
Garmone (natively Garmone ['garmonə]) is a language used only by the country called Garmial ['garmial].

Type Fusional-Analytic
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Mixture
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 96%
Nouns 100%
Verbs 100%
Adjectives 100%
Syntax 100%
Words 186 of 6000
Creator AdUhTkJm

Garmone is standardized by Perlume Seusgo Garalmi (The Language Bureau of Garmial).

Garmone is fusional, but is developing towards analytic.

Classification and Dialects[]

Garmone hardly have cognate words with other languages. Its declinations and conjugations is not similar to any language known. Thus, Garmone is regarded as language isolate.

Because of an standardizing action of The Language Bureau of Garmial in 2003, Garmone does not have any dialects yet. Researches show that there were several dialects before the action, all of them are intelligible.



Bilabial Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative f v s z ʃ x
Affricate t͡s t͡ʃ ͡dʒ
Approximant l j w


Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid e ø
Mid ə
Open-mid ɔ
Open a


Most phonemes have the same form as their IPA symbols. Those do not are listed below:

Graphemes Phonemes
c /x/
e /e/; /ə/
h / /
j /dʒ/
qu /kv/
w /və/; /uə/
x /k/; /ks/
y /i/; /y/
ou /əʊ/
ao, au /ao/
ae /æ/
eo, oe /ɔː/; /ø/
ei /ai/
ie /i:/
ch /t͡ʃ/
th /t/
ck /k/
ng /ŋ/
sh /ʃ/
td, dt /t/
ts t͡s
mn, nm /n/; /m/

'E' is read as /e/ if and only if it is the first vowel in the word.

The pronunciation of 'w', 'eo' and 'nm/mn' can be chosen freely.

If there are more than 1 vowel after 'x', or it is at the end of a word, then it should be pronounced as /ks/; otherwise, it is 'k'.

'R' is not shown above. R can be read as any phoneme, if it does not collide with another existing phoneme.

Writing System[]

Letter a b c d e f g h i j k l
Sound a be tsa di e fu get va i yt ku lum
Letter m n o p q r s t u v w x
Sound me na o pa qua relo se ti u va w eiks
Letter y z
Sound ypzoli ze



Nouns are split into 3 segments. The declination of nouns are completed by switching the order of the segments and/or adding prefixes or suffixes. Thus, the order of declination is important.

Segments are not always a complete syllable; it can contain only consonants.

The words given in dictionaries are neutral and singular, in its basic form, and in the present tense.

There aren't any articles in the language.

Personal pronouns (always 2 segments) can add a -k as their 3rd segment, and then be a noun.

Gender and Number[]

Nouns does not have a fixed gender. The gender of a noun can be adjusted to express judgement or subjective feeling of the noun. If the noun stands for a living thing, its gender should be the thing's gender. To change the gender of a noun, the vowels in the first and the second segments should be changed:

For masculine: i -> o; u -> e; ie -> ae; eo -> ou.

For feminine: a -> i; o -> e; ao -> eo; ou -> ie.

The gender change should be completed before any other declinations.

A noun have 3 numbers: null, singular, and plural. To change the number of a noun, add a suffix to the first segment. It is -i when changed to null, and -l when plural.

The number change follows the gender change.

Case and tense[]

Nouns only have 2 cases: basic and possessive. The possessive case is used to express possession and to switch a noun into an adjective. A noun in any other uses should be in its basic form.

To decline a noun into its possessive case, swap the second and the third segment.

Tense is expressed by nouns. Only subject and object (not including clauses) should be declined. Notice that a noun in possessive case will not change its tense.

The tense of the sentence is the combination of the tenses of the subject and the object.

To change the tense of a noun, re-order the segments as:

For past tense, 2 - 1 - 3;

For future tense, 3 - 1 - 2.


Arish (person, human) is split as a/ri/sh.

Masculine: arosh (man)

Feminine: irish (woman)

Null: airish (no one)

Plural: alrish (people)

Possessive: ashri (of person; person's)

Past: riash (person in the past)

Future: shari (person in the future)


Most of the verbs are split into 5 segments. There are two exceptional verb: imes(to be) and abte(to have). The two verbs conjugated irrationally.

Verbs can be turned into nouns by combining the 1st and 2nd, the 3rd and 4th segments.

The infinitive of a verb is formed by adding a zu before it. Infinitives do not conjugate according to person and number, but still aspect and voice. You can abbreviate zu to z', and even z without the apostrophe (but not encouraged).

Person and number[]

Verbs conjugate according to person and number. This conjugation should be executed first.

This conjugation only influences the 1st, 4th and 5th segment of a verb.

1st person 2nd person 3rd person
null 1-e 4 5 5-e 1 4 1-e 5 4
singular 1 4 5 5 1 4 1 5 4
plural 4 1 5 5 4 1 4 5 1

In the chart, 1-e means add a suffix of -e to the first segment.

Aspect and voice[]

There are 17 aspects and 2 voices in the language. They are:

Name Meaning
Continuous The action starts in the past, continues to the present, and is likely to continue in the future.
Progressing The action has not completed.
Perfect The action is completed, and influenced the present. Implies emphasis of the influence.
Willing The subject wants to execute the action.
Plan The action has not been executed, and the subject has a plan of the action.
Mizen (Name from Japanese) Negates the action.
Inference The inference of the action
Suggestion The suggestion of the action, used in people of the same generation.
Forced The action is mandatory.
Passive Marks passive voice.
Actuated Same as 'make... do' or 'make... be'.
Spontanous The action on a not-living object is completed without any living objects present.
Terminated The action starts in the past, and stopped. Implies exceptional termination and/or will continue.
Preparation The action is the preparation for the next action; the next action can be omitted.
Gradual The action is gradual.

The verb conjugation influences the 2nd - 5th segment AFTER THE FIRST CONJUGATION.

Name Conjugation
Continuous 2 5 3 4
Progressing 4 2 5 3
Perfect 3 4 2 5
Willing 5 4 2 3
Plan 2 3 5 4
Mizen* 5 4 3 2
Inference 4 2 3 5
Suggestion 3 5 4 2
Forced 2 4 3 5
Passive 5 2 4 3
Actuated 3 4 5 2
Spontanous 5 3 4 2
Terminated 3 4 2 5
Preparation 2 4 5 3
Gradual 4 5 2 3

*When a verb needs to conjugate 2 or more than 2 aspects, put an auxiliary verb (imes or abte) in front of it, and conjugate both the auxiliary verb and your verb. Specially, when one of the aspects is mizen, just add un- before the 4th segment.

To say 'be able to ...', put an -ek after the 3rd segment BEFORE ANY OF THE CONJUGATIONS.

Young people sometimes use auxiliary verb conjugations instead of conjugating the word itself. This is discouraged.


There are 6 moods. They influence the 1st, 3rd and 4th segments. They are:

Name Conjugation
Command ac-3 4 1
Request 1 4 3
Question 4 3 1
Narrative 1 3 4
Subjunctive 4 1 3
Conditional 3 1 4

Note that different ways of conjugation may result in the same output. That is to say, the meaning of a conjugated verb is sometimes related on the context.


Umalin (to speak) is split as um/a/l/i/n.

Its 2nd person, plural, continuous, command form is acumianl (to order you[plural] to speak continuously).

First, umalin is conjugated to nialum, according to the "5 4 1" order of 2nd person, plural.

Then, nialum is conjugated to niumal, following the order of "2 5 3 4" of the continuous aspect.

Finally, niumal is conjugated to acumianl, added ac as shown above, switching the order as "3 4 1".

Adjectives and Adverbs[]

Adjectives and adverbs are split into 2 segments. The rule is simple: if you put an adjective or an adverb AFTER the noun or verb, leave it unchanged; if you put it BEFORE the noun or verb, swap the segments.

All adverbs end with -ont. Delete that to make it an adjective. Similarly, an adjective can change into adverb by adding -ont to the 2nd segment, while changing into noun by adding -t as its 3rd segment.

You can make verbs by adding pr-. For example, if you ad pr- to ali (good), you'll get prali, which means to make something good. This kind of verb do not conjugate. Aspects and moods, even the subject, need to be guessed from the context.

Personal pronouns can behave like adjectives.

To form the comparative, add -e at the end of 1st segment.

To form the superlative, add -es at the end of 2nd segment.

To negate an adjective or an adverb, simply add an -in to the end of the first segment.


Narrative Sentence / Question[]

Narrative sentences and questions share the same structure.

[Subject] <Verb> [Direct Object] [Indirect Object] [un + Position] [im + Time] [es + Noun + Adverbial Clause]

[] means the part can be omitted; <> means the part is always needed.

In everyday conversations, un is usually abbreviated to 'n, as im to 'm, es to 's. But when im is combined with other words, the i cannot be abbreviated.

If and only if the subject is a personal pronoun, it can be omitted.

For wh-questions, place a lar- before the word you want to ask.

Es is usually followed by these words:

Word Meaning Abbreviation*
griml aim skriml
hast reason sat
elic method slic
auf** N/A sef
asdo extent sto
hores result sres

*Abbreviation: here all the initial e are omitted; you can add them, but skriml will change to esgriml, and sto will change to esdo.

**Auf: auf is not a noun, but a special mark. It is used in passive voice, marking the actual subject. That is, auf is equivalent to 'by' in passive sentences in English.

When es is followed by zu, it can be abbreviated into ez, though not common. This is usually used in very casual conversations.

There are also some combinations for im. They are words for direction and the infinitive mark zu.

Word Meaning Abbreviation
lint up imt
riget down imgt
solit left imst
panot right impt
lizit front imlt
dumet back imet
zu (INF.) imz

Remember: all the abbreviated forms are followed by possessive case.

In formal texts, do not make any of these abbreviations. Don't change zu to z', ilus to lus, ci to c' or le to l', either.

Exclamatory Sentence[]

Exclamatory sentence is used when you want to emphasize a special part of a sentence.

To emphasize any nouns, place a ci (usually abbreviated to c') before it. Don't forget c pronounces as /x/.

To emphasize any verbs, place an abte before it.

To emphasize any adjectives, change it into a noun, get it to the first word of the sentence and add a ci before it, then get the verb to the second word. Don't forget to make a le (abbreviated to l') mark for the noun it used to modify.

To emphasize any adverbs, read it in an exclamatory way.


Nominal clauses are either led by infinitive of verbs or by the particle apas. Apas can be declined as normal nouns. It is split as a/pa/s.

Attribute clauses are either led by infinitive of verbs or by the particle ilus(often abbreviated as 'lus, and 'us when the previous word ends with -l; apostrophes can be and are usually omitted).


Elmki Baaki’m wifta’s griml carnogio. (lit. go-want-1st.sing. Akiba-future (in)tomorrow (as purpose)go shopping)

(I) want to go shopping in Akiba tomorrow.

Kmeli Baaki’m wifta’s griml carnogio? (lit. go-want-2nd.sing.-question Akiba-future (in)tomorrow (as purpose)go shopping)

Do (you) want to go shopping in Akiba tomorrow?

Kmeli lar-tumlu’m wifta’s griml carnogio? (lit. go-want-2nd.sing.-question question-place-future (in)tomorrow (as purpose)go shopping)

Where do (you) want to go shopping tomorrow?

C’lerek lapcaeirh glotsa. (lit. emphasize-he-past break-3rd.sing. window)

It's HE who broke the window.

Lapcaeirh c’glosat. (lit. break-3rd.sing. window-past)

What he broke is a WINDOW.

Abte lriak pmaloeil. (lit. emphasize-do-1st.sing.-perfect homework-past)

(I) HAVE DONE my homework.

C’alit emis arotaro l’mito. (lit. emphasize-good-noun is-3rd.sing. today mark-day)

What a good day is it today!

Griml nameli relul emis zu irlomefe takid reak farnloi.

(lit. aim project-pos. is-3rd.sing. to improve speed 2nd.sing.pronoun-pos. read-noun-pos.)

The aim of our project is to improve your reading speed.

Segni paas asom beaekeunrti. (lit. say-3rd.sing. apas-past aux.-continuous work-ability-mizen-perfect)

He said that he no longer can continue working.

Vlinbama ufilcol z’laphiraec. (lit. throw-2nd.sing.-suggestion vase-past to break-3rd.sing.-passive)

Throw away that broken vase.

Fmil alies’lus tmois kssahem lar-emaxita? (lit. film-past good-superlative (clause)see-2nd.sing.-perfect be called-3rd.sing.-question name)

What's the name of the best film you've ever seen?


Garmone uses base 17.

Num Word Num Word Num Word Num Word
1 hono 7 nazo 13 ivlo 173 dekaro
2 hato 8 twmo 14 efso 174 mabero
3 kalo 9 cayo 15 baro 175 abgirno
4 vano 10 fako 16 deno 176 kejamo
5 gamo 11 sedo 17 quro 1712 upolo
6 paro 12 mevo 172 munaro 1718 equselo

Values: 172 = 289; 173=4913; 174=83521; 175=1419857; 176=24137569.

In Garmone, numbers are written as letters. A-Q represents 1-17, R for 172, S for 173, T for 174, U for 175, V for 176, Y for 1712, Z for 1718.

To change a number into ordinal, change the -o to -it. Numbers can be used as adjectives, the first segment is the first syllable.

Floating point is represented by inkt. All the decimal part are written as one word without all the -o, expect for the last one. A large number should also be written in this way. Usually, all h are omitted.

An example of large number:


= 414 * 176 + 7046434

= (172 + 7 * 17 + 6) * 176 + 4 * 175 + 16 * 174 + 6 * 173 + 4 * 172 + 2 * 17 + 2

= (munaro + nazo * quro + paro) * kejamo + vano * abgirno + deno * mabero + paro * dekaro + vano * munaro + hato * quro + hato = munarnazqurparkejamvanabgirndenmaberpardekarvanmunaratqurato (Written as RGQFVDUPTFSDRBQB.)


Currently, there are 186 words in Garmone, not including numbers.

I am enlarging lexicon by translating texts. All the translated texts will be shown here.

Lexicon will soon be downloadable as .xls or .db.

Example text[]

For more example texts, click here.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights[]

Koartin A. Arish jed zu znador emis gako, imote filonac ud chlilk. Arlish atbe gangam ud alwkim, okomiah sakliont es banedem elimnat.

English translation
Article 1. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Koartin B. Arish jed dalinet chlilk ud gakot seb es milit kiacnez brofel, raneli kioen, jundir, segous, relichen, nalexai ov wkin mora, kaluna ov quinol, inhenlit, lakome. Ud iteamliunl es hast buruget totman nalaiex, juritondic ov karimeml kalemir ov kyiln ilus arish furtni, opaqu kynil imu emis ikindo, valatro, islinento ov zu liopano soverin zu tneuiol.

English translation
Article 2. Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.

Apples (Ultra-long Attribute Clauses)[]

Z'fathome sat wkilen sobenr brsoilus inemsn valapell hato zu zminod halitont slic zonim skriml afliona reak sef arosh z'amido rele.

English translation
He who became famous for greediness heard the sound that you were eating two red apples which were cut to ingratiate you by a knife by a man who loves him.

Arosh z'fathome esat wkilen, zu sobern sobrilus inemsn valapell hato zu zminod halitont eslic zonim es griml afliona reak sef arosh z'amido rele, zu sneinm apell z'unelyt 'm omtell'us okellem Dihonamerika int gesla-opev secafh.

English translation
The man who became famous for greediness, who heard the sound that you were eating two red apples which were cut to ingratiate you by a knife by a man who loves him, who is eating an apple which was cut from a tree in the forest in South America on the wooden table, is sleeping.

--Translated from this website (in Chinese).
