
Irregular declensions (or special), are underlined. Often nouns ending in a consonant, and are without a stem form, will contract the case suffix, or insert an -e- between the singular suffix and the noun, an -i- between the plural suffix and the noun, and a -u- for u-duals.

Those nouns that have a t or d in the word retain the suffix's original form, and precede it with a -u-. For example:

atan "lesser being":

Nom. atanu, Gen. atanunt, Dat. atanunna, Loc. atanullo,
Abl. atanummë, All. atanussë, Inst. atanuva, Com. atanuo

Nouns on -a[]

Nouns on -a always have regular declensions.

We use alla "leaf"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative alla allan allu
Genitive allar allarin allant
Dative allanna allannar allanta
Locative allallo allallon allalto
Ablative allammë allammer allummë
Allative allassë allassen allatsë
Instrumental allava allavan alluva
Comitative allo allio alluo

Note that nouns on -oa have comitative singular on -avo:

hroa "door" -> hravo

Nouns on -ë without i-stem[]

These nouns have regular declensions. It has plural on -ië, which replaces the final .

We use nelpë "softness, comfort"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative nelpë nelpië nelpelu
Genitive nelper nelperin nelpent
Dative nelpenna nelpennar nelpenta
Locative nelpello nelpellon nelpelto
Ablative nelpemmë nelpemmer nelpelummë
Allative nelpessë nelpessen nelpetsë
Instrumental nelpeva nelpevan nelpeuva
Comitative nelpëo nelpëon nelpëot

Nouns on -ë with i-stem[]

These nouns use -i in all cases instead of except nominative singular and nominative plural, where they end in -ië. This is due to the fact that as the language evolved, its phonology developed so that no word could end on an -i. However, there are exceptions, as outlined below.

We use lingwë (lingwi-) "chair"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative lingwë lingwië lingwilu
Genitive lingwir lingwirin lingwint
Dative lingwinna lingwinnar lingwinta
Locative lingwillo lingwillon lingwilto
Ablative lingwimmë lingwimmer lingummë
Allative lingwissë lingwissen lingwitsë
Instrumental lingwiva lingwivan lingwiuva
Comitative lingwio lingwion lingwiot

Nouns on -i[]

These are few and far between. Most pertain to the sky, or feminine things. These are anomalies in the language as usually it is illegal to end in an -i, surviving relics of a somewhat earlier language.

We use aiwi "air"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative aiwi aiwin aiwilu
Genitive aiwir aiwirin aiwint
Dative aiwinna aiwinnar aiwinta
Locative aiwillo aiwillon aiwilto
Ablative aiwimmë aiwimmer ayummë
Allative aiwissë aiwissen aiwitsë
instrumental aiwiva aiwivan aiwiuva
Comitative aiwio aiwion aiwiot

Nouns on -o without u-stem[]

These behave much the same as nouns on -a.

We use poro "reel"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative poro poron poru
Genitive poror pororin poront
Dative poronna poronnar poronta
Locative porollo porollon porolto
Ablative porommë porommer porummë
Allative porossë porossen porotsë
Instrumental porova porovan poruva
Comitative poro porio


Nouns on -o with u-stem[]

These use -u in all cases except nominative singular.

We use culo (culu-) "digit"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative culo culun culu
Genitive culur culurin culunt
Dative culunna culunnar culunta
Locative culullo culullon cululto
Ablative culummë culummer culummë

Allative culussë culussen culutsë
Instrumental culuva culuvan culuva
Comitative culo culon culuo

Note that nouns such as these that end in -co or -go change to -qu and -gw respectively in certain plural cases. This happens for: nominative plural, with the ending -ië rather than the normal -n; genitive plural, with the ending -irin; essive plural, with the ending -ita; instrumental plural, with the ending -iva; comitative plural, with the ending -ion; and abessive plural, with the ending -irë. Here is a table with oco "beast" to help clarify:

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative oco oquië ocu
Genitive ocur oquirin ocunt
Dative ocunna ocunnar ocunta
Locative ocullo ocullon oculto
Ablative ocummë ocummer ocummë
Allative ocussë ocussen ocutsë
Instrumental ocuva oquiva ocuva
Comitative oco oquion ocuo

2-letter nouns[]

Nouns in this category decline regularly as per the phonology. Note that monosyllabic words which end with a consonant retain the long vowel if they have one.

We use "the eye"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative fén feu
Genitive fér férin fent

Dative fenna fennar fenta
Locative fello fellon felto
Ablative femmë femmer femme
Allative fessë fessen fetsë
Instrumental féva févan feuva
Comitative fëo fëon fëot

Note that body parts that come in natural pairs, among other words, are an exceptional to the rule that no word may end on a diphthong, when it come to nominative dual case. Hence feu is allowed, and would mean "eyes". Plural would mean many "eyes".

Nouns on -l[]

We use nenal "rapture, heaven's rending (more or less some great catastrophe)"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative nenal nenalië nenalu
Genitive nenaler nenalirin nenalunt
Dative nenalda nenalinnar nenalunta
Locative nenallo nenallon nenalto
Ablative nenalmë nenalimmer nenalummë
Allative nenaldë nenalissen nenalutsë
Instrumental nenalwa nenaliva nenaluva
Comitative nenalo nenalion nenaluo

Nouns on -n[]

We use aman "a power"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative aman amanië amanu
Genitive amaner amanirin amanunt
Dative amanna amannar amanta
Locative amallo amanillon amanulto
Ablative amammë amanimmer amanummë
Allative amandë amanissen amanutsë
Instrumental amanwa amaniva amanuva
Comitative amano amanion amanto

Nouns on -r[]

We use lamar "shelter"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative lamar lamarië lamaru
Genitive lamar lamarin lamarunt
Dative lamarenna lamarinnar lamarunta
Locative lamallo lamallon lamalto
Ablative lamaremmë lamarimmer lamarummë
Allative lamaressë lamarissen lamarutsë
Instrumental lamarwa lamariva lamaruva
Comitative lamaro lamarion lamarto

Nouns on -s[]

We use falos "hole"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative falos falosië falosu
Genitive faloser falosirin falosunt
Dative falosenna falosinnar falosunta
Locative falollo falollon falolto
Ablative falosemmë falosimmer falosummë
Allative falossë falossen falotsë
Instrumental falohwa falosiva falosuva
Comitative faloso falosion falosto

Nouns on -t[]

We use talat "cloud". Note that because all -t nouns have a t in them, they will always decline on u-dual.

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative talat talatië talatu
Genitive talater talatirin talatunt
Dative talatenna talatinnar talatunna
Locative talatello talatillon talatullo
Ablative talatemmë talatimmer talatummë
Allative talatsë talatsen talatussë
Instrumental talateva talativan talatuva
Comitative talato talation talatuo


As discussed in phonlogy on the main page, m cannot end a word. As a result, it has changed to -n in the nominative, but declines in other cases on -m.

hinen, hinem- "value, worth"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative hinen hinemië hinemu
Genitive hinemer hinemirin hinemunt
Dative hinemna hinemnar hinemunta
Locative hinemello hinemillo hinemulto
Ablative hinemmë hinemmer hinemummë
Allative hinendë hinemissë hinemutsë
Instrumental hinemeva hinemivan hinemuva
Comitative hinemo hinemion hinemuo

There are also words with stem on -ng which behave as above:

halan, halang- "height"

The allative is halandë and ablative is halammë.


Some words originally ended in c but now end in t. When they decline, they do so on -c except for nominative singular, which is on -t.

quenet, quenec- "a clip (as used to clip things together)"

Singular Plural Dual
Nominative quenet quenecië quenecu
Genitive quenecer quenecirin quenecunt
Dative quenenca quenencar quenecunta
Locative quenelco quenelcon queneculto
Ablative quenecemmë quenecimmer quenecummë
Allative quenexë quenexen quenecutsë
Instrumental quenequa quenequan quenecuva
Comitative queneco quenecion quenecuo