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Name: Kneauzza

Type: Fusional


Head Direction: Mixed; generally initial

Number of genders: 2

Declensions: Yes

Conjugations: Yes

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Gender Cases Numbers Tenses Persons Moods Voices Aspects
Verb No No No No No No No No
Nouns No No No No No No No No
Adjectives No No No No No No No No
Numbers No No No No No No No No
Participles No No No No No No No No
Adverb No No No No No No No No
Pronouns No No No No No No No No
Adpositions No No No No No No No No
Article No No No No No No No No
Particle No No No No No No No No


Undetailed as of yet.



The Kneauzza alphabet is simple, but does not quite represent the language's phonology and orthography fully--diacritics and ligatures appear in the language, but they are not considered separate letters.

Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy


Ææ Çç Đđ Õõ


Kneauzza is very phonemic, but many phonemes are not single letters, and therefore spelling is rather complex.

Phoneme Notes IPA
a /a/
æ /aj/
b /b/
c cannot be word-final before e, i /s/
before anything else /k/
ç cannot be word-initial /θ/
d /d/
dsz /dz/
dzh /dʒ/
đh /ð/
e non-word-final /ɛ/
word-final /ə/
eau /jaw/
ê /e/
f /f/
g /ʒ/
gh /g/
h /h/
heu only appears word-initially /jʊ/
i /i/
j /j/
k cannot be word-initial/final /k/
kh /x/
kn only appears word-initially /n/
l /l/
m /m/
n cannot be word-initial /n/
nq cannot be word-initial /ŋ/
o /o/
œ /oj/
õa cannot be preceded by w /wa/
p /p/
ph cannot be word-initial/final /ɸ/
qs /ks/
r /ɾ/
rh cannot be word-final /ɹ/
rr cannot be word initial /r/
s /s/
sch /ʂ/
t /t/
tc cannot be word-initial /tʃ/
th only appears word-initially /θ/
u /u/
v /v/
w /w/
x /ʃ/
y /y/
z /z/
zst /st/
zz /ts/

Basic Grammar[]


Nouns are declined for number, definiteness, and gender.


There are four declined grammatical numbers:

  • Singular: one
  • Dual: two
  • Paucal: several
  • Plurocollective: many or all


Certain endings show definiteness depending on the gender of the word and the number.


Two genders are declined, masculine and feminine.

Declension chart[]

There are two Declensions; the First Declension including all nouns ending in consonants, and the Second Declension including all nouns ending in vowels.

Gender Masculine Feminine
Num. Definiteness DEF INDEF DEF INDEF
Singular -onz -õa -ans -eaui
Dual -ombez -õabe -antis -eaubi
Paucal -ogonz -ozzuwa -aschinis -êjaschi
Plurocollective -omorroz -omõar -amahanæs -amahari
Gender Masculine Feminine
Num. Definiteness DEF INDEF DEF INDEF
Singular -donz -tõa -tans -çeaui
Dual -gombez -kõabe -tantis -çeaubi
Paucal -pogonz -phozzuwa -faschinis -jêschi
Plurocollective -xomorroz -somõar -xamahanæs -samahari


Adjectives are attached to the noun they describe by hyphen. They are usually placed before the noun, but for poetic effect they can be placed afterward, and they can even be attached on both sides for very strong emphasis.


Verbs are conjugated for person and number.


Person and number are conjugated together and have intertwined meaning, so they will be described together.

There are four persons and four numbers:

  • 1st-person
    • Singular: Only the speaker. "I"
    • Dual: The speaker and one other person. "Both of us"
    • Paucal: The speaker and a few other people. "We"
    • Plurocollective: The speaker and a large group or all members of a group. "All of us"
  • 2nd-person
    • Singular: The listener or reader. "You"
    • Dual: The two listeners or readers. "You two"
    • Paucal: Several listeners or readers. "You all"
    • Plurocollective: Many listeners or readers. "All of you"
  • 3rd-person
    • Singular: One person being talked about. "He/She/It"
    • Dual: Two people being talked about. "They"
    • Paucal: Several people being talked about. "They"
    • Plurocollective: Many people being talked about. "All of them"
  • 4th-person
    • Singular: One generic referent. "One"
    • Dual: A pair of generic referents. Note that this construction is rare. "People" (in other words, referring to couples or any group of two people, generally)
    • Paucal: Several generic referents. Note that this construction is rare. "People" (in other words, referring to groups of small people, generally)
    • Plurocollective: Many generic referents. "People" (in other words, referring to everyone generally)

Conjugation charts[]

There are three endings for verbs, and consequently, three conjugations:

  • First Conjugation: verbs with infinitives ending in -or
  • Second Conjugation: verbs with infinitives ending in -ughaba
  • Third Conjugation: verbs with infinitives ending in -iqs
FIRST CONJ. Singular Dual Paucal Plurocollective
1st person -onia -onier -oneaur -onubraur
2nd person -ombia -ombier -ombeaur -omburour
3rd person -oja -ojer -ojehar -ogiru
4th person -ontca -ontcer -ontcaur -ontcigher
SECOND CONJ. Singular Dual Paucal Plurocollective
1st person -ughab -ughabra -ughabrar -ugheau
2nd person -ughu -ughud -ughutre -ughurm
3rd person -ugho -ughodsz -ughoudzh -ughouzz
4th person -ughœn -ughœzst -ughzstu -ughzstœ
THIRD CONJ. Singular Dual Paucal Plurocollective
1st person -ikzste -ikzstwa -ikzstwæ -ikzsture
2nd person -iqsuvo -iqsuve -iqsuvæ -iqsomer
3rd person -ighzer -ighzumb -ighzowar -ighzerire
4th person -izzu -izzou -izzœ -ihæ

Parts of Speech[]

Parts of speech other than nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and verbs are very important in Kneauzza. Tense, aspect, mood, agent, patient, subject, direct object, and indirect object are all conveyed with prepositional, postpositional, and circumpositional particles.

In the following chart, a hyphen represents a word other than the particle. If there is a space between the particle and the hyphen, it is a separate word. If not, it is an adfix. Apostrophes are part of the adfixes.

Particle Use English equivalent
heu'- past tense was
z'- present tense is
æf'- future tense will
œ - subject N/A
vi - object N/A
-'surad agent N/A
-'ziđhe patient N/A
-'zsto lative/goal to
ozze'- source from
a'- instrumental with a
khu -'de negational (verb) did not
khude - negational (noun) not
dura - locational in on at
ge - time during at when
çê ho'- sociative with
Conjunction Use English equivalent
per presents another item and
lo presents an alternative item or
nqed presents an exception but yet although
ghazda consequence so
tu cause because since for
voz condition if


Kneauzza parts of speech

Kneauzza adjectives

Kneauzza nouns

Kneauzza verbs

Example text[]
