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For now this is just a personal language written between two people. It's intended to be written, and is considered a dead language (obviously).

Progress 0%

Name: Miri'e

Type: Fusional

Alignment: Nominative-Accusative

Head Direction: First

Number of genders: 3

Declensions: Yes

Conjugations: Yes

Nouns declined
according to
Case Number
Definitiveness Gender
Verbs conjugated
according to
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect


Miri'e is a dead language that was spoken in ancient Colossian culture. Due to wars the language slowly merged with Old-Colossian, and it became what is today known as Colossian, which is vastly different from the Miri'en language. It survived as a written and spoken language through monasteries, as the religious texts were never translated and remained thus in the Miri'en language. Priests and religious people read it quite fluently, and many also learn it in order to understand ancient and classical texts.


Consonants Bilabial Alveolar Alveolopalatal Palatal Velar Labiovelar
Plosive p (p) b (b) t (t) d (d) k (k) g (g)
Nasal m (m) n (n)
Fricative s (s) ʃ (š) x (x)
Approximant j (j) w (w)
Trill r (r)
Lateral l (l)

(I will update this later, the only difference so far is that /w/ is changed to /v/ aka. a voiced labiodental fricative.)

Vowels Front Near-front Middle Near-back Back
Close i (i) ʉ (u)
Near-close ʊ (o)
Close-mid e (e)

a (a)


(C1) V (C2)

C1= B,P,D,T,K,G,M,N,X,J,R,L,S, Š,W


C2= D, M, N, S, R, L, W, J

These are still subject to change!

Basic Grammar[]

Gender Cases Numbers Tenses Persons Moods Voices Aspects
Verb No No No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Nouns Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Adjectives Yes Yes No No No No No No
Numbers Yes Yes No No No No No No
Participles No No No No No No No No
Adverb No No No No No No No No
Pronouns Yes Yes Yes No No No No No
Adpositions No No No No No No No No
Article No No No No No No No No
Particle No No No No No No No No



Note: Genders can change the meaning of some words, as some words have several genders with altogether different meanings.


The inanimate gender consists of things that are considered dead. Rocks, sacks, coins etc. If an object however acts as if alive, for instance if the coins should hurl themselves at someone,they are changed to animate gender. They are not animate gender however, unless they do something that must have its source in the coins themselves. For instance if you write "The coins hurled themselves at him" and the reason for this action was due to a massive magnet on the other side of the door, then it's inanimate. If they do so by themselves however, they are of the animate gender. For instance, the brooms in Disney's Fantasia, are animate gender, although brooms usually are inanimate.

Root vowel Example Word Meaning
a/aj Bas sack


The animate gender consists of things that are living, or seem to have a will of their own. Animals, plants, fire, a river, wind etc.

Root vowel Example Word Meaning
e/ej Wejr Wind


Anything that is of the mind is of the idealistic gender. It's the gender of concepts and ideas. For instance math,language,science, terminology, free will etc. All lexical entries are written this way, for instance "bas" (sack) which is inanimate is "bis" in a lexical entry. In a sentence where death appears on the scene, death would be of the animate gender although it's usually idealistic. Idealistic gender can also be used for inanimate gender. If you say something like: "Put all your ideas in a sack" then your ideas and the sack are both idealistic, because the sack in question isn't physically real. The sack and the ideas can easily be inanimate too though. Then "putting all your ideas in a sack" would mean that you should put physical ideas (inventions for instance) in your physical sack.

Root vowel Example Word Meaning
i Wir

Wind (as concept or lexical entry)



All nouns are listed in singular, nominative and indefinite when listed in the dictionary.


Example word Dual Meaning
Wejr Wejre Two winds


Example word Plural Meaning
Bas Basa Two sacks



Example word Plural Meaning
Bas Xebas No sack


All nouns are listed in singular, nominative and indefinite when listed in the dictionary.


Example word Plural Meaning
Bas Kobas The sack


Note: In written Miri'e the cases are shown by adding a case symbol. For instance spoken, and written with the latin alphabet the word "bag" would be "" in sublative, but in the original alphabet it would be rendered Bas+Sublative marker.

Cases Example
Nominative Wejr
Accusative Wejr.i
Dative Wejr.e
Ablative Wejr.o
Vocative Wejr.iš
Comparative Wejr.ej
Locative/Instrumental Wejr.a
Prosecutive Wejr.u
Adessive Wejr.en
Intrative Wejr.ew
Perlative Wejr.or


Person Mood Stem


Stem modifier:

Onset(C1) Tense and aspect

Rime V + (C2)


Active I.mero
Middle I.mero-s
Passive I.mero-w


Mood Example word Meaning
Indicative I.mero I eat
Subjunctive I.d.mero I will eat
Commissive I.n.mero I shall eat
Imperative U.s.mero (You) stop that!
Necessitative I.l.mero I must eat
Precative I.w.mero Can/Will I eat?
Optative I.j.mero I wish/want to eat
"Indirective" I.r.mero I obviously eat


First person

Second person

Third person



Tense & Aspect[]


Number Spoken form Written form
zero o .
one Man /
two Nan /.
three San //
four Ko /..
eight Šo /...
twelve Wo //..
sixteen Ro /....
twenty Xo /./..

The numbers are made by adding together. Five for instance would be (4+1) Koman, and so on. However you could not make six by saying "sansan" (3+3), six would be Konan (4+2).


Example text[]

