
Lapizyol ([ˈʟapyzʝɔʟ]) is a language used in Lapiz, a country in Yanizz.

It uses SVO and is head-initial.


Letter Sound
A /a/
Á /ɑ/
E /e/ normally

/ɛ/ if stressed

I /y/ normally

/i/ if stressed

O /o/ normally

/ɔ/ if stressed

U /u/
D /d/
G /g/ normally

/ɣ/ when at the end of a word

H /x/
K /k/
L /ʟ/ normally

/ʎ/ if doubled (ll)

N /n/
P /p/
R /ɾ/ normally

/r/ if on a stressed syllable

Ŕ /rʲ/ (voiced palatal trill)
T /t/
V /v/
W /ʍ/ normally

/w/ if on a stressed syllable

Y /ʝ/ normally

/j/ if doubled (yy) or before a consonant

Z /z/ normally

/ʑ/ if doubled (zz)

WZ /x̝/ (voiceless velar sibilant fricative) normally

/ɣ̝/ (voiced velar sibilant fricative) if on a stressed syllable

Note: "if stressed" and "if on a stressed syllable" rules don't apply on words with a single syllable.



win- = COMP (transforms good into better)

won- = SUP (transforms good into best)


-ŕi = past

-ra = present

-ruz = future

-ha = noun to adjective

-wze = noun to verb

-(p)izz = possessive

-(k)ow = dual, -(g)aw = plural

Basic Words

Ti = I/me, To = you, Tak = it, Tir = we

Zu = no, Zi = yes

Zavo = hi/greeting, Fuzz = bye

Vau = it, for nonliving things

Yev = the, En = a/an

Ye = is, Ya = is, for verbs

Vall = and, Yval = or

Vat = this, Vyat = that

Az = that (like in the sentence "thing that moves")

Lin = in/inside


Yotek = thing, Yotekzu = nothing

Ŕizz = place

Vyeg = time

Ŕi = path/road

Yo = Yanizzian, Yozu = alien

Noyk = life, Noyg = death

Noyni = creature

Lag = communication

Wzewn = action

Voyna = always, Voynaz = never

Voyn = text

Wagap = pencil, Wekuz = eraser


Ŕan = nature

Piŕyin = grass, Powŕan = tree

Oy = stone

Tivoy = ore


Wo = star

Nag = sky

Won = cosmos

Yan = planet

Woŕi = galaxy


Kye = attack

Zuyk = defend

Nya = create

Nyazu = destroy

Gow = use

Lawze = talk/communicate


Pal = good, Palzu = bad

Kaz = good (not evil), Kazu = evil

Tipal = like, Tipalzu = dislike

Example Text

English: Yanizzians created Yolon, a language that will be used on other galaxies.

Lapizyol: Yogaw nyaŕi Yolon, en Yol az gowaruz lin hevto-Woŕigaw.

IPA: /ʝɔgaw njarʲy ʝɔʟon, en ʝoʟ az gɔʍaɾuz ʟin xɛvto wɔrʲigaw/

Gloss: Yanizzian-PL create-PAST Yolon, UNDEF language ? use-FUT in other-galaxy-PL
