - Reí

Queen: Ríana - Ríanã

Folk/group of people: Feren

Celt: Celda

Celtic: Celdeg(a)

Linguist: Tãgafer/Tãgamen (tanga+ben) Tãgaroun

Citizen: Gonhorta (ex. mitbürger)

Hunter/Huntress: Selgafer (male) Selgamen (female)

Leader: Genfer/Genmen

Head: Gen – Geñu

Ear: Grusa - Doahrusa (clusta)

Hand: Lama – Doallama

Arm: Braga – Doabraga

Leg: Gar – Doahar (p.c. garri)

Foot: Troaz (p.c. Troget) – Doadroaz

Eye: Ogu - Doaogu

Hair: Faltu

Nose: Srona

Face: Áida (agita)

Mouth: Caf (c.i. cab *gob*)

Mouth: Bouca

Blood: Crou

Beard: Greña - Grenda

Moustache: Grendel - Grendela

Brain: Engen ("in head", ir. inchinn)

Heart: Grí

-Melma, Alma, Fiagda- (Mind, Spirit, Knowledge)


God: Dou – Dova

Soul: Alma - Almá

Breath: Ana

Speech: Rá (p.c. rad-, "speak")

Universe: Olzounu (ol+dounu)

World: Dounu

Life: Bioda

Magic (Spell): Brí (gaul. brixt-)

Magic: Sud (p.c soito-)

Daydream: Dovaneg

Word: Oidlu - Oidlun

Speech: Rá (p.c. rad-)

Truth: Firen - Firená

Dream: Asuñu

Spirit Journey (Psychedelic ritual): Maruel (Little Death)

Witch: Sorgin *bsq.

Druid: Drui – Druiza

Druidess: Druis - Druisa

Druidry: Druizada

Brotherhood: Bradreada

Ancestor: Ginazre

Wisdom: Fizada

Oak: Dara – Darã

Oak: Carva (glc.) - Carvã

Oak: Cerca ( tribe name Querquerni from *kʷerkʷ- < PIE *perkʷ- 'oak, tree') - Cercã

Sacred: Noufu

Sacred grove/Temple/Great oak: Nemedún

Oak Grove: Druñemedún

North: Toze

East: Úre

West: Fó

South: Deise

Solstice: Soulistã

Equinox: Somnoid

Spring: Éreig

Summer: Sam


Winter: Gaiam

Samhain: Sameña

Fairy: Sá (sé/sez: peace/quiet) (older "sada")

Longing: Sirada

Power: Gal

Strength: Nerte

Strong: Nerteg(a)

*Underworld/Otherworld: Anzounu (Antumnos)

Cernunnos: Cernuñu

Language: Dãg (Tongue: Dãgua)

Language: Aiz (Brt. Iaxti)

Love: Garaz

Health: Islã

Healthy: Islanu/a

Star: Saruña – Saruñaí

Galaxy: Saruñasloa (star group) - Saruñasloi and Galácsia(n)

Forest: Cád - Cádu

Fire: Ten

Flame: Tenel

Spark: Falisca (Medieval Portuguese, falisca = spark, from Visigothic or Suebian *falwiskan. Cognate of Swedish falaska, Mid-High German valwische *falwiskō, Norse fọlski)

Belief: Creiv (p.c. credim-)

Religion: Relixiún

Mind: Melma

Smoke: Ismugu

To Smoke: Déusmug, (lit. "drink smoke")

Insense: Mugllú

Cannabis: Canva/Cáñamu

Hemp: Coúrg (p.c. kom-wark)

Elf: Elfu

Dwarf: Anã(n)


Good/well: Maz(a)

Good: Dagu/a

Bad: Drugu/a

True: Fir

New: Noi(a)

Old: Sen(a) (p.c. seno-)

Young: Oang/Oaña (p.c. iovanca)

Hot: Au(a) (p.c. aidu-) *auz "heat"

Warm: Tesmu/a

Cold: Oru/a (p.c. ougros)

Freezing/Icy: Couáidu/a

Beginning: Fudroaz (uφo-troget)

End (physical): Orgeñu (uφer-kʷenno)

End (abstract/temporal): Eñá (p.c. indo-)

Left: Esger/a *Ibr.Bsq.

Right: Deis/a

Full: Lã

Big: Mour

Great/Large: Mah - Maga (c.i. magu-)

Small: Bé/Bea - (p.c. bikko) (older "beg")

Gigantic: Coureg

Healthy: Isláneg

Round: Cruñu/a (p.c. krundi-)

Dead: Marvu/a (Die: Marve, Death: Maru)

Happy: Loun

Free: Riu/a

Equal: Inõ (*the one, "equality" inonas)

Conscious: Enfizeg(a)

Dark: Dem (Darkness: Demen)

Bright: Cañu/a

Light: Glustu/a

Light: Luge

Right: Reu/a (reto-)

Deep: Dunu/a - (p.c. dubno-)

Clean: Glanu/a

Black: Dóu (p.c. dubu-)

White: Ven(a)

Red: Rou/a (rodo-)

Green: Glasula (leaf blue)

Blue: Glasu/a

Brown: Dõ

Yellow: Melin

Gold(en): Our(du/a)

Silver(y): Arhãt(u/a) *argant-

Many (a lot): Allã (at full)

Other: Ala

All: Ol(a)

Every: Gacu/a

Oaken: Dru(a)

Strong: Nerte

Wise: Sufí (good knowledge, p.c. suvid-)

Born: Éndu

Birth: Én

Sweet: Melu/a

Sticky: Meleg(a)

Raw: Crú(a)

Beautiful: teg(a)

Pretty: fem(a)

First: Centu/a - (from PCl *kintu- 'first')

Elevated/Eminent/Noble: Bríãt (c.i. brigant-)

High: Arzu/a

Low: Iselu

Far: Cel/En siru

Close: Nes

Long: Longu/a Siru/a

Short: Gerru/a

Middle: Mei (p.c. medi)

Dependent: Ceneña

Independent: Digeneña
