
Miþú is a fictional dead proto-language spoken in the golden isles by the ancient Mithoans. And from the descendants of the current inhabitants the golden isles (ná xínga þú) and the east coast of the mountain land (þa šahú þú).

They are beings with yellowish skin, 4 fingers and two head breathers (zwá), so they have a amplified sense of smell. They are obsessed with

economical gains, but also spirituality and have very strict customs in terms of family and separation of genders. Male children may never be raised by women and vice versa and marriage between men and women is looked down upon as immoral. So for them making children is all about religion not intimacy.

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Phonology of Miþú[]


Labial Dental Aveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m n

ɳ <ň>º

ɲ <ñ>ª

θ<þ>* ð* 

s     z

ʂ<š> ʐ<ž>

x ɦ <h>

w   ɥ<y>

l j  (ɥ)   ʎ <ł> (w)
Thrill в^ r
Stop ʔ <'>
  • *sometimes written as th and dh like how it is in the title of this article.
  • ^the small letter is a Cyrillic letter ve (в,B) in the phonotactics table it is refferd to as a (b,B)
  • ºit can be written as ng if the keyboard lacks the letter
  • ªit can be written as nj if the keyboard lacks the letter


Front Central Back
short normal long short normal long short normal long


i í ù u ú
open à a /ä/ á
diphtongues ia iu ìá ìú ai au àí àú ua ui ùá ùí



  1. (C)(C)V(C)(C)

  2. Onset - all clusterable consonant and no geminated /x/

  3. Nucleus - all vowels and diphthongs + /w/

  4. Coda - all clusterable consonants except /h/, /ł/ and /ñ/ and geminated /x/

  5. /ň/ /þ/ /ð/ /'/ /y/ /x/ dont cluster but can be geminated

  6. Double consonants means gemination


  • Diphtongues and geminated consonants = 2 mora
  • Long vowels = 1.5 mora
  • Normal vowels and consonants = 1 mora
  • Short vowels = 0.5 mora

The maximum lenght of syllables is 6 mora and the minimum is 1.5 mora.

Articles and Determiner[]


Indefinite definite
singular paucal*  plural singular paucal* plural
subject þá ší ňí
object 'iþá 'izá 'iná 'isí 'iší 'iňí

*2-4 things


Proximal Medial Distant
singular plural singular plural singular plural
hau hai wau wai rau rai



Singular Paucal Plural
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.
Subj. la ða rai lai ðai riu lau ðau rau
Obj ła za вai łai zai вiu łau zau вau


Singular Paucal Plural
1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3.
Pos1 lawi ðawi вawi laya ðaya вaya łaya zaya вaya
Pos2 lawa ðawa вawa layu ðayu вayu łayu zayu вayu

Pos1 = inalianable possesions (body parts, parents, etc.)

Pos2= alianable possesions (house, money, boat, etc.)


Tense markers[]

Past Past-present* Present/Infinitive Future
lwa mwa wwa
  • something done just before the present.

To make a pasive verb the prefix bi- is added

Mood Suffixes[]

Subjunctive Conditional Imperative Negaitve  Hypothetical Interrogative
-m -s -h -x

Added to tense markers


on žú for
under šú with
above žú-žú at
by of
from šá in
to žá as ñú

Sentence Structure[]

The standard structure is SOV but the subject can be left out but that instantly makes it I.

Quotation can be at the begging, the midddle and the end. 

Types of sentences:

  1. Simple - has one verb
  2. Complex
    1. Independent-complex sentance = made out of two or more sentances that can be separated and still make sense
      1. Clustered -  only separated by a comma S1,S2,S3...
      2. Conjuncted - conected by the conjunction iu (and) or ai (nor) 
      3. Disjuncted - conected by the conjunction wu (or) and wu (...) wu (or (...) or)
      4. Contrasting - conected by the conjunction wi (but) and ua (already)
      5. Exclusive - conected by the conjunction au (only)
      6. Conclusive - conected by the conjunction wa (because) or ui (therefor)
    2. Depndent-complex sentence = one senetance carries the main meaning and context and the other one just adds more context, replaces something that can be said by one word. They are named after the word whos function they take ex. Subjectve = It's clear that this year we arent going on a trip. The italised part is there instead of the subject and anwsers the question What's clear? and the anwser is not going. The dependent sentence must be sepparetde by a comma Si+,Sd.


there is no real difference between the different types of words so context matters a lot.

To show what the object is the word 'i is added, beffore the possesive pronoun, unless it already has a objective article. ('i lawi ňáhu)

If multiple "nouns" are next to each other, only the last one is a noun and the rest are adjectives (þa łàí ňahu = the water house/the wet house)

Reduplication is also used to signify some higher importance or more specific meaning(łàí-łàí = water-water/sea)(wa-wa = food-food/meal)


They have a base 8 system:

Name Name
1 lau 10 ňu
2 ha 100 aňu
3 rwa 1000 uiha
4 þi 10000 ňu uiha
5 uhí 100000 aňu uiha
6 aši 1000000 mihž
7 wai 10000000 ňu mihž