

Head direction
Head Mixture
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

All credit for the Khumbilan language goes to Adam SanGiovanni, writer of the (unpublished) Khumbi series. 

General information[]

Khumbilan is spoken on the planet of Khumbi across the universe. Visitors to this world do not generally hear the language as it is translated automatically by a Language-Intergration Spell placed upon the atmosphere by Khumbi's God. However, if a creature wishes to conceal his/her speech from the non-Khumbilan speaker, he/she will be able to speak in Khumbilan without the spell translating the words. 

Khumbilan is a very flowy language, and is a bit difficult to lean to write, but the grammar rules only differ a little bit. Etymology of Khumbilan words do not come from any Earth language as Khumbi is a completely different planet. In turn, words are made as they would make sense to the meaning (Ex. fat = blum {BLUHM} [English character spelling]). 



There are 31 letters used in the Khumbilan alphabet:

A B D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y Z TH CH SH (C; a guttural sound, usually heard in Arabic languages) (HM; a hum) (JZ; a sort of buzzing) (W; a whistle [rare]) (The Pemiere K [used in start of formal documents and for important names. Used only for writing])

c, q, and x are deducted because they are deemed "useless letters".  (See Grammar.)

The guttural C will be displayed as a capital C in Roman text. It is generally used in harsher words, such as "Crel" (crumple, pronounced [C]RAYL) or "Cil" (hate, pronounced [C]EEL).

Vowel Symbols[]

Different symbols are used to mark different pronunciations of vowels:

The long vowel symbol is used to mark vowels that have a long-vowel pronunciation. In Roman text, it is displayed like this: ā,ē,ī,ō, and ū. It goes over the letter in Roman text, but in Khumbilan, it goes under the Khumbilan letter. (Currently no photos)

Ex: "oh" -> "ōh"

The silent vowel symbol is used to mark vowels that are not pronounced. In Roman text, it is displayed like this: ä,ë,ï,ö, and ü. It goes over the letter in Roman text, but in Khumbilan, it goes under the Khumbilan letter. (Currently no photos)

Ex: "ream" -> "rēäm" 

The odd long vowel symbol is used to mark vowels that have different pronunciations than it's normal use. They sound like other long vowels. In Roman text, it is displayed like this: á,é,í,ó, and ú. It goes over the letter in Roman text, but in Khumbilan, it goes under the Khumbilan letter. (Currently no photos)

Ex: "tool" -> "tóól" (as the "o"s are pronounced as long-vowel "u"s)

The odd short vowel symbol is used to mark vowels that have different pronunciations than it's normal use. They shound like other short vowels. In Roman text, it is displayed like this: à,è,ì,ò, and ù. It goes over the letter in Roman text, but in Khumbilan, it goes under the Khumbilan letter. (Currently no photos)

Ex: "Maleficent" -> "malèfisent" (as the "e" makes a short "i" sound); (see Substitution in grammar rules as to why "c" changes to an "s") 

For the sake of understanding, these accent marks will not be shown on words and will instead be replaced by pronunciation guides.


Gender Cases Numbers Tenses Persons Moods Voices Aspects
Verb Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nouns No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Adjectives No Yes No No No Yes Yes No
Numbers No Yes Yes No No Yes No No
Participles No Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes
Adverb No Yes No No No Yes Yes Yes
Pronouns Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No
Adpositions No Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes
Article No No No No No Yes No No
Particle No No No No No Yes No No

Capitalization and Punctuation[]

With the exception of the Primier K, there are no capital letters in Khumbilan (in 50,054 B.C.E, it was made into all lower-case letters as a symbolic reference that all creatures are equal.) As such, when translating English into Khumbilan, it is best to leave capital letters as lowercase to avoid confusion.

Periods, Commas, and Apostrophes go where they're supposed to. However, to mark a question or exclaimation, the question mark/exclaimation mark goes on BOTH ENDS of the sentance, sort of like Spanish.

Ex. "That is amazing!" -> "!that is amazing!"

"How are you?" -> "?how are you?"


As said above, c, q, and x are deducted because they are deemed "useless letters". They each have sounds that can already be expressed through different letter combinations (Ex. Q is sounded by forming the letter combination "KW" as in "Quiet" or simply "K" as in "Qui".) For translating certain letters from English into Khumbilan, you will need to subsitute:

C is subsituted by an S for a word such as "citrus" -> "sitrus" 

C is substitued by a K for a word such as "can" -> "kan"

Q is subsituted by a KW for a word such as "quiet" -> "kwiet"

Q is subsitued by a K for a word such as "qui" -> "kui"

X is subsituted by a KS for a word such as "exit" -> "eksit"

X is substitued by a Z for a word such as "xylophone" -> "zylofone" (see PH substitution)

PH is substitued by an F for a word such as "phonics" -> "foniks" (see C substitution 2)

In rare cases, PH is substituted by a V for a word such as "Stephen" -> "steven"

Y is substituted by whichever vowel sound that it makes, such as "why" -> "whi"

G is substituted by a J for a word such as "language" -> "languaje"


Adjectives work a bit differently in Khumbilan. Instead of saying "the red house", it would literally translate to, "the house-red". Khumbilans use a symbol called the "describe mark" to connect the two words together. This is only presnet if there is no words to let the adjective and object agree. 

Ex. "the red house" -> "the house-red."

"the house is red." -> "the house is red."

If there are two or more objects being described in one adjective, you would put the "multiple describe" mark below the last letters of the first, second, etc. objects, and connect the last object being desrcribed with the "describe mark"

Ex. "Dear Will and R.J." -> "Will [the multiple describe mark would go under the last "l" in Willand RJ-dear."

The Letter Link[]

The Letter Link symbol is used between two words when the first word ends with the same letter the second word begins with. This is not to be confused with simply dropping the last vowel of a word and putting an apostrophe (Example, French's "L'école" instead of "La école"). It would be written between the two words (similar to the describe mark) to "connect" them. The two words would then be pronounced as if they were one, single word, with the letter being combined being pronounced twice as long.

Ex. Let's take the name "Amelia Amaro". In English, the name would be written as "Amelia Amaro." Pronounced (ah-MEE-lee-ah ah-MAHR-oh)

In Khumbilan, the name would be written like this:



Pronounced (ah-mee-lee-aahh-MAHR-oh)

The Letter Link prevents the break in letter pronunciation and would turn two "ah"s into one "ah" to keep the flowiness of the language. 

Vowel Precendents/Negation[]

The English article "a" is a congnate of the Khumbilan article "a", both pronounced the same and mean the same thing. The English article "an" works differently in Khumbilan. If the Khumbilan "a" is succeeded by a vowel, keep the "a" and add a "k+'" to the succeeding word. 

Ex. "a aski" -> "a k'aski" (AH k'ahs-KEE) = "a sky"

"ni" (NI) means "no" in Khumbilan. However, when negating something, the ni goes from (NI) to (NEE). 

Ex. "It is not you." -> "et ni'sil tu." (AY NEE-SIL TOOH)

If "ni" is followed by a vowel, drop the "i" in "ni" and replace it with an apostrophe.

Ex. "You do not." -> "tu n'u." (TOOH N'OOH)

For something like "do not _", there is yet ANOTHER apostopher connecting "n'u" to the verb. 

Ex. "You do not move." -> "tu n'u'vemson." (TOOH N'OOH'vem-SAHN)


_(least) _nes (NAYS)
_(less) _nis (NEES)
_ed _ne (NAYS)
_er (comparative) _ti (TEE)
_er (one who…) _'a (AY) (vowel; YAY)
_est _tes (TAYS)
_ing _ent (AHNT) ~Delete previous vowel if applicable - drop vowel + ent
_ly _ei (AY) ~Delete previous vowel if applicable - drop vowel + ei
_s _i (EE)
_'s _'vir (VEER)
a a (AH)
abyss dukabre (doh-KAB-ra)
again deju (day-JOOH)
airplane arplan (AYR-playn)
alpaca alpaka (al-PAK-a)
also da'avor (da-yay-VOHR)
am vora (VOHR-ah)
an a k'- no definite pronuncation ~If word after "a" has a vowel, it becomes a "k' " and then the word
and ko (KOH)
angle igul (EE-goohl)
angled igulne (i-GOOHL-nay)
angler igul'a (ee-goohl-AY)
angles (verb) iguli (i-goohl-EE)
angling igulent (i-goohl-ENT)
apple apel (AP-el)
are voral (vohr-AL)
as ze (ZAY)
at te (TAY)
babied pumine (poo-MEE-nay)
babies (verb) pumi (POO-mee)
baby pumi (POO-me)
babying pument (poo-MENT)
bad reshed (RESH-ed)
badly reshedei (RESH-ayd-ay)
banana banana (ba-NA-na)
basil basil (BAY-sil)
be vor (VOHR)
bear bar (BAYR)
because sinsai (sin-SAY)
bee be (BEE)
been vorne (VOHR-nay)
being vorent (vohr-ENT)
best blok'tes (BLOOK-tays)
best-looking (pretty, handsome) ina'tes (EEN-a-tays)
better blok'ti (BLOOK-tee)
better-looking (pretty, handsome) ina'ti (EEN-a-tee)
bisexual (adjective) akoamote (a-KO-a-moht)
bitch (noun) shick (SHIK) ~Not a direct Khumbilan translation; Khumbi doesn't have dogs
black duk (DOOK)
black (least) duk'nes (DOOK-nays)
black (less) duk'nis (DOOK-nees)
blackberry bere-duk (ber-ee-DUK)
blacker duk'ti (DOOK-tee)
blackest duk'tes (DOOK-tays)
blazing ravesha (ra-VAY-sha)
blazing (least) ravesha'nes (ra-vay-SHA-nays)
blazing (less) ravesha'nis (ra-vay-SHA-nees)
blazing(er) ravesha'ti (ra-vay-SHA-tee)
blazing(est) ravesha'tes (ra-vay-SHA-tays)
blazingly raveshei (RA-vay-shay)
bless you (after someone sneezes) chitane (CHIT-ahn-ay)
blue sumek (SOOMK)
blue (least) sumek'nes (SOOMK-nays)
blue (less) sumek'nis (SOOMK-nees)
blueberry bere-sumek (ber-ee-SOOMK)
bluer sumek'ti (SOOMK-tee)
bluest sumek'tes (SOOMK-tays)
boob lolos (LOH-lohs)
both akoa (a-KOH-a)
brain mensha (MEN-sha)
broccoli brokoli (BROK-oh-lee)
brother ksa'pom (ksa-POM)
brown sork (SOHRK)
brown (least) sork'nes (SOHRK-nays)
brown (less) sork'nis (SOHRK-nees)
browner sork'ti (SOHRK-tee)
brownest sork'tes (SOHRK-tays)
bull bul (BUL)
but ton (TOHN)
buzz i-jz (I[J])
buzzed i-jzne (I[J]-nay)
buzzer i-jz'a (i[j]-AY)
buzzes i-jzi (I[J]-ee)
buzzing i-jzent (i[j]-ENT)
bye valimos (vahl-ee-MOHS)
bye (slang) vali (VAH-lee)
caffiene kafen (ka-FEEN)
camera kamra (KAM-ra)
can sal (SAL)
canyon shoalbre (SHUL-bra)
car kar (KAR)
carrot karot (KAYR-ot)
cast karson (car-SAHN)
casted karsone (CAR-sahn-ay)
caster karson'a (car-sahn-AY)
casting karsonent (car-sahn-ENT)
casts karsoni (CAR-sahn-ee)
cat kat (CAT)
celery selere (SEL-er-ee)
cherry chere (CHER-ee)
chicken chiken (CHIK-en)
child pim (PIM)
cinnamon sinimen (SIN-e-men)
coconut kokonut (KOH-koh-nut)
cola kola (KOH-la)
cold kabur (ka-BUHR)
cold (least) kabur'nes (ka-BUHR-nays)
cold (less) kabur'nis (ka-BUHR-nees)
colder kabur'ti (ka-BUHR-tee)
coldest kabur'tes (ka-BUHR-tays)
coldly (temperature-wize) kaburei (KA-buhr-ay)
computer kumput'a (kum-pyoot-AY)
cool suka (SOOH-ka)
cool (least) suka'nes (sooh-KAH-nays)
cool (less) suka'nis (sooh-KAH-nees)
cooler suka'ti (sooh-KAH-tee)
coolest suka'tes (sooh-KAH-tays)
coolly (temperature-wize) sukei (SOOHK-ay)
cordet cordet (cohr-DAY) ~The fried or baked heart of a Pavorat; served as a delicacy
corn korn (KORN)
could salne (SAL-nay)
cow kau (CAW)
crescent idis (id-EES)
crumple Crehl ([CH]RAYL)
crumpled Crehlne ([CH]RAYL-nay)
crumpler Crehl'a ([ch]rayl-AY)
crumples Crehli ([ch]rayl-EE)
crumpling Crehlent ([ch]rayl-ENT)
crunch Crich ([CH]RICH)
crunched Crichne ([CH]RICH-nay)
cruncher Crich'a ([ch]rich-AY)
crunches Crichi ([CH]RICH-ee)
crunching Chrichent ([ch]rich-ENT)
cute beli (BELL-ee)
cute (least) beli'nes (BELL-ee-nays)
cute (less) beli'nis (BELL-ee-nees)
cutely belei (BELL-ay)
cuter beli'ti (BELL-ee-tee)
cutest beli'tes (BELL-ee-tays)
daddy amoti (a-MO-tee)
daily tif'amei (TEE-fahm-ay)
damn dan (DAHN)
damned dane (da-NAY)
damner dan'a (dahn-AY)
damning danent (dahn-ENT)
damns (verb) dani (da-NEE)
dark dukre (DOO-kray)
dark (least) dukre'nes (dook-RAY-nays)
dark (less) dukre'nis (dook-RAY-nees)
darker dukre'ti (dook-RAY-tee)
darkest dukre'tes (dook-RAY-tays)
darkly dukrei (dook-RAY)
darn dal (DAHL)
darned dalne (DAHL-nay)
darning dalent (dahl-ENT)
darns (verb) dali (DAHL-ee)
daughter pelam (pel-AHM)
day tif'am (TEE-fahm)
dead zail (zay-EEL)
did une (OOH-nay)
die za (ZAY)
die (threat) Ca ([CH]A)
died  zane (ZAY-nay)
dies zai (zay-EE)
do u (OOH)
doer u'a (ooh-AY)
does ui (OOH-ee) [quick]
dog dog (DAWG)
doing u'ent (ooh-ENT)
done unelu (ooh-NAY-looh)
done (slang) nel (NEL)
don't (do not) n'u (NOOH)
dying za'ent (zay-ENT)
end za (za)
ended zane (za-NAY)
ender za'a (za-YAY)
ending za'ent (za-YENT)
ends zai (za-EE)
ew blek (BLEK)
excuse kenson (ken-SAHN)/(KEN-sahn)
excused kensone (KEN-sahn-ay)
excuser kenson'a (ken-sahn-AY)
excuses (verb) kensoni (KEN-sahn-ee)
excusing kensonent (ken-sahn-ENT)
experience  zintasik'da (ZEEN-ta-SEEK-da)
experienced zintasikne'da (zeen-ta-seek-NAY-da)
experiences zintasiki'da (zeen-ta-seek-EE-da)
experiencing zintasikent'da (zeen-ta-seek-ENT-da)
far ral (RAHL)
far (least) ral'nes (RAL-nays)
far (less) ral'nis (RAL-nees)
fare sh'pel (SHPEL)
fared sh'pelne (SHPEL-nay)
farer (one who fares) sh'pel'a (shpel-AY)
fares sh'peli (SHPEL-ee)
fares (as "How fares?") sh'pel (SHPEL)
faring sh'pelent (shpel-ENT)
farther ral'ti (RAL-tee)
farthest  ral'tes (RAL-tays)
fat blum (BLUHM)
fat (least) blum'nes (BLUHM-nays)
fat (less) blum'nis (BLUHM-nees)
father amoto (a-MO-toh)
fathered amotone (ah-moh-TOHN-ay)
fathering amotent (a-moh-TENT)
fathers (verb) amotoi (ah-moht-OH-ee)
fatter blum'ti (BLUHM-tee)
fattest blum'tes (BLUHM-tays)
fly (insect) fli (FLY)
fold krehl (CRAYL)
folded krehlne (CRAYL-nay)
folder (one who folds) krehl'a (crayl-AY)
folding krehlent (crayl-ENT)
folds krehli (CRAYL-ee)
food pecou (pe-KOO)
for ro (ROH)
forget niment (nee-MENT)
forgets nimenti (nee-MENT-ee)
forgetter niment'a (nee-ment-AY)
forgetting nimentent (nee-men-TENT)
forgot nimentne (nee-MENT-nay)
freezing klisu (KLEE-sooh)
freezing (least) klisu'nes (KLEE-sooh-nays)
freezing (less) klisu'nis (KLEE-sooh-nees)
freezing(er) klisu'ti (klee-SOOH-tee)
freezing(est) klisu'tes (klee-SOOH-tays)
frog frawg (FAWG)
from delmar (DEL-mar)
future uspetok (ooh-spay-TOK)
garlic garlik (GAR-lik)
get tem (TEM)
gets temi (TEM-ee)
getter (one who gets) tem'a (tem-AY)
getting tement (tem-ENT)
gift (noun) fe'tari (fay-TAHR-ee)
go vem (VEM)
goat got (GOHT)
goer vem'a (vem-AY)
goes vemi (VEM-ee)
going vement (vem-ENT)
gone vemnu (VEM-noo)
good blok (BLOOHK)
good (least) blok'nes (BLOOHK-nays)
good (less) blok'nis (BLOOHK-nees)
good-looking (pretty, handsome) ina (EEN-a)
got temne (tem-NAY)
gotten temne (tem-NAY)
grape grap (GRAYP)
green eketh (ee-KETH)
green (least) eketh'nes (ee-KETH-nays)
green (less) eketh'nis (ee-KETH-nees)
greener eketh'ti (ee-KETH-tee)
greenest eketh'tes (ee-KETH-tays)
gross Cruk ([CH]RUHK)
gross (least) Cruk'nes ([CH]RUL-nays)
gross (less) Cruk'nis ([CH]RUK-nees)
grosser Cruk'ti ([CH]RUHK-tee)
grossest Cruk'tes ([CH]RUHK-tays)
grossly Crukei ([CH]RUK-ay)
ground dogir (doh-GUR)
group reg (REJ)
grouped regne (REJ-nay)
grouper reg'a (re-GAY)
grouping (verb) regent (re-JENT)
groups (verb) regi (rej-ee)
guard (noun) diet'a (dee-et-AY)
guard (verb) diet (dee-AY)
guarded dietne (dee-ay-NAY)
guardian dietan (DEE-et-ayn) n - "Protective creature of a continent"
guarding dietent (dee-ay-TENT)
guards dieti (dee-ay-TEE)
guava gwava (GWA-va)
gun gun (GUN)
had akine (a-KEEN)
had ___ ne'___ (NAY)
happy upeti (UP-et-ee)
has aki (a-KEE)
has ___ i'___ (EE)
hate Chil ([CH]EEL)
have akies (ah-kee-ES)
have ___ es'___ (AYS)
having akiesent (ah-kee-es-ENT)
he o (OH)
hello aveta (ah-VEY-ta)
help (verb) soson (sa-SAHN)
helped sosone (sa-SAHN-ay)
helper soson'a (SA-sahn-ay)
helping sosonent (sa-sahn-ENT)
helps sosoni (sa-sahn-EE)
hen hen (HEN)
her elavir (el-ah-VEER)
here ti'klo (TEE-kloh)
here (as giving) [impolite] sora (SOHR-a)
here (as giving) [polite] sode (SOH-day)
hers ela'vir (EL-ah-veer)
herself elavira (el-ah-VEER-ay)
hexagon ebigul (EB-ee-goohl)
hi/hey ave (AH-vay)
him om (OHM)
his o'vir (oh-VEER)
hiself ovira (oh-VEER-ay)
hole abro (AH-bro)
home maises (may-SAY)
homosexual (adjective) ksamote (KSA-moht)
homosexual (female; adjective) ela'ksamote (el-A-ksa-moht)
homosexual (male; adjective) o'ksamote (OHK-sa-moht)
hot tapra (TAP-ra)
hot (least) tapra'nes (TA-prah-nays)
hot (less) tapra'nis (TA-prah-nees)
hotly (temperature-wize) taprei (TAP-ray)
hotter tapra'ti (ta-PRAH-tee)
hottest tapra'tes (ta-PRAH-tays)
house maison (may-SAHN)
how doli (doh-LEE)
hum h-m ([HM])
human hyuman (HYOO-man)
hummed h-mne ([HM]-nay)
humming h-ment ([hm]-ENT)
hums (verb) h-mi ([HM]-ee)
I (female) el'a (el-AY)
I (male) o'a (OUAY)
ice (noun) klis (KLEES)
if  filr (FI^l-R)
in nil (NEEL)
insane hinshing (HEEN-sheeng)
insane(er) hinshing'ti (HEEN-sheeng-tee)
insane(est) hinshing'tes (HEEN-sheeng-tays)
insanely hinshingei (HEEN-sheeng-ay)
into nilik (neel-EEK)
is sil (SIL)
it e (AY)
jubbie jubbie (JOOH-bee) ~A pumpkin-shaped fruit that comes in two varieties - red and indigo
kill Calt ([CH]AHLT)
killed Caltne ([CH]AHLT-nay)
killer Calt'a ([ch]alt-AY)
killing Caltent ([ch]alt-ENT)
kills Calti ([CH]AHLT-e)
kiwi kewe (KEE-wee)
lacter lacter (LAK-ter) ~A Swiss cheese-like substance made from the "milk" of different animals 
lamp lamp (LAMP)
least nesa (NAY-sa)
lemon lemon (LEM-on)
less nis (NEES)
licorice likorish (LIK-or-ish)
light (noun) aihm (AYHM)
like ali (AL-ee)
liked aline (AL-ee-nay)
liker ali'a (al-ee-AY)
likes ali (AL-ee)
liking alent (al-ENT)
lime lim (LIYM)
lion lion (LIY-on)
love amote (ah-MOHT)
loved amotne (ah-MOHT-nay)
lover amote'a (ah-moht-AY)
loves  amoti (ah-MOHT-ee)
loving (verb) amotent (ah-moh-TENT)
made duxene (doooks-ay-NAY)
make duxe (dooks-AY)
maker duxe'a (DOOKS-ay)
makes duxei (dooks-ay-EE)
making duxent (dooks-ENT)
mango mango (MAYN-goh)
marmalade marmalad (MAR-ma-layd)/(MAR-ma-lahd)
may (let) laim (LAYHM)
me ai (I)
microphone mikrofon (MIK-roh-fohn)
microscope mikroskop (MI-kroh-skohp)
microwave mikrowav (MI-kroh-wayv)
mint mint (MINT)
minus pikorni (pee-kohr-NEE)
mirror telator (TEL-a-tohr)
miss sim (SIM)
miss (title) del (DEL) ~A creature's title goes after the name "Ex: -title"
missed simne (SIM-nay)
misses (title) dela (DEL-a) ~A creature's title goes after the name "Ex: -title"
misses (verb) simi (SIM-ee)
missing siment (sim-ENT)
mister (title; married) dul (DOOHL) ~A creature's title goes after the name "Ex: -title"
mister (title; unmarried) dol (DOHL)
mommy ami (A-me)
moon mun (MOOHN)
moose mus (MOOHS)
more tim (TIM)
more (adverb) timei (TIM-ay)
morgling morgling (MORG-ling) n. (slang, profanity) - "One who has been possessed"
most teset (TES-ay)
mostly tesetei (TES-ay-tay)
mother amela (a-MEL-a)
mothered amelane (ah-mel-AH-nay)
mothering amelent (ah-mel-ENT)
mothers (verb) amelai (ah-mel-AH-ee)
mouse mauws (MAUSE)
move vemson (vem-SAHN)/(VEM-sahn)
moved vemsone (VEM-sahn-ay)
mover vemson'a (vem-sahn-AY)
moves (verb) vemsoni (VEM-sahn-ee)
moving vemsonent (vem-sahn-ENT)
ms (general title) dil'a (dil-AY) ~A creature's title goes after the name "Ex: -title"
muffle mumf (MOOMF)
muffled mumfne (MOOMF-nay)
muffler mumf'a (MOOMF-ay)
muffles (verb) mumfi (MOOM-fee)
muffling mumfent (moohm-FENT)
mumble mumfehle (moom-FEHL)
mumbled mumfehlene (moom-FEHL-nay)
mumbler mumfehle'a (moomf-el-AY)
mumbles mumfehlei (moom-FEHL-ee)
mumbling mumfehlent (moom-fehl-ENT)
murder krueg (KROOHG)
murdered kruegne (KROOHG-nay)
murderer krueg'a (kroohg-AY)
murdering kruegent (KROOHG-ent)
murders (verb) kruegi (KROOHG-ee)
muscular gagu-jz (ga-GUZSH)
muscular (least) gagu-jz'nes (ga-GUZSH-nays)
muscular (less) gagu-jz'nis (ga-GUZSH-nees)
muscular(er) gagu-jz'ti (ga-GUZSH-tee)
muscular(est) gagu-jz'tes (ga-GUZSH-tays)
my aivir (i-VEER)
myself aivira (I-veer-ay)
mz (title) dil'a (dil-AY)
nag blip (BLIP)
nagged blipne (BLIP-nay)
nagging blipent (blip-ENT)
nags (verb) blipi (BLIP-ee)
name talibel (tal-e-BELL)
named talibelne (tal-e-BELL-nay)
namer talibel'a (tal-ee-bell-AY)
names (verb) talibeli (ta-li-BELL-ee)
naming talibelent (tal-ee-bell-ENT)
near klodi (KLOH-dee)
near (least) klodi'nes (kloh-dee-NAYS)
near (less) klodi'nis (kloh-dee-NEES)
nearer klodi'ti (kloh-dee-TEE)
nearest klodi'tes (kloh-dee-TAYS)
nearly klodiei (kloh-dee-YAY)
need begor (bay-GOHR)
needed begorne (bay-GOHR-nay)
needer begor'a (be-gohr-AY)
needing begorent (bee-gohr-ENT)
needs (verb) begori (bay-GOHR-ee)
nice eli (EL-ee)
nice (least) eli'nes (EL-ee-nays)
nice (less) eli'nis (EL-ee-nees)
nicely eliei (el-ee-AY)
nicer eli'ti (EL-ee-tee)
nicest eli'tes (el-ee-TAYS)
night tif'du (TEEF-doo)
nightly tif'duei (TEEF-doo-ay)
no ni (NEE)
no one ni'a (nee-AY)
none nia (NEE-a)
nor ni'ki (NEE-kee)
not ni (NI)
now nunam (nooh-NAM)
nut nut (NUT)
obese luba (LOOH-bah)
obese (least) luba'nes (looh-bah-NAYS)
obese (less) luba'nis (LOOH-bah-nees)
obese(er) luba'ti (LOOH-bah-tee)
obese(est) luba'tes (looh-bah-TAYS)
octagon traciligul (tra-SEEL-ee-goohl)
of  f'vor (F^V-OR)
okay (agreement) aytu (AY-tooh)
on nel (NEL)
onion onyon (ON-yon)
onto nelik (NEL-ik)
open (verb) nier (nee-AYR)
opened nierne (nee-AYR-nay)
opener nier'a (nee-ayr-NAY)
opening nierent (nee-ayr-ENT)
opens nieri (nee-AYR-ee)
or ki (KEE)
orange (color) eshok (esh-oh-KAY)
orange (fruit) oranj (OR-anj)
orange (least) eshok'nes (esh-oh-KAY-nays)
orange (less) eshok'nis (esh-oh-KAY-nees)
orange(er) eshok'ti (esh-oh-KAY-tee)
orange(est) eshok'tes (esh-oh-KAY-tays)
oregano oregano (ohr-EG-an-oh)
our spal (SPAYL)
ourself spala (SPAY-lay)
ourselves spalada (spay-LAY-da)
out voleta (vol-AY-ta)
oven uven (UH-ven)
ox oks (OKS)
pardon lodon (LOW-don)
pardoned lodone (LOW-don-ay)
pardoner lodon'a (loh-don-AY)
pardoning lodonent (loh-don-ENT)
pardons (verb) lodoni (LOW-don-ee)
parent amoet (ahm-oh-ET)
parented amoetne (ah-moh-ET-nay)
parenting amoetent (a-moh-et-ENT)
parents (verb) amoeti (ah-moh-ET-ee)
past i'tok (EE-tok)
pear par (PAYR)
pedometer pedometer (ped-OM-et-er)
pentagon siligul (seel-ee-GOOHL)
pepper peper (PEP-er)
pig pig (PIG)
pink bleli (BLEHL-ee)
pink (least) bleli'nes (BLEHL-ee-nays)
pink (less) bleli'nis (BLEHL-ee-nees)
pinker bleli'ti (BLEHL-ee-tee)
pinkest bleli'tes (BLEHL-ee-tays)
please (beg) tehle (TEL)
potato potato (poh-TAY-toh)
precious dehle (DEHL)
precious (least) dehle'nes (DEHL-nays)
precious (less) dehle'nis (DEHL-nees)
precious(er) dehle'ti (DEHL-tee)
precious(est) dehle'tes (DEHL-tays)
preciously  dehlei (DEH-lay)
present (timewise) tok (TOK)
pumpkin pumkin (PUM-kin)
purple oblam (OH-blam)
purple (least) oblam'nays (oh-BLAHM-nays)
purple (less) oblam'nis (oh-BLAHM-nees)
purpler oblam'ti (oh-BLAHM-tee)
purplest oblam'tes (oh-BLAHM-tays)
ram ram (RAM)
raspberry razbere (RAZ-ber-ee)
rat rat (RAT)
red blare (BLAYR)
red (least) blare'nes (BLAYR-nays
red (less) blare'nis (BLAYR-nees)
redder blare'ti (BLAYR-tee)
reddest blare'tes (BLAYR-tays)
remember nement (ne-MENT)
remembered nementne (ne-MENT-nay)
rememberer nement'a (ne-ment-AY)
remembering nementent (ne-men-TENT)
remembers nementi (ne-MENT-ee)
rifle rifel (RI-fel)
rooster ruster (ROOH-ster)
rooster ruster (ROO-ster)
rough Cruf ([CH]RUF)
rough (least) Cruf'nes ([CH]RUF-nays)
rough (less) Cruft'nis ([CH]RUF-nees)
rougher Cruf'ti ([CH]RUF-tee)
roughest Cruf'tes ([CH]RUF-tays)
roughly Crufei ([CH]RUF-ay)
sad serai (sur-AY)
sad (least) serai'nes (sur-AY-nays)
sad (less) serai'nis (sur-AY-nees)
sadder serai'ti (ser-AY-tee)
saddest serai'tes (ser-AY-tays)
sadly seraei (SAYR-ah-yay)
sage (spice) saj (SAYJ)
said sehlene (SELL-nay)
salt salt (SALT)
same eksa (EK-sa)
sap h-me (HMM-ay)
saw oklane (oh-KLA-nay)
say sehle (SELL)
sayer sehle'a (sel-AY)
saying sehlent (sell-ENT)
says sehlei (SELL-ee)
scarier begul'ti (be-GOOHL-tee)
scariest begul'tes (be-GOOHL-tays)
scarily  begulei (BE-goohl-ay)
scary begul (be-GOOHL)
scary (least) begul'nes (be-GOOHL-nays)
scary (less) begul'nis (be-GOOHL-nees)
scorpion skorpion (SKOHR-pee-on)
see okla (OH-kla)
seeing oklent (oh-CLENT)
seen oklanu (oh-KLA-nu)
seer okla'a (ok-la-YAY)
sees oklai (oh-KLA-ee)
self a (AY)
selves ada (AY-da)
septagon dasiligul (da-SEEL-ee-goohl)
shall she (SHAY)
she ela (EHL-ah)
shit dash (DAHSH)
shits (verb) dashi (DAHSH-ee)
shitted dashne (DAHSH-nay)
shitter dash'a (dash-AY)
shitting dashent (dash-ENT)
short adoar (ah-DWAR)
short (least) adoar'nes (a-DWAR-nays)
short (less) adoar'nis (a-DWAR-nees)
shorter adoar'ti (a-DWAR-tee)
shortest adoar'tes (a-DWAR-tays)
should shene (SHAY-nay)
sibling ksa'pim (ksa-PIM)
sing lada (LA-da)
singer lada'a (la-da-YAY)
singing ladent (la-DENT)
sings ladai (la-da-EE)
sister ksa'pelam (ksa-pel-AHM)
skinnier kish'ti (KEESH-tee)
skinniest kish'tes (KEESH-tays)
skinny kish (KEESH)
skinny (least) kish'nes (KEESH-nays)
skinny (less) kish'nis (KEESH-nees)
sky aski (ass-KEE)
sleep zj-ush ([J]USH)
sleeper zj-ush'a ([j]ush-AY)
sleeping zj-ushent ([j]ush-ENT)
sleeps zj-ushi ([J]USH-ee)
slept zj-ushne ([J]USH-nay)
smart menshant (men-SHAHNT)
smart (least) menshant'nes (men-SHAHNT-nays)
smart (less) menshant'nis (men-SHAHNT-nees)
smartass menshant'a (men-SHAHNT-ay)
smarter menshan'ti (men-SHAN-tee) ~get rid of the "t" at the end of menshant for the "ti"
smartest menshan'tes (men-SHAN-tays) ~see smarter
smartly menshantei (men-shan-TAY)
smooth sioh-m (SU[HM])
smooth (least) sioh-m'nes (SU[HM]-nays)
smooth (less) sioh-m'nis (SU[HM]-nees)
smoother sioh-m'ti (SU[HM]-tee)
smoothest sioh-m'tes (SU[HM]-tays)
smoothly sioh-mei (SU[HM]-ay)
snake snak (SNAYK)
sneeze nimku (nim-KOOH)
sneezed  nimkune (nim-KOOH-nay)
sneezer nimku'a (nim-KWAY)
sneezes nimki (nim-KEE)
sneezing nimkent (nim-KENT)
so don (DOHN)
soda soda (SOH-da)
son pom (POM)
soul kaa (KA)
spider spider (SPY-der)
spinach spini-jz (SPIN-i[jz])
square kaigul (ka-ee-GOOHL)
star strehli (STRAYL-ee)
start avem (ah-VEM)
started avemne (ah-VEM-nay)
starter avem'a (ah-VEM-ay)
starting avement (ah-vem-ENT)
starts avemi (ah-VEM-ee)
stop domet (DOHM-e)
stopped dometne (doh-ME-nay)
stopper domer'a (dohm-ayr-AY)
stopping doment (doh-MENT)
stops (verb) dometi (doh-MET-ee)
strong tekar (tay-KAHR)
strong (least) tekar'nes (tek-ahr-AY-nays)
strong (less) tekar'nis (tek-ahr-AY-nees)
stronger tekar'ti (tay-KAHR-tee) abdefghijklmnoprstuvwyz (23) sh ch th (3) C jz hm (3) 
strongest tekar'tes (tay-KAHR-tays)
strongly tekarei (TEK-ahr-ay)
stupid dirr (DUR)
stupid (least) dirr'nes (dur-NAYS)
stupid (less) dirr'nis (dur-NEES)
stupid(er) dirr'ti (DUR-tee)
stupid(est) dirr'tes (DUR-tays)
stupidly dirrei (dur-AY)
sung ladane (la-da-NAY)
take pikor (PEE-kohr)
taken piknekor (peek-nay-KOHR)
taker pikor'a (pee-kohr-AY)
takes (verb) pikori (pee-KOHR-ee)
taking pikorent (pee-kohr-ENT)
tall shool (SHOOL)
tall (least) shool'nes (SHOOL-nays)
tall (less) shool'nis (SHOOL-nees)
taller shool'ti (SHOOL-tee)
tallest shool'tes (SHOOL-tays)
tangerine tangeren (tan-jer-EEN)
tastier lekte'ti (lek-TAY-tee)
tastiest lekte'tes (lek-TAY-TAYS)
tastily lektei-ei (LEK-tay) - E, I
tasty (least) lecte'nes (LEK-tay-nays)
tasty (less) lecte'nis (LEK-tay-nees)
tasty (tastes good) lekte (LEK-tay)
telephone telafon (TEL-ay-fohn)
telescope telaskop (TEL-ay-skohp)
television telavi-jzun (TEL-ay-vi(jz)-un)
temperature urtara (ur-TAR-a)
thank kehle (KEL)
thank you (formal) tukehle (too-KEL)
thank you (informal) kehle (KEL)
thanked kehlne (KEL-nay)
thanker kehle'a (kel-AY)
thanking kehlent (kel-ENT)
thanks kehlei (KEL-ee)
that ke'ra (KAY-rah)
the ke (KUH)
then kenta (KEN-ta)
there ti'ra (TEE-ra)
these kel'klo (DIL-day-kloh)
they oela (oh-EHL-ah)
think umen (oo-MEN)
thinker ument'a (ooh-ment-AY)
thinking ument (ooh-MENT)
thinks umeni (oo-MEN-ee)
this ke'klo (KAY-kloh)
those kel'ra (KEL-ra)
thought menti (MEN-tee)
thought (verb) umene (oo-MEN-ay)
thyme tim (TIYM)
tiger tiger (TY-ger)
tilpo tilpo (TIL-poh) ~A heart shaped fruit that tastes like licorice
time titok (TEE-tok)
to ik (EEK)
today kel'tif'am (kel-tee-FAHM)
tomato tomato (toh-MAY-toh)
tomorrow kel'tif'am-ra (kel-tee-fahm-RAH)
tomorrow night kel'tif'du-ra (kel-teef-du-RA)
tonight kel'tif'du (kel-teef-DU)
too da'a (da-YAY)
took pikorne (pee-KOHR-nay)
travel onda (ON-da)
traveled ondane (ON-dan-ay)
traveling ondent (on-DENT)
traveller onda'a (on-da-YAY)
travels ondai (ON-da-ee)
triangle traigul (tra-ee-GOOHL)
true () eul (YOOHL)
true (least) eul'nes (YOOHL-nays)
true (less) eul'nis (YOOHL-nees)
truer eul'ti (YOOL-tee)
truest eul'tes (YOOL-tays)
truly eulei (YOOL-ay)
truth eula (YOOHL-a)
turkey turke (TUR-kee)
turquoise tuqo (TOO-kwoh)
turquoise (least) tuqo'nes (too-KWOH-nays)
turquoise (less) tuqo'nis (too-KWOH-nees)
turquoise(er) tuqo'ti (too-KWOH-tee)
turquoise(est) tuqo'tes (too-KWOH-tays)
us resa (res-AY)
vagina kuta (KOO-tah)
very rahel (RAYL)
video video (VID-ee-oh)
wait stemson (stem-SAHN)
waited stemsone (STEM-sahn-ay)
waiter (one who waits) stemson'a (stem-sahn-AY)
waiting stemsonent (stem-sahn-ENT)
waits stemsoni (STEM-sahn-ee)
want desir (des-EER)
wanted desirne (des-EER-nay)
wanter desir'a (des-eer-AY)
wanting desirent (des-eer-ENT)
wants (verb) desiri (des-EER-ee)
warm tepe (TEP-ay)
warm (least) tepe'nes (TEP-ay-nays)
warm (less) tepe'nis (TEP-ay-nees)
warmer (adjective) tepe'ti (teh-PAY-tee)
warmer (noun) tepe'a (te-pay-AY)
warmest tepe'tes (teh-PAY-tays)
warmly (temperature-wise) tepei (teh-PAY)
was sili (SEE-lee)
wasp wasp (WASP)
we rega (re-GAY)
weak teki (TEE-kee)
weak (least) teki'nes (TEK-ay-nays)
weak (less) teki'nis (TEK-ay-nees)
weaker teki'ti (te-KEE-tee)
weakest teki'tes (te-KEE-tay)
weakly tekei (TEK-ay)
well blokei (BLOOK-ay)
went vemne (VEM-nay)
were vorane (VOHR-ah-nay)
what odi (oh-DEE)
when dorele (dohr-EL)
where ora (OHR-a)
whisker wiche (WIH-shay)
whisper (verb) spehle (SPEL)
whispered spehlene (SPEL-nay)
whisperer spehle'a (spel-AY)
whispering spehlent (spel-ENT)
whispers (verb) spehlei (SPEL-ee)
white aleli (ah-layl-LEE)
white (least) aleli'nes (ah-layl-LEE-nays)
white (less) aleli'nis (ah-layl-LEE-nees)
whiter aleli'ti (ah-layl-LEE-tee)
whitest aleli'tes (ah-layl-LEE-tays)
who oda  (OH-day)
why dolem (doh-LEM)
will pe (PAY)
worse reshed'ti (resh-ay-TEE)
worse-looking  ina'nis (EEN-a-nees)
worst reshed'tes (resh-ay-TAYS)
worst-looking ina'nay (EEN-a-nay)
would pene (PAY-nay)
yeah/yep ay (AY)
year yer (YEER)
yellow tiine (TEEN)
yellow (least) tiine'nes (TEEN-nays)
yellow (less) tiine'nis (TEEN-nees)
yellow(er) tiine'ti (TEEN-tee)
yellow(est) tiine'tes (TEEN-tays)
yes aya (AY-a)
yet ent (ENT)
you (plural) tupor'da (tu-POH-da)
you (singular) tupo (tu-POH)
your (plural) tupovir'da (tu-poh-VOR-da)
your (singular) tupovir (tu-POH-vor)
you're  tupora (tu-POHR-a)
yourself tupovora (tu-poh-VOHR-a-da)
yourselves tupovora'da (tu-poh-VOHR-a-da)
~The name "Idina" roughly translates to "Pretty crescent" from "idis" and "ina"


A (AH) 1
Dasha (DA-sha) 2
Trasha (TRA-sha) 3
Kasha (KA-sha) 4 Kacil/Dablocil/Shaette-Kacilsha ko Kacilda
Cil (SEEL) 5 9/25/1997
Ebula (EB-you-la) 6
Dacil (DA-seel) 7 Bloda/Blodia/Shaette-Kacilsha ko Kacilda
Tracil (TRA-seel) 8 12/11/1997
Kacil (KA-seel) 9
Blodi (BLO-dee) 10
Blodia (blo-DEE-ah) 11
Bloda (blo-DA) 12
Blotra (blo-TRA) 13
Bloka (blo-KA) 14
Blocil (blo-SEEL) 15
Blood (BLUED) 16
Blocilda (blo-SEEL-da) 17
Blociltra (blo-SEEL-tra) 18
Blocilka (blo-SEEL-ka) 19
Dablo (DAH-blo) 20
Dabloa (dah-BLO-ah) 21
Dabloda (dah-BLO-da) 22
Dablotra (dah-BLO-tra) 23
Dabloka (dah-BLO-ka) 24
Dablocil (dah-blo-SEEL) 25
Dablood (DAH-blued) 26
Dablocilda (dah-blo-SEEL-da) 27
Dablociltra (dah-blo-SEEL-tra) 28
Dablocilka (dah-blo-SEEL-ka) 29
Trablo (TRA-blo) 30
Trabloa (tra-BLO-a) 31
Trabloda (tra-BLO-da) 32
Trablotra (tra-BLO-tra) 33
Trabloka (tra-BLO-ka) 34
Trablocil (tra-blo-SEEL) 35
Trablood (tra-BLUED) 36
Trablocilda (tra-blo-SEEL-da) 37
Trablociltra (tra-blo-SEEL-tra) 38
Trablocilka (tra-blo-SEEL-ka) 39
Kablo (KAH-blo) 40
Kabloa (ka-BLO-ah) 41
Kabloda (ka-BLO-da) 42
Kablotra (ka-BLO-tra) 43
Kabloka (ka-BLO-ka) 44
Kablocil (ka-blo-SEEL) 45
Kablood (ka-BLUED) 46
Kablocilda (ka-blo-SEEL-da) 47
Kablociltra (ka-blo-SEEL-tra) 48
Kablocilka (ka-blo-SEEL-ka) 49
Cilette (seel-ET) 50
Ciletta (seel-ET-ah) 51
Ciletda (seel-ET-da) 52
Ciletra (seel-ET-tra) 53
Ciletka (seel-ET-ka) 54
Cilecil (seel-ay-SEEL) 55
Cilecila (seel-ay-SEEL-ah) 56
Cilecilda (seel-ay-SEEL-da) 57
Cileciltra (seel-ay-SEEL-tra) 58
Cilecilka (seel-ay-SEEL-ka) 59
Bloodette (blued-ET) 60
Bloodetta (blued-ET-ah) 61
Bloodetda (blued-ET-da) 62
Bloodetra (blued-ET-tra) 63
Bloodetka (blued-ET-ka) 64
Bloodecil (blued-ay-SEEL) 65
Bloodecila (blued-ay-SEEL-ah) 66
Bloodecilda (blued-ay-SEEL-da) 67
Bloodeciltra (blued-ay-SEEL-tra) 68
Bloodecilka (blued-ay-SEEL-ka) 69
Dacette (DAH-set) 70
Dacetta (dah-SET-ah) 71
Dacetda (dah-SET-dah) 72
Dacetra (dah-SET-tra) 73
Dacetka (dah-SET-ka) 74
Dacecil (dah-say-SEEL) 75
Dacecila (dah-say-SEEL-ah) 76
Dececilda (dah-say-SEEL-da) 77
Daceciltra (dah-say-SEEL-tra) 78
Dacecilka (dah-say-SEEL-ka) 79
Tracette (TRA-set) 80
Tracetta (tra-SET-ah) 81
Tracetda (tra-SET-dah) 82
Tracetra (tra-SET-tra) 83
Tracetka (tra-SET-ka) 84
Tracecil (tra-say-SEEL) 85
Tracecila (tra-say-SEEL-ah) 86
Tracecilda (tra-say-SEEL-dra) 87
Traceciltra (tra-say-SEEL-tra) 88
Tracecilka (tra-say-SEEL-ka) 89
Kacette (KA-set) 90
Kacetta (ka-SET-ah) 91
Kacetda (ka-SET-da) 92
Kacetra (ka-SET-tra) 93
Kacetka (ka-SET-ka) 94
Kacecil (ka-say-SEEL) 95
Kacecila (ka-say-SEEL-ah) 96
Kacecilda (ka-say-SEEL-da) 97
Kaceciltra (ka-say-SEEL-tra) 98
Kacecilka (ka-say-SEEL-ka) 99
Ablosha (ah-BLO-sha) 100
Ablosha ko A (ah-BLO-sha KO AH) 101
Ablosha ko Dasha (ah-BLO-sha KO DA-sha) 102
Ablosha ko Trasha (ah-BLO-sha) 103
Dablosha (da-BLO-sha) 200
Dablosha ko A (da-BLO-sha KO A) 201
Dablosha ko Dasha (da-BLO-sha KO DA-sha) 202
Dablosha ko Trasha (da-BLO-sha KO TRA-sha) 203
Trablosha (tra-BLO-sha) 300
Kablosha (ka-BLO-sha) 400
Cilblosha (seel-BLO-sha) 500
Bloodsha (BLUED-sha) 600
Dacilsha (da-SEEL-sha) 700
Tracilsha (tra-SEEL-sha) 800
Kacilsha (ka-SEEL-sha) 900
Shaette (shay-ET) 1000
Shaette ko A (shay-ET KO A) 1001
Shaette-Ablosha (shay-ET ah-BLO-sha) 1100
Shaette-Ablosha ko A (shay-ET ah-BLO-sha KO A) 1101
Dashaette (da-shay-ET) 2000
Trashaette (tra-shay-ET) 3000
Kashaette (ka-shay-ET) 4000
Cilshaette (seel-shay-ET) 5000
Bloodshaette (blued-shay-ET) 6000
Dacilshaette (da-SEEL-shay-ET) 7000
Tacilshette (tra-SEEL-shay-ET) 8000
Kacilshaette (ka-SEEL-shay-ET) 9000
Bloshaette (blo-shay-ET) 10,000
Dabloshaette (da-blo-shay-ET) 20,000
Abloshaette (ah-blo-shay-ET) 100,000
Dabloshaette (da-blo-shay-ET) 200,000
Cilshaette (SEEL-shay-ET) 500,000
Atuqo (ah-TOO-kwo) 1,000,000
Atuqo ko A (ah-TOO-kwo KO A) 1,000,001
Atuqo-Ablosha (ah-TOO-kwo ah-BLO-sha) 1,000,100
Atuqo, Shaette (ah-TOO-kwo shay-ET) 1,001,000
Atuqo, kablociltrashaette, cilsha ko dacecila (ah-TOO-kwo ka-blo-SEEL-tra-shet SEEL-sha KO da-say-SEEL-a) 1,048,576 End of Excel list
Atuqo, Abloshaette (ah-TOO-kwo ah-blo-shay-ET) 1,100,000
Datuqo (da-TOO-kwo) 2,000,000
Blotuqo (blo-TOO-kwo) 10,000,000
Ciletuqo (seel-ay-TOO-kwo) 50,000,000
Abloshaettuqo (ah-blo-shay-ah-TOO-kwo) 100,000,000
Cilshaettuqo (seel-shay-ah-TOO-kwo) 500,000,000
Ablanco (ah-BLAHNK-oh) 1,000,000,000
Ablanco, tracilsha-ko-cil-atuqo, kablosha ko cileciltra-shaette, tracilsha tracilette (ah-BLAHNK-oh  tra-SEEL-sha KO SEEL a-TOO-kwo, ka-BLO-sha KO seel-say-SEEL-tra shay-ET tra-SEEL-sha tra-seel-ET) 1,805,458,880 Current views of Gangnam Style
Araibo (ah-RAY-boh) 1,000,000,000,000


_en' (Sometimes one would drop the t at the end of _ent, like Sinoji) "o'a vora uen' e." (I am doin' it.)
a blare (What creatures would call a red jubbie.) "?laim ela'a aqies a blare [jubbie]." (May I have a red [jubbie]?)
a sumek (What creatures would call a blue jubbie.) "o'a pene'ali a sumec [jubbie]." (I would like a blue [jubbie].)
ave (Used as a shortened form of "hello; aveta") "ave, amoto. (Hey [or hi], dad.)
ay (Used as a shortened form of "yes; aya") "ay, ai da'a. (Yeah, me too.)
bloblos (Used as vulgar slang for large and/or sagging breasts) "u tu ocla ela'vir bloblos?" (Do you see her boobs?")
ina (Used instead of "good-looking" as "looks good") "ke'ra dela ina." (That lady looks good.)
kehle (Used informally instead of "tukehle") "kehle ro ke tilpo." (Thanks for the tilpo.)
lecte (Used instead of "tasty" as "tastes good") "!ke'clo lecte." (This tastes good!)
tu (Used as a shortened form of "you; tupo"; most common) "tu n'u k'eclo. (You [or ya] don't do that.)
tu'da (Used as a shortened form of "you; tupo'da" [as plural]) "?tu'da desir ke'ra. (You want that?)
tuvora (Used as a combination of "you are") "tuvora blok. (You're good.)
tuvora'da (Used as a combination of "you are" [plural]) "!tuvora'da ke blok'tes." (You're the best!"
vali (Used as a shortened form of "goodbye; valimos") "vali, amela." (Bye, mom.)