Lusomsva Kronozon
Type Isolating / Fusional
Alignment Accusative Morphosyntactic
Head direction Syntactic Head
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders Three
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words of 1500
Creator Sneakystorm

Lusom, or Lusomsva, is a constructed Germanic type language. It is an Artistic Language. It features many Priori features.

Structurally, conjugating wise and gender wise, this language has a boat load in common with the language English.

Language referal and meaning:

  • Lusomsva - Lusom in Lusom
  • Lusomnin - relating to the words of Lusom/translations
  • Lusominii - Used for the phrase: "How do you say ... in Lusom" *Word goes before Lusominii

Writing System

Normal Alphabet:

Letter A B C D E Ʌ F G H I J K L
Sound /ɑː/ /b/ /k/ /d/ /ɛ/ /ʌ/ /f/ /ɡ/ /h/ /ɪ/ /dʒ/ /k/ /l/
Letter M N O P R S T U V W X
Sound /m/ /n/ /uː/ /p/ /xhwʌ/ (qwuh) /r̃/ /r/ /s/ /t/ /uː/ /v/ /w/ /z/



Letter Y Z
Sound /j/ /z/

Accented Letters:

Letter Ⱥ Á Ç Aɪ̯ Ñ Ó Ô Š ʌ Ż
Sound /eɪ/ /ɑː/ /s/ /aɪ/ /ɲ/ /oʊ/ /ɔː/ /r/ (rolled) /ʃ/ /ʌ/ /j/ /ʒ/


Letters: aa ea ai ia ee eo oe ae ii ei ie ey ye iy yi
Sound: /eɪ/ /eɪ/ /eɪ/ /eɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /ɪ/ /aɪ/ /aɪ/
Letters: oo ao uo el le











Sound: /oʊ/ /oʊ/ /oʊ/ /ɛl/ /ɛl/ /ɛl/ /ɛl/ /ɔ/ /uː/ /ɔɪ/ /ɒr/ /vf/ /ɪjɑː/ /tʃ/ /ð/
Letters: -he



Sound: silent *letter or diphthong before it becomes pronounced /k/


Lusom has five vowels, 21 consonants, and 12 accented letters. It is slightly fusional, referring to these instances as Evolution Words. It uses a SOV order and has an accusative morphosyntactic alignment.

This language has three genders (masculine, feminine and neutral), two numbers (singular and plural) and four cases (nominative, genitive, accusative and lative).

Any preposition or other word follows the verb and goes at the end of a sentence.

Evolution Word/Fusional:

In Lusom, certain words can change their meanings by adding affixes. These are deemed 'Evolution Words'. All Evolutionary Words revolve around one central word, like forinstance: Lovahn (Yummy), Cali (Wise) or Sark (Leader).

The Evolutionary Words are split into two categories:

1: Prefixes/Suffixes/Modifiing
2: Adding other words near by

Ex: Lovahn means yummy, but av lovahn means feelings.  Here the meaning changes by adding other words nearby

Ex: Cali means wise, but deucali means cultured. Here Prefixes change the meaning

Ex: Sark means leader/ruler, but sactrov means king. Here a combination of Suffixes and Modifying changes the meaning

Emplor Words:

There are 3 tenses (present, past, and future). These tenses are marked by Tán (past), Táss (present) and the lack of a word for future; which follows the object in SOV, if one in grammar. Tenses, though, are only marked by physical actions, not by feelings or anything else. Ex: I love you is Ich ho'o lavare, not Ich ho'o táss lavare.

If there is no object, then the Emplor Words follows the subject. Though the markings of tenses are normally avoided in songs and others of the likewise, as songs are believed to be infinite and not restricted to time. Though if marked, it is to put emphasis on a time.

Noise Words:

In Lusom, much like in Talossan, certain words are deemed as such: "Noise Words" and are normally forgotten and understood in sentence practice.

Three words as such are A, I and To.

Normally I is included in sentence as it signifies first-person singular nominative. But, as in most, if not all other languages in the world the I is understood, yes English is a very special language. A grammatical non-usage of the word would be for when signifying that something is not something or that something will not do something; though this rule will be explained later.

  • The Ich, I, is replaced with the prefix nil-

A's are often avoided as they add another word to the language that could simply be understood without it. There for, A is normally avoided. It is not considered wrong to say it though, as it is easier for native English speakers. But it is normally used to put emphasis on a noun. So, A dog is simply Ker not Ae Ker.

To is disregarded especially before a verb to declutter sentences and pronunciations. Though, if you want to put emphasis on a verb then you would keep the to and put a heavy emphasis on it.

Ex: Without emphasis - "I want to know" is "Ich illmor vers" not "Ich vers nu illmor"

With emphasis - "I want to know" is "Ich nu illmor vers"


Noun placement in Lusom follows the SOV, Subject Object Verb format. Normally, unless a physical location is mentioned, the subject goes in the beginning of a sentence, the and immediate adjectives object follows. After this, the Emplor(tense word) follows before the verb.

In Lusom definiteness is usually marked by the selection of determiner. Certain determiners, such as many, any, either, and some typically mark an NP as indefinite. Others, including the, this, every, and both mark the NP as definite.


Verb placement in Lusom follows the SOV format. Normally, unless an Emplor is used, the verb always follows behind the object. The ordering of verbs behind one another follows exactly as how it would be in English.


Common Orderings:

SOV - Subject Object Verb

  • "I hit you" becomes "I you hit"
    • Ich ho’o valda
      • Ich ho’o táss valda*

SOOV - Subject Oblique Object Verb

  • "Mary opened the door with a key" becomes "Mary with a key the door opened"
    • Mary vaid kei an doreb táss glástora

AVS - Adjective Verb Subject

  • You are beautiful becomes Beautiful are you
  • Laera ora ho’o

SVV - Subject Verb Verb

  • I am running
    • Ich vin babsnor
  • Ich vin táss babsnor*

VSVO - Verb Subject Verb Object

  • Can you get that? becomes ¿You can get that?
    • ¿Ho'o caem cer tes?

SOVA - Subject Object Verb Adjective

  • You are my friend becomes You my are friend
    • Ho’o migh ora cusco

ASOVAV - Subject Objects Verb Adverb Verb

  • I know where we're going next or I we know then going next
    • Ich poii illmor lusof abrito biir̃o


When you want to say that something is not, or that you are not going to do something, you signify this by adding the prefix Nil- to the word. You remove the I from the beginning of the sentence as it becomes understood.

Ex: Nilcaem = I can't

Nilluokii = I Don't Like

But for when the subject is not in the first person you do signify this by simply stating what the subject is before the prefix.

Ex: Kyeh nilluokii = He doesn't like

Ak nilcaem = It can't


Pronouns - Lusom Language


I can do you one better by giving you a WIP translator:

Lusomsva Kronozon

Example text

First verse from Frozen: Let It Go

English: Let It Go Lusomnin: Ak Libitⱥr
The snow glows white on the mountain tonight,

Not a footprint to be seen,

A kingdom of isolation,

And it looks like I'm the queen,

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside,

Couldn't keep it in;

Heaven knows I've tried.

An sva môntis šonaes wruto nuniš tuuk,

Feldprentaes nilkorov nu eku,

Çiynon na aɪ̯sólaten,

Áchea Ich savtov siija nu eku,

Avsada, an vam terbin ofnos hôlenor luokii,

Av nilgatischt deev;

Hiilhem Ich illmor tentaklo.

The Lords Prayer:

English: Lusomnin:
Our Father in heaven,

hallowed be Your name.

Your kingdom come,

Your will be done,

On earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

And forgive us our debts,

As we also have forgiven our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

But deliver us from evil.

For Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory forevermore.


Av Hiilhem ler Farso,

Ho’ohem̄ neamod hállo,

Ho'ohem̄ çiynon dano,

Ho'ohem̄ wusk nilo,

Tuuk Earth, Hiilhem karo mo.

Utet ler duuv bleovo zer,

Áchea kolama ler zernuskes,

Mo poii ler zernuskna broo tán kolamav.

Áchea utet anutemptaecon nilsauk,

Koot utet vookul tavot loo.

Kul Ho'ohem̄ an çiynon os, an vuu áchea an zinero luralgryf.


Lullaby: Sits The Clouds - Sabes Kis An

English: Lusomnin:
On mountains,

High above,

Sits the clouds,

And their dreams.


Up high,

Sits the clouds,

Looking down,

Hanging over you.


By the winds,

They move fast,

They turn black,

And cry.


But high above,

They see the sad people,

And they feel happy,

For those who can't.

Môntis tuuk,

Hek otuk,

Sabes kis an,

Áchea raasos kraunaes.


Ep hek,

Sabes kis an,

Fovn riknor,

Huágar̃ olu ho'o.


An vams eku,

Seana nust fess,

Raasos trávga drok,

Áchea krávg.


Koot hek otuk,

Seana bronte panol korav,

Áchea seana abuncaa av lovahn,

Kul ontehnos rha nilcaem.
