
Progress 75%
Head direction
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect

General information[]

Norsvik is a language spoken in Northern Scandinavia and due to migrant populations, has also spread to parts of the Northern United States and Southern Canada. Although populations of speakers are relatively isolated, there the language remains uniform throughout. Norsvik is structured as a SVO language in its common and VSO in formal form, but however, word order is relatively fluid. Most of the vocabulary found in the language has germanic roots, although some words of romance roots can be found.

Useful phrases

Below are listed some useful Norsvik words and phrases.

English Norsvik



Hello Hallo Hallo
Yes Jas Jas
No Nei Nei
Good morning Beneostydes Beneostydes
Good Afternoon Benewestydes Benewestydes
Good Niht Gud Niht Niht Gud
Goodbye A resiht'ens A resiht'ens
What is your name? Wats es tyne nomn? Nomn’st wats?
My name is Mark Ji benomn Mark. Benomn'st Mark
How are you? Als wats es'st ðau? Als wats es't?
Do you speak Norsvik Parle'st ðau Nosvik? Norsvik Parle'st?
I don't understand Ji nei kenneje ðau. Kenne'je nei ðau.
All Right Riht Riht
Thank You Ðanke Ðanke
You're Welcome Welkomme Welkomme
Please Ebenesif Benesif
I love you Jih'aimes ðu. Aimes'je ðu
What is that? Wats es ðat? Wats es ðat?
That is a dog Ðat es ene hund. Es'as ðat hund.
I am a beginner in Norsvik Norsvik es neuve'je Norsvik es neuve'je



Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
n ŋ
Plosive p b td k ɡ
Fricative f v ð θ s z ʃ ʒ h
Approximant l j
Rhotic r


Front Short Front Long Central Short Central Long Back Short Back Long
Close ɪ i ʊ u
Mid ɛ ə o
Open æ ʌ a

The following diphthongs are also used: eɪ, aɪ, aʊ, əʊ,

ɪə, ɛə, ʊə,


Letter IPA Pronunciation

American English Pronunciation

a a spa
b b baby
*c *k *can't
d d dog
ð ð then
e e bed
f f far
g g go
h h house
i I fit
j j yellow
k k can't
l l long
m m man
n n not
o o no
p p tip
r ɾ run
s s some
t t turtle
u u food
v v voice
w w we
y a fight
z z zoo
  • The letter c is has some variablitity in its pronouciation. ć is pronounced like h in horse. 'č is pronounced like sh.


This explains the consonant clusters and vowel clusters that are permissible for use in the language. For example, "st" is a consonant cluster in English.

Letter Cluster IPA Pronunciation American English
th θ throat
jg ʒ


ch children
čh ʃ shop
ćh h horse
au drought
ou u food


}} {C}

Word Order[]

Word order in Norsvik common form is very fluid, sentences can be rearranged by following rules of congugation. Generally Norsvik follows the Subject Verb Object word order, but can also follow Verb Second and Subject Object Verb word orders. In Norsvik common form, adjectives go before the noun, adverbs go after.

The sentence: "Ðos hav nein luftships" (They have no airplanes) can be reorganized to emphasis certain parts of the sentence and change the meaning slightly.

"Ðos hav nein luftships" Emphasising "They have no airplanes"

"Nein luftships hav'ent ðos'" Emphasising "They have no airplanes" (lit: None airplanes have they)

"Luftships ðos hav nein'" Emphasising "They have no airplanes" (lit: Airplanes they have none)

Word order in Norsvik Formal follows the VSO order. In formal form adjectives and adverbs are listed after their subject.

Using the same sentence They have no airplanes, inf formal form it is writen Hav'ens nein luftships. A sentence with adjectives and adverbs like "I went quickly to the little red house" would translate to "Gahet'je snelijg a ðe hause klyne ent rojd."


Congugation and the inflextions of verbs, adjectives and nouns in Norsvik is relatively rare. Evenso; the rules governing correct congugation and inflextion is relativly complex.


First Person Subject Object Reflextive Possesive Determiner Suffix Used Note
Ji(h) Mei Remei Myne 'je Singular.
Nos Nost Renost Nostr 'ens Plural.
Second person Subject Object Reflextive Possesive Determiner Suffix Used Note
Vuz Vust Revusten Vustr 'ze Singular or Plural. Very formal, usually used to adress elders. Also used as Generic.
Ðau Ðu Reðunne Ðyne 'st Singular. Informal.
Vos Vost Revost Vostr 'ze Plural. Replaced with Vuz in formal situations.
Third person Subject Object Reflextive Possesive Determiner Suffix Used Note
Hin Hyme Rehyme Hyne 'as Singular. Masculine.
Ser Syme Resyme Syne 'as Singular. Feminine
Hyre Hyrme Rehyrme Hyrne 'as Singular. Generic
Ene Eme Re'eme Enen 'as Singular. Generic 'it'
Ðos Ðost Reðoste Ðostr 'ent Plural.
Ðose Ðostte Reðostte Ðosttre 'ent

Plural. Mainly used as geminine or generic

Generic Subject

Object Reflextive Possesive Determiner Suffix Used Note
Wye Wyrme Rewyrme Wyne 'as Full generic. Unspecified number, gender etc....


There are two types of negatives in Norsvik. The 'nein' and the 'nei' classes. Nein is used to express 'nothing' and 'none'. Nei is used to express general all other cases. For example; "I have no cheese" would use nein for negation because 'no' in this sentence is used to express a lack of cheese: "Ji hav nein formajge". Another example would be:"There shall be no dancing" to "Hjer ve bes nein danceng"


There are 3 genders in Norsvik: Masculine, Feminine and Neuter. Unlike most other languages that have the noun gender distinction, nouns are not predecided to be either masculine or feminine. All nouns are neuter, unless clearly a noun used to express a Male or Female thing. For example; the word hund (dog) can be either masculine, feminine or neuter, depending on the context it is used. If it is used to anote a male dog, it is masculine, a female dog, it is feminine, a unspecified gender or generic dog, it is neuter. By this rule, nouns like sward (sword) can only be of the neutral gender.

Nouns, verbs, adjectives, determiners all inflex according to the gender of itself, or the subject/object it is describing. Sentence that is only feminine: Ða snelle brun fosse spring uber ða lauzik hundde.

Nouns in Gender[]

Masculine and neuter nouns are not changed by its own gender. However, if the noun is feminine, a specific inflextion is applied. When writen the last consantant of the noun is repeated and is there is not already an 'e' ending that noun an 'e' is applied (eg, ;skiepe, skieppe; hund, hundde).

  • When a noun ends with r, re, er, or (etc...) or n and has no vowel directly before, the 2nd last consantant is repeated in it's stead (eg. kindr, kinddre; presbytor, presbyttore)

Adjectives in Gender[]

Masculine and neuter nouns do not change the adjectives describing them. However; if the noun being described is feminine a pecific inflextion. When writen the last consantant of the noun is repeated and is there is not already an 'e' ending that noun an 'e' is applied.

  • If an adjective ends with en or ik no inflection is applied.

Verb Tenses[]

“I Eat” Common Form Formal Form English Translation
present Ji manjge Manjger'je I eat
past Ji manjget Manjget'jet I ate
future Ji ve manjge Manjgerve'je I will eat
present progressive Jih‘es manjgereng Es'je manjgeng'je I am eating
past progressive Ji wes manjgeng Wes'jet manjgeng'jet I was eating
future progressive Ji ve es’je manjgeng Es'je mangeve'je I will be eating
present perfect Ji hav manjgen Manjgen'je I have eaten
past perfect Ji hav’et manjgen Manjgen'jet I had eaten
future perfect Ji ve hav‘je manjgen Manjgeven'je I will have eaten
passive present Jih’es be’manjgen Manjgen es'je I am eaten
passive past Ji wes be‘manjgen Manjgen es'jet I was eaten
passive future Ji ve es‘je be’manjgen Manjgeven es'je I will be eaten
passive present progressive Jih‘es beseng be‘manjgen Es'je Manjgen eseng I am being eaten
passive past progressive Ji wes beseng be‘manjgen Wes'jet Manjgen eseng I was being eaten
passive future progressive Ji ve es’je beseng be’manjgen Es'je manjgeven eseng I will be being eaten
passive present perfect Ji hav besen be‘manjgeren Manjgen'je besen I have been eaten
passive past perfect Ji hav‘et besen be’mangjen Manjgen'jet besen I had been eaten
passive future perfect Ji ve hav‘je besen be’manjgen Manjgeven'je besen I will have been eaten
negative present Ji manjge nei Manjge'je nei I do not eat
negative past Ji manjget nei Manjget'jet nei I did not eat
negative future Ji ve nei manjge Manjgeve'je nei I will not eat
negative present progressive Jih‘es nei manjgeng Es'je manjgeng'je nei I am not eating
negative past progressive Ji wes nei manjgeng Wes'jet manjgeng'jet nei I was not eating
negative future progressive Ji ve nei es’je manjgeng Es'je mangeve'je I will not be eating
negative present perfect Ji hav nei manjgen Manjgen'je nei I have not eaten
negative past perfect Ji hav’et nei manjgen Manjgen'jet nei I had not eaten
negative future perfect Ji ve nei hav manjgen Manjgeven'je nei I will not have eaten
negative passive present Jih‘es nei be’manjgen Manjgen es'je nei I am not eaten
negative passive past Ji wes nei be‘manjgen Manjgen es'jet nei I was not eaten
negative passive future Ji ve nei es’je be‘manjgen Manjgeven es'je nei I will not be eaten
negative passive present progressive Ji es nei beseng be’manjgen Es'je Manjgen eseng nei I am not being eaten
negative passive past progressive Ji wes nei beseng be‘manjgen Wes'jet Manjgen eseng nei I was not being eaten
negative passive future progressive Ji ve nei es’je beseng be‘manjgen Es'je manjgeven eseng nei I will not be being eaten
negative passive present perfect Ji hav nei besen be’manjgen Manjgen'je besen nei

I have not been eaten

negative passive past perfect Ji hav‘et nei besen manjgeren Manjgen'jet besen nei I had not been eaten
negative passive future perfect Ji ve hav nei besen manjgen Manjgeven'je besen nei I will have not been eaten


Possessive []

In Norsvik, possessive possessive is similar to that of English. To form the most basic possessive (My cat, his house), one simply (like English), uses the possessive determiner of the possesser's pronoun (Myne chat, hyne hause). However; for possessives such as John's cat or Mary's yatch an -en suffix is used in place of 's (Jgonen chat, Marie'n jache). If the name ends with a vowel 'n is used instead.

Some names, like Nathan end with the /en/ sound, and to add and other en as a suffix creates unclean phrases. In these cases -ik is used as the suffix, changing the name into an adjective that describes the possessed thing.

Note: The en suffix in Norsvik is also used for past pastriciples and as 'of', thus; Jgonen chat, is close to Cat of John or a 'Johned' cat.

'Of' and 'Of The'[]

The Norsvik phrases 'auf' (of) and 'auf ðe' (of the) are rarely used. Instead a system like that of the possessive is used. Rather than saying United States of America, American United States (Americien Unisifen Staðes) is used. this is done by changing the word 'America' into an adjective that describes the 'United States' . Same goes for the People's Republic of China; it would become the Chinese People's Reupublic (Chinen Fulkersrepublis). In this way, the -en suffix is also used to creat adjectives. A godly which is the same as a of god in Norsvik becomes goðen (same as sanktik).


Number English Norsvik Number English Norsvik
0 Zero Zyne 16 Sixteen Denz'siks
1 One Ene 17 Seventeen Denz'septn
2 Two Deue 18 Eighteen Dens'eht
3 Three Ðrye 19 Nineteen Dens'nunf
4 Four Kutr/Fjer 20 Twenty Deudenzs
5 Five Vif 21 Twenty one Deuedenz'ene
6 Six Siks 22 Twenty two Deuedenz'deue
7 Seven Septn 23 Twenty three Deudenz'ðrye
8 Eight Eht 30 Thirty Ðryedenzs
9 Nine Nunf 50 Fifty Vifdenzs
10 Ten Denz 100 Hundred Hundert
11 Eleven Denz'ene 1000 Thousand Ðausent
12 Twelve Denz'due 10000 Ten Thousand Myred
13 Thirteen Denz'ðrye 100000 Hundred Thousand Denzmyred
14 Fourteen Denz'fjer 1000000 Million Millijon
15 Fifteen Denz'vif 759 Seven-hundred Fifty-nine Septnhundert'vifdenz'nunf

Example text[]

English original: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Nosvik translation (common form): Ðe snel brun fos spring ober ðe lauzik hund.

Formal Form: Spring'as ðe fos brun ent snel ober ðe hund lauzik.

The Sheep and the Horses'[]

[On a hill,] a sheep that had no wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses." The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool." Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.

Ðe Skiep ent ðes Hrosses[]

[Am ene klyneberg,] ene skiep whur havet nein wul sihtet ðes hross’s, ðosen wer ene whur wes ene stark wagon puleng, ene whur wes ene stark lydde hafeng, ent ene whur wes snel’ijg ene homme hafeng. Ðe skiep parlet a ðes hross’s: [Myne hjarte dote’je, sihteng ene homme whur es be’hafen par hross’s.] Ðes hross’s parle: [Coute, myne gud skiep, nos hjartes dote’ns am nost wenne nos siht ðis: ene homme, ðe mystre, whur maht’as ðes skiepen wul’s ena ene kloðe fur rehyme. Ent nue, ðe skiep hav nein wul. Haveng coutet ðats, volge’as ðe skiep ena ðe fjeld.

* * * * *

The King and the God[]

Once there was a king. He was childless. The king wanted a son. He asked his priest: "May a son be born to me!" The priest said to the king: "Pray to the god Werunos". The king approached the god Werunos to pray now to the god. "Hear me, father Werunos!" The god Werunos came down from heaven. "What do you want?" "I want a son." "Let this be so", said the bright god Werunos. The king's lady bore a son.

Ði Kjinn ent ðe Goð[]

En ene aulden tyde, ðere wes ene kjinn, whur havet nein kindrs. Ene sonn, ði kjinn will’t. Hin eisket hyne presbytor: [Kann ene sonn bes be’fatren par mei?] Ðe prebytor parlet a ði kjinn:[Fraige a ðe goð whur es benomn Werunos!] Ði kjinn kommet a ðe goð whur es benomn Weunos a fraige nue a ðe goð. [Coute a mei, fatr Werunos!] Aus himmel kommet dunne ðe goð whur wes benomn Werunos. [Wats will’st ðau?][Ji will ene sonn.][Les ðis bes tru,] parlet ðe lihtik goð whur es benomn Werunos. Ða kjinnen dame/wif haffet ene sonn.

Literal Translation[]

In a time of old, there was a king who had non children. A son, the king wanted. He asked his presbyter: “Can a son ever be fathered by me?” The presbytor said to the king: “Pray to the god who is adorned with the name Werunos!” The king came to the god who is adorned with the name Werunos. “What want’st thou?”I want a son””Let that be true” Said the bright god who is adorned with the name Werunos. The king’s lady/wife carried a son.
