Nureki - Noraqçı
Morphological Type: Agglutinative
Morphosyntactic Alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Linguistic Head: Head Initial
Word Order: SOV
Made by: Maxseptillion77

General Information[]

Nureki, (Nureki: noraqçı ; Tajik: Норакӣ, Norakī), is a turkic language taking root in Sogdia along side the local Sogdian and Tajik languages. It comes primarily from Old Turkish and Farsi loans. Reletively recently, Russian loans began appearing mainly for recent advancements such as the computer or the nuclear bomb. Nureki is an agglutinative language using various suffixes to express grammatical relationships. Another feature of Nureki is the creation of new verbs by attaching a root to the verb (such as attaching prepositions to verb roots in French).

Phonology and Orthography[]


Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive p b t d tʃ c k g q
Fricative s z ʃ h
Liquid w ɫ r j (ɫ)

Allophony and Morphophonology[]

[l~ɫ] works like Russian: [ɫ] is usually everywhere except before palatal vowels where it becomes [l].

Vowel harmony occurs with every word (see Vowel Harmony and Ğ)

/l/ becomes /ğ/ before another consonant. 


Front Back
Close i i: y y: ɯ ɯ: u u:
Mid e e: ø ø: o o:
Low ɑ ɑ:
Diphthongs: {aɪ̯ eɪ̯ ɵʏ̯ oʊ̯}

Vowel Harmony and Ğ[]

Nureki features a slightly irregular and mandatory vowel harmony which matches front/back vowels. The system works head-initially where the vowel in the syllable following the one of the static vowel will change front/backness to agree (for example, -lar/-lerhööt, tree, has a front vowel. So, when the plural marker is attached, it takes a front vowel: höötler, trees. To compare, dokat, nine, has a back vowel. So, the opposite happens and the collective marker takes a back vowel: dokatlar, nines). The exception is when the Old Turkic had -oy- which becomes -öy- in Nureki regardless of the backness or frontness of the rest of the vowels. If the word is backed, -öy- does not affect it, göynamaq, to play, and vice versa. 

These are the relationships:

Front Back
i <-> ɯ
e > ɯ
y <-> u
ø <-> o
e < ɑ
ɑ* > o*
e* > ø*

(*) This is a rounding changing which applies rarely in certain suffixes in the same fashion as the front/back change. The vowel that will change will agree to the roundness of the preceding syllable's vowel's roundness and front/backness. For exmaple, the collective suffix, -ağ. This suffix can be the following: -ağ, -eğ, -oğ, -öğ. Note the following: oğr, fortune/luck, becomes oğroğ; daş, spider, becomes daşağ; çeriğ, army, becomes çeriğeğ. 

Writing System[]

There are two alphabets: the old, Soviet-era Cyrillic one and the newer, pan-turkic Latin one. Gradually, but surely, the Latin variant is overtaking the Cyrillic one therefore the article will be written with the Latin one.


А , Б , Г , Д , Е , Ё , З , И , Й , К , Ќ , Л , М , Н , О , П , Р , С , Т , У , Ў ,  Х , Ч , Ж , Ш , Ы , Ю 

{ a , b , g , d , e , ø , z , i , j , k , c , l~ɫ , m , n , o , p , r , s , t , u , w , h , tʃ , dʒ , ʃ , ɯ , y }

Long vowels receive a macron. When the Soviet alphabet was used, the sound /q/ hadn't developed yet, so to represent this phoneme, the most common symbol is къ or қ. The same applies to /c/, which is represented by кь or ќ.


A , B , C , Ç , D , E , G , Ğ , H , İ , I , K , Ķ , L , M , N , O , Ö , P , Q , R , S , Ş , T , U , Ŭ , W , Y , Z

{ a , b , dʒ , tʃ , d , e , g , ~ , h , i , ɯ , k , c , l~ɫ , m , n , o , ø , p , q , r , s , ʃ , t , u , y , w , j , z }

Ğ ğ is a special letter with no clear value. Instead, it is a sort of auxiliary letter to mark diphthongs on certain letters. They include:

  • Ağ ağ - [aɪ̯]
  • Eğ eğ - [eɪ̯]
  • Oğ oğ - [oʊ̯]
  • Öğ öğ - [ɵʏ̯]

Any other combination however is silent such as between vowels or after a vowel not listed above. Long vowels a written doubly. 



Nouns do not decline to anything. Instead, they are a root with various suffixes put thereon and compound verbs. 

Order of Morphemes[]

fill in later

But, as a sketch, it'll be: plurality, case, possession


There are 8 cases. All cases come directly from Old Turkic. Cases fuse with suffixes of possession (although, most are simply suffixes on suffixes). None of these suffixes are applied to the roundness change, except with a few exceptions. 

In the table, each case will be shown with its potentially fused suffix of possession.

1st 2nd 3rd
Nominative -∅
Singular -(i)m / -(ı)m -(i)n / -(ı)n -i / -si / -ı / -sı
Plural -miz / -mız -niz / -nız -leri / -ları
Genitive -nin / -nın
Singular -inim / -ınım -inin / -ının -nin / -nın
Plural -nimiz / -nımız -niniz / -nınız -ninleri / -nınları
Dative -ke / -ka
Singular -kem / -kam -ken / kan -kesi / kası
Plural -kemiz / -kamız -keniz / kanız -keleri / kaları
Accusative -iğ / -ığ
Singular -iğm / -ığm -iğn / -ığn -iğ / -ığ
Plural -iğmiz / -ığmız -iğniz / -ığnız -iğleri / -ığları
Ablative -din / -dın
Singular -dim / -dım -dinen / -dının -dine / -dını
Plural -dimiz / -dımız -diniz / -dınız -dileri / -diları
Directional -erü / -aru
Singular -erüm / -arum  -erün / -arun -erüsi / -arusı
Plural -erümiz / -arumız -erümiz / -arunız -erüyiri / -aruyırı
Semblative -leyi / -layı
Singular -leyim / -layım -leyin / -layın -leyisi / -layısı
Plural -leyimiz / -layımız -leyiniz / -layınız -leyisi / -layısı
Instrumental -(i)n / -(ı)n
Singular -(i)nim / -(ı)nım -(i)nin / -(ı)nın -(i)ni / -(ı)nı
Plural -(i)nimiz / -(ı)nımız -(i)niniz / -(ı)nınız -(i)nleri / -(ı)nları
Locative -de / -da
Singular -dem / dam -den / -dan -desi / -dası
Plural -demiz / -damız -deniz / -danız -deleri / -daları
Comparative -reḳ / -raq
Singular -rekim / -rakım -rekin / -rakın -reki / -rakı
Plural -rekimiz / -rakımız -rekiniz / -rakınız -reçleri / -raqları

There are two numbers: singular and plural. Singular is unmarked, and the plural takes the suffix -lar/-ler (agrees with the vowel harmony). The plural form also happens to be a formality marker when speaking to people of high authority where it would be attached to the appropriate word (for example, the word bodşa, king, would take the pseudo-plural formal marker, becoming bodşa, when used as a vocative or addressing a monarch in anyway) fix.

Some nouns can be "collective" which is equivalent to Germanic "mass" nouns. This is indicated by the suffix -ağ. This suffix is better explained under Vowel Harmony.  


These suffixes indicate possession or relationship of the word attached thereto. There is a cetain sandhi with singular number suffixes. After vowels or ğ, the suffixes does not take a vowel. For example, denırıdenırı-m but gırgır-ım. This is similar to the 3rd person suffix: denırıdenırı-sı but gırgır-ı. The 3rd person plural suffix follows the same patter as the collective suffix -ağ (information under Vowel Harmony). 

Singular Plural
1st -(i)m -miz
2nd -(i)n -niz
3rd -i / -si -ları


Adjectives are much looser than in English or romance languages where often times, an adjective can equally be a noun. When a possessive suffix is put thereon, the adjective represents the quality of the owner. Adjectives themselves can also be suffixed after a fully suffixed verb as an adverb. 

However, a given noun can be clarified as an adjective with the suffix -liğ/-lığ.  

Adjunct / Adverb[]

A noun or postposition is put into the instrumental case when it functions as an adjunct (adverb to a noun). A noun, postposition, or adjective receives the suffix -ti / -tı.

Derivatives and Suffixes[]

  • -(i/ı)ç

The first diminutive is used solely with the first person possessive suffixes, -(i/ı)m, to show a sense of the endearment of the object by the speaker. (anaçım = my [dearest] mom; güdegüçim = my [dearest] son-in-law).

  • -kine / -kını

The second diminutive which is used to give a sense of smallness or belittlement to the object by the speaker. (dağ mountain > dağkını hill ; gor town > gorkını off-the-map town)

  • -siğ / -sığ

Only used with adjectives, it means "similar to." (ağdunlı golden > ağdunlısığ gilded ; caşlı old/aged > caşlısığ aged-esuqe / elden-like)

  • -eyüt / -ayut

An honorific that is applied to white-collar-esque people and soldier (such as a merchant, a soldier, a business) as a form of respect, signigaling that they have honor. (serböz soldier > serbözeyüt honorable veteran)

  • -deş / -daş

Someone who is a follower of something, usually a religion. 

  • -çi / -çı

It is used to name a language, an national group, or a profession.

  • -siz / -sız

Can be applied to both nouns and adjectives although meaning different things. When attached to nouns, it means, in essence, "without" or "a lack of." However, when attached to an adjective, it negates the quality of the adjective. (çeriide in an army > çeriidesiz without being in an army ; ağtunlı golden > ağtunlısız not-golden)

  • -(i/ü/ı/u)m

Only put on certain nouns and adjectives which are gendered to represent the feminine form of that noun (e.g. deniri, god > denirim, goddess)


Personal Pronouns[]

1st and 2nd
1st 2nd
Sing. Plur. Sing. Plur.
Nominative bün büz hin hiz
Genitive böning bözing hening hezing
Dative bona büzne hana hizne
Accusative böni büzni hini hizni
Ablative böntin büznidin hintin hiznidin
Directional bonaru büznerü hanaru hiznerü
Semblative bünleyi büzleyi hinleyi hizleyi
Instrumental bünde büzde hinde hizde
Locative bünte büzte hinte hizte
Comparative  bürneḳ bürzeḳ hirneḳ hirzeḳ
3rd and Determiner
Determiners, which are like adjectives, don't take cases; they stay in the "nominative" case (which is just the raw noun without being declined).
Proximal Distal
Singular Plural Singular Plural
Mas/Neu Fem Mas/Neu Fem Mas/Neu Fem Mas/Neu Fem
Nominative bu bum bolar bomlar oğ / an oğm golar / anlar gomlar
Genitive bun bunum bolarnın bomlarnın anı anım golarnın gomlarnın
Dative buna bunam bolarka bomlarka ana anam golarka gomlarka
Accusative bunı bunım bolarnı bomlarnı anı anım golarnı gomlarnı
Ablative buntın buntınım bolardın bomlardın antın antınım golardın gomlardın
Directional birü - birüler - anaru anarum golarğaru gomlarğaru
Semblative bünleyü bünleyüm bünler bümler enleyü enleyüm golarayu gomlarayu
Instrumental bunu bunum bunular bunumlar anın anınım golarnın gomlarnı
Locative bunta buntam bolarda bomlarda anta antam golarda gomlarda
Comparative borneḳ bornekim bolarneḳ bomlarneḳ anaq anakım golarnaq gomlarnaq



The conjugation of a verb is done through various suffixes (as with nouns). 

BASE.non-finite marker.mood-voice-tense-person/number

Item: positive morpheme, negative morpheme; a dash, /, indicates before vowel/before consonant

  • Mood:
    • Indicative: -∅-
    • Potential: ü- / u-
    • Continuous: ir- / ır-
  • Voice
    • Active: -∅-
    • Passive: -il-/-iğ- / -ıl-/-ığ   (*potential passive: üül-/üüğ-/uul-/uuğ-)
  • Tense
    • Present: -∅--m(e/a)- 
      • Causative Present: -d(i/ü)r-/-d(ı/u)r--d(i/ü)rme-/-d(ı/u)rma-
    • Perfect: -miş-/-mış--medök-/-medöç-/-madok-/-madoq-
      • Causative Perfect: -d(i/ü)rmiş-/-d(i/u)rmış--d(i/ü)rmedöç-/-d(ı/u)rmadoq-
    • Future: -eğ-/-ağ--meçi-/-maçı-
      • Causative Future: -d(i/ü)reğ-/-d(ı/u)rağ--d(i/ü)rmeçi-/-d(ı/u)rmaçı-
    • Conditional: -ser-/-sar-, -mezer-/-mazar-
      • Causative Conditional: -d(i/ü)rzer-/-d(ı/u)rzar--d(i/ü)rmezer-/-d(ı/u)rmazar-
  • Person/Number
    • Non-volitional
      • 1st sing.: -(i/ı)m
      • 2nd sing.: -(i/ı)n
      • 3rd sing.: -(s)i / -(s)ı
      • 1st plur.: -(i)miz / -(ı)mız
      • 2nd plur.: -(i)niz / -(ı)nız
      • 3rd plur.: -(s)iler / -(s)ılar
    • Volitional
      • 1st sing.: -eğm / -ağm
      • 2nd sing.: -eğn / -ağn
      • 3rd sing.: -zün / -zun
      • 1st plur.: -(e)lim / -(a)lım
      • 2nd plur.: -(e)lin / -(a)lın
      • 3rd plur.: -zünler / -zunlar
  • Infinitive / Participle: -meḳ/-maq
    • Causative Infinitive/Pariticple: -d(i/ü)rmeḳ/-d(ı/u)rmaq
  • Gerund and verbal noun: -ğli/-ğel, -ğlı/-ğal
    • Causative gerund / verbal noun: -dirğel-dırğal
  • Gerundive/converb: -ğlti/-ğelti, -ğltı/-ğaltı

Copulae and Auxillaries[]

The simple copula (as in, the copula presenting equals: "he is happy", "that is a tree", "we are here") is er-. It is placed before nouns as a sort of prefix ("It is a tree" = an er-hööt).

The "place-holder subject" (i.e., "there is" / "there are") is bar-, positive, or yek-, negative. 

The epistemic auxillary is bol- / boğ-.   

Clitics and Particles[]

The vowel of the head noun affects the vowel of the clitic/particle. 

  • eḳ / aq : emphatic particle ; before the head
  • ceḳ / caq : "just", "exactly", "right" ; it functions as a pseudo-definite article, but can be placed on any part of speech ; before the head
  • -mu / -mü : interrogative particle (although, it can be treated as a suffix on verbs; then it will be placed at the very end of the complete conjugated verb) ; after / suffixed to the head
  • gen / gın : functions like ceḳ/caq but for temporal adverbs ; before the head
  • en / an : makes a superlative ; before the head
  • deki / dakı : makes a positive comparative ; before the head
  • asdakı : makes a negative comparative ; before the head
  • ici / ıdı : emphasizes a nominal/temporal negative (like "never", "nothing", "no where") ; before the head
  • nen / nan : emphasizes a qualitative/quantitative negative (like "not any", "neither") ; before the head


Lexicon and Texts[]

Swadesh List[]

English Nureki Old/Pre Turkic Notes Translation
Tajik Uzbek Turkish
Tree daraq - дарахт daraxt daraxt ağaç
Flower guğ - gul- prevocalically гул gul gul çiçek
Blood gan kan хун xun qon kan
Heart cüreḳ yürek дил dil yurak yürek
Liver ciğer - ҷигар jigar jigar karaciğer
To Eat ceemeḳ Stem is cee- хӯрдан xūrdan yemoq yemek
To Bite dişlemeḳ - газидан xurdan tishlamoq ısırmak
To Laugh göğmeḳ kül- Stem is göğ-/gül- хандидан xandidan kulmoq gülmek
To Hear işitmeḳ eşit- шунидан šunidan ko‘rmoq görmek
To Know böğmeḳ bil- Stem is böğ-/bül- донистан donistan bilmoq bilmek
To Think oylamaq - андешидан andešidan o‘ylamoq düşünmek
To Consider hanmaq san- - - -
To Smell (s/th) iskemeḳ - бӯй кардан būy kardan isqamoq koklamak
To Fear gurçmaq - Stem is gurç-/gurk- тарсидан tarsidan qo‘rqmoq korkmak
To Come geğmeḳ kel Stem is gel-/geğ- омадан omadan kelmoq gelmek
Sun güneş küneş хуршед xuršed quyosh güneş
Moon ay - моҳ moh oy ay
Star cuğduz ситора sitora yulduz yıldız
Water suu sub/suv об ob suv su
Salt duz tuz намак namak tuz tuz
Salt (poetic) namaq -
Stone gum kum санг sang qum kum
Name aat at ном nom ot, nom ad

Al-Fatihah (الفاتحة)[]

(1) En mehribön we ırahım aatın bülen Allahnın: 
(2) bütün hemd Allahda, Bodşa alamlarnın! 
(3) En mehribön we ırahım, 
(4) Bodşa eeğmenliğ gunnını ükümnin, 
(5) Hin gimi yödelim yağnıztı we Hin gimi yardamka uçun huralım yağnıztı. 
(6) Büzni cularu doğru hadaağn:
(7) cul bolarnın gimi Hin bermişeğn, we nan
Nureki English Turkish Uzbek Tajik
1:1 En mehribön we ırahım aatın bülen Allahnın: In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. Rahmân ve Rahîm olan Allah'in ismiyle. Меҳрибон ва раҳмли Аллоҳнинг номи билан бошлайман Ба номи Худованди бахшояндаи меҳрубон!
most gracious and merciful name.INST with Allah.GEN Mehribon va rahmli Allohining nomi bilan boshlayman. Ba nomi Xudovandi baxšoyandan mehrubon!
1.2 bütün hemd Allahda, Bodşa alamlarnın!   [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds - Hamd o âlemlerin Rabbi, Барча мақтов, шукрлар оламларнинг тарбиячиси Аллоҳга бўлсин.  Ситоиш Худоро, ки Парвардигори ҷаҳониён аст.
all-praise Allah.LOC, King.NOM world.PLUR.GEN Barcha maqtov, shukrlar olamlarning tarbiyachisi Allohga bo‘lsin. Sitoiš Xydoro, ki Parvardigori jahoniyon ast.
1.3 En mehribön we ırahım, The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, O Rahmân ve Rahim, У Роҳман ва Раҳийм... Бахшояндаи меҳрубон,
most gracious and merciful U Rohman va Rahiym... Baxšoyandan mehrubon,
1.4 Bodşa eeğmenliğ gunnını ükümnin, Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. O, din gününün maliki Allah'in. У қиёмат кунининг подшоҳи, эгаси. Фармонравои рӯзи ҷазо.
king.NOM sovereign day.GEN.3rd-poss judgement.GEN U qiyomat kunining podshohi, egasi. Farmonravoi rūzi jazo.
1.5 Hin gimi cödelim cağnıztı we Hin gimi yardamka uçun huralım cağnıztı It is You we worship and You we ask for help. Ancak sana ederiz kullugu, ibadeti ve ancak senden dileriz yardimi, inayeti. Фақат сенгагина ибодат қиламиз ва фақат сендангина ёрдам сўраймиз. Танҳо Туро мепарастем ва танҳо аз Ту ёри меҷӯем.
You.NOM which.ACC worship.VOL.1st-plur alone.ADV and You.NOM which.ACC help.DAT for ask.VOL.1st-plur alone.ADV Faqat sengagina ibodat qilamiz va faqat sendangina yordam so‘raymiz Tanho Turo meparastem va tanho az Tu yori mejūem
1.6 Büzni cularu doğru hadaağn: Guide us to the straight path - Hidayet eyle bizi doğru yola, Бизни тўғри йўлга бошлагин.  Моро ба роҳи рост ҳидоят кун:
we.ACC path.DIR straight guide.VOL.2nd-sing  Bizin to‘g‘ri yo‘lga boshlagin Moro ba rohi rost hidoyat kun:
1.7 cul bolarnın gimi Hin bermişeğn, we nan golarnın gimi Hini gazaw gazğanmışağn ya nan golarnın gimi Hintin dulaşmışzun  The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray. O kendilerine nimet verdigin mutlu kimselerin yoluna; o gazaba uğramislarin ve o sapmişlarin yoluna değil. Ўзинг неъмат берганларнинг йўлига (бошлагин), ғазабга дучор бўлганларнинг йўлига эмас, адашганларникига ҳам эмас. роҳи касоне, ки онҳоро неъмат додаи, на хашмгирифтагонӣ бар онҳо ва на гумроҳон.
path.NOM these.GEN which.ACC You.NOM give.PERF.VOL-2nd-sing, and not- those.GEN which.ACC You.NOM.3rd-sing-poss anger earn.PERF.VOL-2nd-sing or not- those.GEN which.ACC You.ABL walk-away.PERF.VOL-3rd-sing O‘zing neemat berganlarning yo‘liga (boshlagin), g‘azabga duchor bo‘lganlarning yo‘liga emas adashganlarnikiga ham emas. rohi kasone, ki onhoro ne'mat dodai, na xašmgiriftagonī bar onho va na gymrohon

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Sound Changes[]

Key: V - vowel | C - consonant | $ - syllable | f - front vowels | b - back vowel | B - labial consonant | % - around (ie. before or after) | A - alveolar | Y - palatal consonant, [j], [i], or [g] | Ä - {e/æ ɑ} | Ö - {ø o} | Ü - {y u} | Ï - {i ɯ} | V - falling diphthong | f - front consonant

h > Ø
j > dʒ / #_
b > w / _#, _C
V[+round] > V[-round] / _{k ɲ tʃ}
V[-round] > V[+round] / B_
V[-round] > V[+round] / $̀[+round]_
V[+round] > V[-round] / $̀[-round]_
∅ > ɯ / #_{r tʃ p} 
∅ > ɯ / C_r
{m v n} > {b b d} / #_
{ø o} > {y u} / $́_ , Ɵ́
{a ɯ o u} > {æ i ø y} / _Y
{k g ŋ} > {tʃ dʒ n} / A_
{ɲ ŋ} > n ; ɲ > jn / _
b > v / V_V
Cr > rC
{k g}ʃ > ʃ{k g}
l > ɣ / _C, _#
g > ɣ ! #_
æ > e
{p t k tʃ} > {b d g dʒ} / #_
{ɣ v} > ∅ / V_V
s > h / #_
v > w / #_
{ó ú ɯ́} > g{ó ú ɯ́} / #_
{Ö Ü}w > {Ö Ü}:
ÖÜ > Ü:
Vɣ > V↓
k > q / $b_#, b_C
  > tʃ / f_C
  > c / $f_#

Notes :

  1. /ä~a/ becomes /œ~o/ when rounded
  2. /o/ becomes /ɑ/ when unrounded
  3. Falling diphthong
    1. {i e} > eɪ
    2. {y ø} > ɵʏ
    3. {ɯ u} > {ɯ u} (do not change)
    4. o > oʊ
    5. a > aɪ


Best reasource: (149)


My understanding of his notation:

/ä ï ü ö a/ > {æ ɯ y ø ɑ}

/č ŋ y ñ š/ > {tʃ ŋ j ɲ ʃ}

  • SOme Nureki words:
  • öğmeḳ - to praise (Old Turkic ög-)
  • ceön - lord
  • cödemeḳ - to worship
  • üçün/uçun - leading to, creating the result of, as the object of interest being (+LOC); because, as a result of (+DIR); since, according to, as per (+ABL); for, with the intent to, in order to (+DAT) (Old Turkic üçün)
  • cul - road (Old Turkic yol)
  • cağnız - only, alone (Old Turkic yalıŋuz)
  • hurğalı - to ask (Old Turkic sor-)
  • yardam - help
  • doğru - straight, direct, clear, right (Old Turkic toğru)
  • hadamaq - to guide, to lead (Arabic هَدَى, hadā)
  • hiday - guidance (Arabic هِدَايَة, hidāya)
  • bermeḳ - to give (Old Turkic ber)
  • gazğanmaq - to earn, to win, to gain (Old Turkic kazgan-)
  • gazaw - anger 
  • dulaşmaq - to walk away (+ABL), to wander
  • guş - bird 
  • ötmeḳ - to sing [of animals], to crow, to make [pleasent animal] noises (Old Turkic öt-)
  • cocuq - children (Old Turkic çocuk)
  • göynamaq - to play (Old Turkic oyna-)
  • gıt - dog (Old Turkic ıt)
  • üürmeḳ - to bark, to bay, to blow, to make [a loud/ugly] noise (Old Turkic ǖr-
  • arı - bee (Old Turkic arı)
  • wiziğdemeḳ - to buzz, to hum, [of machines] to whirr
  • baaği - baby
  • haçmaq - to shine, to emit, to radiate; (+INST) to sow, to scatter, to sprinkle (Old Turkic saç-)
  • maşına - (colloquial) car, compact car (Russian машина mašína)
  • aftomobıl - (formal) car, automobil  (Russian автомобил avtomobil) ; afto - (casual) car (Russian авто avtó)
  • daşka - car, wagon, a car that rides bumpely (pej.), carriage (Russian тачка tačka)
  • araba - passanger car, taxi, uber, carriage (can be pej.) (Arabic عربة ‘araba)
  • buşlamaq - to begin, to start, to initiate (+DAT), to commence (Old Turkic başla-)
  • möçtew - school (Arabic مَكْتَبْ maktab)
  • yanı - new (Old Turkic yaŋı)
  • yandıntı - again, anew, still, once again [the same way] (yaŋı-din/-dın-tı)
  • yanarutı - again, from the top, once more [in a different way] (yaŋı + -erü/-aru-tı)
  • nerces - narcissus, daffodil (Persian نرگس narges)
  • haağmaq - to sway, to undulate, to oscillate
  • boqtı - happy
  • ağkış - applause (Old Turkic alkış)
  • ağkışmaq - to acclaim, to applaud (Old Turkic alkış-gali)
  • ağ - [adj] blood red, crimson, dark red (Old Turkic al)
  • ağ - [noun] a purchased item (from Old Turkic al-)
  • ağmaq - to take, to buy, to purchase (Old Turkic al-
  • alın - forehead (Old Turkic alın)
  • ağrı - pain, ache, soreness (Old Turkic agrı)
  • ağrımaq - to ache, to be sore, to be distressed (from Old Turkic agrı)
  • aaçı - [noun] sharp pain, pinch, sting; [adj] spicy, sour, bitter (of food), bitter, angry, betrayed (of people)  (from Old Turkic āçı-)
  • aaçmaq - (continuous) to get sour, to get bitter (of food); (+ABL, +passive) to be betrayed; (+DIR) to get angry at, to get bitter towards; (non-vol, intr.) to be stung, to get pinched 
  • dağ - mountain  (Old Turkic tağ)
  • daş - stone, rock (Old Turkic taş)
  • daşmaq - (+ACC) to stone someone; (+DIR) to throw stones at something (from Old Turkic taş + -mak)
  • cağ - oil, fat, grease (Old Turkic yag)
  • cağmaq - to grease something up; (+reflexive) to eat a lot of fattening foods (usually with past tense. insinuating a stomach ache) (from Old Turkic yag + -mak)
  • gız - girl (Old Turkic kız)
  • buş - [adj] empty, unoccupied (Old Turkic boş)
  • buşmaq - to vacate some place (Old Turkic boş-mak)
  • gurmaq - to hit, pound, beat (Old Turkic ur--maq)
  • gürümçeḳ - spider (Old Turkic örümçek)
  • gürmeḳ - to braid, to weave, to sew (Old Turkic ör--mak)
  • cüz - hundred (Old Turkic yüz)
  • hınar - deaf (Old Turkic sıŋar)
  • hınarmagar - to make someone deaf (Old Turkic sıŋar-mak-gar-)
  • dotmaq - to hold, to catch, to grip, to grab; to find out, to ascertain (+DIR) (Old Turkic tut-mak)
  • dutğal - physical evidence, proof (converb from duğmaq from Old Turkic tuğdı)
  • duğmaq - to be born; to emerge [from an extended period of being gone], to rise [of a celestial body] (+ABL) (Old Turkic tuğdı + -mak)
  • duud - birth (from Old Turkic tuğdı)
  • dürmeḳ - to multiply, to breed, to populate, to give rise to [of an idea], to originate [a movement] (Old Turkic törimak)
  • düz - ancestery, elders, foundation, forefathers (from Old Turkic töz from töri)
  • dürğel - a given population, a sample population; (poetic) progeny, inspirations (backformation from dürmeḳ then regularized with the converb suffix -ğel; from Old Turkic törimak)
  • deniri - God (Old Turkic teŋri)
  • dawn - sole [human] (Old Turkic taban)
  • adaq - paw, foot, sole [animal] (Old Turkic adak)
  • duburmaq - to dry out, to dry (Old Turkic topur)
  • guruğ - (adj.) dry, lacking in moisture (Old Turkic kurıg)
  • duburğal - a leather or dried-meat product (coverb from Old Turkic topur-)
  • caş - age (Old Turkic yaş)
  • oğr - luck, fortune (Old Turkic oğur)
  • oğriğ dotmaq - to be lucky, to have good fortune (+ABL)
  • ınıtmaq - to forget (Old Turkic unıt-)
  • serböz - soldier (Persian سرباز, sarbâz)
  • çeriğ - army (Old Turkic çerig)
  • gordumaq - to rule, to govern [authoritarianly], to lead [strongly], to enforce, to head [an army] (Old Turkic ordu)
  • gordudurmaq - to make a coup d'état (Old Turkic ordu + causative -dur-)
  • güğmeḳ - to die (from Old Turkic öl)
  • güğdürmeḳ - to kill (from Old Turkic öl + causative -dür-)
  • ciçeḳ - flower (Old Turkic çiçek)
  • üştin - [noun] (the) top, (the) summary, (the) review (+GEN) (Old Turkic üstin)
  • büdmeḳ - to get done, to complete, to finish, to come to an end; [refl] to be grown (Old Turkic büt-)
  • üzü/uzu - above, on top of (+LOC); up towards, up on top of (+DIR); up above from, up from (+ABL); over, over across from (+DAT) (Old Turkic üze)
  • şiş - skewer (Old Turkic şiş)
  • dağ - [large] branch (all senses) (Old Turkic tal)
  • cıbıq - twig, small branch (also taxonomical) (Old Turkic çıpık)
  • cöp - offshoot branch, offshoot [of something] (+GEN), an extra and unnecessary addition (+GEN) (Old Turkic çöp)
  • cöp - [adj] extra, unnecessary (from Old Turkic çöp)
  • cöpdürmeḳ - to make something unnecessary (from Old Turkic çöp-dür--mak)
  • gor - town (Old Turkic or)
  • şeer - city (Persian شهر šahr)
  • gut - [adj] blessed [by God], luck [of God] (Old Turkic kut)
  • hüt - milk (Old Turkic süt)

Example words  

  • uz - to make, to be able to
  • sıgır - cattle
  • yat - to bend, incline, lie
  • siŋür - digest
  • tat - taste
  • ut - win
  • elig - hand
  • alaŋ - area
  • udu - following, after
  • büt - to come to an end, be perfected
  • buzagu - calf
  • bulıt - cloud
  • tık - to stuff
  • tik - to erect
  • sık - to squeeze
  • kır - mountain
  • kir - filth
  • ırk - omen
  • irk - ram
  • -lig - adjective
  • -kiña - endearment to children and object
  • -iç - endearment for family
  • -iš - cooperation/vying
  • -ka - dative
  • -lar - plural
  • ber - to give
  • -ma - negative
  • -sig - diminutive
  • -siz - privative
  • -kiña - locative
  • -ça - instrumental
  • karı - old, to get old
  • tariŋ - deep
  • agri - bent
  • -siz - without
  • -sig / -dam - "similar to" or "trying to be like" the noun
  • -agut - profession
  • kolo - moment
  • köŋül - spirit
  • kövdöŋ - body
  • ordo - army camp
  • oron - place
  • orto - middle
  • osog - manner
  • öŋöç - larynx
  • sögöt - tree
  • toko - belt buckle
  • tokoz - nine
  • töpö - hill, top
  • törö - teaching
  • yogon - thick
  • yogto - mane
  • odog - awake
  • ogol - son
  • bodo- - to paint, copy
  • olor- - to sit
  • odon- - to wake up, be awake
  • topol- - to pierce
  • altun - gold
  • küdägü - son-in-law
  • -mati - gerund