Note: If you speak Turkish and see an error, you are welcome to fix it :)


The GSFA, graded sentences for analysis, were written by Gary Shannon in 2006. You can find more information here . Here are the translations for Nureki and Turkish.

Nureki Turkish


Birds Sing
Nureki Turkish
guşoğ öti kuş şarkı söyler
bird.COL sing.3rd-sing
Children Play
Nureki Turkish
cocukoğ goynazun çocuk oynar
child.COL play.VOL-3rd-sing
Dogs bark
Nureki Turkish
gıtağ üüri it ürür
dog.COL bark.3rd-sing
Bees hum
Nureki Turkish
arıağ wiziğdesi arı vızıldar
bee.COL buzz.3rd-sing
The baby laughed
Nureki Turkish
Baağieğ göğmişi bebek güldü
baby.COL laugh.PERF.3rd-sing
The sun shined
Nureki Turkish
güneş haçmışı güneş ışık saçar
sun shine.PERF.3rd-sing
The car started
Nureki Turkish
afto buşlamışı Otomobil başladı
car start.PERF.3rd-sing
School began again
Nureki Turkish
möçtew buşlamışı yandın Okul başladı 
school begin.PERF.3rd-sing
Yellow daffodils nodded gaily
Nureki Turkish
nercesler haağı boqtıtı nergis mutlu sallar
nercissus sway.3rd-sing happy.ADV