Malchan/la-dyon d Malt
Analytic (nouns), Fusional (verbs)
Head direction
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

General Information[]

Martian (natively Malchan [malˠˈʃã] or la-dyon d Malt [lɘˈðjɔ̃θ ˈmalˠt]) is the sole official and national language of the Democratic Republic of Mars (natively Zepúglca Demarcátca d Malt) which became de facto sovereign nation independent from the spacefaring Chile in the year 2351 (Martian Republican Year 0).

As of MRY 125 (2581 C.E.), Martian has 86 million native speakers and approximately 18 million L2 speakers. Martian is one of a handful of descendants from Chilean Spanish, which became a language of science after the fall of many world powers from 2050 to 2130.

Paz la-venefich d to.



There are 18 consonant phonemes. Allophones are in parentheses.

labial dental alveolar palatal velar glottal
nasal m n ɲ
stop p (b) t d k (g)
fricative f v (θ) ð s (z) ɕ ʑ h
approximant l (lˠ) j w
flap ɾ (ɾˠ)
  1. /p/ and /k/ and /s/ are allophonically voiced intervocalically, while /t/ and /d/ contrast only in that environment.
  2. /ð/ is devoiced word-finally or when adjacent to a voiceless consonant.
  3. /l/ and /r/ are velarized in the coda.


There are 13 vowel phonemes.

front back
close i ĩ u ũ
close-mid e ø ø̃ ɤ o
open-mid ɛ ɛ̃ (ɔ) ɔ̃
open a ã
  1. /e/ and /ɛ/ contrast only in unstressed syllables. In stressed syllables they merge into an archiphoneme /E/ which is realized as [ɛ] before a coda consonant and [e] elsewhere.
  2. /ɤ/ is a phoneme which appears in clitics and word-finally. It cannot be stressed.
  3. The only unstressed vowels that can be word-final are /ɤ/ and /i/.
  4. /a/ is in free variation as [a] or [ɔ] in open syllables.


The Avese Malchan (Martian Alphabet) is a descendant of the Spanish Latin Alphabet. It contains twenty-three separate characters, eight digraphs, and one separate diacritic.

A a C c D d E e Ê ê F f G g H h I i J j
a ce de e e sorver ef ge ach i jot
/a/, /ɘ/ /k/ /ð/ /e/, /E/ /ɛ/ /f/ /w/ * /i/ /h/
L l M m N n Ñ ñ O o P p R r S s T t U u
el men nen ñen o pe er es te u
/l/ /m/ /n/ /ɲ/ /o/ /p/ /r/ /s/ /t/, /d/ /u/
V v Y y Z z an on ch eu th
ve ye zet en un ce ach e u te ach
/v/ /j/ /ʑ/ in /ɕ/ /ø/ /t/
  • <h> only appears in the digraphs <ch> and <th> and in loanwords.
  • An asent aggo (acute accent) is applied to vowels in syllables that are stressed and not word-finally.


Pronouns (Pronorf)

nom obl gen
sg 1 cho me mi
2 vo te tuch
3 êl such
pl 1 nosort d nosort
2 uted d uted
3 ech d ech



The indefinite (na-) and definite (la-) articles take the form of clitics that attach to the first word in a noun phrase with a hyphen. When before vowel-initial words, their vowels are dropped.

  • na-sal, la-sal vs. n-águ, l-águ
  • /nɤˈsal/, /lɤˈsal/ vs. /ˈnawɤ/, /ˈlawɤ/
  • "a martian day", "the martian day" vs. "a water", "the water"


These also function as demonstrative pronouns.

proximal es ˈɛs
distal acech aˈgɛɕ
  • ex. Es vin solament por nosort. Vo teni acech águ.
  • "This wine is only for us. You have that water."


Infinitives are in -al, -el, and -il.

Present tense[]

-al -el -il
cho/êl -0
vo -ay -i
nosort -an -en -in
uted/ech -n

Past tense[]

-al -el -il
cho/vo/êl -af -it
nosort -ávmo -ímo
uted/ech -avn -in

Future tense[]

-al -el -il
cho -are -ere -ire
vo/êl -ara -era -êra
nosort -aren -eren -iren
uted/ech -aran -eran -êran


-al -el -il
cho/vo/êl -êri -eri -iri
nosort -êrímo -erímo -irímo
uted/ech -êrin -erin -irin

Medioreflexive voice[]

The medioreflexive voice is shown by a prefixing clitic sa. It becomes a suffix -s when attached to the infinitive form. It is used for reflexive and reciprocal actions of most verbs. Some verbs undergo unpredictable semantic changes.

  • ex. acusal -to accuse vs. acusals -to confess
  • Êrvi la-peult ileug acusay êlgin! = "Open the door and accuse someone!"
  • Cho eper c-êl s-acus pront. = "I hope he confesses soon."


Sel [ˈsɛlˠ] {ser} -to be (in essence)

sg pl
1 say son
2 say son
3 (e) son

Etal [eˈdalˠ] {estar} -to be (in a state)

sg pl
1 etay etan
2 etay etan
3 eta etan


Eperal [ebeˈɾalˠ] {esperar} -to hope

present past future conditional
sg pl sg pl sg pl sg pl
1 eper eperan 1 eperaf eperávmo 1 eperare eperaren 1 eperêri eperêrímo
2 eperay epern 2 eperaf eperavn 2 eperara eperaran 2 eperêri eperêrin
3 eper epern 3 eperaf eperavn 3 eperara eperaran 3 eperêri eperêrin

Cozel [koˈʑɛlˠ] {correr} -to run

present past future conditional
sg pl sg pl sg pl sg pl
1 coz cozen 1 cozit cozímo 1 cozere cozeren 1 cozeri cozerímo
2 cozi cozn 2 cozit cozin 2 cozera cozeran 2 cozeri cozerin
3 coz cozn 3 cozit cozin 3 cozera cozeran 3 cozeri cozerin

Ocuzil [oguˈʑilˠ] {ocurrir} -to happen

present past future conditional
sg pl sg pl sg pl sg pl
1 ocuz ocuzin 1 ocuzit ocuzímo 1 ocuzire ocuziren 1 ocuziri ocuzirímo
2 ocuzi ocuzn 2 ocuzit ocuzin 2 ocuzêra ocuzêran 2 ocuziri ocuzirin
3 ocuz ocuzn 3 ocuzit ocuzin 3 ocuzêra ocuzêran 3 ocuziri ocuzirin

Sound Changes[]


V=aɛiouɔe, F=eiɛ, B=aouɔ, U=aɛiou, C=mnɲpbftdsɕjkxglrɾvðɣwhθzʑ, S=ptks, Z=bdgz, G=vðɣ, K=fθj, R=rɾ, N=mnɲ


  1. t//_ɕ
  2. sˈb/ˈf/_
  3. sˈg/ˈx/_
  4. sb/f/_
  5. sg/x/_
  6. d//ˈ(C)(C)(C)V_
  7. ɾ/n/_(ˈ)n
  8. b/u/_(ˈ)l
  9. Z/G/_
  10. j/ɕ/_/V_(ˈ)[C#]
  11. i/j/V_
  12. i/j/_(ˈ)V/ˈC_
  13. u/w/V_
  14. u/w/_(ˈ)V/ˈ(C)(C)(C)_
  15. R/l/_(ˈ)[C#]
  16. r/ʑ/_
  17. k//_s
  18. s//_(ˈ)[C#]/_[jw]
  19. e/ɛ/_(ˈ)C(ˈ)[C#]
  20. o/ɔ/_(ˈ)C(ˈ)[C#]
  21. V//ˈ(C)(C)(C)V(C)(C)(C)_
  22. w//_l#
  23. x/ɕ/_F
  24. x/ɕ/F_(ˈ)[C#]
  25. x/ɕ/V_C(ˈ)[C#]
  26. x/h/_
  27. h//_#
  28. N/~/V(j)_(ˈ)[C#]
  29. S/Z/V(~)(ˈ)_(ˈ)V
  30. [pc]//_(ˈ)t
  31. tɾ/ɕ/[#Cˈ]_
  32. CR/\\/_/#(ˈ)_
  33. ˈɾt/ˈɕ/#_
  34. sj/ɕ/_
  35. j/i/[C#]_[C#]
  36. a/ɛ/_…ˈ(C)(C)(C)i
  37. i/ɛ/_…ˈ(C)(C)(C)B
  38. [ɛe]//#_CC/_[jw]C
  39. ɣ//C_
  40. G/K/_(ˈ)[Sɕ#]
  41. ɔ/o/_~
  42. V~/U/_(ˈ)[fθwlR]
  43. ɔ/a/_
  44. /h/B_(ˈ)B
  45. w//_(ˈ)ɛ~
  46. w[eɛ]/ø/_
  47. wˈ[eɛ]/ˈø/_
  48. ɣ/w/_
  49. ɛ/e/ˈ(C)(C)(C)_(~)C/_C[C#]
  50. e/ɛ/ˈ(C)(C)(C)_(~)C[C#]
  51. /ɣ/[lɾ]_[C#]
  52. w/u/#_C
  53. w/u/C_#
  54. ɛ~w/u~/_
  55. i~w/ø~/_



# name 10+# #*10
0 ser dye
1 un ons dye
2 do dyes-do venñt
3 che dyes-che chent
4 cgart catals cgarent
5 sinc cins sincent
6 sey dyes-sey sesent
7 chet dyes-chet setent
8 och dyes-och ochent
9 neuf dyes-neuf novent
10 dye venñt chyen


  • colal [koˈlalˠ]: colors
  • ner [ˈnɛɾˠ]: black
  • vlanc [ˈvlãk]: white
  • zo [ˈʑo]: red
  • luzos [luˈʑos]: pink
  • colora [koloˈɾa]: colored, blush-colored
  • anaranja [anaɾãˈha]: orange
  • êmêrich [ɛmɛˈɾiɕ]: yellow
  • asul [aˈzulˠ]: blue
  • veld [ˈvɛlˠθ]: green
  • vyolet [vjoˈlɛt]: violet, purple
  • mora [moˈɾa]: bruise-colored
  • mazon [maˈʑɔ̃]: dark brown
  • vronsea [vɾɔ̃zɛˈa]: light brown (tan)
  • zuch [ˈʑuɕ]: gray
  • ureclal [uɾekˈlalˠ]: gray
  • platea [pladeˈa]: silver


Family members (Myerf):

  • fêmíli: family
  • par: parents
  • par/pêsit: father
  • mar/mêmit: mother
  • gag: children
  • ich: son or daughter
  • epos: spouse
  • êlman: sibling
  • ti: aunt or uncle
  • prin: cousin
  • sarvin: niblings
  • aveul/veulit: grandparents
  • ñet: grandchildren
  • visaveul: great-grandparents
  • tíaveul/tíveulit: grandaunt/granduncle
  • seur: parents-in-law
  • cuña: siblings-in-law

Days of the Week[]

  1. lun- Monday
  2. malt- Tuesday
  3. myélcle- Wednesday
  4. jeuf- Thursday
  5. vyenn- Friday
  6. sávdo- Saturday
  7. dominñ- Sunday


As the Martian year is about twice as long as Earth's, upon declaring independence, a modified version of the Darian calendar was adopted, changing the number of months to 16 and the weeks per month to 6. Unlike in modern Spanish, the names of the months are capitalized.

  1. Sajêthári
  2. Písis
  3. Jéminis
  4. Vírco
  5. Ener
  6. Fêrver
  7. Mals
  8. Êrvil
  9. Mach
  10. Junñ
  11. Júli
  12. Agot
  13. Sêtyerf
  14. Acturf
  15. Navyerf
  16. Dêcherf
  • ex1. Today is Monday, Sagittarius 1.
  • Ach lun, la-sal primer d Sajêthári.
  • ex2. Today is Tuesday, February 23.
  • Ach malt, la-vent-che d Fêrver.


  • Primaver: Spring
  • Veran: Summer
  • Oton: Autumn/Fall
  • Invyenn: Winter


and ("i"), or ("o"), but ("per")


noroet naldet
oet senchal et
suroet sudet

Important phrases[]

sip, nop = yes, no

Fchenveni = welcome

Hol! = hey!

Con etay? = How are you?

Con sa-chamay? = What's your name?

Veun di/tald/noch = Good day/afternoon/evening

Adyo! = Bye!

Palfaval = Please

Urach = thanks

No praglen = You're welcome/No problem

Example text[]

To l-Human nasn lirf i êggal en dêgnêda i derech. Dota con ech etan de zason i conchench i devn paltals fratennalment con l-art.

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. (Article 1 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights)
