Shax – Xacs
Morphological Type: Synthetic
Morphosyntactic Alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Linguistic Head: Head Initial
Word Order: SOV*, SVO
Tonal? No
Made by: Maxseptillion77

General Information

This is the long lost North African romance language. It manifested in the Maghreb: specifically in modern-day Morocco, the Roman Empire's Mauritania. Shax's country is of the same name, Mauritania, in Shax, Morrania ([ˈmo̞ranja]). The East Roman Empire's side of North Africa was influenced by Greek and gave birth to coptic and other such languages. Though, influence from Western Romance languages, namely Iberian, have made it closer to those such languages phonetically. It's sister language, Vandalic , followed a much different path, though is still highly respected among the inhabitants of Mauritania.

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(*) In Verbial Phrases in Syntax

Romlang Romworld

Morrania, Xarràña, Vandal King., Cirtania

In the photo, Morrania (Shax's constate) is in blue taking the place of modern day Morocco and parts of western Algeria. The Vandal Kingdom (Vandalic's constate) in purple is taking the place of Tunisia, coastal Algeria, Sicily, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, and Sardinia. Xarràña (Xarrano's constate) is in yellow taking the place of a conland around a volcano called Ezgo. Cirtania (Cirtanian's constate) is in dark blue next to Greece and is a fictional island that had been heavily influenced by Greece and Italy.



Labial Dental Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d k g kʷ gʷ
Fricative f v θ ð s z ʃ ʒ ɣ
Liquid w l r ʎ j


Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-Mid e ə o
Open-Mid ɛ ɔ
Low a ã


Sound Changes

Can be found here


Stress falls on primarily on the closed syllable (except if it's ultimate) or a pre-rhotic syllable; if there isn't one of those conditions, the stress falls on the penultimate. Note that stress on the ultimate syllable is on an open syllable followed by a closed syllable in a two syllable word. On two, open syllable words, the stress falls on the ultimate syllable if the ultimate syllable is of a nasal vowel, diphthong, or nasal diphthong. Nasal vowels carry more strength than non-nasal vowels so if any above condition is not ture, the stress will fall on the nasal vowel. 


The vowels [u] and [i] may be freely exchanged for [w] and [j] respectivally before vowel regardless of word barriors (u amu [w.amu] - I like/love). Identical vowels between word boundries may also fuse into one sound (u sũ ũ fezuã [u sũ fezwã] - I am a person). Also, voiced consonants such as [b], [d], and [g] may become [v], [ð], and [ɣ] respectivally intervocallically between word boundries as well. [r] is an unstable phoneme and is often removed word finally if a dental or alveolar phoneme (though, many speakers keep it before [s] and [z], but this is also unnecessary) follow it in the next word. Note that vowel nasality is also quite free: if there is a nasal vowel near any vowel, the adjecent vowel[s] may become allophoniclly nasal as well. 



C - consonant; V - vowel; G - glide (w, j); L - liquid (w, j, r, l); P - plosive

(*) Note that nasals become nasal-plosive cosonant cluster before [r] (i.e.: <mr> = [mbr])

Note that diphthongs ending in [ɪ̯] cannot precede [r] 

[ã] can only appears in the following ways: [ãɪ̯], [w̃ã], [ãʊ̯]



Letter Sound Letter Sound
A a [a] B b [b], [v]
C c [k] D d [d], [ð]
E e [ə], [ɛ] F f [f]
G g [g], [ɣ] H h [∅]
I i [i], [j] J j [ʒ]
L l [l] M m [m]
N n [n] O o [o̞]
P p [p] Qu qu [kʷ]
R r [r] S s [s]
T t [t] U u [u], [w]
V v [v] W w [w]
X x [ʃ] Y y [i], [j]
Z z [z] Ș ș [θ], [ð]
Ț ț [θ], [ð] [∅]
  • I/Y and U are [j] and [w] respectivally before another vowel
  • Intervocalically, [b] > [v], [d] and [θ] > [ð], [g] > [ɣ]
  • Ș comes from [st] and [ts] > [θ]
  • Ț comes from [#t] and loans > [θ]
  • ’ is used for transcribing letters that have been lost from Old to Modern Shax and Arabic sounds that have a null value in Shax, [ħ], [h], [ʔ]*, and [ʕ]
    • (*) Though, [ʔ] is sometimes [k] initially and finally in Shax
  • E is [ɛ] in a closed syllable


Letters Sound
Gu gu [gʷ]
Lh lh [ʎ]
Bb, Dd, Gg, Șș/Țț [b], [d], [g], [θ]*
Ng, Nc, Nqu [ŋ~ŋg], [ŋk], [ŋkʷ]
Gh gh [ɣ]
  • (*) These negate the intervocallic ruel


Letter Sound
à ã [ã]
Ê ê, Ô ô [e], [o]
É é, Ó ó [ɛ], [ɔ]
Û û [uə̯]
grave homophone
umlaut seperate vowels




1st Declension
selua [sɛlwa] - forest

Contains only feminine nouns ending in [a].

Nom-Acc Gen-Dat
Singular selua selue
Plural seluaz seluez
2nd Declension
lovu [lovu] - wolf

Contains only nouns ending in [u].

Nom-Acc Gen-Dat
Singular lovu lovi
Plural lovuz loviz
3rd Declension
faș [faș] - father

Contains only masculine nouns. This is also the declension for gerunds.

Nom-Acc Gen-Dat
Singular faș fași
Plural fașz fașiz
4th Declension
re [re̞] - the truth of the situation/events, a witnesse's claim [in a court of law], reality [as opposed to a fantasy] (can be used to call someone crazy or deluded)

Contains only feminine nouns.

Nom-Acc Gen-Dat
Singular re rei
Plural rez
Changing gender

Masculine nouns can change to feminine nouns by using the 4th declension and feminine nouns can use the 3rd declension.


To make a "doer" noun (i.e.: farmer, swimmer, fisher, etc), place a -u/-ü, masculine, or -i/-ï, feminine (forms with umlauts are for nouns that end the same vowel).



Adjectives decline just like what they're modifying (ex with biũ, good: lovu biu, nice wolf, or selua bia, friendly woods/forest).

Note that in a list, the declension of the adjective will match the second noun.


A comparitive is marked with the construction "more/most" + adjective-"io" (+ "than" + the thing being compared). A superlative adjective is adjective-"ixu."


A verb can become an adjective through the use of its present participle. A noun can become an adjective by placing it the way an adjective would be and declining it to what it's modifying. An adjective can become a noun by the same process as a noun would become an adjective. Note that some adjective cannot be noun and vice versa (i.e. pliccu must be an adjective). 


Adverbs simply take the full adjective and end it with -mẽ.



Nom Gen-Dat Acc Nom Emphatic
Singular 1st u mi me
2nd țu ți țe țé
3rd M ele elu le éli
3rd F ela la éla
Plural 1st nu noși nu
2nd vu vuși vu
3rd M elé elú li élir
3rd F elá lar élar


Object ⇨

Owner ⇩

Singular Plural
Mas Fem Mas Fem
Singular 1st Mas mau mauda maur maudar
Fem mía miada míar miadar
2nd Mas țu țuda țur țudar
Fem țua țuada țuar țuadar
3rd Mas su suda sur sudar
Fem sua suada suar suadar
Plural 1st Mas noși noșa noșir noșar
Fem noșșa noșșada noșșar noșșadar
2nd Mas veși veșa veșir veșar
Fem veșșa veșșada veșșar veșșadar
3rd Mas xi xida xir xidar
Fem xa xada xar xadar



Full article here.


Put the corresponding accusative pronoun with the verb (ex: u me lu [u me lu] - I wash myself).

T-V Distinction

Shax doesn't have a T-V distinction, but when refering to a person of higher authority, one must use their title as a prefix to țu.


Some verbs are intrisically "passive." Such verbs work like manquer, to miss, in French and gustar, to like, in Spanish where the verb works in the opposite way. (ex: u țe șuvu means "You're confusing me," but literally, it's "I you confuse" where it is "I am being confused by you" semantically). Note that this "passivity" doesn't apply to imperitive and intransitive verb [forms].




Being a head initial language, Shax puts its prepositions (or compound prepositions) after the noun. The noun take the Nom-Acc case. Sometimes, the noun will the Gen-Dat case. Note: the noun takes the appropriate article.


Nouns with adjectives

A nominal phrase has the noun at the head (which is the first word) with adjective following it. Adjectives follow it in a logical order of which descibes the noun best or which is the most important quality. Therefore, a change in the adjective can also change the semantic of the noun. Though in colloquial speech, the order is irrelevant and one would simply list to their whim.

Genitive Nouns

The owner takes the genitive case and turns into a modifier, but it is placed before the owned noun. mau fați lovu means "My father's wolf." 


Word Order

A personal pronoun is necessary before every verb form in Shax. If the clause uses pronouns alone, it is SOV (ex: u me lu - I wash myself, u țe șuve - you confuse me, u elu dormiau - I'll sleep [over] there; but u su fezuã - I am a person). Note that interrogative sentences function as any normal verb would in Shax.


The general negation marker is a no before the main verb and after the main pronoun. Though, specific types of negation may be placed by using no as a prefix (i.e.: nobody, never, nobody ever, no where).

  • Supine: gerund + fe (ex: "I went to the pool to swim" = «u amblavi nattuaia a nattuà fe», lit. I walked pool to swiming by means of)


Conditional Clauses

Conditional clauses where there is a requirement clause then a condition clause require the indicative then a subjunctive. But, sentences where there is only a condition (like I'd do that) require the verb to be able to in the subjunctive.

Subordinate Clauses

These are introduced with either  or ce. cã is thatce means who/whom. The introductory words are necessary and almost never omitted except in very informal or uneducated speech. Subordinate clauses go after independent clauses and are separated by a comma before or ce. The verb conjugates to the person taking the nominative in the independent clause. 


There are two auxillary verbs used for a copula: to be and to have. When it's a construction with a noun and an adjective, he is good, one would use to have and the adjective as a noun.


Time and Place

Time is written in order: year, day-month ẽxa time(hour-minute) a. Place goes: country, (state, province, etc) ẽxa (everything else in English's order with a postposition of a).



Standard Shax/Lexicon

Universal Decleration of Human Rights

Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.

Fezuãr naxũdu avu liverrar o gualar e avu jinda o caccu. Elé dotén avu loggar o muaidi e elé deván țodu carrosié ũdamẽ.

Literal Translation
Lit. 1 People born with liberties and equality and with dignity and rights. They are endowed logic and morality with and they must all to be courteous unanimously. 
Lit. 2 People are born with freedom and equality [amongst themselves] and with dignity and rights. They are endowed with logic and morality and they must all be courteous/respect [to] one another.
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Text Fezuãr țodu dotén a coccur o liverrar, cã dexán Dexé ẽxa, jiẽijur nuavu; ​I jișẽiju desón suda éțniste, su secsu, suda lẽgui, suda regũi, suda oviniu pliccu o suda oviniu giu, suda fația, su tabaccaixtae, suda frovrea, e xitxuexõr eceța. Pluavu: jișẽiju no arai fezuẽ baadi-terrtuarir statiu pliccu, statiu juredisiũ, o statiu ẽténnasiunu fe.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1 People all endow rights and liberty to, that declare Declaration in, discrimination not-with; This discrimination is from one's ethnicity, one's gender, one's language, one's religion, one's belief political and one's belief in-general, their native-country, one's social-class, one's property, or situations etc. Also: descrimination will not have person's country's state-of-affaires political, state-of-affaires jurisdictional, state-of-affaires international through. 
Lit. 2 People are all endowed with rights and liberties, that are declared in this Declaration, without discrimination; this descrimination stems from one's ethnicity, gender, language, religion, political or other opinion[s], homeland, social class, belongings, etc. Futhermore, descrimination will not be had through the political, jurisdictional, or international state of affaires of one's country. 

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
Noși Faț, ce e ceu ẽxa,
Țu nuẽ fua avedu xiadu.
Țu renu fua vẽidu.
Țu võda fua fadu Țerra ẽxa,
Qui ele fua xiadu ẽxa.
Hoju, nu-dũa noși fãi cottíjnu.
E: perrũa-nu noșir ițmer dés,
Qui nu perrũamu fezũar cer nușa ițmén;
E: no dui-nu țẽppaxu ẽxa,
Maizu cã librén-nu mãu dés.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1 Our Father, who is heaven in,/ Your name will be having holiness/ Your dominion will be coming/ Your will will be doing Earth in,/ That it be heaven in./ Today, us-give our bread daily/And: forgive-us our sins from,/That we forgive people who us-against sin;/ And: lead-us not-into,/ But rather that free-us evil from./ Amen.
Lit. 2 Our father, who is in Heaven,/Your name be sacred./ Your kingdom come./Your will be done in Earth,/ As it be in heven./ Today, give us our daily bread./ And: forgive us for our sins,/ As we forgive people who sin to us,/ But rather that you free us from evil./ Amen.

The Tower of Babel

Exerpt: Genesis 11
  1. Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 
  2. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 
  3. They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 
  4. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." 
  5. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. 
  6. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 
  7. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." 
  8. So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 
  9. That is why it was called Babel – because there, the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there, the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
  1. ’Llamũa, fezũar țodu loquì lẽgui o la’ja ipxa.
  2. Qui ’llamũa eledar fezũar errán égui Soi lia, elé djovrivrún flãi, apla Xn’ar, e éu șavlivși.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1 Then, people all spoke language and dialect same./ While those people wander where that Sun rises, they descovered plain, called Shinar, and there established.
Lit. 2 Back then, everyone spoke the same language and the same dialect./ While the people wander to where the Sun rises, they descovered a plain named "Shinar," in which they settled./

