Type Agglutinatively Polysynthetic
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Initial
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 48%
Nouns 50%
Verbs 67%
Adjectives 50%
Syntax 33%
Words of 1500
Creator Glitchy999
Polijole Logo

APolijolè [pˠɒliɟɒlə̆] (Polidish /ˈpolɪdɪʃ/ in English) is the language spoken by the Polidians, a race of humans with magical powers, they existed on earth for around ~5820bc to 692bc, but now live on another planet called Poligathè [pˠɒligatʰə̆] (Poligea /poˈlɪʒia/ in English), and have erased all evidence of their Earth presence.

Classification and Dialects

The version of Polijole shown in this article was the average version of the variant spoken at around ~692bc, otherwise known as "Classic Polidish" but the language has changed and has altered into 6 different modern dialects. A list of all historical versions and the modern dialects/languages can be found here.

Classical Polidish



Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m mˠ~ʘ̃ n ŋ
Plosive pˠ pˠʰ bˠ t tʰ d ɟ k kʰ g ʔ
Fricative s z ʃ (ʒ) x
Affricate t͡s t͡sʰ t͡ʃ t͡ʃʰ
Lateral app. l

C[+labial][+velarised] > C[+labial][-velarised] / _{i,ĭ}

ɟ > c / C[-voice]V_VC[-voice] / C[-voice]V_

mˠ > ʘ̃ / V[-short]_V[-short]


Front Central Back
High i ĭ u ŭ
Mid ə ə̆
Low a ɒ

diphthongs: /ĭu/, /ĭə/, /ĭa/, /ĭɒ/


Very strict CV syllable structure.

the diphthongs /ĭu/, /ĭə/, /ĭa/ and /ĭɒ/ can only occur before /n/, /l/, /s/, /z/ /ʃ/, and [ʒ].

Writing System

Polidotu Syllabary

"Polidothu", The classic right-to-left syllabary writing system derived from the Phoenician alphabet, the older writing system is unknown. The symbols for /ʃ/ also fills the role of /ʒ/ and the symbol for /tʰ/ fills the role of /t͡sʰ/ and /t͡ʃʰ/. Short vowels are written using a dot at the top.



Singular Dual Plural
Athematic Thematic Athematic Thematic Athematic Thematic
Nominative -(ga) -kè -[C]a -sù -[C]u
Accusative -nè -kènè -[C]anè -şzùnè -[C]unè
Dative -ŋa -kèŋa -[C]aŋa -sùŋa -[C]uŋa
Vocative -ʼi -[C]i -ʼa -[C]a -ʼa -[C]a
Locative -tè -kètè -[C]atè -şùtè -[C]utè
Genitive -bo -kèbo -xa -zùbo -xu
Reflexive -(Previous Syllable)

-ga is often considered not neccesary

The thematic declensions have 5 different forms where 1 tenuis consonant is inserted, p, t, c/ç, k, or ʼ



Present tense Past tense Future tense
Perfect -∅ -mi -tu
Imperfect -cì -mu
Infinitive nie-

Poly-Personal Agreement

Singular Dual Plural
Masculine Feminine
Subject 1st Person -na -me -ta -gu
2nd Person -nia -mi -çeta -ge
3rd Person -∅ -xu
Object 1st Person -kho -ʼatì
2nd Person -mwo -ma -ʼotì
3rd Person -∅ -ziu
Indirect Object 1st Person -no -ʼatè
2nd Person -nio -ʼotè
3rd Person -xa -siu
Reflexive 1st Person -nana -memè -tata -gugù
2nd Person -niania -mimì -çecè -gegè
3rd Person -xaxa

-tecì = CONV "while"

-te = ABL.CONV "after"

-so = PURP.CONV "because of"

-pu = COND.CONV "so that"


'e- = INFR "It is known that ..."

cho-/çho- = VIS.INFR "It is seen that ..."

ba- = HEAR.INFR "It his heard that ..."

jo- = QUOT "It is said that ..."


Singular Dual Plural
1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person 1st Person 2nd Person 3rd Person
Perfect Present ni ninami nina nikha nimi no nukhè numì nu
Past mi miʼè miʼu
Imperfect Present phù phùtè phùtu
Past mu muʼè muʼu
Future tu tuʼè tuʼu
Infinitive nieni


Singular Dual Plural
Masculine Feminine Normal Couple
NOM 1st Person Na Me Ta Mabo Gu
2nd Person Nia Mi Ge Neta Ge
3rd Person Xa Xu
OBL 1st Person No Mu ʼAtè Mabè ʼAtè
2nd Person Nio Ma ʼOtè Nota ʼOtè
3rd Person Xo Siu

Adjectives and Adverbs

Nominative Oblique
Adjective -bo phe-
Adverb pho-
Stative -nè


it has a VSO word order and is head initial, however adjectives go before nouns









Example text - The North Wind and the Sun


'Èlabumi lapatophobo mimwega niu gonaga ŋoniozugenè xakèbo. Phoxi'o niu phomime dulamìmutecì, zamemu zamaŋenio'aga chùŋitè phopuçota'ane kalèmi xa pulolonè.

Lilemi gonaga "lamìta", "gùmitatatu niozugega xa zamaŋeniobo'aga pulolonè".

Phodema lilemi lapatophobo mimwega "lamìnanio", pholathe lumemi pheşzuniamo mimwenè, xujoni zamaŋeniotè'aga.

Pilogèmu phojukana mimwega pulolobo zamaŋeniobo'aga khemanè. Niu phothigi puçotami xaxa, niu phoniozuge xujonimi mimwega, phoniothigi puçotami xaxa. Phodema kuthomèmi mimwega pulolonè, niu mi phetidi xabo tutapega du'oçakobo.

Photuke mìkomu gonaga. mi xabo mìkosù ŋelakinè, niu kalèmu phegìna xi'onè, dupuçotami zamaŋenio'aga xabo pulolonè niu paŋami phomèta şzaliudamu xabo daşzinişzùnè. Mu gonabo mìkosù nioxi'onè niu nioxi'onè. Gùmitami lijoga xabo jena niu şacumi xabo philanè. Phocimani mupu ziagu xi'onè gùmita xabo pulolonè, niu, kisotamu nieşzadèna phosuxi'o gonabo mìkonè, cìmìmu xaxa phetonia takanèbo xalutè khulìchùŋitè.


[ʔə̆labˠumi lapˠatɒpˠʰɒbˠɒ miʘ̃əga nĭu gɒnaga ŋɒnĭɒgəkʰənə̆ xakəbˠɒ. pˠʰɒxiʔɒ nĭu pˠʰɒmimə dulamĭmutət͡sĭ, zaməmu zamaŋənĭɒʔaga t͡sʰŭŋitə̆ pˠʰɒpˠut͡ʃɒtaʔanə kalə̆mi xa pˠulɒlɒnə̆]

[liləmi gɒnaga lamĭta, gŭmitatatu nĭɒgəkʰəga xa zamaŋənĭɒbˠɒʔaga pˠulɒlɒnə̆]

[pˠʰɒdəma liləmi lapˠatɒpˠʰɒbˠɒ miməga lamĭnanĭɒ pˠʰɒlatʰə luməmi pˠʰəʒunĭamɒ miʘ̃ənə̆ xuɟɒni zamaŋənĭɒtə̆ʔaga]

[pilɒgə̆mu pˠʰɒɟukana miʘ̃əga pˠulɒlɒbˠɒ zamaŋənĭɒbˠɒʔaga kʰəmanə̆. nĭu pˠʰɒtʰigi pˠut͡ʃɒtami xaxa, nĭu pˠʰɒnĭɒgəkʰə xuɟɒnimi miʘ̃əga, pˠʰɒnĭɒtʰigi pˠut͡ʃɒtami xaxa. pˠʰɒdəma kutʰɒmə̆mi miʘ̃əga pˠulɒlɒnə̆, nĭu mi pˠʰətidi xabˠɒ tutapˠəga duʔɒt͡ʃakɒbˠɒ]

[pˠʰɒtukə mĭkɒmu gɒnaga. mi xabˠɒ mĭkɒsŭ ŋəlakinə̆, nĭu kalə̆mu pˠʰəgĭna xiʔɒnə̆, dupˠut͡ʃɒtami zamaŋənĭɒʔaga xabˠɒ pˠulɒlɒnə̆ nĭu pˠaŋami pˠʰɒmə̆ta ʒalĭudamu xabˠɒ daʒiniʒŭnə̆. pˠʰŭmu gɒnabˠɒ mĭkɒsŭ nĭɒxiʔɒnə̆ nĭu nĭɒxiʔɒnə̆. gŭmitami liɟɒga xabˠɒ ɟəna nĭu ʃat͡sumi xabˠɒ pʰilanə̆. pˠʰɒt͡simani mupu zĭagu xiʔɒnə̆ gŭmita xabˠɒ pˠulɒlɒnə̆, nĭu, kisɒtamusɒ nĭəʒadə̆na pˠʰɒsuxiʔɒ gɒnabˠɒ mĭkɒnə̆, t͡sĭmĭmi xaxa pˠʰətɒnĭa takanə̆bˠɒ xalusa kʰulĭt͡sʰŭŋitə]


argue-∅-AOR north-GEN wind-NOM and sun-NOM who-more-strong-ACC DEM-GEN.du. ADV-heat and ADV-wind NEG-agree-∅-PST.IMPERF-CONV, ALL-∅-PST.IMPERF travel-AG.NOM path-LOC ADV-wrap-PAT INE-∅-AOR DEM.NOM cloak-ACC.

say-∅-AOR sun-NOM "agree-1du>3sg", ">3sg-FUT more-strong-NOM DEM travel-GEN-AG cloak-ACC".

ADV-angry say-∅-AOR north-GEN wind-NOM "agree-1sg.MASC>3sg-2sg.DAT", ADV-PRES create-∅-AOR ADJ-very-cold wind-ACC, push travel-LOC-AG.

whip-∅-AOR ADV-one.ORD wind-NOM cloak-GEN travel-GEN-AG end-ACC. and ADJ-close wrap-∅-AOR DEM.RELF, and ADV-more-strong push-∅-AOR wind-NOM, ADJ-more-close wrap-∅-AOR DEM.RELF. ADV-angry tear-∅-AOR wind-NOM cloak-ACC, and COP.AOR ADJ-all DEM-GEN labour-NOM NEG-reason-GEN.

ADV-after shine-∅-PST.IMPERF sun-NOM. COP.AOR DEM.GEN ray-PL weak-ACC, and INE-∅-PST.IMPERF ADJ-good heat-ACC, NEG-wrap-∅-AOR traveler-AG.NOM DEM.GEN cloak-ACC and allow-∅-AOR ADV-loose hang-3sg>3pl-AOR DEM.GEN shoulder-ACC.PL. COP.PST.IMPERF sun-GEN ray-PL more-hot-ACC and more-hot-ACC.∅-AOR person-NOM DEM.GEN hat-ACC and wipe-∅-AOR DEM.GEN brow-ACC. ADV-final COP.PST.IMPERF-COND.CONV too hot-ACC DEM.GEN coat-ACC, and, want-∅-PST.IMPERF-PURP.CONV INF-escape ADV-pl-hot sun-GEN light-ACC, throw-∅-AOR DEM.RELF ADJ-welcome tree-GEN shadow-LOC side-path-LOC.


The North Wind and the Sun had a quarrel about which of them was the stronger. While they were disputing with much heat and bluster, a Traveler passed along the road wrapped in a cloak.

"Let us agree," said the Sun, "that he is the stronger who can strip that Traveler of his cloak".

"Very well," growled the North Wind, and at once sent a cold, howling blast against the Traveler.

With the first gust of wind the ends of the cloak whipped about the Traveler's body. But he immediately wrapped it closely around him, and the harder the Wind blew, the tighter he held it to him. The North Wind tore angrily at the cloak, but all his efforts were in vain.

Then the Sun began to shine. At first his beams were gentle, and in the pleasant warmth after the bitter cold of the North Wind, the Traveler unfastened his cloak and let it hang loosely from his shoulders. The Sun's rays grew warmer and warmer. The man took off his cap and mopped his brow. At last he became so heated that he pulled off his cloak, and, to escape the blazing sunshine, threw himself down in the welcome shade of a tree by the roadside."


Consonants Vowels
IPA b g d z x tʰ ɟ k l m mˠ n ŋ s p t͡s t͡ʃ t͡sʰ t͡ʃʰ kʰ pʰ ʃ ʒ t ʔ a ə i ɒ u ĭ ŭ ə̆ ĭu ĭə ĭa ĭɒ
Romanisation b g d z x th j k l m mw n ŋ s p c ç ch çh kh ph ş şz t ' a e i o u ì ù è iu ie ia io


