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Panchanian (Panchanese)
Chamrot Patsaniya 
Pronunciation: IPA: (pahn-chah-nih-yan)
Created by: Nicole Vergel & Jethro Bautista 
Setting and usage: for literary use
Total speakers: 5 (as of 2015)
Category (purpose): not yet specified
Language codes
ISO 639-1: none
ISO 639-2: art
ISO 639-3:

The Panchanian language is a Filipino-like dialect. The same as English alphabet.

Basic Phrases[]

Hello! - Amanuyka!

Goodbye! - Abatsotka!

How are you? - Amanuy ka ga? (ga because well has a negative tense)

Fine, thank you. - Amanuy ako, patasaliman maga ako sa ka.

What's your name? - Anong ngingit ka ga?

My name is _______. - Ngingit ako _____.

How old are you? - Ilan ngiban ka ga?

I am __ years old. - Ngiban ako ___.

Thank you! - Patasaliman!

Your'e welcome! - Wala maga patasaliman!

Good morning! - Manuteng kangadol!

Good afternoon! - Kasayong kangadol!

Good evening! - Nitulingang kangadol!

Good night! - Katulugang kangadol!

  • amanuy - well
  • abatsot - leave
  • ka - you
  • ga - (connective to question when it is Yes or No)
  • ako - me
  • patasaliman - thanks
  • maga - may
  • sa - (acts as a to, connects two pronouns)
  • anong - what
  • ngingit - name
  • ilan - how many
  • ngiban - years
  • wala - no
  • manuteng - sunrise, morning
  • kasayong - afternoon
  • nitulingang - sunset, after sunset, evening
  • katulugang - sleep, night
  • kangadol - good


Do you understand? - Kaintindi ka ga?

Yes, I understand. - Hoyo, kaintindi ako.

No, I don't understand. - Wala, wala kaintindi ako.

Do you speak English? - Kasalita ka Indlis?

I understand English. - Hoyo kasalita ako Indlis.

I don't speak Panchanian well. - Wala kasalita Patsaniya magureng.

I know. - Kalaman ako.

I don't know. - Wala kalaman ako.

  • kaintindi - understand
  • hoyo - yes, sure, agree
  • kasalita - speak
  • kalaman - know, knowledge
  • magureng - well known

Nation and Origin, Place[]

From what country are you from? - Saan kasinayan ka milaga?

I'm from America. - Amerika ako milaga.

I am American. - Taga-Amerika ako kasinayan.

Where do you live? - Saan ka nakabayah?

I live in New York. - Nakabayah Badalyang Yokan ako.

  • saan - where
  • kasinayan - country, state, province
  • milaga - from
  • Amerika - America
  • nakabayah - live
  • Badalyang Yokan - New York

Other Nations[]

  • Germany - Hermana
  • Russia - Aruskaba
  • France - Paransa
  • Spain - Espanyola
  • China - Hanitsa
  • Japan - Samulata
  • Korea - Yonda
  • Malaysia - Malaya
  • Indonesia - Indonya
  • India - Hindeya
  • Vietnam - Biyetnaya
  • Thailand - Phruknaga
  • Cambodia - Kamibodya
  • Taiwan - Teyawa
  • United Kingdom / Britain - Britanika
  • Mongolia - Munggolima
  • Egypt - Idyepa
  • Australia - Asetaralita
  • Austria - Asetara
  • Switzerland - Samitsangluga
  • Netherlands - Kameha
  • Belgium - Chokala
  • Slovakia - Asalobakiya
  • Slovenia - Asalobeniya
  • Czech Republic - Rebupia Seko
  • Greece - Kamelima
  • Italy - Yidala
  • Israel - Yisera
  • Saudi Arabia - Arabenika
  • Philippines - Pilipitina
  • Brazil - Barasya
  • Mexico - Mehika
  • Iran - Yilaniya
  • Iraq - Keraka
  • Ukraine - Akbara
  • Antartica - Yelowa


For nationality, used the formula Taga+(country).

For example : Hayiwan alun taga-Pilipitina. (John is a Filipino.)


1. ga - a connective when it is not answered by Yes or No questions.

Examples: Nakabayah ka deng Bedyeng ga? (Do you live in Beijing?)

  • nakabayah - live
  • ka - you
  • deng - connective
  • Bedyeng - Beijing
  • ga - connective

2. deng - a connective when answering the question more clearly.

First Sentence: Nakabayah ka Bedyeng ga?

Reformed Sentence: Nakabayah ka deng Bedyeng ga?

3. alun - person marker except for you and me. Does not change when the subject is plural.

Example: Litse alun mahayran. (Lizzy is beautiful.)

  • Litse - Lizzy
  • alun - connective
  • mahayran - stunning, beautiful

4. kate - acts as an and. (Pronounced as kah-teh)

Example: Madahilbu ako nikatsas, bulupe, sarimen, kate lunggunim yin pibanggok.

  • madahilbu - will buy, shall buy
  • ako - me
  • nikatsas - eggplant
  • bulupe - celery
  • sarimen - carrots
  • kate - connective
  • lunggunim - monggo beans
  • yin - connective
  • pibanggok - market

5. yin - acts as an in.

Example: Refer to the previous example.

6. e - acts as an of.

Example: Leha alut mahayran kaney laat e tarik. (Lea is the most beautiful among the three.)

  • Leha - Lea
  • alut - connective
  • mahayran kaney - most beautiful
  • laat - all
  • e - connective
  • tarik - three

Tenses of Verbs[]

Past Tense is called Yarika, Present Tense called Nimelaka, and Future Tense is Puharaka.


1. Past tense has a prefix am-.

Example: Amlitso baney ako. (I washed the dishes.)

  • amlitso - washed
  • baney - dishes, plates
  • ako - me

2. Present tense has no connectives.

3. Future tense has suffix -bu.

Example: Diyikabu nul Amriten alun. (Aurora will plant the garden.)

  • diyikabu - will plant, shall plant
  • nul - garden
  • Amriten - Aurora
  • alun - connective

4. The formula for the sentence: (Verb) + (noun) + (person) + (alun).

Positive, Comparative, Superlative[]

Positive is called Sinanggek, Comparative is called Kuntarak, and Superlative is Masiyanak.


1. Positive has no connective.

2. Comparative has a connective in the end ilut.

Example: Amriten alun mahayran ilut Mairin. (Aurora is more beautiful than Myrene.)

  • Amriten - Aurora
  • alun - connective
  • mahayran ilut - more beautiful
  • Mairin - Myrene

3. Superlative has a connective in the end kaney.

Example: Leha alut mahayran kaney laat e tarik. (Lea is the most beautiful among the three.)

  • Leha - Lea
  • alut - connective
  • mahayran kaney - most beautiful
  • laat - all
  • e - connective
  • tarik - three

Numbers and Math[]

One - dip

Two - ngar

Three - tarik

Four - puli

Five - handon

Six - kes

Seven - bekes

Eight - nakes

Nine - silat

Ten - nalat

Formula for 11-19: nalat + (number)

Formula for 20, 30, 40, etc. : (number) + nalat

Formula for 21-29, 31-39, etc. : (number) + nalat + (number)

Hundred - kebatkowe

Thousand - kenigam

Ten Thousand - natul

Hundred Thousand - mikyat

Million - siyang

Ten Million - behe

Hundred Million - tungli

Billion - trebe

Ten Billion - anoha

Hundred Billion - silhiko

Trillion - tariye

Quadrillion - beh

Quintillion - natha

plus - madir

minus - mensay

multiply - sesa

divide - parik

fraction / over by - nagirna halos
