Type Analytic
Alignment Nominative - Accusative
Head direction Initial
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations Yes
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words of 15000
Creator [[User:|]]

This concerns the Pyggerish language, an a posteriori conlang that can be best described as a "NW" Germanic language having a strong resemblance to Scandanavian languages as well as to Dutch and Low German (and heavily influenced from all three!). The Pyggers homeland would best be described as islands in the North Sea.



Bilabial Labio-dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m ɱ n ŋ
Plosive p,b t,d t͡ʃ,d͡ʒ k,g ʔ
Fricative f,v s ʃ x h
Approximant l j ʍ,w
Trill r


front front front front central back back
unrounded unrounded rounded rounded
short long short long short short long
Close ɪ i: ʊ u:
Mid ɛ e: ø ø: ə ɔ o:
Open æ æ: ɑ a:


Writing System

The Pyggerish Alphabet







A a A
B b Bee
C c See
D d Dee
E e Ee
F f Ef
G g Gee
H h Hee
Hw hw Hwee
I i I
J j Jo
K k Ka
L l El
M m Em
N n En
O o O
P p Pee
Q q Ku
R r Er
S s Es
T t Tee
U u U
V v Vee
W w Dubbel Vee
X x Iiks
Y y Greek I
Z å Seed
Ä ä Ä
Ö ö Ö
Å å Å

*Q and Z are only found in words of foreign origin.

Pronunciation Guide

NOTE: Pyggerish vowels always pronounced as long if they are followed by a consonant and a vowel in sucession (ie “lane”). Pyggerish vowels are short if they are followed by two consonants (unless otherwise indicated), (ie hand)


Vowel or

Vowel Combination

Description Sample Word
A short vowel as in "cut"

long vowel at the end of a word



AA long vowel as in "father" baan
E short vowel as in "pen" when inside of a word

in combination with -el, -en, -er, -em as a shwa

at the end of a word as a shwa




EE long vowel as in "pay" but flatter been
I short vowel as in "pin"

long vowel at the end of a word



IJ long vowel as in "see" wijn
II identical to IJ oxiid
O short vowel as in "dawn"

long vowel at the end of a word



OO long vowel as in "loan" toon
U short vowel as in the German "dunn"

long vowel at the end of a word



Ú long vowel as in "moon" but tenser lips hús
Ä short vowel as in "bad"

long vowel at the end of a word


ÄÄ long vowel as in "bad" but longer läät
Ö short vowel like French "peu"

long vowel at the end of a word


ÖÖ long vowel like German "Löhne" göör
Y identical to "I"

identical to "IJ" at the end of a word

Ý identical to "IJ"
Å identical to "O" in all positions
ÅÅ identical to "O" but followed by a shwa nåår
UI diphthong as in English "we" put tenser duir
AU identical to "O" in all positions
OU diphthong as in English "house" stou
ÚU diphthong as in Catalan "duu" drúu
EU diphthong as in Catalan "meu" reu
IU diphthong as in Catalan "riu" skriu
A(A)I diphthong as in English "pie" aai
O(O)I diphthong as in English "boy" moi
EI diphthong as in English "pay" hei
EG identical to "ei" in all positions
IG identical to "IJ" in all positions
YG identical to "IJ" in all positions


Consonant Description Sample Word
B as in English been
C like "k" before a,o,u,ú,å or a consonant

like "s" before ä,ö,y,ý,e,i

D as in English dai
F as in English find
G like “g” in “good” before a,o,u,ú,å or a consonant in stressed syllables

like “g” in “gin” before ä,ö,y,ý,e,i

like “g” in “gin” combined with “j”

when doubled, like “g” as in “good”

like “y” elsewhere

*see vowel table for diphthong combinations






H as in English

pronounced "rougher" at the end of a word

silent in combination "ht"




Hw like English "wh" in "what"

like "h" combined with o or u



J like the consonant "y" in English jong
K like “k” in “kin” before a,o,u,ú,å or a consonant in stressed syllables

like “ch” in “chin” before ä,ö,y,ý,e,i

*there is an exception to this rule with certain “international” words like “kilo”, “kino”, “kö”, etc that have a “hard k” pronunciation

like “ch” in “chin” combined with “j”




L like in English lön
M like in English oma
N like in English nee
P like in English pijp
R typically trilled, but can be uvular, depending on the speaker

like "sh" in "shoe" combined with "s"


S like "sam" in English, never as in "rose" in English

like "sh" in "shoe" combined as following: "stj", "sch" and "sj"



T like in English

like "ch" in "church" combined with "j"



V like in English love
W like in English win
X like in "x" in "fox" byxe
Z like "s" zoo


Syntax is SV1OV2 with V2-word order in main clauses and SOV in subordinate clauses. Emphasized elements go to the beginning of a main clause and to the end of a subordinate clause.

Most vocabulary comes from Germanic sources with a some Romance (mainly French and Latin) and Celtic influences as well.


In Pyggerish, there are 3 genders: masculine, feminine and neutral. The feminine gender is used with animate, feminine nouns only (ie da ku, da kwen, etc) but it is entirely optional as all animate, feminine gender nouns can be declined as masculine (or more appropriately called "common" gender). Using the feminine gender is common in high-style and can also be confined to dialectal speech outside of the standard language.

Definite Article

Pyggerish possesses a definite article.

The definite article precedes the noun and is inflected for both gender and number.

Singular Plural
Masculine Dan De
Feminine Da/Dan De
Neutral Dat De

Indefinite Article

Pyggerish possesses an indefinite article, in the singular only.

The indefinite article precedes the noun and is inflected for gender only. In order to express indefiniteness in the plural, there simply is no article.

Masculine Een
Feminine Ee/Een
Neutral Et


Adjectives typically precede the noun and are inflected for both gender and number. Like many other Germanic languages, Pyggerish possesses both a "weak" and a "strong" declension for adjectives. Adjectives used attributively with indefinite nouns must use the "strong" declension. Adjectives used attributively with definite nouns must use the "weak" declension. Adjectives used predicatively must use the "strong" declension.

Weak Declension

Singular Plural
Masculine -e -e
Feminine -e -e
Neutral -e -e

Strong Declension

Singular Plural
Masculine - -e
Feminine - -e
Neutral -t -e

Personal Pronouns and Possessive Determiners

Personal pronouns are inflected for gender, animacy, case and number in 3rd person singular only. All other personal pronouns are inflected for case and number.

Reflexive pronouns general are the same as object pronouns except in the 3rd person.

Possessive Determiners are only inflected in the 1st person and in the 3rd person reflexive.

When inflected, they are always strong.

Subjective Objective Reflexive Possessive








Masculine Feminine Neutral Plural
1st person (s) I me me mijn mi mit mine
2nd person (s,inf) je je je je je je je
3rd person (s,m,a) han hönen si hans, sijn (r) hans, si (r) hans, sit (r) hans, sine (r)
3rd person (s,f,a) hon höner si höner, sijn (r) höner, si (r) höner, sit (r) höner, sine (r)
3rd person (s,n,i) dat dat si dats, sijn (r) dats, sijn (r) dats, sijn (r) dats, sijn (r)
3rd person (s,c,i) dan dan si dans, sijn (r) dans, sijn (r) dans, sijn (r) dans, sijn (r)
1st person (p) we os os wåår wåår wåårt wåre
2nd person (p,fm) Je Je Je Je Je Je Je
3rd person (p) dee dem si ders, sijn (r) ders, sijn (r) ders, sijn (r) ders, sijn (r)


  1. Abbreviations:
    1. a = animate
    2. i = inanimate
    3. f = feminine
    4. m = masculine
    5. n = neutral
    6. c = common
    7. s = singular
    8. p = plural
    9. r = reflexive
    10. inf = informal
    11. fm = formal
  2. The 2nd person plural/formal pronoun (all forms) and the 1st person singular (subjective form only) are always capitalized.

Interrogative Pronouns

English Pyggers Notes
Who? Hwee?
Whom? Hwem?
Whose? Hwers?
Who (plural)? Hwelke?
Whom (plural)? Hwelke?
Whose (plural)? Hwelkers?
What? Hwat?
When? Hwonåår?
Where? Hwo?
Why? Hwoföör?
How? Hu?
Which? Hwelk* Declined as a strong adjective
How many? Humange?
How much? Humoi?

Indefinite Pronouns

Negative Pronouns

English Pyggers Notes
No one/Nobody Neemand not declined, no plural, always singular
No one's/Nobody's Neemands not declined, no plural, always singular, no apostrophe for genitive
Nothing Nix/Nennigt not declined, no plural, always singular, "nix" is more common
Never Oudrig/Neemools not declined, no plural, always singular, "oudrig" is more common
Nowhere Overnennig/Nennigo not declined
None/No/Not Any Nennig Declined as a strong adjective


English Pyggers Notes
Someone/Somebody Jomand not declined, no plural, always singular
Someone's/Somebody's Jomands not declined, no plural, always singular, no apostrophe for genitive
Something Etwat/Ennigt not declined, no plural, always singular, "etwat" is more common
Sometimes Soms/Stonden not declined
Somewhere Overennig/Ennigo not declined
Some/Any Ennig Declined as a strong adjective (can be left out most of the time)

"Every (as in "All")

English Pyggers Notes
Everyone/All Alle not declined, always plural
Everyone's Allers not declined, always plural, no apostrophe for genitive
Everything Out not declined, no plural, always singular
Always/Everytime/All the time Altijd not declined, no plural, always singular
Everywhere Overal not declined, no plural, always singular
Every/All Al not declined, no plural, always singular, must be followed by a definite that is declined

Every (as in "Each")

Verb Conjugation

Weak Verbs

Tala - to speak or to talk (-d suffix)
Infinitive tale
Present Participle talend
Past Participle taald
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present tale taal taal tale
past taalde taalde taalde taalde
Subjunctive present tale tale tale tale
past taalde taalde taalde taalde
Pronoun je Je
Imperative taal tale
Werke - to work or to function (-t suffix)
Infinitive werke
Present Participle werkend
Past Participle werkt
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present werke werk werk werke
past werkte werkte werkte werkte
Subjunctive present werke werke werke werke
past werkte werkte werkte werkte
Pronoun je Je
Imperative werk werke
Önne - to grant or to bestow (-ed suffix)
Infinitive önne
Present Participle önnend
Past Participle önned
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present önne ön ön önne
past önnede önnede önnede önnede
Subjunctive present önne önne önne önne
past önnede önnede önnede önnede
Pronoun je Je
Imperative ön önne
True - to believe or to think (-dt suffix)
Infinitive true
Present Participle truend
Past Participle trúdt
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present true tru tru true
past trúdte trúdte trúdte trúdte
Subjunctive present true true true true
past trúdte trúdte trúdte trúdte
Pronoun je Je
Imperative tru true

Strong Verbs

Wride - to twist (Class I)
Infinitive wride
Present Participle wridend
Past Participle wreden
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present wride wrijd wrijd wride
past wreed wreed wreed wrede
Subjunctive present wride wride wride wride
past wrede wrede wrede wrede
Pronoun je Je
Imperative wrijd wride
Sluite - to close or to end (Class 2)
Infinitive sluite
Present Participle sluitend
Past Participle sloten
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present sluite sluit sluit sluite
past sloot sloot sloot slote
Subjunctive present sluite sluite sluite sluite
past slote slote slote slote
Pronoun je Je
Imperative sluit sluite
Drinke - to drink (Class 3)
Infinitive drinke
Present Participle drinkend
Past Participle dronken
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present drinke drink drink drinke
past dronk dronk dronk dronke
Subjunctive present drinke drinke drinke drinke
past dronke dronke dronke dronke
Pronoun je Je
Imperative drink drinke
Bäre - to carry or to bear (Class 4)
Infinitive bäre
Present Participle bärend
Past Participle boren
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present bäre bäär bäär bäre
past baar baar baar bare
Subjunctive present bäre bäre bäre bäre
past bare bare bare bare
Pronoun je Je
Imperative bäär bäre
Äte - to eat (Class 5)
Infinitive äte
Present Participle ätend
Past Participle äten
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present äte ät ät äte
past at at at ate
Subjunctive present äte äte äte äte
past ate ate ate ate
Pronoun je Je
Imperative ät äte
Ake - to drive (Class 6)
Infinitive ake
Present Participle akend
Past Participle aken
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present ake aak aak ake
past ook ook ook oke
Subjunctive present ake ake ake ake
past oke oke oke oke
Pronoun je Je
Imperative aak ake
Få - to get or to receive (Class 7)
Present Participle fåend
Past Participle faan
Person 1st 2nd 3rd All
Number singular plural
Pronoun I je han/hon/dat/dan we/Je/Dee
Indicative present
past fing fing fing finge
Subjunctive present
past finge finge finge finge
Pronoun je Je


Cardinal Number Ordinal Number
Een/Et Föörste
Twee/To Andre
Tri Terde
Fuir Fuirde
Femp Fempte
Sex Sexte
Suive Suite
Oht Ohte
Ni Nijnde
Ti Tijnde


Example text

Our Father in Pyggerish

Wåår Fader

Wåår Fader er i dan hemmen is. Helig were je naam.

Kome je rijk.

Were je wil skied, hu i dan hemmen, so op dan jerd.

Geu os idai wåårt dailige brood.

On föörgeu os wåre sönde so hu we dem föörgeve er geens os sönde.

Föör os inke i dan freesting maar frels os frå dan ovel.


Hail Mary

Dan Engels’rs Helsing

Helst were je, Maria, ful nade

Dan Härri is met je

Welsegned e je bland kwenne

On welsegnedt is je liu’s fruht, Jesús

Helige Maria, Guds modder

Bid föör os, arme sönders

Nu on i wåår doodtijm


Swadesh List

Swadesh # English Pyggerish
1 I I
2 you (singular) je
3 he han
4 we we
5 you (plural) Je
6 they dee
7 this dan/dat...-her
8 that dan/dat...-do
9 here her
10 there do
11 who/whom hwee/hwem
12 what hwat
13 where hwo
14 when hwonåår
15 how hu
16 not inke
17 all out, alle, al
18 many mange
19 some ennig
20 few
21 other ander
22 one een,ee,et
23 two twee,to
24 three tri
25 four fuir
26 five femp
27 big stoor
28 long lang
29 wide breed, wijd
30 thick tuik
31 heavy tong
32 small lyttel
33 short stot, koort
34 narrow trong
35 thin tun
36 woman kwen
37 man man
38 human mense
39 child barn
40 wife húsfru
41 husband húsbúnd
42 mother modder,mama
43 father fader,papa
44 animal duir
45 fish fis
46 bird fogel
47 dog hond
48 louse lús
49 snake snaak,slong
50 worm orm
51 tree tree
52 forest skå
53 stick stok,pin
54 fruit ooist
55 seed fro
56 leaf blad,lúu
57 root root
58 bark bork
59 flower bloom
60 grass gras
61 rope reep
62 skin húd
63 meat kwet
64 blood blood
65 bone been
66 fat fat
67 egg egg
68 horn hoorn
69 tail staart
70 feather fjedder
71 hair håår
72 head hoved
73 ear öör
74 eye ooi
75 nose nöös
76 mouth mond
77 tooth tand
78 tongue tong
79 fingernail nagel
80 foot foot
81 leg låår
82 knee knee
83 hand hand
84 wing flogel
85 belly búk
86 guts kuddel
87 neck hals,nek
88 back rygg
89 breast brööst
90 heart hjert
91 liver lever
92 drink, to drinke
93 eat, to äte, spise
94 bite, to bite
95 suck, to suige
96 spit, to spuite
97 vomit, to opkaste
98 blow, to blase
99 breathe, to oodme
100 laugh, to lähe
101 see, to sie
102 hear, to höre
103 know, to wete
104 think, to tinke
105 smell, to lofte
106 fear, to oste's
107 sleep, to some
108 live, to leve
109 die, to doe
110 kill, to döde
111 fight, to stride
112 hunt, to jage
114 cut, to skäre
115 split, to kluive,splite,breke
116 stab, to stikke
117 scratch, to write
118 dig, to grave
119 swim, to swemme
120 fly, to fluige
121 walk, to wandle
122 come, to kome
123 lie, to lige
124 sit, to sitte
125 stand, to stå
126 turn, to wende,snoe
127 fall, to falle,dette
128 give, to geve
129 hold, to houde
130 squeeze, to kwetse,trykke
131 rub, to wrijve
132 wash, to twå,wasse
133 wipe, to wisse
134 pull, to trekke,drå
135 push, to stöte,skuive
136 throw, to kaste,slenge
137 tie, to binde,knuite
138 sew, to söme
139 count, to telle
140 say, to sege
141 sing, to singe
142 play, to spele
143 float, to fluite
144 flow, to renne
145 freeze, to fruise
146 swell, to swelle
147 sun sool
148 moon maan
149 star stjern
150 water water
151 rain regen
152 river elv
153 lake laak
154 sea meer,sö
155 salt sout
156 stone steen
157 sand sand
158 dust stou
159 earth jerd
160 cloud sky
161 fog nevel
162 sky hemmen
163 wind wind
164 snow snö
165 ice ijs
166 smoke röök
167 fire jeld
168 ash as
169 burn, to brände
170 road weg
171 mountain fjell
172 red rööd
173 green gröön
174 yellow gelv
175 white hwijt
176 black soort
177 night naht
178 day dai
179 year jåår
180 warm warm
181 cold koud
182 full ful
183 new ny
184 old oud,gomel
185 good good
186 bad kwad,boos
187 rotten rötten
188 dirty trekkig
189 straight been,reht
190 round rond
191 sharp skerp,hwas
192 dull slee
193 smooth sleht,even
194 wet waat,nats
195 dry tork
196 correct rehtwijs
197 near
198 far fjer
199 right tex
200 left winster
201 house of,at the hoos
202 in i
203 with met
204 and on
205 if jo
206 because di,doföör at
207 name naam

