Type Agglutinative
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Flexible
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders None
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 98%
Nouns 100%
Verbs 100%
Adjectives 100%
Syntax 100%
Words 3268 of 5000
Creator Jaewoo Heo

The name of this auxillary language "Ose" is from the word "ose" in this language, which means "friendly". The goal of the language "Ose" is to be used easily to all the people with various languages, so it would make everyone be closer and more friendly to each other with different languages and cultures. To achieve the goal, Ose is designed as a constructed language which is both culturally neutral and easy to learn.

Therefore, the words of Ose are totally unrelated to the words of natural languages, but there are so few simple words that learners can easily memorize. From these few simple words, more complicated words can be made by combining the simple words and affixes.

Also, the phonology of Ose is quite simple and clear. There are only a few phonemes which can be easily pronounced in many languages, and one letter sounds only one phoneme. And there are no phonemes confusing with another phonemes, so most of the people would not mishear the words other people say.

And then, the grammar of Ose isn't difficult to learn. For example, it has no irregular declensions or conjugations. Also, its grammar is so flexible that people who use languages with different grammars can apply some of their own grammatical rules, without losing ability to communicate. For example, the word order of it is very flexible, so the people who use different word orders can apply word orders of their own languages, and it does not change the meaning or make it difficult to understand what they mean.

Finally, the grammar of Ose is motivated from various non-Indo-European languages, which makes it not eurocentric. The previous well-known auxillary languages such as Volapük and Esperanto have serious problem that they were too eurocentric for both words and grammars. Therefore, I tried to use grammars of many different non-Indo-European languages to make Ose less eurocentric and more culturally neutral. However, to make all of the people use Ose easily, I put some flexible parts of grammar that can be used more convenient by Europeans. While other auxillary languages are basically European but tries to consider other non-Europeans, this language Ose is basically non-European but tries to consider Europeans.



The phoneme of Ose is designed for all the people with every language. Therefore, there are only 8 consonants and 5 vowels, which are used in most of the countries. Also, there are no phonemes which might be too similar to be distinguishable for most of the languages. Thus, most of the people can pronounce easily, and not be confused even when someone pronounce it as the similar phoneme of his (or her) own language. I got this idea from Toki Pona, which has so minimized phonemes that most of the people with various languages can easily pronounce them.

For example, the voiced bilabial plosive sound /b/ and voiceless bilabial plosive sound /p/ are unified to the voiceless bilabial plosive sound /p/. Most of the European languages and Japanese consider the voiced and voiceless consonant as the different phonemes. However, some languages; such as Korean, Chinese, Danish and Icelandic, don't consider voicing as a criterion to distinguish consonants. Instead, they consider aspiration as a criterion. In these languages, the unaspirated bilabial plosive sound /p/ and the aspirated bilabial plosive sound /pʰ/ are considered as the different phonemes. Therefore, if the phonemes /b/ and /p/ are distinguished, people who use these languages would pronounce "b" as the voiceless unaspirated consonant /p/. Then it can make the people who use other languages would understand it as /p/, not /b/. It might cause the communication errors between the people who use different languages as their native languages. To prevent this problem, Ose unified the consonants which are voiced or voiceless, and aspirated or not. Therefore, most people would pronounce the sound /p/ easily. Of course, some languages (ex: Arabic) only have the voiced bilabial plosive sound /b/, so they might pronounce it as /b/. However, as /b/ and /p/ are indistinguishable in Ose, everyone would recognize the sound as an allophone of /p/.


Bilabial Alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal /m/ /n/
Plosive /p/ /t/ /k/
Fricative /s/
Approximant /j/
Lateral app. /l/


Front Back
High /i/ /u/
High-mid /e/ /o/
Low /a/


A syllable is formed as "vowel", "vowel + n", "consonant + vowel", or "consonant + vowel + n". Every syllable is formed like this because the forms would be easier to the people who use the language with open syllables.

There must be only one consonant between two vowels in a word. However, the last consonant "n" can be right in front of a consonant, except "n", "m" and "l". Also, there must not be "j" right in front of "i".

Writing System[]

Letters of Ose is designed the same with IPA symbols. Therefore, the sounds of them correspond with the letters, and the sounds doesn't change in the word as a general rule.

Letter j k l m n p s t
Sound /j/ /k/ /l/ /m/ /n/ /p/ /s/ /t/
Letter a e i o u
Sound /a/ /e/ /i/ /o/ /u/

Even though the most common phonemes were selected in Ose, some people with other languages would have difficulties to pronounce them. Therefore, it is also allowed to pronounce allophones of the sounds in order to respect the phonology of other languages. These examples are the allophones which are allowed to be pronounced for each phoneme. (These groups of allophones can be used to convert the phoneme of foreign languages to the phoneme of Ose.)

/j/ - /ʝ/, /ç/

/k/ - /g/, /q/, /ɢ/, /x/, /ɣ/, /χ/, /ʁ/, /ɢ̆/, /ʀ̥/, /ʀ/, /ɰ/, /c/, /ɟ/, /cç/, /ɟʝ/, /kx/, /ɡɣ/, /qχ/, /ɢʁ/, /k𝼄/, /ɡʟ̝/, /kxʼ/, /qχʼ/, /k𝼄ʼ/, /ħ/, /h/, /ɦ/, /ʜ/, /ʡʜ/, /ʔh/

/l/ - /ɺ̥/, /ɺ/, /ɬ/, /ɮ/, /ɭ/, /ꞎ/, /ɭ̆/, /ɭ˔/, /ɫ/, /ʎ̥˔/, /ʎ̥/, /r̥/, /r/, /ɾ̼/ , /ɾ̥/, /ɾ/, /ɹ/, /ɹ̠̊˔/, /ɹ̠˔/, /ɻ̝̊/, /ɻ̝/, /ɻ/, /ɽ̊/, /ɽ/, /ɽ͡r̥/, /ɽ͢r/, /ʎ̝/, /ʎ/, /ʎ̆/, /𝼄/, /ʟ̝/, /ʟ/, /ʟ̆/, /ʟ̠/, /tɹ̝̊/, /dɹ̝/, /t̠ɹ̠̊˔/, /d̠ɹ̠˔/, /tɬ/, /dɮ/, /ʈꞎ/, /ɖɭ˔/, /tɬʼ/, /cʎ̥˔/, /ɟʎ̝/, /cʎ̝̊ʼ/

/m/ - /m̥/, /ɱ̊/, /ɱ/

/n/ - /n̼/, /n̥/, /ɳ̊/, /ɳ/, /ɲ̊/, /ɲ/, /ŋ̊/, /ŋ/, /ɴ̥/, /ɴ/

/p/ - /b/, /p̪/, /b̪/, /ɸ/, /β/, /pɸ/, /bβ/, /p̪f/, /b̪v/, /f/, /v/, /ɥ̊/, /ɥ/, /ʍ/, /w/, /ʋ/, /ⱱ̟/, /ⱱ/, /ʙ̥/, /ʙ/, /θ̼/, /ð̼/

/s/ - /z/, /ʃ/, /ʒ/, /ʂ/, /ʐ/, /ɕ/, /ʑ/, /θ/, /ð/, /θ̠/, /ð̠/, /ts/, /dz/, /tʃ/, /dʒ/, /ʈʂ/, /ɖʐ/, /tɕ/, /dʑ/, /tθ/, /dð/, /t̪θʼ/, /tsʼ/, /tʃʼ/, /ʈʂʼ/

/t/ - /d/, /t̼/, /d̼/, /ʈ/, /ɖ/

/a/ - /ä/, /ɑ/, /æ/, /ɐ/

/e/ - /ɛ/, /œ/, /e̞/, /ø̞/, /ø/

/i/ - /y/, /ɪ/, /ʏ/

/o/ - /ɜ/, /ɞ/, /ʌ/, /ɔ/, /ə/, /ɤ̞/, /o̞/, /ɘ/, /ɵ/, /ɤ/, /ɨ/

/u/ - /ʉ/, /ɯ/, /ʊ/

However, if the phoneme /n/ is the last consonant of the closed syllable, it can be pronounced like not only the allophones of /n/ but also the allophones of /m/.

Also, if the vowel is before the consonant "n", the vowel + "n" can be pronounced as its nasalized vowel, or the nasalized allophones.

/ã/ - allophones of /an/

/ɔ̃/ - allophones of /on/

/ɛ̃/, /œ̃/ - allophones of /en/


The grammar of Ose is designed to be logical, not difficult, flexible and culturally neutral to be easily used for people with different languages.

Ose is basically an agglutinative language. I decided to make Ose as an agglutinative language because it makes the language less eurocentric and more culturally neutral. (Most of the Indo-European languages are fusional, but agglutinative language is more widespread in most of the language families, and even some of the Indo-European languages are also agglutinative.) Also, agglutinative languages can make various expressions with just a few words by just adding affixes, which makes the language economical. For example, only a proper affix can be added to express the voice, tense or aspect of a verb. If we need to express multiple characteristics (ex : passive voice and future tense) of the verb, we just need to add more affixes into the word. Also, when the case of a noun changes among 9 cases, all we need to do is just adding a proper particle (postposition) at the end of the word. Therefore, all we need to memorize are 20 affixes; 1 affix (-n-) for passive voice, 3 affixes for tenses or aspects of verbs, 3 nominative prefixes and 3 dative-accusative affixes of predicates, 1 affix (-n) for plural nouns, and 8 particles for cases of nouns. Only by combining with these affixes and particles, we can express various grammatical conditions for a word. Of course these numbers of affixes are not that few, but they are regular enough to be easily memorized, and many of these affixes can be omitted so we can memorize much fewer affixes to make sentences.

Ose also has some fusional characteristics. For example, an ending vowel of a word determines the part of speech of the word. If the part of speech changes, all we need to indicate it is just changing the ending vowel. Also the relationship between the ending vowel and part of speech is always consistent, which makes people learn the language easily. And then, when the mood of the verb changes to an imperative mood, then we just need to change the ending vowel to '-u'. These are a few of representative fusional characteristics of Ose, which would make people learn it easily.

Furthermore, Ose is a nominative-accusative language. At first I tried to make it available for language with both alignments; nominative-accusative and ergative-absolutive, but the grammar became too confusing and complicated, so I decided to choose only one alignment. So I chose the nominative-accusative alignment for Ose because this alignment is really widespread in most of the languages in the world. Even though the languages with ergative-absolutive alignment are not rare (about 17%), most of the ergative-absolutive languages are not purely ergative. Most of them are split ergative and they also partially have nominative-accusative alignments. Therefore, it would not be that difficult for people with ergative-absolutive languages to learn the grammar of nominative-accusative language.

The grammar of Ose isn't difficult because there is no irregular form-change of nouns or verbs. Also, Ose doesn't distinguish the grammatical gender of nouns, and the form isn't changed by the change of gender, except it is "really" needed to mention "the natural gender" of the noun. Even pronouns are not distinguished by what the gender is or whether it is human or not. In Ose, "he", "she", and "it" are all expressed as "ma", so the learners need to memorize less pronouns than the native languages. And then, the verbs and adjectives don't change their forms because of the change of person or number because the information of them is already mentioned in the nouns. Moreover, there are no compound tenses in Ose which might be difficult for many non-European speakers. Instead of using compound tenses, we just put the clues to recognize the continuity of the incidence. (For example, "since", etc.) These characteristics would make the learners learn Ose more easily because it is needed to memorize less change of the form than most of the natural languages.

Furthermore, the grammar of Ose is quite flexible, so it can be used easily for the people with different languages by applying their own grammars. It would make the language easy to use and more culturally neutral. For example, because of the particles for the cases of nouns, we can change the word order more freely, without changing the meaning of the phrases or sentences. Also, some of the particles for the case of nouns can be omitted or changed to preposition in specific cases, which would make it learn Ose more easily the people who use languages without particles for noun. For example, if we locate the noun in order of nominative-dative-accusative cases, we can omit the particles of all cases of the nouns ("ja" for accusative, "jo" for dative). Also, we can omit one of the pronouns; adjective form or genitive ending, of the sentence with genitive case. Furthermore, we can omit one of the nominative (or accusative) pronoun or the nominative (or accusative) affix. And then, we can use the present tense of the verb if we use the noun with locative case (in this situation, it means only the "time implier", like "yesterday"), regardless of the real time of the sentence. And then, the genitive, instrumental, ablative, lative, or locative particle for the passive sentence can be replaced to adding preposition before the genitive, instrumental, ablative, lative, or locative noun. Moreover, the predicative particles can be used like be-verb if we put it right before the complement. These flexibilities would make Ose easier to the learners who use the languages without particles for noun cases, nominative or accusative affix for predicate, genitive ending for noun, tenses or predicative particles for verb.

Lastly, the grammar of Ose is designed to contain culturally neutral grammar. For example, some languages (mostly fusional or isolated languages, especially Indo-European languages) tend to use prepositions, but other languages (mostly agglutinative languages, especially Uralic or Altaic languages) tend to use particles or postpositions as the same role of prepositions. So I made the language with both prepositions and particles (postpositions). It would make the people with different languages be able to learn Ose with opposite advantage and disadvantage. Therefore, it would make Ose fairer for everyone to learn. Also, there are many grammatical rules which belongs to the various non-Indo-European languages. For example, nouns and adjectives have predicative cases by using a predicative particular, which belongs to the rule of Korean and Japanese grammar. Also, the nominative prefix or the dative or accusative affix is added to the predicate when we use the nominative, dative or accusative pronoun, which belongs to the rule of Swahili language. And then, genitive ending is added to the noun when we use genitive case of a pronoun, which belongs to the rule of Finnish, Hungarian, and Turkish grammar. Furthermore, the complementizer of a relative clause (= relative) is unified to "je", which makes the relative clause as a genitive construction, and this belongs to the rule of Chinese grammar. These grammatical rules from various languages would make Ose more culturally neutral.

Parts of Speech[]


  1. Verbs can be used as a predicate.
  2. Every verb consists of stem and ending, and every verb has the ending "-i" or "-u".
  3. Conjugation of verbs for each tense
    1. Verb root has the ending "-i". It is used when the verb is used as an infinitive. (ex : uki - learn)
    2. When a verb has a present tense, affix "-at-" is added between the stem and the ending "-i". (ex : ukati - learn(s))
    3. When a verb has a past tense, affix "-et-" is added between the stem and the ending "-i". (ex : uketi - learned)
    4. When a verb has a future tense, affix "-it-" is added between the stem and the ending "-i". (ex : ukiti - will learn)
    5. Flexible part : If we use noun which implies the time of the sentence, then the verb can be used as a present tense. (ex : Ka kijujuketi Oseja nomalumape. / Ka kijujukati Oseja nomalumape. - I learned Ose yesterday.)
  4. When a verb has a passive voice, an affix "-n-" should be added between the vowel and "-ti" of the ending form. However, if a verb has a passive voice of verb root, an affix "-n" should be added at the end of the word. (ex : ukin - to be learned, ukanti - is(are) learned, ukenti - was(were) learned, ukinti - will be learned)
  5. When a verb is used as an imperative mood, the ending is changed to "-u". (ex : La lijujuku Oseja! - Learn Ose!)
  6. Participle
    1. Participal Adjectives (Modifier : Active - "~ing", Passive - "~ed")
      1. When a verb is changed into a participal adjective, ending "-i" of each tense form should be changed into "-e". Then, the verb of present tense becomes a participal adjective of progressive aspect. Also, the past tense becomes a perfective aspect, and the future tense becomes a predictive aspect. (ex : punsi - sleep, punsate lomuma - sleeping baby, sunusi - run away, sunusete kamoma - runaway marriage, loki - go, sanpa lokite Amelikamo - ship gonna going to America)
      2. If the participal adjective has a passive voice, an affix "-n-" should be added between the vowel and "-te" of the ending form. (ex : pima - sell, pimente tupa - sold painting)
    2. Participal Adverbs (Simultaneous, accomplished, or intended action : Active - "~ing", Passive : "~ed")
      1. When a verb is changed into a participal adverb, ending "-i" of each tense form should be changed into "-o". Then, the verb of present tense becomes a participal adjective of progressive aspect. Also, the past tense becomes a perfective aspect, and the future tense becomes a predictive aspect. (ex : uki - learn, study, Ka kijutopati ukato Oseja. - I sit studying Ose. Ka kijusulati uketo Sonke itaja. - I rest after studying Chinese. Ka kijupileti tomaja ukito Inkalante itaja. - I answered the phone when I was going to study English.)
      2. If the participal adverb has a passive voice, an affix "-n-" should be added between the vowel and "-to" of the ending form. (ex : leki : trust, Ka kijupolati lekante. - I work being trusted.)
    3. Participal Nouns (Person or object : Active - "~ing person or object", Passive - "~ed person or object")
      1. When a verb is changed into a participal noun, ending "-i" of each tense form should be changed into "-a". Then, the verb of present tense becomes a participal adjective of progressive aspect. Also, the past tense becomes a perfective aspect, and the future tense becomes a predictive aspect. (ex : uki - learn, ukata Oseja - Ose learner, uketa Oseja - person who had learned Ose, ukita Oseja - person who's gonna learn Ose)
      2. If the participal noun has a passive voice, an affix "-n-" should be added between the vowel and "-ta" of the ending form. (ex : potomi - judge, potominta - defendant (person who's gonna be judged))
      3. If the participal noun has a genitive case, the particle "-je" is added at the end of the genitive noun, and the main noun is put after that. (ex : Josepaje ukata - Joseph's student)
        1. Flexible part : Instead of adding genitive particle "-je", we can add preposition "je" before the genitive noun, and the main noun is put before that. (ex : Ukata je Josepa - Joseph's student)
      4. If the participal noun has an instrumental case, the particle "-lo" is added at the end of the word. (ex : Ose ukanti ke ukatakalo. - Ose is learned by my student.)
        1. Flexible part : Instead of adding instrumental particle "-lo", we can add preposition "nola" before the instrumental noun. (ex : Ose ukanti nola ke ukataka. - Ose is learned by my student.)
      5. If the participal noun has an accusative case, we do the process 1 and 2 before we add the particle "-ja" at the end of the word. (ex : Ka kijupotomati potomintajan. - I judge defendants.)
      6. If the participal noun has a dative case, we do the process 1 and 2 before we add the particle "-jo" at the end of the word. (ex : Ka kijukujukiti ke ukatakajo Oseja. - I'm gonna teach my student Ose.)
      7. If the participal noun has an ablative case, we do the process 1 and 2 before we add the particle "-kume" at the end of the word. (ex : sutatakume sutaja - from when eating a meal)
        1. Flexible part : Instead of adding the ablative particle "-kume", we can add the preposition "kume" right before the ablative noun. (ex : kume sutata sutaja - from when eating a meal)
      8. If the participal noun has an lative case, we do the process 1 and 2 before we add the particle "-me" at the end of the word. (ex : sutatame sutaja - until eating a meal)
        1. Flexible part : Instead of adding the lative particle "-me", we can add the preposition "me" right before the lative noun. (ex : me sutata sutaja - until eating a meal)
      9. If the participal noun has a locative case, we do the process 1 and 2 before we add the particle "-pe" at the end of the word. (ex : sutatape sutaja - when eating a meal)
        1. Flexible part : Instead of adding the locative particle "-pe", we can add the preposition "pe" right before the ablative noun. (ex : pe sutata sutaja - from when eating a meal)
      10. If the participal noun is plural, we do the process 1-2-3, 1-2-4, 1-2-5, 1-2-6, 1-2-7, 1-2-8 or 1-2-9 before we add the suffix "-n" at the end of the word. (ex : Ka kijukujukiti ke ukatakajon Oseja. - I'm gonna teach my students Ose.)
      11. Flexible part : The particles for dative and accusative cases ("jo", "ja") can be omitted when the noun order in the sentence is nominative - dative - accusative. (ex : Ka kijukujukiti ke ukataka Ose. / Kijukujukiti ka ke ukataka Ose. / Ka ke ukataka kijukujukiti Ose. / Ka ke ukataka Ose kijukujukiti. - I'm gonna teach my student Ose.)


  1. Nouns can be used as nominative, predicative, dative, accusative, ablative, lative, locative and instrumental cases. Also, they can be used as a predicate by adding specific particle.
  2. Every noun consists of stem and ending, and every noun has the ending "-a". (The only exception : Ose)
  3. When a noun has a nominative case (subject), particle isn't added at the end of the word. (ex : Josepa ukati Oseja. - Joseph learns Ose. & Montejupa montajupeti. - Wind blew.)
    1. When the nominative case is a noun (not pronoun), generally nominative prefix ("kiju-", "liju-", "miju-") isn't added to the verb. However, the nominative prefix can be added to the verb if the sentence should indicate the nominative noun isn't 3rd person. (ex : Josepa kijujukati Oseja. - Me, Joseph learns Ose. (In this sentence, the talker is Joseph.) & Josepa lijujukati Oseja. - You, Joseph learns Ose. (In this sentence, the listener is Joseph.))
  4. When a noun has a genitive case, the particle "-je" is added at the end of the genitive noun, and the main noun is put after that. (In Ose, genitive case is considered as an adjective.) (ex : Josepaje tonpa - Joseph's pen)
    1. Flexible part : Instead of adding genitive particle "-je", we can add preposition "je" before the genitive noun, and the main noun is put before that. (ex : Tonpa je Josepa - Joseph's pen)
    2. When the genitive case is a noun (not pronoun), generally the genitive affix ("-ka-", "-la-", "-ma-") isn't added to the main noun. However, the genitive affix can be added to the main noun if the sentence should indicate the genitive noun isn't 3rd person. (ex : Josepaje tonpaka - me, Joseph's pen (In this phrase, the talker is Joseph.) & Josepaje tonpala - you, Joseph's pen (In this phrase, the listener is Joseph.))
  5. When a noun has an instrumental case, the particle "-lo" is added at the end of the word. (In Ose, instrumental case is considered as an adverb.) (ex : Ose ukanti Josepalo. - Ose is learned by Joseph. Ka kijupenpumomete tankaja ke tomupakalo. - I wrote a letter with my pen.)
    1. Flexible part : Instead of adding instrumental particle "-lo", we can add preposition "nola" before the instrumental noun. (ex : Ose ukanti nola Josepa. - Ose is learned by Joseph. Ka kijupenpumomete tankaja nola ke tomupaka. - I wrote a letter with my pen.)
  6. When a noun has an accusative case, the particle "-ja" is added at the end of the word. (ex : Ka kijujukati Oseja. - I learn Ose.)
    1. When the accusative case is noun (not pronoun), generally the accusative affix ("-uk-", "-ul-", "-um-") isn't added to the verb. However, the accusative affix can be added if the sentence should indicate that the accusative noun isn't 3rd person. (ex : Ka kamelatuli Josepaja. - I love Joseph, you. (In this sentence, the listener is Joseph.), Ka kamelatumi Josepaja. - I love Joseph, myself. (In this sentence, the talker is Joseph.))
  7. When a noun has a dative case, the particle "-jo" is added at the end of the word. (In Ose, dative case is considered as an adverb.) (ex : Ka kijukujukiti Josepajo Oseja. - I'm gonna teach Joseph Ose.)
    1. When the dative case is noun (not pronoun), generally the dative affix ("-uk-", "-ul-", "-um-") isn't added to the verb. However, the dative affix can be added if the sentence should indicate that the dative noun isn't 3rd person. (ex : Ka kijukujukituli Josepajo Oseja. - I'm gonna teach Ose to Joseph, you. (In this sentence, the listener is Joseph.), Ma mijukujukituki Josepajo Oseja. - He's gonna teach Ose to Joseph, me. (In this sentence, the talker is Joseph.))
  8. When a noun has an ablative case, these particles should be added at the end of the word. (in Ose, ablative case is considered as an adverb or adjective.) However, if there is a locative postposition in the sentence, the particles should be added at the end of the postposition (ex : sukumo - from on the ~), not locative noun. (The locative postposition must be always right behind the locative noun.)
    1. kumo : from (place, time) - adverb (ex : sanpa kulokete Amelikakumo - ship which had come from America)
    2. kume : from (place, time) - adjective (ex : sanpa Amelikakume - ship from America)
    3. Flexible part : Instead of adding the ablative particle "-kumo" or "-kume", we can add the preposition "kumo" or "kume" right before the ablative noun. (ex : sanpa kulokete kumo Amelika - ship which had come from America, sanpa kume Amelika - ship from America)
  9. When a noun has a lative case, these particles should be added at the end of the word. (in Ose, ablative case is considered as an adverb or adjective.) However, if there is a locative postposition in the sentence, the particles should be added at the end of the postposition (ex : sumo - onto), not locative noun. (The locative postposition must be always right behind the locative noun.)
    1. mo : toward, to (place), until (time) - adverb (ex : sanpa lokite Amelikamo - ship gonna going to America)
    2. me : toward, to (place), until (time) - adjective (ex : sanpa Amelikame - ship to America)
    3. Flexible part : Instead of adding the lative particle "-mo" or "-me", we can add the preposition "mo" or "me" right before the lative noun. (ex : sanpa lokite mo Amelika - ship gonna going to America, sanpa me Amelika - ship to America)
  10. When a noun has a locative case, these particles should be added at the end of the word. (in Ose, locative case is considered as an adverb or adjective.) However, if there is a locative postposition in the sentence, the particles should be added at the end of the postposition (ex : supo - on), not locative noun. (The locative postposition must be always right behind the locative noun.)
    1. po : at (place, time) - adverb, (ex : Kan kijusotu Niponapo! - Let's meet in Japan!)
    2. pe : at (place, time) - adjective, (ex : sonsa toma supe / toma supe sonsa - apple on the tree)
    3. Flexible part : Instead of adding the locative particle "-po" or "-pe", we can add the preposition "po" or "pe" right before the locative noun. (ex : Kan kijusotu po Nipona! - Let's meet in Japan! , sonsa pe toma su / pe toma su sonsa - apple on the tree)
  11. When a noun is plural, the suffix "-n" must be added at the end of the word. (ex : Ka kijunekati sonsajan. - I like apples.)
  12. When a noun has a predicative case, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of the word. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs) (ex : Man mijujukatantati. - They are students. Man mijujukatanteti. - They were students. Man mijujukatantiti. - They will be students.)
    1. Flexible part : The particle "ti" or its tense-changed form can be used as a be-verb if it is put right before the noun which can act as the complement. (ex : Man mijuteti ukatan. / Mijuteti ukatan man. - They were students.)
  13. When a noun is used as a predicate of an objective, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of the word. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs) (ex : Kan kijujulatumi maja lisumatati. - We call it puppy. (= We call it. + It is puppy.))
    1. Flexible part : The particle "ti" or its tense-changed form can be used as a be-verb if it is put right before the noun which can act as the complement of the objective. (ex : Kan kijujulatumi maja tati lisuma. / Kan maja tati lisuma kijujulatumi. / (Word order can be changed freely except the rule that "tati" must be right before "lisuma" and word order rules mentioned below.) - We call it puppy.)
  14. The order to add affixes must be 2-3-11, 2-4-11, 2-5-11, 2-6-11, 2-7-11, 2-8-11, 2-9-11, 2-10-11, 2-11-12 or 2-11-13.
  15. Flexible part : The particles for dative and accusative cases ("jo", "ja") can be omitted when the noun order in the sentence is nominative - dative - accusative. (ex : Josepa ukati Ose. / Josepa Ose ukati. / Ukati Josepa Ose. - Joseph learns Ose. & Josepa kujukiti me ukatama Ose. / Kujukiti Josepa me ukatama Ose. / Josepa me ukatama kujukiti Ose. / Josepa me ukatama Ose kujukiti. - Joseph is gonna teach his student Ose.)


  1. Pronouns can be used as nominative, predicative, genitive, dative, accusative and instrumental cases. Also, they can be used as a predicate by adding specific suffix.
  2. Forms of the pronouns can change when the grammatical person changes. (1st person : "ka", 2nd person : "la", 3nd person : "ma") Also, if it is a reflexive pronoun, we use 'a' regardless of the grammatical person. (ex : ka - I, la - you (single), ma - he, she, it, a - myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself)
  3. When a pronoun has a genitive case, these steps are proceeded.
    1. The ending of pronoun is changed from "-a" to "-e". (ex : ke - my, le - your (single), me - his, her or its, ken - our, len - your (plural), men - their)
    2. The adjective form of pronoun is put before the noun which is modified by genitive case of pronoun.
    3. The noun form of pronoun is added to the end of a noun (However, if the noun is plural, the noun form of pronoun is added right in front of the plural ending "-n"), but pronoun must be added as a singular form.
    4. Flexible part : Step 2 or step 3 can be omitted. (Only one of them can be omitted!) However, if the genitive pronoun is plural, only step 2 can be omitted. (ex : sonsa - apple, ke sonsakan / ke sonsan / sonsakan - my apples, ken sonsakan / ken sonsan - our apples)
  4. When a pronoun has a nominative case (subject), one of the prefixes below is added in front of the predicate of subject. (Predicate of object doesn't contain the prefix!)
    1. 1st person - "kiju-", 2nd person - "liju-", 3rd person : "miju-", (ex : Ka kijusamati paki la. - I talk with you.)
    2. Flexible part : One of the nominative pronoun or the prefix of the verb can be omitted. (Only one can be omitted!) However, if the nominative pronoun is plural, only the prefix can be omitted. (ex : Ka samati paki la. / Kijusamati paki la. - I talk with you. Kan samati paki la. - We talk with you.)
  5. When a pronoun has an accusative case, the particle "-ja" is added at the end of the word. Also, one of the affixes below is added right before the ending vowel of the predicate. If there is another pronoun with a nominative case, both of the nominative prefix and accusative affix are added.
    1. 1st person - "-uk-", 2nd person - "-ul-", 3rd person - "-um-" (ex : Ka kijukamelatuli laja. - I love you. Josepa kamelatuki kaja. - Joseph loves me. Ka kijukamelatumi majan. - I love them.)
    2. Flexible part : One of the accusative pronoun and the affix of the predicate can be omitted. (Only one can be omitted!) However, if the accusative pronoun is plural, only the affix can be omitted. (ex : Josepa kamelati kaja. / Josepa kamelatuki. - Joseph loves me.)
    3. Flexible part : If both of the nominative prefix and accusative affix are added, one of these parts can be omitted; both affixes or both pronouns. However, if at least one of the pronouns is plural, only the both affixes can be omitted. (ex : Ka kamelati laja. / Kijukamelatuli. - I love you. Ka kamelati majan. - I love them.)
  6. When a pronoun has an instrumental case, the particle "-lo" (which means "by" or "because of") is added at the end of the pronoun. (ex : Ose ukanti kalo. - Ose is learned by me.)
    1. Flexible part : Instead of adding instrumental particle "-lo", we can add preposition "nola" before the instrumental pronoun. (ex : Ose ukanti nola ka. - Ose is learned by me.)
  7. When a pronoun has a dative case, the particle "-jo" is added at the end of the word. Also, one of the affixes which are the same with the accusative affixes is added to the ending vowel of the predicate. If there is also the nominative pronoun, both of the nominative prefix and the dative affix can be added. However, if there is also the accusative pronoun, the accusative affix cannot be added and the dative affix must be added. (ex : Ka kijukujukituli lajo Oseja. - I'm gonna teach you Ose. Josepa kujukituli lajo Oseja. - Joseph is gonna teach you Ose. Ka kijukujukitumi majon Oseja. - I'm gonna teach them Ose.)
    1. Flexible part : One of the dative pronoun and the affix of the predicate can be omitted. (ex : Josepa kujukiti lajo Oseja. / Josepa kujukituli Oseja. - Joseph is gonna teach you Ose.)
    2. Flexible part : If both of the nominative prefix and dative affix are added, one of these parts can be omitted; both affixes or both pronouns. However, if at least one of the pronouns is plural, only the both affixes can be omitted. (ex : Ka kujukiti lajo Oseja. / Kijukujukituli Oseja. - I'm gonna teach you Ose. Ka kujukiti majon Oseja. - I'm gonna teach them Ose.)
  8. When a pronoun is plural, the suffix "-n" must be added at the end of the word. (ex : kan - we, lan - you (plural), man - they, an - ourselves, yourselves, themselves) (ex : Kan (kiju)nekati sonsajan. - We like apples.)
  9. When a pronoun has a predicative case, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of the word. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs) (ex : Ka (kiju)matati. - I am he (she). (When you answer the phone and you are the one whom caller wants to talk with, you can say this sentence which means "Speaking." or "This is he (she)."))
  10. The order to add affixes must be 2-3-8, 2-4-8, 2-5-8, 2-6-8, 2-7-8 or 2-8-9.
  11. Flexible part : The particles for dative and accusative cases ("jo", "ja") can be omitted when the noun order in the sentence is nominative - dative - accusative. (ex : Ka (kiju)kujukiti la Ose. / (Kiju)kujukiti ka la Ose. / Ka la (kiju)kujukiti Ose. / Ka la Ose (kiju)kujukiti. - I'm gonna teach you Ose.)


  1. Adjectives can be used as a predicate by adding a particle. Also, adjectives can be used as an attributive.
  2. Every adjective consists of stem and ending, and every adjective has the ending "-e".
  3. When an adjective is used as a predicate, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of the word. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs) (ex : Ka tinetati. - I'm happy.)
    1. Flexible part : The particle "ti" or its tense-changed form can be used as a be-verb if it is put right before the adjective which can act as the complement. (ex : Ka tati tine. / Tati tine ka. - I'm happy.)
  4. When an adjective is used as a predicate of an objective, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of the word. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs) (ex : Ka pansokati ke tulakaja mametati. - I keep my house clean. (= I keep my house. + My house is clean.))
    1. Flexible part : The particle "ti" or its tense-changed form can be used as a be-verb if it is put right before the noun which can act as the complement of the objective. (ex : Ka pansokati ke tulakaja tati mame. / Ka ke tulakaja tati mame pansokati. / (Word order can be changed freely except the rules that "ke" must be right before "tulakaja" and "tati" must be right before "mame", and the word order rules mentioned below.) - I keep my house clean.)
  5. When an adjective is used as an attributive, it can be either prepositive or postpositive. (The adjective can be located right in front of or right behind the noun modified by it.) (ex : tine lisa / lisa tine : happy dog)


Adverbs can be used to modify verbs or adjectives, etc.

  1. Every adverb consists of stem and ending, and every noun has the ending "-o".
  2. When an adverb is used to modify adjectives, it can be either prepositive or postpositive. (The adjective can be located right in front of or right behind the adjective modified by it.) (ex : lopo tine / tine lopo - so happy)
  3. When an adverb is used to modify verbs, it can be located freely. (ex : Ka (kijuj)ekemati aso. / Ka aso (kijuj)ekemati. / Aso ka (kijuj)ekemati. / Aso (kijuj)ekemati ka. / (Kijuj)ekemati ka aso. / (Kijuj)ekemati aso ka. - I run fast.)


  1. Simple words : ku (0), ko (1), ki (2), ke (3), ka (4), lu (5), lo (6), li (7), le (8), la (9), ju (10), mu (100), nu (1000)
  2. How to read numbers (ex: 250,438,716 - kimulujukunuki kamukejulenu limukojulo)
    1. We must follow decimal system. (ex : "thirteen" should be "one ten three", so "kojuke", "fifty" should be "five ten zero", so "lujuku")
    2. Word division between the quotient and remainder of the number and 1000 : The numbers of thousands digits must be written as "(quotient of the number and 1000) + nu". And then the remainder of the number and 1000 should be followed. (ex : the quotient of 13,576 and 1,000 is 13, and the remainder of 13,576 and 1,000 is 576. So the number should be written as "13 + nu + space bar + 576", then it is written as "kojukenu lumulijulo".)
    3. When there are millions, billions, or trillions digits, they can be written as "nuki", "nuke", "nuka", which means 1000^2, 1000^3, 1000^4.
  3. When we need to indicate the count of objects, the word "ta" is added after the numeral.
  4. When a numeral is an ordinal number, the word "ta" must be changed into "te" (adjective) or "to" (adverb). (ex : third - "ke te", thirdly - "ke to") However, the word "ko te" or "ko to" which mean "first" or "firstly" can be written as "kote" or "koto". Also, "kukote" or "kukoto" mean "last" or "lastly".
  5. + (plus) : "si" (verb) or "sa" (noun), - (minus) : "kusi" (verb) or "kusa" (noun), (multiply) : "pisi" (verb) or "pisa" (noun), / (divide) : "pikusi" (verb) or "pikusa" (noun)
  6. When a numeral is a fraction, it is written as numerator + "pikusente" + (denominator + "lo"). ("pikusente" is a participal adjective of "pikusi" with passive voice, and "lo" indicates the agent of the passive sentence. Also, it is allowed to be written as numerator + (denominator + "lo") + "pikusente".), or as numerator + "pikusente nola" + denominator, or as numerator + "nola" + denominator + "pikusente".


These prepositions can also be used as conjunctions.

  1. aki - via, through, throughout
  2. tile - belong to, made of (from), among
  3. paki - with [kupaki - without]
  4. nusa - following, according to [kunusa - against, opposite, across]
  5. nola - by, because of [kunola - despite, even if, even though]
  6. sita - instead of
  7. pe - at
  8. je - other than, not only
  9. lute - until
  10. nela - for
  11. nelo - about
  12. solo - unit of, ratio of
  13. su - of (genitive case) [Except pronouns we use this preposition for genitive case.]
  14. mi - as ~ as
  15. ki - than, comparing with
  16. selo - not even ~ [Both verbs and nouns can be behind this preposition.]
  17. mo - to (except place and time) [kumo - from (except place and time)]
  18. tiko - between (except place and time)


  1. su : on [kusu : under, suku : above, kusuku : below]
  2. jopa : in (place) [kujopa : out]
  3. tase : in front of (place), before (time) [kutase : behind (place), after (time)]
  4. nusu : next to (place)
  5. tiko : between (place, time)
  6. netu : during (time)
  7. sito : near (place, time)
  8. nusa : across (place)


  1. jate - and [kujate - but]
  2. jete - or
  3. eno - if
  4. luta - while
  5. keko - when
  6. ni - because [kuni - so]
  7. nisa - because of something called ~ [noun clause or adjective clause]
  8. situ - since
  9. si pusa - the more ~

Table of Correlatives[]

  1. If a correlative has an accusative case, the particle "-ja" is added at the end of it. (ex : La nekati kemaja? - What (Whom) do you like?)
  2. If a correlative has a dative case, the particle "-jo" is added at the end of it. (ex : La kipeti kemajo tankaja? - Whom did you send a letter?)
  3. If a correlative has a nominative case, particle isn't added in a general rule. (ex : Sema kanoketi. - Nothing changed.)
  4. If a correlative is used as a predicative, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of it. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs). (ex : (Ma) (miju)semateti. - It was nothing.)










Thing, Individual



(what, who)


(this [one], that [one])


(something, someone)


(everything, everyone)


(nothing, no one)




(what kind/sort/type of)


(such a)


(some kind/sort/type of)


(every kind/sort/type of)


(no kind/sort/type of)






(this/that one's)






(no one's)
















(how, as)


(thus, as)




(in every way)


(no-how, in no way)






(for that reason, therefore)


(for some reason)


(for all reasons)


(for no reason)
















(how much)


(that much)


(some, a bit)


(all of it)



Word Formation[]

Almost every simple word (stem) is not related with any natural languages. It is in order to make the language Ose culturally neutral.

However, if the indicated concept of the word is deeply related with the nation or country (or its culture), the notation of the word respects the notation of the language of its country, but changes its form to obey the phonotactics of Ose.

ex : pisana - banana (from the word "pisang" (/pi.saŋ/) in Malay-Indonesian which means "banana", so respects the word notation but /ŋ/ is changed to /n/, and /a/ is added as the ending because it is a noun.) (The origin of banana is Malay or Indonesia, etc.)

ex : kinsa - kimchi (from the word "김치" (/kimt͡ɕʰi/) in Korean, so respects the word notation but /t͡ɕʰ/ is changed to /s/, and the closing consonant /m/ is changed to /n/. Also the ending /i/ is changed to /a/ because it is a noun.)

ex : Kankuka - South Korea (from the word "한국" (/ˈha̠(ː)nɡuk̚/) in South Korean which means "Korea", so respects the word notation but /ˈh/ is changed to /k/, and /a/ is added as the ending because it is a noun.)

ex : Sosona - North Korea (from the word "조선" (/t͡ɕo̞sʰʌ̹n/) in North Korean which means "Korea", so respects the word notation but /t͡ɕ/ and /sʰ/ are changed to /s/, /o̞/ and /ʌ̹/ are changed to /o/, and /a/ is added as the ending because it is a noun.)

ex : Monapelane - Mont Blanc (cake) (from the word "Mont Blanc" (/mɔ̃ blɑ̃/) in French, so respects the word notation, but /b/ is changed to /p/, /ɔ̃/ is changed to /on/ and /ɑ̃/ is changed to /an/. Also, /a/ is added as the ending of the first word because it is a noun, and /e/ is added as the ending of the second word because it is an adjective. And then, /e/ is added between /b/ and /l/ of the second word to make it open syllable. (And it is preferred to add /e/ between the consonants of adjective.))

Each word consists of stems and affixes. A word can be formed by combining two or more stems, (ex : nupe - yellow, sonsa - apple, nupesonsa - pear (yellow apple)) or combining one stem and one or more affixes. In this principle, we can make many complicated words with just a few words and affixes. I used this principle to make the simple words far less than natural languages.

Combining Multiple Simple Words[]

We can combine the words freely to make lots of words from a few simple words. However, there are some rules which should be obeyed.

  1. When we combine the first noun and the second verb (or participal adjective, participal adverb, or participal noun), we should consider the relationship between them. (In this case, the first noun has an accusative, locative, ablative, lative or instrumental case (when the second verb has a passive voice).)
    1. If the noun has a locative, ablative, or lative case, the locative, ablative, or lative particle must be added after the noun.
    2. If the noun has an accusative case or instumental case (when the second verb has a passive voice), the form of the noun must be kept.
  2. When we combine two nouns (or participal nouns), we should consider the relationship between them.
    1. If the first noun is a genitive noun of the second main noun, the ending "-a" of the first word must be changed to "-e".
    2. If the first noun is the part of the second noun, the ending "-a" of the first word must be changed to "-e".
    3. If the first noun is the locative, ablative, or lative noun of the second main noun, the locative, ablative, or lative particle (adjective form) must be added at the end of the first noun.
  3. When we combine the first adjective (or participal adjective) and the second noun, both words must keep its form (Participal adjective must keep its participal adjective form of its voice and aspect).
  4. When we combine two adjectives in equal states, the forms of both adjectives should be kept. (This is just omitting "jate" when combining the adjectives in equal states.)
  5. When we combine the first adverb (or participal adverb) and the second adjective, both words must keep its form (Participal adverb must keep its participal adjective form of its voice and aspect).
  6. When we combine the first verb and the second "toke" or "setoke", the form of the verb must be kept, and the form of "toke" or "setoke" must be changed when its part of speech, tense, or aspect is changed. (ex : "toke" - "toketi" - "toketati" - "toketanti" - "toketanta", "toke" - "toka", etc.)

Combining Affixes[]

If the affix is a prefix and the word starts with vowels (except "i"), then we must add "j" after the prefix because two vowels should not be beside each other. If the affix is a prefix and the word starts with "i", then we must add "n" after the prefix because "j" cannot be right in front of "i". Also, if the affix is not a prefix, we must put the affix right in front of the word ending vowel. And then, if the word's part of speech is changed by adding the affix, the ending vowel must be changed to the another ending vowel which corresponds with the changed part of speech. Also, if we use prepositions and postpositions to make the another part of speech, then we should put proper particle and make it adjective or adverb. After that, we can put another affixes and change the ending to make another word with different part of speech and different meaning. (ex : kutase - after, kutaseme - to the later time (adjective), kutasemani - become later, kutasemanoki - make it become later : postpone) With these rules, we can put multiple affixes to the word and expand the meaning in order. (ex : piti - rule, pitipa - government (= "piti" + "-ip-" and ending form is changed to "-a" because it became noun), pitipopa - governor (= "pitipa" + "-op-"))

  1. -ek- : male, -ik- : female (ex : pula - parent, pulan - parents, puleka - father, pulika - mother)
  2. mi- : relatives of partner (ex : mipula - parent-in-law, mipulan - parents-in-law, mipuleka - father-in-law, mipulika - mother-in-law)
  3. ku- : opposite (ex : si - plus, kusi - minus)
  4. se- : negative (ex : tine - happy, kutine - sad, setine - not happy)
  5. mu- : previous, past, before (ex : kama - partner, mukama - ex-partner)
  6. na- : mistake, fault (ex : tonsani - understand, natonsani - misunderstand)
  7. lu- : one more step of relatives (ex : pula - parent, lupula - grandparent, lulupula - great-grandparent, kupula - offspring, lukupula - grandkid, lulukupula - great-grandkid)
  8. -ul- : apart (ex : su - on, suku - above)
  9. -an- : turn, become (ex : sane - red, sanani - turn red, sutekelopa - cook (job), sutekelopani - become a cook)
  10. -ok- : make something do ~, make something ~ (ex : kupanse - different, kupansoki - change (make someone (something) different)
  11. pi- : return, repeat (ex : si - plus, pisi - multiply (repeat plus), kusi - minus, pikusi - divide (repeat minus))
  12. -il- : group (ex : toma - tree, tomila - forest)
  13. -ip- : place (ex : uki - learn, ukipa - school)
  14. -el- : abstract concept (ex : kama - partner, kamela : love)
  15. -em- : higher level, after level (ex : lepa - wind, lepema - hurricane, typhoon, nonala - today, nonalema - tomorrow)
  16. -um- : lower level, before level (ex : pensi - laugh, pensumi - smile, nonala - today, nonaluma - yesterday)
  17. -os- : element, the smallest unit (ex : sela - water, selosa - hydrogen)
  18. -ut- : method, tool (ex : sutekeli - cook, sutekeluta - cooker)
  19. -am- : object that stores something or wraps something, object or plae that surrounds something (ex : kipikuta - candle, kipikutama - candlestick)
  20. -ep- : idea, ideology, profession, properties (ex : pemapita - democratic rule, pemapitepa - democracy, tinpa - service, tinpepa - service industry)
  21. -op- : job, professional (ex : kujuki - teach, kujukopa - teacher)
  22. -en- : person or object with properties or made from something (ex : toma - tree, tomena - wood (=stuff made from tree)) (However, if the stem is numeral, then the affix "-n-" must be added to make the same meaning. ex : nuki - million, nukina - millionaire, nuke - billion, nukena - billionaire)
  23. -om- : do something with ~ (ex : penpa - hand, penpomi - touch, grab, kama - partner, kamomi - marry)
  24. -ol- : supply (ex : sela - water, seloli - irrigate, kuseloli - drain)
  25. -al- : the rest meaning which cannot be expressed by affixes 1-20


Word Order[]

The word order of Ose is really flexible, but there are some rules that must be obeyed.

  1. Each constituent of the sentence (nominative, predicate, dative, accusative, locative, etc.) can be relocated in the sentence. Each constituent can be a word, a phrase, or a clause.
  2. If a constituent is a phrase or a clause that contains multiple words, the words can be relocated in the phrase or the clause. (It means, each word must not be away from the phrase or the clause even though it is relocated!)
  3. When the phrase or the clause is relocated, the word order of each phrase or each clause must be the same with the word order of the whole sentence. For example, if a sentence has the S-O-V order, the phrase which contains only predicate and accusative must have O-V order. (S-(O-V)-V order : Word order of sentence - S-O-V, Word order of the phrase - O-V) However, the relative of the relative clause must be the noun which is modified by it. The word order of the others are the same with this law.
  4. The word order of each phrase should be the same with each other. For example, if there are two phrases that contains noun and adjective (which modifies the noun), each of the phrase should have the same order of noun and adjective. - If phrase A has the noun-adjective order, phrase B also has the noun-adjective order. If phrase A has the adjective-noun order, phrase B also has the adjective-noun order.
  5. The specified preposition in Ose must be put right in front of the related noun. However, the relative of the relative clause must be the noun which is modified by it. The word order of the others are the same with this law.
  6. The specified conjugation in Ose must be put between two phrases or clauses to connect them. However, "eno" (if) must be put in front of the conditional clause, and "si pusa" must be put in front of the adjective or adverb of dependent comparative clause. (ex : La ekemati si pusa aso, la si sinpanati. - The faster you run, the healthier you become.)

Components of Sentences[]

The structures of the sentences can be distinguished as below. There are also genitive, ablative, lative, locative and instrumental cases (in active sentence), but they are not the essential components so I didn't put them below to distinguish the structures. These nonessential but helpful cases can be put freely in any distinguished structure (except the genitive case must be located right in front of the main noun), and even multiple types of these cases can be put in any distinguished structure.

  1. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb, Adjective + Predicative Particle (or Be-Verb + Adjective), or Noun + Predicative Particle (or Be-Verb + Noun)) (ex : Montejupa montajupeti. / Montajupeti montejupa. - Wind blew. (Ka) (kiju)tinetati. / (Kiju)tinetati (ka). / (Ka) (kiju)tati tine. / (Kiju)tati tine (ka). - I'm happy. Man (mijuj)ukatantati. / (Mijuj)ukatantati man. / Man (miju)tati ukatan. / (Miju)tati ukatan man. - They are students.)
  2. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb) + Accusative (Noun + Accusative Particle) (ex : (Ka) (kijuj)ukati Oseja. / (Ka) Oseja (kijuj)ukati. / (Kijuj)ukati (ka) Oseja. / (Kijuj)ukati Oseja (ka). / Oseja (ka) (kijuj)ukati. / Oseja (kijuj)ukati (ka). - I learn Ose.)
  3. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb + Passive Affix) + Agent (Noun + Passive Particle, or "nola" + Noun) (ex : Ose ukanti kalo. / Ose kalo ukanti. / Ukanti kalo Ose. / Ukanti Ose kalo. / Kalo Ose ukanti. / Kalo ukanti Ose. / Ose ukanti nola ka. / Ose nola ka ukanti. / Ukanti nola ka Ose. / Ukanti Ose nola ka. / Nola ka Ose ukanti. / Nola ka ukanti Ose. - Ose is learned by me.)
  4. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb) + Dative (Noun + Dative Particle) + Accusative (Noun + Accusative Particle) (ex : (Ka) (kiju)kujukit(ul)i (lajo) Oseja. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I'm gonna teach you Ose.)
  5. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb + Passive Affix) + Dative (Noun + Dative Particle) + Agent (Noun + Passive Particle, or "nola" + Noun) (ex : Ose kujukint(ul)i (lajo) kalo. / Ose kujukint(ul)i (lajo) nola ka. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Ose is gonna be taught to you by me.)
  6. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb + Passive Affix) + Accusative (Noun + Accusative Particle) + Agent (Noun + Passive Particle, or "nola" + Noun) (ex : (La) (liju)kujukinti Oseja kalo. / (La) (liju)kujukinti Oseja nola ka. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - You are gonna be taught Ose by me.)
  7. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb) + Accusative (Noun + Accusative Particle) + Predicate of Accusative (Adjective + Predicative Particle (or Be-Verb + Adjective), or Noun + Predicative Particle (or Be-Verb + Noun)) (ex : (Ka) (kiju)pansokati ke tulakaja mametati. / (Ka) (kiju)pansokati ke tulakaja tati mame. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I keep my house clean.)
  8. Nominative (Noun) + Predicate (Verb + Passive Affix) + Predicate of Accusative (Adjective + Predicative Particle (or Be-Verb + Adjective), or Noun + Predicative Particle (or Be-Verb + Noun)) + Agent (Noun + Passive Particle, or "nola" + Noun) (ex : Ke tulaka pansokanti mametati kalo. / Ke tulakaja pansokanti mametati nola ka. / Ke tulaka pansokanti tati mame kalo. / Ke tulaka pansokanti tati mame nola ka. (Each word phrase can change its location.) - My house is kept clean by me.)

For these fundamental structures of sentences, verb roots can be used as a noun for nominative and accusative cases, which has the same role with infinitive. (Infinitives has the form of verb roots without any affixes in Ose.) Also, they can have its own objectives, and the objective affix is added when the objective is pronoun. (same with the real verb) The words of the infinitive phrase must not be away from each other.

(ex : Uki Oseja kutunketati. / Kutunketati uki Oseja. / Oseja uki kutunketati. / Kutunketati Oseja uki. - To learn Ose is easy.) - (However, "Uki kutunketati Oseja." is incorrect because "uki" and "Oseja" is away from each other.)

(ex : (Ka) (kiju)nekati pekini sonsajan. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I like to eat apples.)

(ex : (Ka) (kiju)nekati sot(ol)i (laja). (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I like to meet you.)

If an infinitive is used as a noun for a predicative case, the particle "-ti" should be at the end of the word. If the tense of the predicate changes, affix "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" can be added between "-t-" and "-i" of particle letters. (Exactly the same way with the tense change of verbs)

(ex : Uki Oseja ukiteti mine itaja. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - To learn Ose is to learn international language.)

If an infinitive is used as a noun for noun with other cases, we put each particle as a preposition of the noun. Be careful!

(ex : nola tonsoki - by teaching, "tonsokilo" is wrong!)

If an infinitive is used as an adverb (which means "in order to ~"), a preposition "nela" must be put in front of the verb root which acts as an infinitive.

(ex : (Ka) (kijuj)ukati Oseja nela uki mine itaja. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I learn Ose in order to learn international language.)

Types of Sentences[]

  1. Sentence without subject : A subject (nominative case) can be omitted when it isn't clear what a subject is, or there is no need to use subject in the sentence. (ex : kupuse - cold, Kupusetati. - It's cold.)
  2. Negative sentence : When a sentence is negative, prefix "se-" must be added to the beginning of the predicate. (ex : (Ka) (kiju)senekati sonsajan. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I don't like apples.)
  3. Interrogative sentence
    1. When a sentence is interrogative, punctuation mark must be changed from "." to "?". (ex : (La) (liju)nekati sonsajan? (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Do you like apples?)
    2. If the interrogative sentence contains an interrogative word, the proper affix should be added to the end of the interrogative word, considering the case of it. Also, interrogative word should be put on the order of its case. However, as the order of each case is flexible in the sentence, the order of interrogative word is also flexible. (ex : (La) (liju)nekati kemaja? / (La) kemaja (liju)nekati? / Kemaja (la) (liju)nekati? / Kemaja (liju)nekati (la)? / (Liju)nekati (la) kemaja? / (Liju)nekati kemaja (la)? - What (Whom) do you like?)
  4. Exclamatory sentence : When a sentence is exclamatory, puctuation mark must be changed from "." to "!". (ex : (Ka) (kiju)tinetati! - How happy I am!, Sutele kapatati! - What a delicious coffee it is!)
  5. Imperative sentence : When a sentence is interrogative, the ending of a verb must be changed to "-u".
    1. If the imperative sentence has the subject of 1st singular person, it expresses one's definite decision. (ex : (Ka) (kijuj)uku Oseja! (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I will definitely learn Ose!)
    2. If the imperative sentence has the subject of 1st plural person, it expresses request or suggestion. (ex : Kan (kijuj)uku Oseja! (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Let's learn Ose!)
    3. If the imperative sentence has the subject of 2nd person, it expresses order or command. (ex : (La) (lijuj)uku Oseja! (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Learn Ose!)
    4. If the imperative sentence has the subject of 3rd person, it expresses order or command to make the 3rd person accomplish the task. (ex : (Ma) (mijuj)uku Oseja! (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Make him (her) learn Ose!)
  6. Conditional sentence
    1. If a sentence is conditional, a conjunction "eno" must be put in the first of the conditional clause. The order of main clause and conditional clause is free. (ex : Eno (la) (liju)sukiti (le) tulapola(la)ja, (ka) (kiju)sumit(ul)i (laja) toli tonsekinpetasajan. / (Ka) sumit(ul)i (laja) toli tonsekinpetasajan, eno (la) (liju)sukiti (le) tulapola(la)ja. (Word order can be further changed as the way I explained.) - If you finish your homework, I will let you play computer games.)
    2. Real conditional : Main clause and conditional clause both have the predicate with future tense. It indicates the occurrence of the main clause will happen in the future if the proposition of the conditional clause becomes true. (ex : Eno (la) (liju)sukiti (le) tulapola(la)ja, (ka) (kiju)sumit(ul)i (laja) toli tonsekinpetasajan. / (Ka) (kiju)sumit(ul)i (laja) toli tonsekinpetasajan, eno (la) (liju)sukiti (le) tulapola(la)ja. (Word order can be further changed as the way I explained.) - If you finish your homework, I will let you play computer games.)
    3. Unreal conditional : Main clause and conditional clause both have the predicate with past tense. It indicates the occurrence of the main clause would have happened if the proposition of the conditional clause was true in the past, but because the proposition wasn't true, so the occurrence never happened. (ex : Eno (la) (liju)suketi (le) tulapola(la)ja, (ka) (kiju)sumet(ul)i (laja) toli tonsekinpetasajan. / (Ka) (kiju)sumet(ul)i (laja) toli tonsekinpetasajan, eno (la) (liju)suketi (le) tulapola(la)ja. (Word order can be further changed as the way I explained.) - If you had finished your homework, I would have let you play computer games.)
    4. If the main clause means "I wish" or "it would be (have been) nice", the main clause can be omitted from the conditional sentence. (ex : Eno (ka) (kiju)toketeti ulojekemi. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I wish I could fly.)
  7. Comparative sentence
    1. If a comparative sentence compares the equal level, preposition "mi" must be put before the compared target. (ex : Josepa uletati mi Mikajela. / Josepa mi Mikajela uletati. / Mi Mikajela Josepa uletati. / Mi Mikajela uletati Josepa. / Uletati Josepa mi Mikajela. / Uletati mi Mikajela Josepa. - Joseph is as tall as Michael.) The negative of the sentence can be expressed by putting preposition "se" at first in the sentence. (ex : Se Josepa uletati mi Mikajela. / Se Josepa mi Mikajela uletati. / Se mi Mikajela Josepa uletati. / Se mi Mikajela uletati Josepa. / Se uletati Josepa mi Mikajela. / Se uletati mi Mikajela Josepa. - Joseph is as tall as Michael.)
    2. If the sentence compares the comparative level, preposition "so" (adverb form of "si", which means "plus") or "kuso" (adverb form of "kusi", which means "minus") must be put right in front of the adjective or adverb, and preposition "ki" must be put right in front of the compared target. (If the sentence doesn't contain adjective or adverb, "so" or "kuso" must be put right in front of the verb.) (ex : Josepa so uletati ki Mikajela. / Josepa ki Mikajela so uletati. / Ki Mikajela Josepa so uletati. / Ki Mikajela so uletati Josepa. / So uletati Josepa ki Mikajela. / So uletati ki Mikajela Josepa. - Joseph is taller than Michael.) (ex : Josepa ekemati so aso ki Mikajela. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Joseph runs faster than Michael.) (ex : Josepa so sutati sutaja ki Mikajela. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Joseph eats more food than Michael.)
    3. If the sentence has the superlative level, preposition "so" or "kuso" must be put before the predicate. (ex : Josepa so uletati. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Joseph is the tallest.)
  8. Relative sentence
    1. Relative sentence consists of main clause and relative clause, and the relative "je" locates exactly right behind the noun which is modified by the relative clause. Except the location of the relative, the word orders of main clause and relative clause should be the same. The words of relative clause must not be away, but the words of main clause can be away if it is needed in order to put the relative clause right behind the noun of main clause.
    2. (ex : (Ma) (ke) (miju)kama(ka)tati je (ka) (kiju)kamometi. / (Ke) kama(ka)tati je (miju)kamometi (ka) (ma). - He (She) is my partner whom I married.) (ex : (Ka) (kiju)suteti sonsajan je (ka) (kiju)nekati. / (Ka) sonsajan je (ka) (kiju)nekati (kiju)suteti. / Sonsajan je (ka) (kiju)nekati (ka) (kiju)suteti. / Sonsajan je (kiju)nekati (ka) (kiju)suteti (ka). / (Kiju)suteti (ka) sonsajan je (kiju)nekati (ka). / (Kiju)suteti sonsajan je (kiju)nekati (ka) (ka). - I ate apples which I like.)
  9. Sentence with auxillary verbs (There are no kind of auxillary verbs in Ose, but some verbs can have the same role with auxillary verbs.)
    1. Ability : The adjective "toke" (which means "able") is used. The particle "-ti" must be added to make it a predicate, which means "be able". Some affixes like "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" must be added right in front of the ending "-i" to express the tense of the predicate. And then, the actual verb should be the infinitive, so it becomes the form of verb root. (ex : (Ka) (kiju)toketati ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I can (am able to) run fast.) Also, if it is a negative sentence of the ability, prefix "se-" must be added in front of the adjective "toke". (ex : (Ka) (kiju)setoketati ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I cannot (am not able to) run fast.)
    2. Desirability : The verb "puti" (which means "need") is used. Some affixes like "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" must be added right in front of the ending "-i" to express the tense of the verb. And then, the actual verb should be the infinitive, so it becomes the form of verb root. (ex : (Ka) (kiju)putati ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I need to run fast.) Also, if it is a negative sentence of desirability, prefix "se-" must be added in front of the verb "puki". (ex : (Ka) (kiju)seputati ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I don't need to run fast.)
    3. Permission : The verb "sumi" (which means "allow") is used. Some affixes like "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" must be added right in front of the ending "-i" to express the tense of the verb. Also, the verb should be in passive voice, so the affix "-n-" must be added between the vowel and "-ti" at the end of the word. And then, the actual verb should be the infinitive, so it becomes the form of verb root. (ex : (La) (liju)sumanti ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - You may (are allowed to) run fast.) Also, if it is a negative sentence of permission, prefix "se-" must be added in front of the verb "sumi". (ex : (La) (liju)sesumanti ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - You may not (are not allowed to) run fast.)
    4. Obligation : The verb "putemi" (which means "strongly need to"; affix "-em-" attached to "puti") is used. Some affixes like "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" must be added right in front of the ending "-i" to express the tense of the verb. And then, the actual verb should be the infinitive, so it becomes the form of verb root. (ex : (Ka) (kiju)putemati ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - I must (strongly need to) run fast.) Also, if it is a negative sentence of obligation, prefix "ku-" must be added in front of the verb "pukemi". (ex : (Ka) (kiju)kuputemati ekemi aso. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - You must not (strongly need to not) run fast.)
      1. Caution! In this case, we don't use the prefix "se-" as the negative affix like the other cases. It is because of the difference of the meanings of "se-" and "ku-". ("se-" : not ~, "ku-" : opposite with ~) So if we need to say "must not", we should add the prefix "ku-" to make the sentence mean it is not okay to do something in the sentence. If we put "se-" in front of the verb "putemi", it would just mean "not strongly need to".
    5. Likelihood : The adjective "lipuse" (which means "likely") is used. The particle "-ti" must be added to make it a predicate, which means "be likely". Some affixes like "-at-", "-et-", or "-it-" must be added right in front of the ending "-i" to express the tense of the predicate. And then, the actual verb should be the infinitive, so it becomes the form of verb root. (ex : Josepa lipusetati suti sonsaja. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Joseph may (is likely to) eat apples.) If the likelihood becomes stronger (must) or weaker (might), the affix "-em-" or "-um-" must be added right in front of the ending "-e" of the adjective "lipuse", to make "lipuseme" or "lipusume" first. (ex : Josepa lipusemetati suti sonsaja. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Joseph must (is strongly likely to) eat apples.) (ex : Josepa lipusumetati suti sonsaja. (Word order can be changed as the way I explained.) - Joseph might (is weakly likely to) eat apples.)



ka - I

la - you (singular)

ma - he, she, it

a - myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself

kan - we

lan - you (plural)

man - they

an - ourselves, yourselves, themselves


aki - via, through, throughout

tile - belong to, made of (from), among

paki - with [kupaki - without]

nusa - following, according to [kunusa - against, opposite, across]

nola - by, because of [kunola - despite, even if, even though]

sita - instead of

pe - at

je - of (genitive case) [Except pronouns we use this preposition for genitive case.]

lute - until

nela - for

nelo - about

solo - unit of, ratio of

su - other than, not only

mi - as ~ as

ki - than, comparing with

selo - not even ~ [Both verbs and nouns can be behind this preposition.]

mo - to (except place and time) [kumo - from (except place and time)]

tiko - between (except place and time)


su - on [kusu - under, suku - above, kusuku - below]

jopa - in [kujopa - out]

tase - in front of (place), before (time) [kutase - behind (place), after (time)]

nusu - next to [kunusu - far away from]

tiko - between (place, time)

netu - during (time)

sito - near (place, time)

nusa - across (place)


jate - and [kujate - but]

jete - or

eno - if

luta - while

keko - when

ni - because [kuni - so]

nisa - because of something called ~ [noun clause or adjective clause]

situ - since

si pusa - the more ~

Simple words[]

ku - zero

ko - one

ki - two

ke - three

ka - four

lu - five

lo - six

li - seven

le - eight

la - nine

ju - ten

mu - hundred

nu - thousand

si - plus (verb), add [sa - plus (noun)]

pula - parent [pule - parental, pulo - parentally]

pela - sibling

kama - partner (spouse) [kame - spousal]

nila - family

jela - table

toma - tree, trunk

tuma - plant (noun)

punta - flower [punte - flowery]

tinka - stem, trunk (of plant)

kala - fruit

lanka - vegetable

kunsa - grain

uki - learn, study [uka - learning]

pensi - laugh [pensa - laughter]

sela - water [sele - watery, wet, humid]

ponsa - liquid (noun) [ponse - liquid (adjective)]

paka - solid (noun) [pake - solid (adjective), pako - solidly]

tusa - gas, vapor [tuse - vaporous]

kila - fire [kili - burn]

keli - make [kela - making]

kinka - light (noun) [kinki - light (verb)]

tinpa - service (noun) [tinpi - service (verb)]

penpa - hand

punsi - sleep (verb) [punse - sleepy, punso - sleepily, punsa - sleep (noun), sleepiness]

loma - kid, child, infant (noun) [lome - infant (adjective), little, young]

sunusi - run away

sanpa - ship [sanpi - sail]

loki - go

soti - meet, blend, mix [sota - meeting]

pimi - sell [pima - sale]

tuki - paint, draw [tuka - painting]

tesi - sculpture (verb), carve [tesa - sculpture (noun), carving, tese - sculptural]

topi - sit [topa - seat]

ita - language [ite - linguistic, ito - linguistically]

suli - rest (verb) [sula - rest (noun)]

pili - answer (verb), solve [pila - answer (noun), solution]

leti - trust, believe [leta - belief, faith]

poli - work (verb) [pola - work (noun)]

neki - like (verb) [neka - like (noun)]

sonsa - apple

kina - onion

sensa - tomato

tinsa - potato

penka - melon

tamona - pine

tonka - grape

pisana - banana

lisa - dog

lima - wolf

tisa - fox

nensa - leopard

nenka - tiger

ninka - lion

sami - talk (verb) [sama - talk (noun), same - talkative, samo - talkatively]

mona - wheel

aso - fast (adverb) [ase - fast (adjective), asa - speed (noun)]

kipi - send, deliver, commit [kipa - delivery, commitment]

tanka - letter

mina - world, earth [mine - worldwide, global, mini - globalize, mino - globally]

mela - star [mele - starry]

puse - hot [pusa - heat]

suki - finish (verb) [suka - finish (noun), end]

tula - home, house, shelter

sumi - let, allow, permit [suma - permission, sume - permissive, sumo - permissively]

toli - play (verb) [tola - play (noun), tole - playful, tolo - playfully]

kinpa - box

tenki - sound (verb) [tenka - sound (noun)]

tenpi - hear [tenpa - hearing]

senki - look [senka - looking, appearance, visage]

senpi - see, sight (verb) [senpa - sight (noun), image (noun)]

tunpi - smell (verb) [tunpa - smell (noun), scent, tunpe - aromatic]

tasa - game (noun) [tasi - game (verb)]

toke - able [toko - ably, toka - ability]

ulo - up (adverb) [ula - up (noun), ule - up (adjective), uli - up (verb)]

suti - eat, drink (verb) [suta - food, drink (noun), meal]

unsa - sugar [unse - sugary]

enpa - salt

onsa - poison (noun) [onse - poisonous, onsi - poison (verb), onso - poisonously]

tine - happy, pleased [tina - happiness, pleasure, tino - happily]

puti - need (verb) [puta - need (noun), necessity, pute - necessary, puto - necessarily]

lipuse - likely [lipusa - likeliness, lipuso - probably]

liki - pick (verb) [lika - pick (noun), like - picky]

sane - red (adjective) [sana - red (noun)]

nupe - yellow (adjective) [nupa - yellow (noun)]

kate - blue (adjective) [kata - blue (noun)]

mupe - brown (adjective) [mupa - brown (noun)]

tape - white (adjective), blank (adjective), empty, vacant [tapa - white, blank (noun), emptiness, vacancy]

sinpa - health [sinpe - healthy, sinpi - heal]

nala - day

mika - north [mike - northern]

monka - east [monke - eastern]

kisa - right (noun)

punpi - declare [punpa - declaration]

soka - human-being [soko - humanly, soke - human (adjective)]

teka - document

luki - bear (verb) [luka - birth]

leke - free (adjective) [leka - freedom, liberty, leko - freely]

panse - same, equal, coincidence [pansa - sameness, equality, coincident, pansi - coincide, panso - equally, coincidently]

linki - give, donate [linka - donation]

nika - reason (noun) [niki - reason (verb), nike - reasonable, rational, niko - reasonably, rationally]

tipe - conscious, conscientious [tipa - consciousness, conscience, tipo - consciously, conscientiously]

upi - act, move [upa - action, motion, upe - active, motive, upo - actively]

lonpa - insect

linpa - spider

eki - walk (verb) [eka - walk (noun)]

somuli - fly (verb) [somula - flight]

somala - vulture

kenka - metal [kenke - metallic]

tonsi - know [tonsa - knowledge]

oma - basis, foundation [ome - basic, foundational, omo - basically]

poke - right (adjective) [poka - rightness, poko - rightly]

jute - peaceful [juta - peace (noun), juti - peace (verb), juto - peacefully]

kepi - regard (verb), attend [kepa - regard (noun), attention]

tepa - result (noun) [tepi - result (verb)]

pine - good [pino - well, pina - goodness]

simi - outrage

tena - joy, amusement [tene - joyful, amused, teno - joyfully]

timi - say, speak, express [tima - speech, expression, time - expressive, voluble, timo - expressively, volubly]

sinka - fear (noun) [sinki - fear (verb), sinke - fearful, sinko - fearfully]

nenpi - want, hope (verb), wish (verb), desire (verb) [nenpa - hope (noun), wish (noun), desire (noun)]

sikule - high (level, not height), dignified, respectful, graceful, prideful, glorious [sikula - highness, dignity, respect (noun), grace, pride (noun), glory, sikuli - dignify, respect (verb), glorify, sikulo - highly, respectfully, gracefully, pridefully, gloriously]

piti - rule (verb) [pita - rule (noun), government]

pota - law [poti - litigate]

taka - force, strength [take - strong, tako - strongly]

moki - have [moka - possession, moke - possessive, moko - possessively]

mapi - depend on, rely on [mapa - recourse, dependency, mape - dependent, mapo - dependently]

kanse - violent [kansa - violence, kanso - violently]

oti - develop [ota - development]

osa - friend [ose - friendly, osi - befriend]

apo - together (adverb) [api - unite, join, assemble, connect, ape - together (adjective), connective, apa - uniting, get-together, cooperation, connection, assembly]

mansi - confirm [mansa - confirmation, tonsamansi - test (verb), examine, tonsemansa - test (verb), examination]

mola - worth, price [mole - worthy, worthwhile, pricey, expensive, molo - expensively, worthily, moli - put a value on, evaluate]

lomi - decide [loma - decision]

lata - society [late - social, lati - socialize, lato - socially]

joma - standard (noun) [jome - standard (adjective)]

ponpi - live (verb) [ponpa - life, ponpe - alive, live (adjective), ponpo - lively]

tupa - size (noun) [tupe - big, large, tupi - size (verb), measure]

juse - many, much (adjective), plentiful, abundant, enough (adjective) [jusa - plenty, abundance, juso - plentifully, abundantly, enough (adverb), jusi - count (the number), measure (the amount)]

osima - member

nipe - true [nipa - truth]

lipi - obey [lipa - obedience, lipe - obedient, lipo - obediently]

pele - common [pelo - commonly, pela - common one]

tule - important [tula - importance, tulo - importantly]

mipe - real [mipa - reality]

no - now, currently [na - present (noun), current (noun), ne - present (adjective), current (adjective)]

tika - center [tike - central, tiko - centrally]

onpa - organ

sila - heart, mind [sile - heartful, silo - heartfully]

siki - strive, try, attempt (verb) [sika - trial, attempt (noun), sike - attemptive]

keki - educate [keka - education, keke - educative]

masi - manage [masa - management, politics, mase - political, maso - politically]

sope - safe [sopa - safety, sopo - safely]

lapi - affect [lapa - effect]

nunka - land, territory [nunke - territorial]

suni - appear [suna - appearance, clarity, sune - apparent, clear, suno - apparently, clearly]

kapa - coffee

sa - tea

pinka - powder [pinke - powdery]

sonpa - bread

teta - rice (crop)

kika - wheat

misa - barley

sisa - bean

tita - sesame

tensa - door, goal (for sports)

kinsa - kimchi

Kankuka - South Korea [Kankuke - South Korean]

Sosona - North Korea [Sosone - North Korean]

Inkalanta - England [Inkalante - English]

Italija - Italy [Italije - Italian]

Elasa - Greece [Elase - Greek]

Latina - Latin (noun) [Latine - Latin (adjective)]

Amelika - America [Amelike - American]

Nipona - Japan [Nipone - Japanese]

Sonka - China [Sonke - Chinese]

Palata - India [Palate - Indian]

Asija - Asia [Asije - Asian]

Apanta - Africa [Apante - African]

Ejulopa - Europe [Ejulope - European]

ponta - milk [ponte - milky]

kola - cola

koka - coca

sokolata - chocolate

maka - nut

jepa - face

pama - bone

kopa - brain

konsa - neck

tunsa - stomach

monta - air [monte - airy, monto - airily]

kunpa - blood [kunpe - bloody, kunpo - bloodily]

onka - fat (noun) [onke - fatty, fat (adjective)]

mota - plan (noun) [moti - plan (verb)]

mame - clean (adjective) [mama - cleanness, mamo - cleanly]

papa - circle [pape - circular, round, papo - circularly, roundly]

mima - line [mime - linear, straight, mimo - linearly, straightly]

nina - route (noun), path [nine - route (verb)]

teki - excite [teka - excitement]

muli - interest (verb) [mula - interest (noun)]

noma - fungus

kinsi - attack (verb) [kinsa - attack (noun)]

lule - flat [lula - flatness, lulo - flatly]

tipi - attach, absorb, stick [tipa - attachment, absorption]

nunsi - endure, tolerate, [nunsa - endurance, tolerance, nunse - patient, tolerant, nunso - patiently, tolerantly]

tunke - hard (adjective) [tunka - hardship, tunko - hard (adverb)]

tanke - hard [tanka - hardness]

pana - money

tapaka - tobacco

tota - bee

lonka - ant

linta - thorn

tiseta - spinach

pukema - cabbage

panpa - pumpkin

kinta - deer

sinsa - horse

tini - dissolve [tina - dissolution]

panka - duck

punka - goose

putika - chicken

mema - fur [meme - furry]

kunka - sheep

pupa - cotton

munsa - hemp

mensa - fiber

sunse - right (direction, adjective) [sunsa - right (direction, noun), sunso - right (direction, adverb)]

kanka - sand [kanke - sandy]

kensa - logic [kense - logical, kenso - logically]

una - body [une - bodily]

pasata - pasta

Monapelane - Mont Blanc

jeki - hit (verb) [jeka - hit (noun)]

pinpa - bridge

tonpa - pen

tenima - sense [tenime - sensory, tenimi - feel (sense)]

kenpa - addiction [kenpe - addicted]

kone - new [kona - newness, novelty]

lonki - travel (verb) [lonka - travel (noun), trip]

kimona - flea

kimuna - fly (noun)

kimana - mosquito

lumopa - monkey

sumepa - snail

kanpa - sauce

munpa - knife

opijuma - opium

menka - stick, rod

esi - use (verb) [esa - use (noun), ese - useful, eso - usefully]

ama - culture [ame - cultural, amo - culturally]

eki - compete [eka - competition, eke - competitive, eko - competitively]

kuma - source (noun) [kumi - source (verb)]

nepoti - locate [nepota - location]

onki - steal [onka - stealing, thievery, theft]

lansi - find, discover [lansa - discovery]

ninpi - advise [ninpa - advice]

minsi - choose, select [minsa - choice (noun), option, selection, minse - choice (adjective), optional, selective, minso - optionally, selectively]

tona - city [tone - civic, urban]

sonti - visit, participate [sonta - visitation, participation]

nasa - jewel (noun) [nasi - jewel (verb)]

ansa - car

nama - mistake (noun), fault (noun) [nami - mistake (verb)]

tuni - shake (verb) [tuna - shake (noun), tune - shaky, tuno - shakily]

peme - public (adjective) [pema - public (noun), pemo - publicly]

juli - call (verb) [jula - call (noun)]

jensi - warn, alert (verb) [jensa - warning, alert (noun), jense - alert (adjective), jenso - alertly]

seju - no

peju - yes

linsi - adjust, organize [linsa - adjustment, organization]

jansi - agree [jansa - agreement]

lonti - care (verb) [lonta - care (noun), lonte - careful, lonto - carefully]

santa - cough (noun) [santi - cough (verb)]

pasi - break (verb), crack (verb), crush (verb), burst (verb) [pasa - breakage, crackage, crush (noun), burst (noun)]

nosi - design (verb) [nosa - design (noun)]


-ek- : male, -ik- : female (ex : pula - parent, pulan - parents, puleka - father, pulika - mother)

mi- : relatives of partner (ex : mipula - parent-in-law, mipulan - parents-in-law, mipuleka - father-in-law, mipulika - mother-in-law)

ku- : opposite (ex : si - plus, kusi - minus)

se- : negative (ex : tine - happy, kutine - sad, setine - not happy)

mu- : previous, past, before (ex : kama - partner, mukama - ex-partner)

na- : mistake, fault (ex : tonsani - understand, natonsani - misunderstand)

lu- : one more step of relatives (ex : pula - parent, lupula - grandparent, lulupula - great-grandparent, kupula - offspring, lukupula - grandkid, lulukupula - great-grandkid)

-ul- : apart (ex : su - on, suku - above)

-an- : turn, become (ex : sane - red, sanani - turn red, sutekelopa - cook (job), sutekelopani - become a cook)

-ok- : make something do ~, make something ~ (ex : kupanse - different, kupansoki - change (make someone (something) different)

pi- : return, repeat (ex : si - plus, pisi - multiply (repeat plus), kusi - minus, pikusi - divide (repeat minus))

-il- : group (ex : toma - tree, tomila - forest)

-ip- : place (ex : uki - learn, ukipa - school)

-el- : abstract concept (ex : kama - partner, kamela : love)

-em- : higher level, after level (ex : lepa - wind, lepema - hurricane, typhoon, nonala - today, nonalema - tomorrow)

-um- : lower level, before level (ex : pensi - laugh, pensumi - smile, nonala - today, nonaluma - yesterday)

-os- : element, the smallest unit (ex : sela - water, selosa - hydrogen)

-ut- : method, tool (ex : sutekeli - cook, sutekeluta - cooker)

-am- : object that stores something or wraps something, object or place that surrounds something (ex : kipikuta - candle, kipikutama - candlestick)

-ep- : idea, ideology, profession, properties (ex : pemapita - democratic rule, pemapitepa - democracy, tinpa - service, tinpepa - service industry)

-op- : job, professional (ex : kujuki - teach, kujukopa - teacher)

-en- : person or object with properties or made from something (ex : toma - tree, tomena - wood (=stuff made from tree)) (However, if the stem is numeral, then the affix "-n-" must be added to make the same meaning. ex : nuki - million, nukina - millionaire, nuke - billion, nukena - billionaire)

-om- : do something with ~ (ex : penpa - hand, penpomi - touch, grab, kama - partner, kamomi - marry)

-ol- : supply (ex : sela - water, seloli - irrigate, kuseloli - drain)

-al- : the rest meaning which cannot be expressed by affixes 1-20

Complicated words[]











Thing, Individual



(what, who)


(this [one], that [one])


(something, someone)


(everything, everyone)


(nothing, no one)




(what kind/sort/type of)


(such a)


(some kind/sort/type of)


(every kind/sort/type of)


(no kind/sort/type of)






(this/that one's)






(no one's)
















(how, as)


(thus, as)




(in every way)


(no-how, in no way)






(for that reason, therefore)


(for some reason)


(for all reasons)


(for no reason)
















(how much)


(that much)


(some, a bit)


(all of it)



jopa - in [jopametani - enter, jopametanipa - entrance, kujopametani - exit (verb), kujopametanipa - exit (noun)]

tase - in front of (place), before (time) [tasemanoki - move up, kutasemanoki - postpone, tasemane - early, front (adjective), kutasemane - late, back (adjective), tasemana - earliness, front (noun), kutasemana - lateness, back (noun)]

su - on [sukumenani - rise (verb), kusukumenani - descend, fall, sukumenana - rise (noun), kusukumenana - descent, sukumenanoki - raise (verb), upper (verb), kusukumenanoki - lower (verb), land, sukumenanoka - raise (noun), upper (noun), kusukumenanoka - lower (noun), landing]

sito - near [sitomenani - get closer, kusitomenani - drift apart, move away]

ko - one [kote - first, koto - firstly, kukote - last, kukoto - lastly]

nu - thousand [nuki - million, nuke - billion, nuka - trillion, nukina - millionaire, nukena - billionaire]

si - plus [sena - proton, acid, sene - protic, acidic, sesene - aprotic, senele - sour, senela - sourness,]

kusi - minus [kusena - base, electron, kusene - basic, electronic, kusela - electricity, kusele - electrical, kuselome - electric, kuselakeli - generate electricity, kuselakelata - generator, kuselakelipa - power station]

nema - someone, something [nemama - basket, cage, shell, cover (noun), wrapper, nemamoki - cover (verb), wrap, surround, ulenemamokata - basketball (sports), ulenemamokopa - basketball player]

pema - everyone, everything [pemepa - populism, pemepopa - populist, pemosa - atom, kusenepemosa - anion, senepemosa - cation, pemosema - molecule, pemosepa - element, pemosela - chemistry, pemoselapolopa - chemist, pemoselena - chemical (noun), pemoselene - chemical (verb), pemoseleno - chemically, pemena - entirety, totality, wholeness, pemene - entire, total, whole (adjective), penemo - entirely, totally, whole (adverb), kupemena - part, section, segment, region, piece, kupemene - partial, sectional, regional, pieced, kupemeno - partially, sectionally, regionally]

sumi - allow [suma - approval, sumante - allowed, sumanta - allowed person, sumantipa - allowed zone, sesumi - not allow, sesumante - not allowed, sesumanta - not allowed person, sesumantipa - not allowed zone]

pula - parent [pulomi - raise (kids), pulela - parental love, puleka - father, pulika - mother, puleke - paternal, pulike - maternal, puleko - paternally, puliko - maternally, pulekela - paternal love, pulikela - maternal love, mipula - parent-in-law, mipuleka - father-in-law, mipulika - mother-in-law, lupula - grandparent, lupuleka - grandfather, lupulika - grandmother, lulupula - great-grandparent, lulupuleka - great-grandfather, lulupulika - great-grandmother, kupula - offspring, kupulomi - care (parents), kupuleka - son, kupulika - daughter, lukupula - grandkid, lukupuleka - grandson, lukupulika - granddaughter, lulukupula - great-grandkid, lulukupuleka - great-grandson, lulukupulika - great-granddaughter]

pela - sibling [peleka - brother, pelela - siblinghood, pelekela - brotherhood, pelika - sister, pelekila - sisterhood, mipela - sibling-in-law, mipeleka - brother-in-law, mipelika - sister-in-law, pelema - older sibling, peluma - younger sibling, pelemeka - older brother, pelemika - older sister, pelumeka - younger brother, pelumika - younger sister, pulepela - uncle or aunt (gender neutrally used), pulepeleka - uncle, pulepelika - aunt, pulepelekupula - cousin, pulepelekupuleka - male cousin, pulepelekupulika - female cousin, pelekupula - nephew or niece (gender neutrally used), pelekupuleka - nephew, pelekupulika - niece]

kama - partner, spouse [kamomi - marry, kamomitoke - weddable, kamomisetoke - unweddable, kamomokopa - matchmaker, kamoma - marriage, kukamomi - divorce (verb), kukamoma - divorce (noun), pikamomi - remarry, pikamoma - remarriage, kamela - love (noun), kameli - love (verb), kamelitoke - lovable, cute, kamelitoko - cutely, kamele - lovely, kamelisetoke - unlovable, kukamela - hate (noun), kukameli - hate (verb), kameka - husband, kamika - wife, mukama - ex-partner, kamelitokata : pet]

nila - family [nilela - familiarity, nilele - familiar, nilelo - familiarly, nileloki - familiarize, nileloka - familarization, kunila - stranger, alien (noun), kunile - strange, alien (adjective), kuniloki - alienate, kunilo - strangely, kuniloka - alienation, niletoma - family tree]

jela - table [sutejela - dining table, polejela - desk]

toma - tree, trunk [uletomuma - branch, tomila - forest, ulominepetomila - mountain, tomena - wood (structural tissue), tomenena - paper, tomenepinka - sawdust, tomuma - leaf, tomosomi - woodwork, tomosoma - woodworking, tomosomopa - carpenter, tomosomanta - wooden product, kutoma - grass, kutome - grassy, kutomila - field, kutomipa - prairie, kutomapejukata - grasshopper]

tuma - plant (noun), [tumosa - seed, kujuletumuma - root, tumena - harvested stuff, tumenosa - carbohydrate, tumomi - plant (verb), cultivate, farm (verb), tumoma - cultivation, farming, tumomopa - cultivator, farmer, tumomenta - crop (planted stuff), tumomuta - plow, tumomata - cow, tumomatena - beef, tumomateka - bull, tumomatika - cow (female), tumomipa - farm (noun, for plants), tumomuma - gardening, tumomumi - garden (verb), tumomumipa - garden (noun), tumomumopa - gardener, tumesutoli - fertilize, tumesutola - fertilization, tumesutoluta - fertilizer, tumekilentosa - potassium (literal translation : "element of plant ash"), tumejonpumososa - cellulose, tumasutata - herbivore]

punta - flower [puntejunsa - honey, puntosa - petal, puntani - bloom, puntana - blossom, selepunta - lotus]

tinka - stem [tinkena - pillar, tinkenomi - sustain, tinkenoma - sustension, tinkama - cork]

kala - fruit, [senekala- lemon, kaluma - berry, kutapekaluma - blackberry, katekaluma - blueberry, sanekaluma - strawberry, unsekala - jam, marmalade, kaleponsa - juice (noun), kaleponse - juicy, pakekaleponsa - sherbet, sorbet, kalaponsanoki - juice (verb), kalaponsanokuta - juicer, kalejonsesuta - fruit wine]

lanka - vegetable [lankasutepa - vegetarianism, lankasutata - vegetarian, lankena - salad, sanokatelanka - eggplant]

kunsa - grain [kulonosa - starch, kulonose - starchy, jusekunsa - millet, kunsena - cereal, kunsejonsesuta - grain liquor, nupekunsa - corn, maize]

uki - learn, study [ukata - learner, student, ukala - grade, degree, ukipa - school, kotejukipa - elementary school, tikekutipa - middle school, sikulejukipa - high school, sukijukipema - university, college, sukijuki - graduate (verb), sukijuka - graduate (noun), sukijukipa - graduate school, sukijuketa - graduate (student), sukijuketema - undergraduate, sukijukela - doctor (degree), sukijukelema - bachelor, sukemijukela - master (degree), kujuki - teach, kujukopa - teacher, ukipuma - classroom, kujukanta - class, lesson, ukuta - book, tapejukuta - notebook, ukutomi - read, ukutoma - reading, ukutomata - reader, ukutipa - library, ukutipopa - librarian, ukutapimipa - bookstore, ukutapimopa - bookseller, ukitoke - learnable, intelligent, intelligible, ukitokena - genius, intelligent person, ukitoko - intelligently, intelligibly, ukitoka - learnability, intelligence, intelligibility, jukisetoke - unintelligent, unintelligible, jukisetoka - intellectual disability, jukisetokata - intellectually disabled person, ukene - intellectual, ukenoki - intellectualize, ukela - intellect, ukeno - intellectually, ukelena - intellectual person, kujukene - stupid, brainless, kujukela - stupidity, kujukeno - stupidly, brainlessly, ukenata - bookworm]

pensi - laugh [pensumi - smile, kupensi - cry, pensoka - humor, comedy, pensoke - humorous, pensokopa - comedian]

sela - water [seloki - humidify, seloka - humidification, selomi - wash (verb), seloma - wash (noun), selomuta - soap, selomipa - washroom, selomatekeluta - washing machine, selomemi - take a bath, selomemoki - bathe, selomema - bath (act), selomemipa - bathroom, selomemipuma - bath (object), selosa - hydrogen (literal translation : "element of water"), selokuta - humidifier, kusele - dry (adjective), kuseloki - dry (verb), kuseloka - drying (noun), kuselipa - desert, kuselokuta - drier, seloli - irrigate, selola - irrigation, seloluta - irrigator (tool), waterwork, kuseloli - drain, kuselola - drainage, kuseloluta - drainer, sewer, seluma - drop, selumila - rain (noun), selumili - rain (verb), selumile - rainy, selumilemi - shower (verb), selumilema - shower (noun), selila - sea, ocean, selama - shore, selilama - coast, seliamala - beach, Selilemina - Oceania, Selilemine - Oceanian (adjective), ukatesela - river, ukateselema - valley, stream, selama - cup, bowl, selamema - pond, lake, selumilala - umbrella]

ponsa - liquid [ponsanoki - liquidize, ponsanokuta - liquidizer]

paka - solid [kupaka - fluid, kupakeni - flow, pakanoki - freeze, solidify, pakanokuta - freezer, refrigerator, kupakanoki - melt, pakesela - ice, pakesele - icy, pakeseluma - snow, pakeselume - snowy]

tusa - gas [tusanoki - boil, vaporize, tusanoka - vaporization, tusanokomi - distill, tusanokoma - distillation, tusanokomente - distilled, tusanokuta - pot, kutusanoki - congeal, kutusanokuta - condenser, tusesela - steam, tusesele - steamy, ulotusesela - cloud, kujulotusesela - fog, ulotusosele - cloudy, kujulotusosele - foggy]

kila - fire [kiluta - oxygen (literal translation : "tool to fire"), kotakilutasente - monoxide (adjective), kitakilutasente - dioxide (adjective), ketakilutasente - trioxide (adjective), kotakilutasenta - monoxide (noun), kitakilutasenta - dioxide (noun), ketakilutasenta - trioxide (noun), kilenta - charcoal, ash, kilente - gray (adjective), kukili - firefight, kukilopa - firefighter, kilosa - ember, kilema - sun, kileme - sunny, kilemekinka - sunlight, sunshine, kilemosa - helium (literal translation : "the element of sun"), kilela - anger, kilele - angry, kileleme - furious, mad, upset, kilelo - angrily, kilelemo - furiously, madly, kileloki - make angry, kilena - spice (noun), kilene - spicy, kileno - spicily, kilenoki - spice (verb), sanekilena - red pepper, chili, kutapekilena - black pepper, tapekilena - white pepper, tenkutekilena - bell pepper, kilenuma - garlic, nupekilenuma - ginger, kilomi - grill, bake, kilomenta - grilled food, kilala - smoke (noun), kilali - smoke (verb), kilale - smoky, kilalente - smoked, kilalenta - smoked food]

keli - make [kelata - maker, kelopa - maker (job but not the level of manufacturing), penpomatokeli - handicraft (verb), penpomatekela - handicraft (noun), penpomatekelopa - handicrafter, penpomatokelenta - handicrafted product, kelutomata - machinery industry, kelutomate - machinery industrial, kelutomatopa - machinist, keluta - machine, kelipomipa - factory, kelipoma - manufacture (noun), kelipomi - manufacture (verb), kelipomopa - manufacturer, kelipomuma - light industry, kelipomema - heavy industry, kelipomela - engineering (scholarship), kelipomelapolopa - engineer, sutakela - cooking, sutakeli - cook (verb), sutakelopa - cook (noun), sutapinokelente - cooked, sutasepinokelente - undercooked, sesukalente - raw, sutakeluta - cooker, sutakelata - housewife, sutakelipa - kitchen, sutakelipomipa - food factory]

kinka - light (noun) [kinkuta - candle, lamp, kinkutama - candlestick, kinkopa - lamplighter, kukinka - dark (noun), kinkomepa - brightness, kukinkomepa - darkness, kinkomepe - bright, kukinkomepe - dark (adjective), kinkomepo - brightly, kukinkomepo - darkly, kinkena - lightning, kukinkomepoki - darken, kinketupoki - photosynthesize, kinketupoka - photosynthesis, kinketupokuta - chlorophyll, kinkoki - enlighten, kinkomepoki - brighten, kinkumi - shine, luminesce, kinkume - shiny, luminous, luminescent, kinkuma - luster, luminescence, kinkumena - fluorophore, kinkumenosa - fluorine (literal translation : "element of fluorophore"), kinkumenose - fluoric, kinkumenosesena - fluoric acid]

tinpa - service [tinpopa - servant, tinpipa - service center, tinpepa - service industry]

penpa - hand [penpela - help (noun), aid, penpele - helpful, penpeli - help (verb), aid (verb) penpelo - helpfully, sepenpele - unhelpful, sepenpelo - unhelpfully, kupenpele - helpless, penpelata - helper, penpelanta - helpee, penpelema - support (noun), penpelemi - support (verb), penpeleme - supportive, penpelemo - supportively, penpelemata - supporter, mentor, penpelemanta - supportee, mentee, penpelemepa - mentorship, penpama - glove, penpomi - touch, grab, kupenpomi - throw, penpuma - finger, penpema - arm, penpemala - wrist, penpemejapenta - bracelet, penpemama - arm sleeve, penpemala - elbow, penpumomi - write, penpumoma - writing, penpumomuta - writing instrument, penpumomopa - writer, author, penpumomanta - sentence, penpumomantuma - phrase, penpumomantosa - letter, penpumomuta - typewriter, penpumomutomi - typewrite, penpumomutoma - typewriting, penpumomutomopa - stenographer, penpemomi - hug (verb), penpemoma - hug (noun), penpumuma - nail, pipenpumomi - rewrite, copy (verb), print (verb), pipenpunoma - rewriting, copy (noun), print (noun), pipenpunomuta - copier (machine), printer (machine) pipenpunomopa - copier (job), printer (job), typo, pressman, penpumomanta - board]

punsi - sleep [nalepunsi - take a nap, nalepunsa - nap, punseli - dream (verb), punsela - dream (noun), kupunsi - wake, punsuta - bed, punsipa - bedroom, punsutama - bed cover, punsutuma - pillow, punsisetoka - insomnia, punsepa - narcolepsy]

loma - kid, child, infant [lomuma - baby, lomema - adult, lomemani - grow up, lomemana - growth, kulome - old, kuloma - elder person]

sanpa - ship [sanpopa - sailor, sanputa - oar, sanpeli - float (verb), sanpele - buoyant, sanpela - buoyance, kusanpeli - sink, kusanpa - submarine, sanpelena - float (noun)]

loki - go [kuloki - come]

soti - meet, blend, mix [kusoti - separate, kusotuta - separator, sotuta - blender, mixer, sotitoke - mixable, kusotitoke - separable, sesotitoke - unmixable, kusotisetoke - inseparable]

pimi - sell [pimopa - seller, pimipa - store, pimipila - market, pimipema - department store, pimente - sold (adjective), pimenta - sold (noun), kupimi - buy, kupimata - buyer, kupimitoke - afford (to buy), pimoki - deal (verb for buyer), kupimoki - deal (verb for seller), pimoka - deal (noun for buyer), kupimoka - deal (verb for seller), pimokopa - dealer, kupimokopa - dealer, pimopuma - clerk (at store), kupimatuma - client, account, customer]

tuki - paint, draw [tukopa - painter, tukuta - brush, tukosa - color, tukose - colorful, tukosoki - dye, colorize, tukosoka - dyeing, colorization, kutukosoki - decolor, decolorize, kutukosoka - decolorization, tukosokuta - dye (chemicals), pigment, paint (noun), kutukosokuta - decolorant, tukosasenpisetoka - color blindness, tukosasenpisetoke - color-blind, tukosasenpisetokata - color-blind person, kilentetukosa - gray, tukosepimana - rainbow, seletukosokuta - watercolor, seletuka - watercolor painting, onketukosokuta - oil color, onketuka - oil color painting, paketukosokuta - crayon, tukemi - art (verb), tukema - art (noun), tukeme - artistic, tukemopa - artist, tukemela - art (scholarship), tukipa - painting room, tukanta - picture, tukantama - canvas]

tesi - sculpture [tesuta - carving knife, tesopa - sculptor, tesema - statue, tesuma - statuette]

topi - sit [toputa - chair, toputema - sofa, toputuma - cushion]

ita - language [itela - linguistics, itelapolopa - linguist, itakupansoki - translate, interpret, itakupansokopa - translator (job), interpreter (job), itakupansokuta - translator (object), interpreter (object), sotentenita - pidgin, creole]

suli - rest [sulipa - restroom (for rest, not toilet)]

pili - answer, solve [kupili - question (verb), kupiloki - problematize, kupile - problematic, questioning, kupila - question (noun), questionnaire, problem, piloka - explanation, piloki - explain, piloke - explanatory, kupilepa - curiosity, kupilepe - curious, kupilepo - curiously]

leti - trust, believe [letoki - promise (verb), letoka - promise (noun), kuletoki - betray, kuletoka - betrayal, letitoke - believable, trustworthy, letisetoke - unbelievable, untrustworthy, letena - credit (noun), leteni - credit (verb), letenitoke - creditable, letenitoko - creditably, letenomi - credit trade (verb), letenoma - credit trade (noun), letenomuta - credit card]

poli - work [polipa - working place, company, polopa - worker, poloki - employ, polokata - employer, polokenta - employee, poloka - employment, sepoloka - unemployment, sepolokanta - unemployed person, polene - workaholic, polena - workaholic person, polenepa - workaholism, polepa - job, unomatepola - physical labor, blue collar job, unomatopolopa - physical worker, unomatopolipa - manual workplace, unomatopoli - physically work, sejunomatepola - non-physical labor, jelomatepolopa - office worker, clerk, jelomatepola - office work, white collar job, jelomatepolipa - office, polema - business, polemopa - businessman, polemipa - enterprise, company, pemepolema - public business, kupemepolema - private business, pemepolemipa - public company, public enterprise, kupemepolemipa - private company, private enterprise, pemepola - public affair, pemopoli - publicly work, kupemepola - private affair, kupemopoli - privately work, pemepolopa - official, officer, public worker, kupemepolopa - private worker, pemepolemopa - public businessman, kupemepolemopa - private businessman]

neki - like [nekemi - adore, nekema - adoration, nekemitoke - adorable, nekemitoko - adorably, nekemitoka - adorableness, kuneki - hate (verb), kunekemi - despise, kunekema - contempt, kunekeme - contemptuous, kunekemo - contemptuously, kuneka - hate (noun), disgust (noun), kunekoki - disgust (verb), kunekokate - disgusting, kunekokante - disgusted, kunekokantena - vomit (noun), kunekokanteni - vomit (verb), seneki - dislike (verb), nekitoke - likable, nekitoka - likableness, pemanekante - popular, pemanekanta - popularity, pemanekantena - popular one]

sonsa - apple [nupesonsa - pear, sonsuma - hawthorn (fruit), sonsejonsesuta - cider (apple wine), sonseponsa - cider (apple juice), tenkutesonsa - cherry]

kina - onion [nupekatekina - green onion]

sensa - tomato [sensuma - cherry tomato, sensekanpa - ketchup (Caution! : sense kanpa - tomato sauce, sensekanpa - ketchup)]

tinsa - potato [unsetinsa - sweet potato, onkomentetinsan - chips (french fries)]

penka - melon [selepenka - watermelon, kujunsepenka - cucumber]

tamona - pine [tamonesonsa - pineapple]

tonka - grape [tonkejonsesuta - wine, tonkejonsesutema - brandy]

lisa - dog [lisuma - puppy, kulisa - cat, kulisuma - kitten, kitty, kulisumesutanta - mouse, rat, kulisumesutantuma - pup]

lima - wolf [limuma - pup, whelp]

tisa - fox [tisuma - kit, cub, pup, tiseka - tod, dog-fox, tisika - vixen]

nensa - leopard [pakeselumenensa - snow leopard, Amelikenensa - jaguar]

nenka - tiger [nenkeka - tiger (male), nenkika - tigress (female)]

ninka - lion [ninkeka - lion (male), ninkika - lioness (female)]

sami - talk [samata - talker, kusami - be silent, be quiet, kusama - silence, kusame - silent, quiet, kusamo - silently, quietly, samemi - shout (verb), clamor, samema - shout (noun), samumi - whisper (verb), mutter (verb), samuma - whisper (noun), mutter (noun), samuli - phone (verb), samuluta - phone (noun), samulutuma - cellphone, samulutema - payphone, samemi - communicate, samema - communication, sameme - communicative, samemopa - communicator, samemitoke - communicable, samemitoka - communicability]

mona - wheel [monomi - drive (verb), ride (verb), monoma - drive (noun), ride (noun), monomuta - vehicle, kitamonemonomuta - bicycle, ketamonemonomuta - tricycle, kitamonemonomuta - quadracycle, kipopatemonomuta - truck, pememonomuta - public transportation, tupemonomuta - bus, kutupemonomuta - taxi, monomutela - traffic (noun), monomutele - traffic (adjective), monomutelekipika - traffic light, selomatemona - waterwheel, kululemona - cog, cogwheel, gear]

aso - fast [asoki - speed (verb), asata - rabbit, asateka - buck, asatika - doe (female rabbit), asatuma - bunny, asatema - hare, kujaso - slow (adverb), kujase - slow (adjective), kujasata - tortoise, selekujasata - turtle, kujasoki - slow down, asokuta - accelerator, kujasokuta - brake, asemo - rapidly, kujasemo - sluggishly, aseme - rapid, kujaseme - sluggish, asema - rapidness, kujasema - sluggishness]

kipi - send, deliver, commit [kipopa - delivery man, kipala - parcel, kipanta - agenda, freight, kipantipa - committee]

tanka - letter [tankakipopa - postman, tankala - stamp, tankama - envelope, kusenetanka - email (noun), kusenetanki - email (verb)]

mina - world, ground [minepapema - earth, globe, ulemina - sky, heaven, minuma - nation, country, minepapemuma - continent, minepapemume - continental, minume - national, minumo - nationally, kumine - local, kumino - locally, mineme - interplanetary, kujulemina - underground (noun), hell, kujulemine - underground (adjective), infernal, kujuleminipa - basement, minula - island, minela - geography, minelepolopa - geographer, uleminepa - weather, uleminepomi - weather forecast (verb), uleminepoma - weather forecast (noun), uleminepomopa - weather forecaster, uleminepela - meteorology, uleminepele - meterological, uleminepelepolepa - meteorologist]

mela - star [melila - galaxy, melilema - universe, melileme - universal (not just global), melilemo - universally, meluma - planet, melumuma - moon, kulukentemelumuma - satellite, melileninena - milky way (literal translation : "galaxy's way"), melilaka - our galaxy]

puse - hot [kupuse - cold, kupusa - coldness, kupuso - coldly, kupuseme - freezing, kupusume - chilly, kupusuma - chill, kupusemipa - polar region, kupusemipe - polar (climate), mikekupusemipa - Arctica, mikekupusemipe - Arctic, kumikekupusemipa - Antarctica, kumikekupusemipe - Antarctic, kupusipa - subarctic climate zone, kupusipe - subarctic, kupusoki - cool down, kupusokuta - cooler, refrigerator, pusemipa - tropic, equator, pusemipe - tropical, equatorial, pusemipo - tropically, pusumipa - temperate climate zone, pumusipe - temperate, pusoki - heat (verb), pusoka - heat (noun), pusokuta - heater, stove, puseme - blazing, pusume - warm, kupusokipa - cooling room, pusokipa - heating room, pusela - temperature, puseli - measure (temperature), puseluta - thermometer, puselapansata - homothermy, puselakupansata - poikilotherm, kupusekusinpa - cold (disease)]

suki - finish [kusuki - start (verb), begin, kusuka - start (noun), startup, kusukata - beginner, starter, sukata - master (noun), expert (noun), professional (noun), sukate - expert (adjective), professional (adjective), sukati - master (verb), sukatoki - professionalize, sukatoka - professionalization, kusukata - amateur, kusukate - amateurish, sukena - tail, underling, kusukena - head, chief, ukipekusukena - principal]

tula - home, house, shelter [tulejulena - roof, tulapepola - homework, tulila - apartment, tulosa - room, tulapansokopa - housekeeper, tulomi - live in, tulomantetulosa - living room, tulela - address, kusenetulela - email address, tuluma - dormitory, tulomenta - hometown]

sumi - let, allow [kusumi - reject, kusuma - rejection, sumitoke - allowable, sumisetoke - unallowable]

toli - play [toluta - toy, tolipa - playground]

kinpa - box [upokekinpa - television, tenkekinpa - radio]

tenki - sound [tenkoki - ring, tenkuta - bell, sound equipment, instrument, tenkena - thunder, tenkitoke - soundable, tenkala - voice (noun), tenkali - voice (verb), tenkale - voiced, kutenkale - voiceless, tenkaluta - throat, tenkalutekusinka - sore throat]

tenpi - hear [tenpemi - listen, tenputa - ear, tenpoki - let one listen, tenpokanta - music, tenpokantela - musicology, tenpokopa - musician, tenpokipa - music room, tenpokuta - gramophone, recorder, record, music CD, audio, tenpitoke - hearable, tenpitoka - hearing ability, tipukisetoke - deaf (adjective) tenkisetoka - hearing impairment, tenkisetokata - deaf (noun), tenpokali - sing, tenpokalanta - song, tenpokalopa - singer]

senki - look [senkepa - lookism, pinosenke - good-looking, beautiful, handsome, pinosenkume - pretty, pinesenka - beauty, pinesenkuma - prettiness, pinesenkena - beauty (human), kupinosenke - bad-looking, ugly, kupinesenka - ugliness]

senpi - see, sight [senpemi - notice (verb), observe, senputa - telescope, microscope, senpema - notice (noun), observation, senputa - eye, senpoki - show (verb), exhibit (verb), imaginate, senpoka - show (noun), exhibition, imaging, senpokuta - mirror, senpokipa - gallery, tukasenpokipa - art gallery, molenasenpokipa - museum, senpokata - exhibitor, senpokanta - image, exhibit (noun), senpokuta - video, senpokutetasa - video game, senpitoke - able to see, senpitoka - visual ability, senpisetoke - blind (adjective), senpisetoka - visual impairment, senpisetokata - blind (noun), senpena - experience (noun), senpene - experiential, senpeni - experience (verb), senpenepa - empiricism, senpenepata - empiricist]

tunpi - smell [tunputa - nose, tunputakusinka - runny nose, tunputakusinke - runny, tunpoki - make one smell, smell-test, tunpoka - smell-testing, tunpena - perfume, kutunpe - smelly, tunpitoke - able to smell, tunpitoka - smell ability, tunpisetoka - dysosmia, tunpisetokata - smell impaired person, mimepetunputena - elephant]

tasa - game [tasipa - game room, tasopa - professional gamer]

toke - able [tokoki - enable, setoka - inability, tokani - become able, setoke - unable, disable, tokene - capable, tokena - capability, tokeno - capably, tokenani - become capable, setokene - incapable, tokenoki - qualify, certify, tokenoka - qualification, certification, tokenokena - certificate, license, tokenokopa - qualifier, tokula - chance (noun), tokule - chance (adjective)]

ulo - up [kujulo - down (adverb), kujule - down (adjective), kujula - down (noun), kujuloki - down (verb), uleme - upper, uleminepa - height (for the objects connected to the ground), ulominepe - tall, high (for the objects connected to the ground) ulokuminepe - short, low (for the objects connected to the ground), uleminepula - height (for the objects apart from the ground), ulominepule - high (for the objects apart from the ground), ulokuminepule - low (for the objects apart from the ground), ulata - ceiling, kujulata - floor]

suti - eat, drink [sutalintomuta - fork, menkesututa - chopsticks, sutama - dish, sutoki - feed, sutitoke - edible, sutisetoke - inedible, sutisetokani - spoil, sutisetokanenta - spoiled food, sutisetokanente - spoiled, sutela - taste (noun), suteli - taste (verb), sutele - tasty, delicious, sutipa - dining room, munalesuta - breakfast, tikenalesuta - lunch, mukunalesuta - dinner, supper, sututa - mouth, sututosa - tooth, sututesela - saliva, sututosekusinpa - toothache, sututosaselomuta - toothpaste, sututosemamokuta - toothbrush (literal translation : "tooth broom"), sututosomi - chew (verb), sututosoma - chew (noun), sututosometapaka - chewing tobacco, sutelitoke - able to taste, sutelitoka - taste ability, sutelisetoka - dysgeusia, sutelisetokata - taste impaired person, musuta - appetizer, kumusuta - dessert, sutinenpa - appetite, sutinenpoki - appetize, sutinenpoke - appetizing, sutinenpoko - appetizingly, tikesuta - snack (noun), tikesuti - snack (verb), selesuta - soup, selesutasututa - spoon, selumesuta - stew, sutata - predator, sutanta - prey, tunpesutela - flavor (noun), tunposutele - flavorful, tunpesuteloki - flavor (verb), jusesutata - pig, jusesutatena - pork, jusesutatuma - piglet, upatasutata - carnivore, sutapimipa - restaurant, cafeteria]

unsa - sugar [kupakijunsa - sugar-free, tonkejunsa - glucose, grape sugar, unsasutata - bear, unsema - starch, unseme - starchy, unsesela - sugar water, unseponsa - syrup, unsesuta - candy, unsele - sweet, unsela - sweetness, unseloki - sweeten, unselokuta - sweetener, unselenan - sweets, tapejunsa - white sugar, tunpejunsa - caramel]

enpa - salt (noun) [enposa - chlorine (literal translation : "element of salt"), enpesela - salt water, enposesena - hydrochloric acid, enpele - salty, enpela - saltiness, enpeloki - salt (verb)]

onsa - poison [sejonse - non-poisonous, onsesuta - alcoholic drink, liquor, onsosute - alcoholic, kujonsesuta - non-alcoholic drink, kujonsosute - non-alcoholic, onsesutema - distilled spirit, liqueur, onsele - bitter, onsela - bitterness, onsesutosa - alcohol]

tine - happy [kutine - sad, setine - unhappy, kutina - sadness, kutino - sadly, setina - unhappiness, setino - unhappily, tineme - delightful, tinemoki - delight (verb), tinema - delight (noun), kutinemoki - grieve, kutineme - grievous, kutinema - grief, kutinemo - grievously, tinoki - please]

puti - need [seputi - need not, sepute - unnecessary, unneeded, seputo - unnecessarily, putemi - require, putema - requirement, puteme - superfluous, seputeme - needless]

lipuse - likely [selipuse - unlikely, selipusa - unlikeliness]

sane - red [sanani - turn red (face), ripe (red fruit), sanana - ripening, sanoki - ripen (red fruit), sanonupe - orange (adjective), sanenupa - orange (color), sanenupena - orange (fruit), sanenupenuma - tangerine, sanokate - purple, violet (adjective), sanekata - purple, violet (noun)]

nupe - yellow [nupani - turn yellow (face), ripe (crop), nupana - jaundice, ripening, nupoki - ripen (crop), nupokate - green (adjective), nupekata - green (noun), nupena - sulfur (literal translation : "yellow stuff (element)"), nupene - sulfuric, nupenesena - sulfuric acid, sekosenupena - hydrogen sulfide, nupemema - blond, nupememe - blonde]

kate - blue [katani - turn blue (face), kateme - indigo (adjective), deeply blue, katema - indigo (noun), deep blue, ulominokate - sky blue (adjective), ulominekata - sky blue (noun)]

mupe - brown (adjective) [mupani - brown (intransitive verb), mupoki - brown (transitive verb), mupesuta - brownie]

tape - white (adjective), blank (adjective), empty, vacant [kutape - full, black (adjective), kutapa - fullness, black (noun), kutapo - fully, darkly, kutapoki - fill, blacken, stain (verb) kutapokuta - tapoki - whiten, vacate, erase, bleach (verb), tapoka - erasure, bleach (noun), tapokuta - whitener, eraser, bleach (chemicals) taposane - pink (adjective), tapesana - pink (noun), tapesoka - white (person), kutapesoka - black (person), tapena - hole, tapene - hollow, tapenipa - cave, tapenipema - cavern (noun), tapenipe - cavernous, tapenoki - cavern (verb), tapenipoko - cavernously, tapala - purity, tapale - pure, tapaloki - purify, tapaloka - purification, tapalepa - purism, tapalepata - purist]

sinpa - health [kusinpa : sickness, illness, disease, kusinpe : sick, ill, sinpipa - hospital, sinpopa - doctor, healer, sinpela - medicine (scholarship), sinpele - medicinal, sinpumi - nurse (verb), sinpumopa - nurse (noun, job), sinpumela - nursing (scholarship), sinputa - medicine (object), pakesinputa - pill, pinkesinputa - powdered medicine, ponsesinputa - potion, liquid medicine, sinputekutoma - medicinal herb, kutomesinputa - herbal medicine, sinputapimipa - pharmacy (place), sinputapimopa - pharmacist, sinputela - pharmacy (scholarship), sinputele - pharmaceutical, sinpanta - patient (noun), sinpanoki - exercise, sinpanokena - sports]

nala - day [kunala - night, nalekipika - daylight, munala - morning, mukunala - evening, sanenala - holiday, Sunday (literal translation : "red day"), kotekutapenala - Monday (literal translation : "first black day"), kitekutapenala - Tuesday (literal translation : "second black day"), ketekutapenala - Wednesday (literal translation : "third black day"), katekutapenala - Thursday (literal translation : "fourth black day"), lutekutapenala - Friday (literal translation : "fifth black day"), katenala - Saturday (literal translation : "blue day"), kutapenala - weekday (literal translation : "black day"), sekutapenala - weekend (literal translation : "not black day"), nonala - today, nonaluma - yesterday, nonalema - tomorrow, nalema - week, nalemema - month, nalememila - year, naluma - time, nalosema - minute, nalosa - second, tikenala - noon, tikekunala - midnight, nalala - calendar, nalumala - clock, nalumaluma - watch, nalumalema - clock tower]

mika - north [kumika - south, kumike - southern, mikala - compass, mikalomi - direct, mikaloma - direction, mikalela - magnetism, mikalele - magnetic, mikalelena - magnet, mikalelekenka - iron (noun, literal translation : "magnetic metal"), mikalelekelite - iron (adjective)]

monka - east [kumonka - west, kumonke - western, mikemonka - northeast, kumikemonka - southeast, mikekumonka - northwest, kumikekumonka - southwest, mikemonke - northeastern, kumikemonke - southeastern, mikekumonke - northwestern, kumikekumonke - southwestern, monkela - orient, monkele - oriental, monkelepa - orientalism, kumonkela - occident, kumonkele - occidental, kumonkelepa - occidentalism, Monkemina - Asia, Monkemine - Asian (adjective)]

kisa - right (noun) [kisakulinkoki - exercise (right), rights movement, kisakulinkokata - activist, pemekisa - civil right]

punpi - declare [punputa - oath]

soka - human-being [sokoki - humanize, kusokoki - dehumanize, sokosa - human (individual), sokema - group, sokepa - humanism, sokepata - humanist, sokasutata - cannibal, sokasutepa - cannibalism, nesasoka - race (literal translation : "type of human"), nesasokepa - racism, nesasokepata - racist, lusoka - senior, kulusoka - junior, sokeka - man, sokika - woman, sokeke - masculine, sokike - feminine, sokekepa - masculism, sokikepa - feminism, sokekepata - masculist, sokikepata - feminist]

teka - document [sukijuketeka - thesis, paper]

luki - bear [lukente - born, muluke - pregnant, muluka - pregnancy, lukenta - baby, lukentenala - birthday, lukela - nature, naturality, inherence, innateness, lukele - natural, inherent, innate, lukelela - (natural) science, lukelejupata - wild animal, lukelelapolopa - (natural) scientist, lukelelosa - mathematics, lukelelosapolopa - mathematician, lukelo - naturally, inherently, innately, lukeloki - naturalize, lukeloka - naturalization, kulukela - artificiality, kulukelente - artificial, acquired, kulukelento - artificially, kulukeli - artificialize, acquire, lukentepe - native (adjective), lukentepa - native (noun)]

leke - free [lekepa - liberalism, lekepata - liberalist, lekepate - liberal, lekoki - liberate, free (verb), kuleke - suppressed, controlled, kulekoka - suppression, control (noun) kulekoki - suppress, control (verb), kulekokata - suppressor, controller, kulekokanta - puppet, kulekokuta - shackle]

panse - same, equal [pansume - similar, alike, pansuma - similarity, pansumi - resemble, pansumo - similarly, pansumoki - similarize, kupanse - different, various, kupansi - differ, vary, kupansa - difference, variety, kupanso - differently, kupansoki - change, kupansokali - exchange (verb), trade (verb), kupansokala - exchange (noun), trade (noun), kupansokitoke - changeable, kupansokitoka - changeability, kupansokalitoke - exchangeable, tradable, kupansokalitoka - exchangeability, tradability, kupansokalopa - trader, operator, pansoki - keep, maintain, pansokitoke - maintainable, pansokitoka - maintainability, pansokopa - keeper, tensapansokopa - goalkeeper, pansanoki - assimilate, pansanoka - assimilation, pansesokan - twins, pansanepa - (cultural) assimilation, kupansanepa - multiculturalism, kupansane - multicultural, pansanepata - assimilist, kupansanepata - multiculturalist, pansekeka - equal education, minumapansokopa - soldier, minumapansokata - army, military (noun), minumapansokate - military (adjective), selilapansokata - navy, selilapansokopa - sailor (in navy), ulominepansokata - air force, ulominepansokopa - airman]

linki- give, donate, gift (verb) [kulinki - receive, kulinka - receipt, linkumi - lend, linkuma - loan, kulinkumi - borrow, kulinkuma - tenancy, linkente - talented, gifted, linkenta - gifted person, selinkente - ungifted, selinkenta - ungifted person, linkentakeka - gifted education, linkumitoke - lendable, linkumitoko - lendably, pilinki - return, give back, linkata - donor, kulinkata - recipient, linkanta - gift (noun), present, donated stuff, talent, linkumata - renter, landlord, kulinkumata - borrower, tenant, linkumanta - loaner, kulinkumanta - debt, kulinkitoke - receivable, linkitoke - alienable, linkisetoke - inalienable, kulinkisetoke - unreceivable, linkemi - welfare (verb), linkema - welfare (noun), linkemopa - welfare worker, linkemanta - welfare recipient, linkena - gene, DNA, linkene - genetic, linkeno - genetically, linkenela - genetics, linkenelapolopa - geneticist, linkenosa - phosphorus (literal translation : "element of DNA"), linkenosepe - phosphoric, linkenosepa - phosphate (noun), linkenosepoki - phosphate (verb), linkenosepesena - phosphoric acid]

nika - reason [nikepa - rationalism, nikepata - rationalist, kunika - emotion, kunike - emotional, kuniko - emotionally, nikata - reasonable person, kunikata - emotional person, kunikepa - emotivism, kunikepata - emotivist]

tipe - conscious, conscientious [setipe - unconscious, setipa - unconsciousness, setipo - unconsciously]

upi - act, move [upala - transfer (noun), conduction, transport (noun), upali - transfer (verb), conduct, transport (verb), upale - conductive, upenuta - transportation, conductor (tool), upalopa - transporter, upalena - transference, conductivity, uputa - motor, uputema - engine, kujupi - react, stop (verb), kujupumi - pause (verb), kujupa - reaction, stop (noun), kujupuma - pause (noun), kujupe - reactive, static, passive, sejupe - inactive, kujuputa - stopper, brake, upoki - activate, motivate, upoka - activation, motivation, upokena - activity, upokuta - activator, motivator, kujupoki - relieve, deactivate, suppress, inhibit, kujupoka - relievation, deactivation, suppression, inhibition, kujupoke - suppressive, inhibitive, kujupokuta - reliever, relaxant, suppressor, inhibitor, upopa - actor (both men and women), upopeka - actor, upopika - actress, upoki - animate, upoka - animation, upokopa - animator, upata - animal, upati - hunt (verb), upata - hunt (noun), upatopa - hunter (for job), upatata - hunter (not for job), upateka - male animal, upatika - female animal, upateke - male (adjective), upatike - female (adjective), upatomi - rear, breed, farm (for animal, verb) upatoma - breeding, upatomipa - farm (for animal, noun), upatomipopa - breeder, upatomanta - cattle, livestock, upatena - meat, upatenosa - protein, upatenapimipa - butcher shop, upatenoli - slaughter (verb), upatenola - slaughter (noun), upatenolopa - butcher, upatenolipa - slaughterhouse, upatenolepa - slaughter industry, ulojupi - climb, take off, ulojupata - climber, ulojuputa - climbing stick, kujulojupi - descend, land, ulejupa - climbing, take-off, kujulejupa - descent, landing, sukumojupi - jump (verb), sukumejupa - jump (noun), sukumejupopa - jumper (athlete), selapojupi - swim (verb), selapejupa - swim (noun), selapejupipa - pool, selapejupopa - swimmer, seleminejupata - amphibia, selejupata - fish (alive, noun), selejupati - fish (verb), selejupatanta - fish (for food or caught), selejupatopa - fisher (for job), selejupatata - fisher (not for job), selejupatepa - fishing, selejupatosa - gill, kansejupata - beast, kujupekusela - static electricity, jupekusela - dynamic electricity, kuselajupale - electrically conductive, kuselasejupale - electrically inconductive, kuselajupala - electrical conductivity, pukosajupale - thermally conductive, pukosasejupale - thermally inconductive, pukosajupala - heat conductivity, jupalata - conductor, jupalatuma - semiconductor, sejupalata - insulator, kuselajupaluta - electric wire, kuselajupalutosa - copper (literal translation : "element of electric wire"), kuselajupalutose - cupric, nemameselejupata - shellfish, upena - behavior, upeni - behave, upene - behavioral, upeno - behaviorally]

somuli - fly [somulena - wing, somulopa - pilot, somulata - bird, kansesomulata - raptor, tukosesomulata - peacock, somulatuma - egg, somulatekeluta - plane, kunalesomulata - owl]

somala - vulture [tapejulesomala - eagle]

eki - walk [ekemi - run (verb), ekema - run (noun), ekumi - crawl, grovel, creep, ekuta - leg, ekutala - knee, kitajekutaman - pants, ekutama - skirt, ekutaman - skirts, ekutuma - foot, ekutumala - ankle, ekutumomi - kick, ekutumomenta - soccerball, ekutumomena - soccer, ekutumomenopa - soccer player, ekutumomenata - kicker (in soccer), ekutumama - shoe, ekemena - running race, ekemopa - runner, ekumata - reptile, ekutalema - thigh, ekutaluma - calf, lokajekutena - insect, likajekutena - spider]

lonpa - insect [lonpuma - larva, lonpumama - pupa, menselonpa - silk moth, menselonpuma - silkworm, lonpemensa - silk (fiber), lonpemensena - silk fabric, lonpemensene - silk (adjective), lonpajupatoma - sericulture, lonpajupatomopa - silk farmer, lonpakuponpoka - insecticide, lonpakuponpoke - insecticidal, lonpakuponpokuta - pesticide]

linpa - spider [linpena - web, net, linpenela - network (noun), linpeneli - network (verb), unelinpenela - nerve, unelinpenele - nervous, nervy, unelinpenelosa - neuron, unelinpenelose - neuronal]

kenka - metal [nupekenka - gold (literal translation : "yellow metal"), nupekenke - golden, ponsekenka - mercury (literal translation : "liquid metal"), ponsekenke - mercuric, kilentekenka - silver (noun, literal translation : "gray metal"), kilentekenke - silver (adjective), kenkejenposa - sodium, tapekinkatekenka - magnesium (literal translation : "metal which emits white light"), kutankekankekenka - aluminum (literal translation : "metal of clay"), kenkekilenta - rust (noun), kenkekilente - rusty, kenkakili - rust (verb), sekilatekenka - tin (noun, literal translation : "metal which doesn't rust"), sekilatekenke - tin (adjective)]

tonsi - know [pitonsi - remember, pitonsa - memory, pitonsoki - remind, review, pitonsoka - reminder, pitonsoka - reminder (person), pitonsena - history, pitonsene - historic, historical, pitonseno - historically, pitonsenela - history (scholarship), pitonsenelapolopa - historian, asopitonsi - commemorate, asepitonsa - memorial, asepitonsena - funeral, setonsi - not know, kutonsi - ignore (fail to consider), kutonsa - ignorance, kutonse - ignorant, kutonso - ignorantly, tonsani - realize, recognize, understand, natonsani - misunderstand, tonsana - realization, recognition, tonsoki - teach (wider meaning than "kujuki", make one learn or make one realize), tonsanitoke - realizable, recognizable, understandable, natonsanitoke - misunderstandable, tonsekinpa - computer, tonsekinpema - supercomputer, tonsekinpuma - minicomputer, tonsekinpipa - computer lounge, PC room, tonsekinpetasa - computer game, tonsekinpila - internet, tonsekinpiluma - intranet, pematonsante - famous, pematonsanto - famously, sepematonsante - anonymous, unknown, sepematonsanto - anonymously, tonsekinpetulela - website, homepage, jelapetonsekinpe - desktop, laptop]

oma - basis, foundation [kujoma - top (noun), auxiliary (noun), kujome - top (adjective), auxiliary (adjective)]

poke - right (adjective) [pokoki - correct (verb), pokoka - correction, pokokuta - corrector, kupoke - wrong, kupoka - wrongness, kupoko - wrongly]

jute - peaceful [jutepa - pacifism, jutepata - pacifist, juteselila - Pacific ocean, kujuta - confrontation, conflict (noun), strife, upheaval, kujutema - war (noun), battle (noun), kujutemi - war (verb), fight, battle (verb), kukujutemepa - anti-warism, kujute - confrontational, conflicting, contentious, discordant, kujuti - conflict (verb), strive, rapidly change, kujutoke - conflictive, jutena - pigeon, kujutena - hawk]

kepi - regard [kukepi - disregard, ignore, kukepa - ignorance, kukepe - ignorant, kukepo - ignorantly, kepoki - draw attention]

tepa - result [kutepa - cause (noun), kutepi - cause (verb)]

pine - good [kupine - bad, kupino - badly, kupina - badness, kupineme - evil, kupinemo - evilly, kupinema - evilness, pinoki - promote, improve, pinoka - promotion, improvement, pinokitoke - promotable, improvable, pinokitoka - promotability, improvability, pineme - excellent, pinemo - excellently, pinema - excellence, kupinoki - deteriorate, kupinoka - deterioration, pinena - angel, kupinena - devil]

tena - joy, amusement [tenoki - enjoy, amuse, tenipa - amusement park, tenokenta - hobby, tenepa - hedonism, kutena - misery, sorrow, kutene - sorrowful, miserable, kuteno - sorrowfully, miserably]

timi - say, speak [kutime - speechless, silent, kutimo - speechlessly, silently, kutima - speechlessness, silence, timala - (old) saying, proverb, kutimi - listen, kutima - listening, kutimata - listener, pitimi - repeat, pitimata - parrot, timena - symbol (expressing stuff)]

sinka - fear [kusinke - fearless, brave, courageous, kusinko - fearlessly, bravely, courageously, kusinka - fearlessness, braveness, courage, sinkoki - scare (verb), sinkoke - scary, sinkoka - scare (noun), sinkoke - scarily, kusinkoki - give courage]

nenpi - want, hope, wish, desire [nenpela - dream (noun), nenpeli - dream (verb), nenpoki - tempt, attract, nenpoka - temptation, attraction, nenpoke - tempting, attractive, nenpoko - temptingly, attractively]

sikule - high, honored, dignified, respectful, graceful, prideful, glorious [kusikule - low, humiliated, disgraceful, kusikulo - lowly, disgracefully, kusikula - lowness, humiliation, disgrace, kusikuloki - lower, be humble, kusikuloke - humble, kusikuloko - humbly, kusikuloka - humility, sikuloki - pride (verb), sikuloke - self-satisfied, arrogant, sikuloka - arrogance, self-satisfaction, sikuloko - arrogantly, sikulena - great man, minesikulena - general, selilesikulena - admiral]

piti - rule [pitopa - president, prime minister, pitipa - government, pitipopa - governor, pitopeka - king, pitopika - queen, pitata - ruler, pitanta - ruled (noun), pemapita - democratic rule, pemapitipa - democratic government, pemapitepa - democracy, pemapitepe - democratic, pemapitepoki - democratize, pemapitepoka - democratization, kupemapita - tyranny, kupemapitepa - dictatorship, kupemapitepe - dictatorial, kupemapitepoka - autocratization, kupemapitepopa - dictator, tonepitopa - mayor]

pota - law [potuma - charter, potopa - lawyer, potomi - execute, judge (verb), potomoki - accuse, potomoka - accusation, potominta - defendant, potomoketa - accuser, potojupitoke - legal, potojupisetoke - illegal, potojupitoko - legally, potojupisetoko - illegally, potojupitoka - legality, potejukuta - code of laws, potomipa - judiciary, court, potomopa - judge (job), potakeli - legislate, potakela - legislation, potakelipa - legislature, potakelopa - lawmaker, potakulipi - flout, potakulipa - crime, potometaka - punishment, potomotakoli - punish]

taka - force, strength [takala - power (noun), authority, takale - powerful, authoritative, takalo - powerfully, authoritatively, takaloli - power (verb), kutakale - powerless, kutakalo - powerlessly, takaloki - authorize, takaloka - authorization, kutakaloki - deprive, forfeit (verb), kutakaloka - deprivation, forfeit (noun), takela - physics, mechanics, takelapolopa - physicist, mechanical scientist, takelene - physical, mechanical, takeleno - physically, mechanically, kujuketakela - statics, uketakela - dynamics, takoki - strengthen, takoka - strengthening, takomi - work (verb, physics), energize, charge (noun), enforce, compel, takoma - work (noun, physics), charging, enforcement, compulsion, kutaka - weakness, kutake - weak, kutakoki - weaken, kutako - weakly, takena - topdog, kutakena - underdog, kutakenetopa - priority seat (literal translation : "seat for weak person"), takenepa - overdogma, kutakenepa - underdogma, takokuta - strengthener, kutakokuta - weakener, takometa - energization, takomenta - energy, takomente - energetic, energized, takomento - energetically, kutakomi - exhaust (verb), discharge (verb), kutakomete - exhausting, discharging (adjective), kutakomente - exhausted, discharged, kutakomenta - exhaust (noun), discharging (noun)]

moki - have [mokata - owner, mokatepa - ownership, mokanta - owned stuff, pememokante - commonly owned, pememoka - public ownership, pememokoki - communize, pememokoka - communization, sepememokoki - decommunize, sepememokoka - decommunization, pememokepa - communism, pememokepe - communistic, pememokepata - communist, nememokante - privately owned, nememoka - private ownership, nememokoki - privatize, nememokoka - privatization, nememokanta - wealth, capital, nememoke - wealthy, nememokata - capitalist, wealthy person, nememokepa - capitalism, nememokepe - capitalistic]

mapi - depend on, rely on [mapitoke - dependable, relevant, reliable, mapitoka - dependability, relevance, reliability, mapitoko - dependably, relevantly, reliably, mapisetoke - irrelevant, unreliable, mapisetoka - irrelevance, mapisetoko - irrelevantly, unreliably]

kanse - violent [kansepa - hooliganism, kansata - hooligan, mob, kansoma - riot, kansoki - provoke, brutalize, kansoka - provocation, brutalization, kansoke - provocative, kansoko - provocatively, kukanse - calm (adjective), moderate (adjective), kukansa - calmness, moderation, kukansi - calm (verb), moderate (verb), kukanso - calmly, moderately, kukansepa - moderatism, kukansepata - moderatist, sekanse - nonviolent, sekansa - nonviolence, sekansoma - nonviolent resistance, kukansoki - relax, relieve, comfort (verb), kukansoka - relaxation, relievation, comfort (noun), kukansokitoke - comfortable, kukansokisetoke - uncomfortable, kukansokuta - relaxant, buffer]

oti - develop [pijoti - redevelop, pijota - redevelopment, otentipa - developed region, developed country, otatipa - developing region, developing country, otata - developer, sejotentipa - undeveloped region, undeveloped country]

osa - friend [kujosa - enemy, kujose - inimical, kujosi - split (up), kujoso - inimically, osela - friendship, kujosela - hostility, kujosele - hostile, kujoseloki - hostilize, kujoseloka - hostilization, oseka - boyfriend, osika - girlfriend]

apo - together [apemi - unify, apema - unification, apenta - link, system, apementipa - united country, united region, apementila - union, apitoke - connectable, kujapi - split (verb), separate (verb), dissect (verb), disconnect, kujape - split (adjective), separate (adjective), separative, kujapa - separation, dissection, kujapela - anatomy (scholarship), kujapo - separately, kujapitoke - separable, kujapentipa - separated country, separated region, kujapentila - separated group, aputa - joint, screw, hinge, apopa - repairman, piapi - reunite, piapentila - reunion, apena - lace, apenomi - tie (lace)]

mansi - confirm [pimansi - reconfirm, pimansa - reconfirmation, mansuta - checklist]

mola - worth, price [kumola - worthlessness, cheapness, kumole - cheap, worthless, kumolo - cheaply, worthlessly, molena - treasure, moloki - enhance, upgrade (verb), moloka - enhancement, upgrade (noun) kumoloki - downgrade (verb), kumoloka - downgrade (noun), molopa - appraiser]

lomi - decide [lomata - decider, lomenta - decided option]

lata - society [latepa - socialism, latepata - socialist, latosa - social member, latila - social network, latekutakena - social underdog, latokutakene - socially disadvantaged]

joma - standard [jomoki - standardize, jomoka - standardization, jomokenta - off-the-shelf, standardized product]

ponpi - live [ponpata - living thing, ponpatela - biology, ponpatelapolopa - biologist, ponpoki - populate, ponpena - organic (noun), ponpene - organic (adjective), ponpenosa - carbon (literal translation : "element of organics"), ponpenosepe - carbonic, ponpenosepa - carbonate (noun), ponpenosepoki - carbonate (verb), ponpenosepesena - carbonic acid, ponpama - environment, ponpame - environmental, ponpamo - environmentally, ponpamojose - environment-friendly, kuponpi - die, kuponpa - death, kuponpe - dead, kuponpala - grave, kuponpalila - graveyard, kuponpeta - corpse, kuponpetama - coffin, kuponpoki - kill (verb), murder (verb), kuponpoka - kill (noun), murder (noun), kuponpokata - killer, murderer, kuponpokopa - killer (for job), kuponpokenta - murdered person, apoponpi - cohabit, apoponpa - cohabitation, apoponpata - roommate, ponpipa - habitat, ponpila - population, takomenteponpenosa - coal (literal translation : "energetic carbon")]

tupa - size [kutupe - small, tupeme - huge, enormous, tupemo - enormously, kutupeme - tiny, fine, kutupemo - finely, tupoki - enlarge, expand, synthesize, tupoka - enlargement, expansion, synthesis, kutupoki - shrink (verb), compress, decompose, kutukopa - shrink (noun), compression, decomposition, tupokitoke - expansible, enlargable, synthesizable, kutupokitoke - compressible, shrinkable, decomposable, tupokuta - enlarger, leavening agent, synthesizer, kutupokuta - shrinker, shrinking agent, decomposer, tupokenta - composite, kutupokenta - decomposed material]

juse - many, much, plentiful, abundant [kujuse - few, little, lacking, kujusa - lack (noun), shortage, kujusi - lack (verb), jusani - increase, kujusani - decrease, jusoki - raise (verb), satisfy, kujusoki - cut down, reduce, jusoka - raise (noun), satisfaction, kujusoka - cut (noun), reduction, juseme - countless, numerous, kujuseme - slight, exiguous, jusemo - countlessly, numerously, kujusemo - slightly, exiguously, jusala - number, amount, jusali - calculate, jusaluta - calculator]

osima - member [osimela - membership]

nipe - true [kunipe - false, kunipa - falseness, lie, kunipata - liar, kunipomi - deceive, kunipoma - deception, kunipomopa - deceiver, kunipena - faux, fake (noun), kunipene - fake (adjective), kunipeni - fake (verb)]

lipi - obey [kulipi - violate, rebel, kulipa - violation, rebellion, kulipe - violative, rebellious, kulipo - violatively, rebelliously, lipena - rule (noun), selipi - disobey, selipa - disobedience, selipe - disobedient, selipo - disobediently, sekanseselipoma - resistance with nonviolence and disobedience, lipoki - subjugate, conquer, lipoka - subjugation, conquest, lipoketa - conqueror, lipokenta - conquered (noun), lipoketipa - empire, lipoketipe - imperial, lipokipepa - imperialism, kulipokipepa - anti-imperialism, lipokentipa - colony]

pele - common [peloki - commonize, peloka - commonization, kupele - rare, kupela - rarity, kupelo - rarely, pelena - common people, kupelena - noble]

tule - important [setule - unimportant]

mipe - real [kumipe - imaginary, virtual, abstract (adjective), kumipa - image, abstract (noun), kumipo - abstractly, virtually, kumipemipa - virtual reality, mipoki - actualize, mipoka - actualization, kumipoki - imagine, abstract (verb), kumipoka - imagination, abstraction, kumipoke - imaginative, mipepa - realism, mipepata - realist, mipepe - realistic, kumipepa - quixotism, romanticism, idealism, kumipepata - quixotist, romanticist, idealist, kumipepe - quixotic, romantic, ideal]

tika - center [kutika - edge (noun), rim, kutikoki - edge (verb), kutikokente - edged, tikoki - centralize, tikepa - centralism, tikepata - centralist, tikena - subject, topic, main issue, tikene - main, subjective, topical, tikeno - mainly, subjectively, topically, kutikena - digression, auxillary (noun), triviality, secondary (noun), kutikene - digressive, auxiliary (adjective), trivial, secondary (adjective), tikekutepa - object, tikekutepe - objective, tikekutepo - objectively, tikenekujukopa - principal (job)]

onpa - organ [onpila - organ system, onpilema - individual living, onpuma - tissue, onposa - cell]

sila - heart, mind [silama - chest, silomi - heartbeat (verb), feel emotion, siloma - heartbeat (noun), feeling, emotion, kusile - heartless, kusilo - heartlessly, silomoki - move (one's heart), silomoke - moving]

siki - strive, try, attempt [nasika - mistrial, trial error, pisiki - retry, reattempt (verb), pisika - retrial, reattempt (noun), sikeni - experiment (verb), sikena - experiment (noun), sikene - experimental, pisikeni - practice (verb), pisikena - practice (noun), sikema - effort, sikemi - make effort, sikeme - effortful, sikemo - effortfully, kusikeme - effortless, kusikemo - effortlessly, konosiki - adventure (verb), konesika - adventure (noun), konosike - adventurous, konosiko - adventurously]

keki - educate [kekente - educated, kekenta - educated person, kekopa - educator, pikeki - re-educate, pikeka - re-education, pikekente - re-educated, pikekenta - re-educated person, sekekente - uneducated, sekekenta - uneducated person, kekitoke - trainable, teachable]

masi - manage [masopa - manager, politician, namasi - mismanage, namasa - mismanagement, masitoke - manageable, masuta - policy, masoki - politicize, masoka - politicization]

sope - safe [sopoki - secure, save, guard, sopokopa - saver, guard (job), sopokopeka - hero, sopokopika - heroine, sopoka - security, kusope - dangerous, kusopa - danger, kusoko - dangerously, kusopoki - endanger, kusopoka - endangerment]

lapi - affect [lapata - influencer, lapate - influential, lapato - influentially, lapepa - effectiveness, lapepe - effective, lapepo - effectively, lapepoki - optimize, lapepoka - optimization, selapepe - ineffective, selapepa - ineffectiveness, selapepo - ineffectively, nalapa - backfire (noun), adverse effect, nalape - adversely effective, nalapoki - backfire (verb), lapala - efficiency, lapale - efficient, lapalo - efficiently, selapale - inefficient, selapalo - inefficiently]

nunka - land, territory [nunkeulemina - airspace, nunkeselila - territorial water, kununkeselila - trans-boundary water]

suni - appear [sunoki - clarify, sunoka - clarification, kusuni - disappear, kusuna - disappearance, sesune - unapparent, unclear, sesuno - unapparently, unclearly]

kapa - coffee [kapesisa - coffee bean, kapapimipa - cafe, coffee shop, kapapimopa - coffee seller, kaposa - caffeine, kaposoki - caffeinate, kapose (= kaposokente) - caffeinated, kaposokumi - decaffeinate, kaposume (= kaposokumente) - decaffeinated, kukaposoki - non-caffeinate, kukapose (= kukaposente) - non-caffeinated]

sa - tea [sanesa - black tea (In Asian culture, it is called "red tea"), nupokatesa - green tea, kutapesa - dark tea (In Asian culture, it is called "black tea"), pontesa - milk tea, tomumesa - tea leaf, pinkesa - tea powder]

pinka - powder [tetepinka - rice flour, kikepinka - wheat flour, sisepinka - bean flour, pinkanoki - pulverize, pinkanoka - pulverization, pinkila - dough, pinkiloki - knead, pinkiloka - kneading, pinkilena - doughnut]

sonpa - bread [sonpakeli - bake (bread), sonpakela - baking (bread), sonpakelipa - bakery, sonpakilopa - baker, satesonpa - sandwich, tetesonpa - rice cake, unsesonpa - cake, kuselesonpa - biscuit, cookie, katamimesonpa - toast, papesonpa - bun, sonpala - pie, nupekilenesonpa - gingerbread]

teta - rice [tetomi - cook rice, tetoma - cooking rice, tetomenta - cooked rice, seletetomenta - rice porridge]

kika - wheat [kikomi - cook wheat, kikoma - cooking wheat, kikomenta - wheat rice (wheat cooked like rice), selekikomenta - wheat porridge, mimepekikomenta - noodle]

misa - barley [misejonsesuta - beer, misejonsesutema - whiskey, misejunsa - maltose]

tensa - door, goal (for sports) [tapetensa - window (literal translation : "blank door"), tensomi - open, kutensomi - close, kutensomemi - lock (adjective), tensoma - opening, kutensoma - closure, tensejopa - indoor (noun), tensekujopa - outdoor (noun), tensejope - indoor (adjective), tensekujope - outdoor (adjective), tensomuta - key, kutensomemuta - lock (noun)]

Amelika - America [Mikejamelika - North America, Kumikejamelika - South America, Tikejamelika - Central America, Latinejamelika - Latin America]

Palata - India [Palateselila - Indian Ocean]

Asija - Asia [Monkejasija - East Asia, Kumonkejasija - West Asia, Kumikejasija - South Asia, Mikejasija - North Asia, Tikejasija - Central Asia, Kumikomonkejasija - Southeast Asia]

Apanta - Africa [Mikejapanta - North Africa, Kumikejapanta - South Africa, Monkejapanta - East Africa, Kumonkejapanta - West Africa, Tikejapanta - Central Africa]

Ejulopa - Europe [Monkejejulopa - East Europe, Kumonkejejulopa - West Europe, Kumikejejulopa - South Europe, Mikejejulopa - North Europe]

ponta - milk [pakeponta - cheese, pakeponte - cheesy, seneponta - yogurt, pakejonkeponta - butter, kujonkeponta - buttermilk, onkeponta - cream, pakejonkeponta - ice cream, onkeponte - creamy, senejonkeponta - sour cream, pontasutokata - mammal, pulikeponta - mother's milk]

kola - cola [koletoma - cola tree, kolesuta - cola (drink), Kokakola - Coke]

koka - coca [koketoma - coca tree, koketumena - coca fruit, koketumenosa - cocaine]

sokolata - chocolate [sokolatesuta - cocoa]

maka - nut [sisemaka - peanut, kopemaka - walnut]

jepa - face [ulejepa - face, honor, glory, kujulejepa - shame, dishonor, ulejepani - save face, ulejepane - honored, glorious, kujulejepani - lose face, kujulejepane - dishonored, ulejepoki - glorify, honor (verb), admire, respect, ulejepoke - honorific, ulejepoka - glorification, kujulejepoki - shame (verb), humiliate, kujulejepoka - humiliation, kujulejepoke - irreverent, kujulejepoko - irreverently, ulejepena - admired man, great man]

pama - bone [pamejaputa - joint (of bone)]

kopa - brain [kopama - head, pinekope - smart, clever, wise, kopamekusinpa - headache, kopomi - think, kopoma - thought (noun), opinion, kopomatoke - thinkable, kopomila - debate (noun), discuss, kopomili - debate (verb), discuss, kopomilata - debater, kopomilokata - moderator, mediator, kopomiloki - moderate, mediate, kopomiloka - mediation, moderation, kopomomi - argue, insist, assert, kopomoma - argument, insistence, assertion, kopomome - argumentative, insistent, assertive, kopomomo - argumentatively, insistently, assertively]

konsa - neck [konsama - scarf, konsejapenta - necklace, konsejapena - necktie, mimepekonsena - giraffe]

tunsa - stomach [tunsesena - stomach acid, tunsekusinpa - stomachache, stomach disease, tunsomi - digest, tunsoma - digestion, tunsome - digestive (adjective), tunsomuta - digestive organ, tunsomenila - digestive (noun), kutunsomi - excrete, kutunsoma - excretion, kutunsome - excretory, kutunsomuta - kidney, excretory organ, kutunsomipa - restroom, kutunsomanta - excreted stuff, kutunsomantuma - urine, kutunsomantema - dung]

monta - air [kumonte - airless, vacuous, kumonta - vacuum, kumonto - vacuously, montoli - supply air, montola - air supply, kumontoki - vacuumize, kumontemamokuta - vacuum cleaner, montamamokuta - air cleaner, montekumama - air pollution, kumontipa - vacuum tube, montomi - breathe, montoma - breath, montome - breathy, semontome - breathless, jopamemontomi - inhale, kujopamemontomi - exhale, jopamemontoma - inhalation, kujopamemontoma - exhalation, montomitoke - breathable, montomisetoke - unbreathable, montomuta - lung, breathing organ, montejupa - wind, montajupi - blow (intransitive verb), montajupe - windy, montajupo - windily, montejupema - hurricane, typhoon, montejupuma - breeze, montajupoki - blow (transitive verb), montajupokuta - blower, fan, montosa - nitrogen (literal translation : "element of air"), montose - nitric, montosesena - nitric acid, setosemontosa - ammonia]

kunpa - blood [kunpatapena - leukemia, tapekunposa - leukocyte, sanekunposa - erythrocyte, lesakunpa - blood type, kunpoli - transfuse, kunpola - blood transfusion, kunpolata - blood donor, kunpolanta - blood recipient]

onka - fat [onkomi - fry, onkenta - fried food, kujonke - non-fatty, thin, pontejonka - oil, pontejonke - oily, onkani - gain weight, kujonkani - lose weight, kujonkanuta - diet (to lose weight), kujonkanuti - go on a diet]

mota - plan [motena - schedule (noun), moteni - schedule (verb), pimoteni - reschedule, sukimota - diet (plan to adjust eating)]

mame - clean (adjective) [mamoki - clean (verb), mamokuta - cleaner, broom, mamoka - cleaning, kumame - dirty, kumama - dirtiness, kumamo - dirtily, kumamena - garbage, trash, dirt, kumamenepinka - dust, kumamoki - pollute, kumamokanta - pollution, kumamenomi - throw away]

papa - circle [papuma - arc, ketamimepapuma - circular sector, fan shape, kotamimepapuma - circular segment, kopikusentekipapa - semicircle, kupapa - polygon, ninapapoki - circulate, ninapapoka - circulation, papila - cylinder, papiluma - cone, papema - sphere, papemena - ball, papetika - center of circle, papetikemimepa - diameter, papetikemimepuma - radius, papojupi - rotate, papejupa - rotation, papojupe - rotatory, papena - cycle (noun), circulation, papeni - cycle (verb), circulate, papene - circulatory, pipapeni - recycle (verb), pipapena - recycle (noun), pipapenitoke - recyclable, pipapenitoka - recyclability, pipapenisetoke - non-recyclable, pipapenta - recycled stuff, pipapente - recycled]

mima - line [kumima - curve (noun), kumime - curve (adjective), solokumima - curvature, mimosa - dot, mimila - shape, mimilela - geometry, mimilamepa - circumference, mimilepa - thickness, mimilepe - thick, kumimilepe - thin, kupapemima - side, kupapemimosa - vertex, kotamimetipa - angle, kitamimekupapa - triangle, katamimena - square, lutamimena - pentagon, lotamimena - hexagon, litamimena - heptagon, letamimena - octagon, latamimena - nonagon, jutamimena - decagon, mimela - dimension, kupapila - prism (shape), kupapiluma - pyramid, mimele - dimensional, mimela - dimension, ketamimela - plane, kitamimela - solid, ketamimelena - plane figure, kitamimelena - solid figure, mimepa - length, mimepe - long, mimepi - measure (length), mimeputa - ruler, kumimepe - short, mimepoki - lengthen, kumimepoki - shorten, mimepala - width, mimepale - wide, mimepali - measure (width), kumimepale - narrow, mimepalani - widen (instransitive verb), kumimepalani - narrow (intransitive verb), mimepaloki - widen (transitive verb), kumimepaloki - narrow (transitive verb), mimepula - distance, mimepuli - measure (distance), mimepule - far, kumimepule - near, close, mimepuloki - draw close, approach, kumimepuloki - withdraw, leave]

nina - route, path, way [ninala - routine (noun), ninale - routine (adjective), ninalo - routinely, ninena - road, way, kenkeninena - railway, kenkeninenoma - train, kenkeninenomopa - train driver, kujuleninena - subway (road), kujuleninenoma - subway (vehicle)]

teki - excite [tekate - exciting, tekante - excited, kuteki - bore, kuteka - boredom, kutekate - boring, kutekante - bored, tekemi - thrill (verb), tekema - thrill (noun), tekemate - thrilling, tekemante - thrilled]

muli - interest [mulate - interesting, mulante - interested, kumulate - alienating, kumulante - indifferent, alienated, kumula - indifference, alienation, kumuli - alienate, kumulanto - indifferently]

noma - fungus [nomuma - mold, nomema - mushroom, nomume - moldy, nomumejekutuma - athlete's foot, nomumena - toxin]

kinsi - attack [kukinsi - defend, kukinsa - defense, kukinse - defensive, kukinso - defensively, kinsitoke - attackable, kukinsitoke - defensible, kinsepa - aggression, kinsepe - aggressive, kinsepo - aggressively, kinsata - striker, attacker, pathogenic organism, kukinsata - defender, antibody, kinsatosa - antigen]

lule - flat [luloki - flatten, kulula - bump (noun), kulule - curved, bumpy, kululoki - curve (verb), bump (verb), lulemima - horizon, row, lulomime - horizontal, lulomimo - horizontally, kululemima - vertical (noun), column, kukulomime - vertical (adjective), kukulomimo - vertically, selulemina - inclination, selulomime - sloping, inclined, selulemimena - incline, slope, tilt, lulemimena - balance (noun), lulemimene - balanced, lulemimenoki - balance (verb)]

tipi - attach, absorb, adsorb [kutipi - detach, desorb, emit, kutipa - detachment, desorption, emission, tipitoke - attachable, adhesive (adjective), adsorbent, sticky, kutipitoke - detachable, desorbent, tipente - attached, absorbed, adsorbed, kutipente - detached, desorbed, emitted, tiputa - glue, adhesive (noun), adsorber, sticker, kutiputa - desorber, emitter]

nunsi - endure, tolerate [nunsitoke - endurable, tolerable, nunsisetoke - unendurable, intolerable, senunse - impatient, intolerant, senunso - impatiently, kununse - agitated, kununsoki - agitate]

tunke - hard [tunkoki - harden, kutunke - easy, prosperous, kutunka - ease (noun), prosperity, kutunko - easily, prosperously, kutunkoki - ease (verb), tunkale - complicated, complex (adjective), kutunkale - simple, tunkalo - complicatedly, kutunkalo - simply, tunkala - complex (noun), kutunkala - simplicity, tunkaloki - complicate, kutunkaloki - simplify, tunkaloka - complication, kutunkaloka - simplification, tunkena - trouble (noun), tunkenani - get in trouble, tunkenanoki - make trouble, mess up, tunkenanokata - trouble maker]

tanke - hard [tankoki - harden, kutanke - soft, tender, kutanka - softness, tenderness, kutankoki - soften, tankokuta - hardener, kutankokuta - softener, kutankekanka - clay]

pana - money [panala - cash (noun), panalomi - cash (verb), panalomopa - cashier, panalinki - pay, panalinka - payment, linkiputepana - fare, kulinkiputepana - wage, panakeli - earn, panakukeli - lose (money), panakela - earning, panakukela - losing (money), kelentepana - profit, kukelentepana - damage, panakelitoke - profitable, panakelisetoke - unprofitable, panakelitoka - profitability, panakelitoko - profitably, panakelisetoko - unprofitably, panela - economy, panelepa - economical system, pimipilepanela - market economy, pimipilopanelepa - market economical system, motantepanela - planned economy, motantepanelepa - planned economical system, panele - economical, panelo - economically, panelela - economics, panelelopa - economist, panomi - spend (verb), expend, panoma - spend (noun), expenditure, putantepana - expense, panakuputante - free, panomi - bank (verb), panoma - banking, panomipa - bank (noun), panomuta - banknote, panomenta - deposit, panomata - depositor, panomekupula - interest (of deposit), panalema - cheque]

tapaka - tobacco [tapakomi - smoke, tapaketomuma - tobacco leaf, tapakama - pipe, tapakuma - cigarette, tapakema - cigar, tapakosa - nicotine]

tota - bee [toteka - drone (male bee), totika - bee (female bee), unsakelatetota - honeybee, totejukosa - hornet, totetula - honeycomb, totelinta - bee sting (noun), polatetota - worker bee, totepitopika - queen bee, minetota - ground bee, totajupatoma - beekeeping, apiculture, totajupatomopa - beekeeper, totajupatomipa - apiary]

lonka - ant [lonkeka - drone (male ant), lonkika - ant (female ant), polatelonka - worker ant, lonkepitopika - queen ant, tapelonka - termite]

linta - thorn [lintepunta - rose, lintuma - cactus, lintomi - sting (verb), lintoma - stinging (noun), lintomata - stinging stuff, lintala - needle, lintalomi - sew, lintaloma - sewing, lintalomata - sewer, lintalomentan - clothes, kulintalomenta - fabric]

panpa - pumpkin [mimepepanpa - zucchini, panpila - squash]

kinta - deer [kinteka - stag, kintika - doe, kintuma - fawn, pusipapekinta - reindeer]

sinsa - horse [sinseka - stallion, sinsika - mare, sinsuma - foal, sinsumeka - colt, sinsumika - filly, sinsesuta - carrot, sinsetoluta - hobbyhorse, sinsemonomuta - carriage, sinsakulekokuta - rein]

tini - dissolve [tinenta - solute, tinata - solvent, tinena - solution, tinitoke - soluble, tinisetoke - insoluble, tinitoka - soluble material, tinisetoka - insoluble material, kutinena - colloid, kutinene - colloidal, kutinenema - gel (noun), kutinenuma - sol (noun), kutineneme - gel (adjective), kutinenume - sol (adjective), kutinenemoki - gelate, kutinenumoki - solate, kutinenemoka - gelation, kutinenumoka - solation, kutinenemokanta - jelly]

panka - duck [pankuma - duckling, pankeka - drake, pankika - hen (female duck), pankena - duck meat]

punka - goose [punkeka - gander, punkika - goose (female), punkuma - gosling, punkemema - goose down, punkena - goose meat]

putika - chicken [putikuma - chick, putikeka - rooster, putikika - hen (female chicken), putikela - crowing, putikeli - crow, putikena - chicken (meat)]

mema - fur [ulemema - hair, ulememe - hairy, uletapemema - white hair, ulekumeme - bald (adjective), ulekumemani - bald (verb), ulekumemana - balding, hair loss, memejunaman - fur clothes, somulatemema - feather, ulememaselomuta - shampoo, ulememana - hair growth, ulememanuta - hair growth agent]

kunka - sheep [kunkeka - ram, kunkika - ewe, kunkuma - lamb, kunkeponta - sheep's milk, kunkemema - wool, kumilemensa - wool fiber]

pupa - cotton (plant) [pupejunsenan - cotton candy, pupeputela - cotton (not picked yet, literal translation : "cotton flower"), pupemema - cotton (picked but not fiberized yet), pupemensa - cotton (fiber)]

munsa - hemp [munsemensa - flax]

mensa - fiber [mensanoki - fiberize, mensanoka - fiberization, mensema - thread, mensemila - rope, mensemala - capillary, sutitokemensa - dietary fiber, lukelemensa - natural fiber]

sunse - right (direction) [kusunse - left (adjective), kusunsa - left (noun), kusunso - left (adverb), sunsepa - rightism, kusunsepa - leftism, sunsepopa - rightist, kusunsepopa - leftist, sunsepenpomate - right-handed, kusunsepenpomate - left-handed, sunsepenpomata - right-handed person, kusunsepenpomata - left-handed person]

kanka - sand [kankepe - scratchy, kankepa - scratch, kankepo - scratchily, kankepetomenena - sandpaper, kankuma - soil, kankema - gravel, kankemema - rock, kankememena - stone, kankena - glass, kankene - glassy, glass (adjective, made from glass), kankeno - glassily, kankenepe - fragile, kankenepa - fragility, kukankenepe - robust, kukankenepa - robustness, kukankenepo - robustly, kankosa - silicon (literal translation : "element of sand")]

kensa - logic [kensela - logics, kenselapolopa - logician, kensoki - logicize, kensoka - logicization]

una - body [unepusela - body temperature, unepuseli - measure (body temperature), unepuseluta - body thermometer, unaman - clothes, unamanselomuta - detergent, unamanseloma - laundry (act), unamanselomipa - laundry (place), unamanselomopa - dry cleaner, ulejunama - upper garment (generally shirt, sweater) kujulejunama - lower garment (generally pants, skirt), jopapejunama - underwear, kujopapejunama - outerwear (generally coat, jacket, jumper)]

jeki - hit [jekuta - bat, club, jekanta - baseball (ball), jekena - baseball (sports), jekenopa - baseball athlete, jekata - batter, hitter (in baseball), kupenpomata - pitcher]

pinpa - bridge [minepinpa - footbridge, pinpomi - cross over, pinpomena - crosswalk]

tonpa - pen [tonpala - pencil, tukosetonpala - color pencil, tonposa - nib, tonpeponsa - ink, mensemetonpa - fountain pen (literal translation : "pen with thread"), papemenetonpa - ballpoint pen, ponpenosepetonpa - chalk (literal translation : "carbonated pen")]

tenima - sense [tenimanoki - sensationalize, tenimanokate - sensational, tenimanokata - sensation, kutenimepa - anesthesia, kutenimepoki - anesthesize, kutenimepokuta - anesthetic (noun)]

kenpa - addiction [kenpoki - addict (verb), kenpokanta - addict (noun), kenpokuta - narcotic, drug, dope, kenpepa - withdrawal symptom]

kone - new [pikonoka - renewal, renovation, pikonoki - renew, renovate, pikonokente - renewed, pikonokata - renovator, konoki - innovate, konoka - innovation, konoke - innovative, konokepa - innovationism, konokepata - innovatonist, konokata - innovator, konokema - revolution, konokeme - revolutionary (adjective), konokemoki - revolutionize, konokemepa - revolutionatism, konokemepata - revolutionary (noun), konena - news, kukone - old, outdated, kukona - oldness, old type, kukonoki - regress, kukonoka - regression, kukonoke - regressive, kukonoko - regressively, kukonena - tradition, kukonene - traditional, kukoneno - traditionally, kukonenepa - traditionalism, kukonenepata - traditionalist, kukonema - reaction (returning to outdated system), kukonemi - react, kukoneme - reactionary, kukonemepa - reactionism, kukonemepata - reactionist]

lonki - travel [lonkata - traveler, tripper, lonkemi - explore, adventure (verb), lonkema - exploration, adventure (noun), lonkeme - exploratory, adventurous, lonkemata - explorer, adventurer]

kanpa - sauce [kilenekanpa - hot sauce, onkekikekanpa - roux, mupekanpa - brown sauce]

munpa - knife [munpomi - cut, munpoma - cutting, munpomutan - scissors, munpema - saw, munpemosa - saw tooth, munposa - blade]

opijuma - opium [opijumosa - morphine, opijumosema - heroin, opijumosuma - codeine]

menka - stick, rod [menkena - rigidness, rigidity, menkene - rigid, menkenoki - rigidify, menkenoka - rigidification, menkenokuta - rigidifier, kumenkena - flexibility, kumenkene - flexible, kumenkenoki - flexibilize, plasticize, kumenkenoka - flexibilization, plasticization, kumenkenokuta - flexibilizer, plasticizer]

esi - use [kujese - useless, kujeso - uselessly, esuta - usage, esitoke - usable, esisetoke - unusable, esitoka - usability, esata - user, esoli - supply (verb), esola - supply (noun), esanta - apparatus, esenta - used one, esente - used, kujesenta - new one, kujesente - new, esena - utility, usefulness, eseni - utilize, pijesi - reuse (verb), pijesa - reuse (noun), pijesitoke - reusable, pijesisetoke - non-reusable, pijesitoka - reusability]

ama - culture [jusejama - multiculture, jusojame - multicultural, jusojamepa - multiculturalism, jusojamepata - multiculturalist]

eki - compete [ekena - contest, ekitoke - competent, ekitoka - competence, competitiveness, ekitoko - competently, ekata - competitor, ekali - win, kujekali - lose, ekala - victory, triumph, kujekala - defeat (noun), loss, ekalata - winner, kujekalata - loser]

kuma - source [kumejesola - resource (source of supply), nukelekuma - natural resource]

nepoki - locate [pinepoki - relocate, pinepoka - relocation, nepokema - region, nepokeme - regional, nepokemo - regionally, lulomimenepoka - longitude, kululomimenepoka - latitude]

onki - steal [onkata - thief, onkemi - rob, onkema - robbery, onkemuta - robber]

lansi - find, discover [pilansi - rediscover, pilansa - rediscovery, lansitoke - discoverable, lansisetoke - undiscoverable, lanseni - look for, kupansalansi - compare, kupanselansa - comparison, kupansalanse - comparative, kupansalanso - comparatively, kupansalansitoke - comparable, kupansalansisetoke - incomparable, kupansalansitoka - comparability]

ninpi - advise [ninpata - advisor, ninpitoke - advisable]

minsi - choose, select [minsata - chooser, selector, minsitoke - selectable, choosable, minsitoka - optionality, minsoki - optionalize, minsoka - optionalization, minsena - election, minseni - elective, kuminsa - universal (noun), duty, oblige, kuminse - universal, obligatory, (adjective), kuminsi - fulfill duty, kuminsoki - universalize, mandate, kuminsoka - universalization, mandatory]

tona - city [kutona - village, country, kutone - rural, tonoki - urbanize, tonoka - urbanization, tonekutika - suburb, outskirt, tonekutike - suburban, konetona - new city, new town, tonetika - downtown (noun), tonetike - downtown (adjective)]

sonti - visit, participate [sontoki - invite, sontoka - invitation, sontata (= sontokanta) - visitor, guest, invitee, participator, sontanta (= sontokata) - host]

nasa - jewel [nasomi - decorate, nasoma - decoration, nasome - decorative, nasomo - decoratively, nasila - jewelry, nasante - jeweled, nasanta - (jeweled) accessory]

ansa - car [ansama - garage, ansakujupipa - parking lot, park, ansuti - drive (verb), ansuta - drive (noun), ansutata - driver]

nama - mistake [nameli - miss, namela - missing, kunameli - catch (verb), kunameli - catch (noun), namitoke - mistakable, namelitoke - missable]

tuni - shake [penpatuni - handshake (verb), penpetuna - handshake (noun), tunenta - shake (drink), tunata - shaker]

peme - public [kupeme - private, pemoki - publicize, pemoka - publicization, kupemoki - privatize, kupemoka - privatization]

juli - call [julanta - name, julata - caller, julantuma - nickname]

jensi - warn, alert [jensata - alarm]

linsi - adjust, organize [linsata - adjuster, organizer, kulinsi - disturb, disorganize, kulinsa - disturbance, disorganization, kulinsata - disturber]

jansi - agree [kujansi - disagree, oppose, kujansa - disagreement, opposition, janseni - contract (verb), jansena - contract (noun), jansene - contractual, janseno - contractually, jansata - proposition (in debate), kujansata - opposition (in debate), jansenata - contractor, minumejanseni - conclude (treaty), minumejansena - treaty]

lonti - care [kulonte - careless, kulonto - carelessly]

santa - cough [santema - sneeze (noun), santemi - sneeze (verb), santeme - sneezy, kunipenesanta - hem (noun), kunipenosanti - hem (verb)]

pasi - break, crush, crack, burst [pasopa - breaker, crusher, cracker (for job), pasata - breaker, crusher, cracker (not for job), pasenta - break (noun, broken space), crack (noun, cracked space), crush (noun, crushed space), kupasi - fill in (the crack), kupasopa - repairman (who fills in the crack), pasemi - destroy, destruct, paseme - destructive, pasema - destruction, pasemo - destructively, kupasemi - restore, kupaseme - restorative, kupasema - restoration]

nosi - design [nosopa - designer, nosenta - blueprint]

Example text[]

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

(Pemekisajen Mine Punpa)



Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world,

(Ni tonsani lukene sikulaja jate pesa sekosaje panse selinkitoke kisajan lekaje, pokaje, jate jutaje minape omatati,)

Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want has been proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common people,

(Ni kukepi jate kunekemi pemekisajan tepeti kupine upajan je simeteti sokaje tipaja, jate kuloki mina je pema toketati teni timaje jate letaje lekaja jate sinkakumo jate nenpakumo lekaja punpenti so sikule peme nenpemalo,)

Whereas it is essential, if man is not to be compelled to have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against tyranny and oppression, that human rights should be protected by the rule of law,

(Ni putinti pemekisan pansokin potaje pitalo, eno nema kuputeminti takomin mapi kukote mapaja, nela kulipi kunusa kanse pita jate kutaka,)

Whereas it is essential to promote the development of friendly relations between nations,

(Ni putanti pinoki oti ose pukosumalan minosan tikope,)

Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person and in the equal rights of men and women and have determined to promote social progress and better standards of life in larger freedom,

(Ni Apenti Minosajen peman potumakumo pimanseti ken letakaja nela ome pemekisan, ome sokaje sikula jate mola jate nela sokekaje jate sokikaje panse kisan, jate lometi pinoki late pinokaja jate so pine ponpe jomajan nela so tupe leka,)

Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to achieve, in co-operation with the United Nations, the promotion of universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms,

(Ni Osime Minosan letoketi ajan nipoki, api paki Apenti Minonsan, soki mine sikulokaja jate lipi pemekisajan jate ome lekajan,)

Whereas a common understanding of these rights and freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full realization of this pledge,

(Ni tonsani lesan kisajan jate lekajan pelo so tupe tulati nela mipoki lesa letoketaja kutapo.)

Now, therefore,

(No, kuni,)

The General Assembly,

(Pele Apesota,)

Proclaims this Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations, to the end that every individual and every organ of society, keeping this Declaration constantly in mind, shall strive by teaching and education to promote respect for these rights and freedoms and by progressive measures, national and international, to secure their universal and effective recognition and observance, both among the peoples of Member States themselves and among the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.

(Punpati lesa Pemekisajen Mine Punpaja nipokaje jomalo nela peman jate pesa minosan, sukame je pesa osima jate pesa late onpa, pansoki lesa punpaja kukano silape, putati siki nola tonsoki jate keki sajo; je Osime minosajen pemajon, jate pemajon nunkapen pitanti malon, nela pinoki sikuli lesa kisajan jate lekajan, jate pinoke masalo, minule jate mine, nela sopoki men mine lape tonsanaja jate sukupemaja.)
