Scrowdia ling
some words of the language
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Man = Mone Women = Mona Live = Das House = Meysong Bird = Xori Be = Ich Hello = Heylo Love = Yas Yes = Ev No = No Yeah = Ja Before = Boven After = Roven Cat = Kat Children = Quind mother = Mara Father = Para brother = Brudd Sister = Saor Baby = Bebe animal = Animol Plant = Plant / Vegetol dead = Exte blood = blaod heart = cryze sky = scy king = rex god = dex queen = ren rain = rynd head = hoag dog = hund bull = toro you = vi the (simple) = der the (pluriel) = de dragon = drake heaven = Heemen world = Ƿelt fox = kitsen wolf = wilk hand = mind eye = oye horse = zald boy = berny Girl = barny Lion = love good = cut new = nex feeling = spiriter

The Scrowdian (in French : Scrowdien, in Scrowdian : Scrowdia ling) is a Germanic language of the Indo-European family. Call also the language of the dragons. Spoken by 1,480,000,000 people in the world. And the official language in the alternative universe of the United Provinces.

For history the English have won the Hundred Years War against the French. after the dispute is over will become allies and even merge to be the most powerful country in this world that do not look like geography and also bioversity. Like the existence of dragons, unicorns, griffins, megaconda, anthropomorphic animals, etc ...)

The United Provinces is a country in Europe where it is unified France, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Nederland, Luxembourg are now call the "Provinces". Border with Germania, Italy, Swissy and Ibery. The capital is Orléans.

The 17 provinces : France, Brittany, Occitany, Corsica, Belgium, Luxembourg, Holland, England, Scotland, Wales, Man, Ireland, Shetland, Faroe, La Réunion, New Caledonia and Nederlands Antilles.

Scrowdia ling
Head direction
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders neutral
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words of 1500
Creator [[User:|]]


Europe TFH province



Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Labio-velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n ɲ ŋ
Plosive p b d t k ɡ
Fricative β v f ð s z ʃ ʒ ʁ χ h
Approximant ɹ j ʍ w
Flap or tap
Lateral fric.
Lateral app. l
Lateral flap


Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
High i y u
Near-high ɪ
High-mid e o
Mid ə
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low a

Diphtongue : aɪ ɔj ao

Nasalisation : ɛ͂

Rule of phonems[]

m : the sound [m] is pronounced as in English (mid = middle)

b : the sound [b] is pronounced as in English (bows = walk) The sound b is not pronounced Indian β : the sound [b] is pronounced as in Spanish (plaba = fireplace)

p : the sound [p] is pronounced as in English (pul = thumb)

v : the sound [v] is pronounced as in English (vore = the)

f : the sound [f] is pronounced as in English (fline = fin)

d : the sound [d] is pronounced as in French (drako = dragon) ð : the sound [th] is pronounced as in English (nordd = thymus, north)

t : the sound [t] is pronounced as in French (tit = ant)

n : the sound [n] is pronounced as in French (nar = night) ŋ : the sound [ng] is pronounced as in English (Tonga)

ɹ  : the sound [r] is pronounced as in English (dar = day) (the r is also trill to the American and the Indian) ʁ : the sound [r] is pronounced as in French (rybe = fish)

l : the sound [l] is pronounced as in English (lince = lynx)

s : the sound [s] is pronounced as in English (semana = week)

z : the sound [z] is pronounced as in English (zald = horse) ʃ : the sound [sh] is pronounced as in English (ich = be)

ʒ : the sound [j] is pronounced as in English (janvy = janvery)

j : the sound [y] is pronounced as in English (yard = year) ɲ : the sound [n] is pronounced as in Spanish (sygno = swan)

k : the sound [k] is pronounced as in English (cryze = heart)

g : the sound [g] is pronounced as in English (tigre = tiger)

w : the sound [w] is pronounced as in English (was = what) ʍ : the sound [wh] is pronounced as in English (Ƿery = thank you)

h : the sound [h] is pronounced as in English (hund = dog)

χ : The sound [ch] is pronounced as in Welsh (marhen= now)

a : the sound [a] is pronounced as in Italian (aquil = eagle)

e : the sound [e] is pronounced as in French (pepor= pepper)

ɛ : the sound [e] is pronounced as in English (eyn = a /an)

i : the sound [i] is pronounced as in Italian (irle = ear) in america and india do not pronounce

y : the sound [u] is pronounced as in French (hund = dog)

ɪ : the sound [ee] is pronounced as in English (eex = owl)

ə : the sound [e] is pronounced as in English (edd = up)

u : the sound [ou] is pronounced as in Italian (blu = blue)

o : the sound [au] is pronounced as in French (centaur = centaur)

ɔ : the sound [o] is pronounced as in French (ome = how)

aɪ : the sound [i] is pronounced as in English (kyfly = butterfly)

ɔj : the sound [oy] is pronounced as in English (oyes = eyes)

ao : the sound (ow) is pronounced as in Italian (bows = walk)

ɛ͂ : the sound [in] is pronounced as in French (nind = nine)

Writing System[]

CAP MIN Version Germany RULE IPA
A a A a a a
B b B b ba, eba, ab, aba b
BH bh Ƃ ƃ bha β
C c C c ce, ci, cin, cy, cee s
C c C c ca, co, cu, cou k
CH ch Ʃ ʃ che ʃ
SCH sch Ʃ ʃ sche ʃ
D d D d de d
DD dd Ð ð edd ð
E e É é e e
E e E e e ə
E e Ë ë er ɛ
EE ee Ɨ ɨ ee ɪ
EU eu Ə ə eu ə
F f F f fe f
GU gu G g ga, go, gou, gin, gi, ge, gee g
GN gn Ɲ ɲ gne ɲ
H h H h he h
I i I i i i
J j J j je ʒ
K k K k ke k
L l L l le l
M m M m me m
N n N n ne n
NG ng Ŋ ŋ ing, nge, igne ŋ
OO oo Ò ò oo o
OI oi Oi oi w
O o O o o ɔ
OW ow Ow ow ao
OY oy Oy oy ɔj
AO ao Ao ao ɔ
AU au Ò ò au o
EAU eau Ò ò eau o
AE ae Æ æ ae ɛ
OA oa Ǫ ǫ oa ɔ
OU ou U u ou u
P p P p pe p
PH ph F f phe f
Q q Q q que k
QU qu Ɋ ɋ que kw
R r R r re ʁ
R r R r era, or, ord, iri, eur ɹ
S s S s se s
SS S ẞ ß ess z
SH sh Ʃ ʃ she ʃ
T t T t te t
TH th Þ þ the, eth ð
U u U u u u
U u Ƽ ƽ u y
V v V v ve v
W w W w we w
Ƿ ƿ Ƿ ƿ ƿe ʍ
RH rh Ʌ ʌ rhe, irhe, irh χ
X x X x xe, ex, exd ks
Y y Ɉ ɉ ye j
Y y Y y y i
Y y Y y, I i y
Z z Z z ze z
IN in İ ı in ɛ͂
IN in I, in in
ER er Er er əʁ
ER er Ër er ɛʁ
HR hr Hr hr ʁ
AY ay Ai ay ɛ
EY ey Ei, Ey ey ɛ
EN en Ën en ɛn
EN en En en ən



SVO (Eyn kato codez su der tekobo = a cat sleeps on the cushion).


I = mi, m'

me = me

You = vi, v', ve

He / She = ri / bi, r' /b', re / be

We = wi, w', we

They = zi, z', ze


Infinitif Present Past Future perfect tense Traslantion
ich it in iz id be
av as an az a have
come comez comen comey comer come
doo do don doz dot do
get go goe got god go
can canez canen caney caner can
eys eysez eysen eysey eyser eat
spir spirit spirin spiriz spirid feel
bax baxez baxen baxey baxer see
bows bowsez bowsen bowsey bowser walk
yas yaz yan yae yaser love


0 zero 0th zeren 0^
1 und 1st uner 1R
2 du 2nd dez 2Z
3 twi 3rd tren 3n
4 kwar 4th kward 4d
5 bos 5th boso 5o
6 siven 6th siveno 6o
7 seven 7th seveno 7o
8 eg 8th ego 8o
9 nind 9th nino 9o
10 ken 10th keno 10o
11 unden 11st uno 11o
12 den 12nd deo 12o
13 twen 13rd two 13o
14 kwen 14th kwo 14o
15 bosen 15th boseo 15o
16 sivken 16th sivo 16o
17 sevken 17th sevo 17o
18 egen 18th egeo 18o
19 ninden 19th nindo 19o
20 duken 20th dukeno 20o
21 duken und 21st duken uner 21R
30 twiken - - -
40 kwaren
50 boken
60 sivenken
70 sevenken
80 egken
90 ninken
100 cen
1000 mil

The "en" is pronounced [ɛn]

Rule grammicals[]

The order of the words of this language is SVO

This language has only one gender "the neutral" as "the" in English. No need to prescribe the feminine, masculine or neutral gender of the word, that is to say the singulars always written by "der" (for example "the castle = der castol)

For plurals like "castles = de castols" is written with "de" and at the end of the word. It's either an "s".

same for the article "of".

singular is "vore" which is pronounced as in English

and plural is "wor" as in English

for colors, numbers, genders or places always in front of the word

Take the examples: the black cat, the five houses, a young female and the Italian hazelnut would be written: der zard kat, de eg meysons, eyn feminols liong and vore italynd nosetta.

for the conjugation in simple future and simple past and more often for predicting something that will happen far away or never in the future and the distant past. That the passive and the progressive is that things are realized directly in the near future or the past.

When a secondary r is usually alveolar / ɹ / as in English, it must be after a consonant (b, c, d, f, g, h, k, p, q, s, t, v, w, ƿ) or after a vowel (ɛ, ə) becomes a uvular consonant / ʁ / as in French. Extect if meets (ai, ei, eu), the r is alveolar.

A few words to each chapter

1 : Family : Familia

Father : Para

Mother : Mara

Dady, dad, papa : papa

mom, mama : mama

Brother : brudd

Sister : soar

Grandfather : Grapara

Grandmother : Gramara

baby : bebe

girl : barny, fita

boy : berny

cousin : mibrudd, misoar

son : fito

grandson = grafito

little girl = grafita

child : quind

grandchild = graquind

stepbrother : mibrudd

stepsister : misoar

2 : time : zine

day : dar

night : nar

the days

mundar, mardar, mercudar, jovidar, venudar, saturdar, sondar

month : month

Janvy, Febry, Mardd, Aƿril, May, Juin, Juiley, Oog, Septembe, Octobe, Novembe, Decembe

hour : hor

minute : minut

second : sekond

week : semana

year : yard

season : saeson

spring : spiring

summer : sonay

autumn : autome

winter : inevey

3 : color : color

black : zard

red : raed

white : weyss

blue : blu

orange : orange

grey : gring

brown : braon

violet : violet

pink : rose

sky blue : sceblu

magenta : magenta

cyan : cyan

green : graen

yellow : narhane

4 : Animals : animols

! if it's a male, add "o" at the end of the word. If it's a female, it's "a".

cat : kat

dog : hund

bull : toro

horse : zald

rooster : galo

wolf : wilk

fox : kitsen

deer : dir

Pig : muc

bird : xori

lion : love

tiger : tigre

zebra : zebre

donkey : burro

eagle : aquile

human : human

fish : rybe

crocodile : krocodile

mouse : mys

bear : barz

falcon : feycon

dragon = drake

bat : haqe

5 : body : corp

head : hoag

belly : sele

back : dase

leg : amme

arm : brase

foot : fidd

hand : mind

eye : oye

skin : pau

tongue : rowze

blood : blaod

heart : cryze

brain : myng

skull : stolt

lung : pulmon

stomach : stomace

bone : donke


All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Old ich humins it barner freyr og equol on dignitid og loy. Z'it suduing cum raeson og consciens og prhybez act de ongos unds oter on eyn ezpirit vore fraternitid.
