Shax – Siax
Morphological Type: Synthetic
Morphosyntactic Alignment: Nominative-Accusative
Linguistic Head: Head Initial
Word Order: SVO
Tonal? No
Made by: Maxseptillion77

General Information

This is the long lost North African romance language. It manifested in the Maghreb: specifically in modern-day Morocco, the Roman Empire's Mauritania. Shax's country is of the same name, Mauritania, in Shax, Morráni ([mɐrˈrani]). The East Roman Empire's side of North Africa was influenced by Greek and gave birth to coptic and other such languages. Though, influence from Western Romance languages, namely Iberian, have made it closer to those such languages phonetically. It's sister language, Vandalic , followed a much different path, though is still highly respected among the inhabitants of Mauritania.

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Romlang Romworld

Morrania, Xarràña, Vandal King., Cirtania

In the photo, Morrania (Shax's constate) is in blue taking the place of modern day Morocco and parts of western Algeria. The Vandal Kingdom (Vandalic's constate) in purple is taking the place of Tunisia, coastal Algeria, Sicily, the Balearic Islands, Corsica, and Sardinia. Xarràña (Xarrano's constate) is in yellow taking the place of a conland around a volcano called Ezgo. Cirtania (Cirtanian's constate) is in dark blue next to Greece and is a fictional island that had been heavily influenced by Greece and Italy.



Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative ɸ β s z
Liquid w ʍ l r j
​All phonemes except [w], [j], [ʍ], and [ŋ] can be geminate


Front Central Back
Close i u
Open-Mid ɛ ɔ
Near-Low ɐ
Low a


Sound Changes

Can be found here


Stress falls on primarily on the closed syllable (except if it's ultimate) or a pre-rhotic syllable; if there isn't one of those conditions, the stress falls on the penultimate. Note that stress on the ultimate syllable is on an open syllable followed by a closed syllable in a two syllable word.




Letter Sound Letter Sound
A a [ɐ], [a] B b [b]
C c [k] D d [d]
E e [ɛ] F f [ɸ]
G g [g] H h [h]
I i [i], [j] J j [j]
K k [k] L l [l]
M m [m] N n [n], [ŋ]
O o [ɔ], [ɐ] P p [p]
Q q [k] Ų ų [ʍ]
R r [r] S s [s]
T t [t] U u [u]
V v [v] X x [ks]
Y y [i], [j] Z z [z]
  • (*) Ų looks more like a ɥ written (U with descender). Basically the written Armenian Z, զ. 
  • I and U are [j] and [w] respectially before and after another vowel except with an acute on it. 
  • Stressed A and O are [a] and [ɔ] respectivally
  • N is [ŋ] before C, K, Q, and X


Letters Sound
double letter geminate


Letter Sound
acute stress
Á á [ˈa]
Ó ó [ˈɔ]
 â [a]
Ô ô [ɔ]
Û û [ɐ]
À à, Ò ò [ɐ]
  • Very important to note that the acute is used on every word to mark stress except those with only one vowel since the stress is obvious :)



There are two cases: nominative and obliqe. The nominative is used in the nominative and most prepositional cases, and oblique in most other cases. Sometimes a certain preposition will require the oblique case.


1st Declension
Nominative Oblique
Singular stem
Plural stem-s stem-s
2nd Declension
Nominative Oblique
Singular stem-(ò)s stem
Plural stem-s* stem-vûs

Note that the -òs stem in the singular nominative is used in certain nouns (ex: pats, father, only uses -s while cózos, method/way, uses -òs. There is no system to this. Though, in informal speech, many times the Ò will be dropped and simply pronounced -s, especially in the case of cózos which is often pronounced [ˈkɔsː] and misspelt cóss or cózs). Also, certain nouns like pats that naturally end in S don't add the -s or -òs but keep the stem.

(*) Note that words that have the nominative stem as simple -s geminate the previous consonant and those that use the -òs ending use the simple -s.

3rd Declension

The 3rd declension contains feminine nouns that follow the 2nd declension (ex: glacs, ice).



Adjectives have been heavily simplified. Feminine adjectives follow the first declension nouns. Masculine nouns follow the structure of stem for singular and stem-s for plural. Though, there are a relatively good amount of irregulars. The basic declension:

long [ˈlɔŋ] - long Nom Oblique
Mas Fem Mas Fem
Positive Sing long
Plur longs longór longár
Comparative Sing longiúr longuér
Plur longués longiór
Superlative Sing longissm
Plur longissm longissmór longissmár



Emphatic corralates to the Latin vocative, the English marked-nominative, and the French stressed pronouns
Nom Oblique Accusative Reflexive
Singular 1st eg mi me
2nd tu ti te
3rd et ejt


Plural 1st nos notts nos
2nd vos vetts vos
3rd es jos os ses
as jas as


The top is what's being owner and the left is what is owning.

Mas Fem
Sing Plur Sing Plur
Singular 1st mus ma mas
2nd tos ta tas
3rd sos sa sas
Plural 1st notts
2nd vetts
3rd ses sas


In the indicative, the past tense was formed from the Latin perfect tense. The future, as most Romance Languages, was formed from the indicative + HABĒRE construction.

The subjunctive in Shax is used in hypothetical situations, if statements, that clauses (that are subordinant to must, shall, can, wish, want, and occasionally need), and various other phrases. The future is made through a paraphrastic phrase. The optative was formed in a similar way to the future. The subjunctive was growing to be less "optative" semantically, therefore the requirement for copér, to wish, to go before the main verb in the 3rd singular person (the main verb is still conjugated) was developed. Eventually, they mixed semantically and syntactually and like the future in Shax, became a new conjugation. This developed into two prefixes: co- before consonants where the consonant in geminate, and cop- before vowels. Note that these prefixes can never be stressed. 

The imperitive is identified by how it does not use a pronoun (where the other moods do). The subjunctive imperitive, or jussive, came about by the conjugating divér, must, in the subjunctive present and the imperitive.

The origininal Latin 3rd conjugation merged into the 2nd, 4th, or Irregular Class depending of the verb. Note that arabic loan verbs will use the Class II conjugation usually.

Paraphrastic Phrases

The subjunctive and optative futures are formed by to go in the present of either subjunctive or optative and the future participle. The passive is formed by a paraphrastic phrase of to be in the desired tense and the present participle.


Class I
potar [pɐˈtar]
Indicative Present Past Future
Singular 1st pot potáv potarávu
2nd pot'á's potást potarávis
3rd pot'á't potád potarávet
Plural 1st potáms potávims potarvéms
2nd potáts potávits potaréts
3rd potánt potavénnt potarvén
Singular 1st pot potuér

to go + future


2nd pots potuéz
3rd pott potuétt
Plural 1st potéms potuémms
2nd potéts potuétts
3rd potént potuénnt
Singular 1st coppót cop


to go + future


2nd coppóts coppotuéz
3rd coppótt coppotuétt
Plural 1st coppotéms coppotuémms
2nd coppotéts cop


3rd coppotént coppotuénnt
Participle potáns potáts potatúz
Gerund Nominative Sing potánd
Plur potánds
Oblique Sing potánd
Plur potánds
Imperfect 2nd Sing potá
Plur potát
Class II
timér [tiˈmɛr] - to fear
Indicative Present Past Future
Singular 1st tímu tim timerávu
2nd timés timuést timerávis
3rd timét timuéd timerávet
Plural 1st timéms timuéms timervéms
2nd timéts timuétts timervéts
3rd timént timuénnt timervén
Singular 1st tim timuér

to go + future


2nd tims timuéz
3rd timt timuétt
Plural 1st timáms timuémms
2nd timáts timuétts
3rd timánt timuénnt
Singular 1st cottim cot


to go + future


2nd cot


3rd cot




Plural 1st cot




2nd cot




3rd cot




Participle timéns timíts timitúz
Gerund Nominative Sing timénd
Plur timénds
Oblique Sing timénd
Plur timénds
Imperfect 2nd Sing timé
Plur timét
Class III
dommiár [dɐmˈmjar] - to sleep
Indicative Present Past Future
Singular 1st dómmi dommív dommirávu
2nd dommís dommíst dommirávis
3rd dommít dommíd dommirávet
Plural 1st dommíms dommívims dommirvéms
2nd dommíts dommívits dommirvéts
3rd dommiónt dommivúnt dommirvén
Singular 1st dómmi dommuír

to go + future


2nd dommiás dommuíz
3rd dommiát dommuítt
Plural 1st dommiáms dommuímms
2nd dommiáts dommuítts
3rd dommiánt dommuínnt
Singular 1st coddommi cod


to go + future


2nd cod




3rd cod




Plural 1st cod




2nd cod




3rd cod




Participle dommiéns dommíts dommitúz
Gerund Nominative Sing dommiénd
Plur dommiénds
Oblique Sing dommiénd
Plur dommiénds
Imperfect 2nd Sing dommí
Plur dommít

T-V Distinction

  • T: use the singular form without the pronoun
  • V –
    • ​Respectful: use the singular form with the pronoun (note that emphasis of the pronoun is pejorative)
    • Professional: use the plural form without the pronoun
    • Formal: use the plural form with the pronoun (this is also used to those of higher social rank and by children to adults)
    • Very Formal: use the plural form with the pronoun and the honorific before the pronoun (this may be sir or ma'am to your highness or even Mr./Mrs. President anything that mentions the rank or social status of the adressee)




Being a head initial language, Shax puts its prepositions before the noun. Usually, the nominative case will be taken, but some prepositions use the oblique case historically.


Nouns with adjectives

A nominal phrase has the noun at the head (which is the first word) with adjective following it. Adjectives follow it in a logical order of which descibes the noun best or which is the most important quality. Therefore, a change in the adjective can also change the semantic of the noun. Though in colloquial speech, the order is irrelevant and one would simply list to their whim.

Genitive Nouns

The owner takes the genitive case and turns into a modifier, but it is placed before the owned noun. (mus pats lops - "my father's wolf")


Personal pronouns are rarely used in the nominative with verbs because the conjugation reveils this information already. As mentioned in T-V Distinction above, the emphasis of a pronoun in any T-V form is pejorative. This gets more and more pejorative as you get father from the particular T-V form: for example, using the basic T form to a king would be the ultimate pejorative in terms of morphology while using the Very Formal V form in a sarcastic tone to one of the same or lower social status would represent the same kind of offense. 


The general negation marker is a non before the main verb and after the main pronoun. Though, specific types of negation may be placed by using non as a prefix (i.e.: nobody, never, nobody ever, no where).

  • Supine: ųer + gerund (ex: I went down to the pool to swim = «Cemav ad al piscín ųer natáns»)


Conditional Clauses

Conditional clauses where there is a requirement clause then a condition clause (like If I went to Japan, I would eat a lot of sushi) require the indicative then a subjunctive. But, sentences where there is only a condition (like I'd do that) require the verb in the subjunctive.

Subordinate Clauses

These are introduced with either ųi (if it's a conjunction) or hod (if it's a pronoun)The introductory words are necessary and almost never omitted except in very informal or uneducated speech. Subordinate clauses go after independent clauses and are separated by a comma before ųi or hod. The verb conjugates to the person taking the nominative in the independent clause. 


There are two auxillary verbs used for a copula: to be and to have. When it's a construction with a noun and an adjective, he is good, one would use to have and the adjective as a noun.



Standard Shax/Lexicon

Universal Decleration of Human Rights

Article 1
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1
Lit. 2
Article 2
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1
Lit. 2

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy Name.
Thy Kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth,
As it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
As we forgive those who trespasses against us;
And lead us not into temptation,
But deliver us from evil.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1
Lit. 2

The Tower of Babel

Exerpt: Genesis 11
  1. Now the whole world had one language and a common speech. 
  2. As men moved eastward, they found a plain in Shinar and settled there. 
  3. They said to each other, "Come, let's make bricks and bake them thoroughly." They used brick instead of stone, and tar for mortar. 
  4. Then they said, "Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower that reaches to the heavens, so that we may make a name for ourselves and not be scattered over the face of the whole earth." 
  5. But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower that the men were building. 
  6. The Lord said, "If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them. 
  7. Come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other." 
  8. So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth, and they stopped building the city. 
  9. That is why it was called Babel – because there, the Lord confused the language of the whole world. From there, the Lord scattered them over the face of the whole earth.
Literal Translation
Lit. 1
Lit. 2

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