Head direction No
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations No
Genders None
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Nouns Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Verbs 2%
Adjectives Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Syntax Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Words 21 of 1500
Creator Jick

Classification and Dialects[]

Qa'ya is a West-Slavic-based language with the latin alphabet. It heavily uses the /k/ sound heavily in the form of 'q'.

Writing System[]

Qa'ya uses the Latin alphabet with no letter 'w'. An apostraphe is used as a pause. A asterix over a letter means you add a /j/ sound in front of it.'Q' is pronounced like a K. Drop the letter 'h' unless if it is a 'ch', 'sh' or a 'ph'. Example: Qa'a* is "Ka ya" in English



I - a* You - te* They - ab'ch It/That - u*b'sh [own]er - [qa'ai*]fe*r We (Plural I) - [a*]q'u*c The - fu* [Playing] Place - qac'la*m-dc'fa*r


The "ve*" prefix negates a verb. The infinitive of a verb is used in all cases of the verb. The "n*" suffix means I [verb] in... The "I*u" suffix means to make the verb an adverb. u*q - to exist qu* - to be slave* - to make so* - to like/love qa'qi* - to have le*bur - to work qocta* - to cost qocvla - to buy eros - to consume e*uce - to destroy qa'fi - to move qac'la*m - to play vea*r - to wear


Sentence Word Order: <adverbs> qi'a* <verb> u* <adjectives for subject> qi'a* <subject> u* <adjectives for object> qi'a* <object> u* <timing> So, "Sometimes, I go to the Shop." would be "go u* I u* Shop u* Sometimes" Question Word Order: <qword> va*'i* <sentence>? This enquires something about the sentence. "Where va*'i* exists u* The Shop?" means "Where does the Shop exist" or enquiring Where the sentence happens.

Example Sentence[]

I go to the shop - u*q'n* u* a* u* fe*-qocvla-dc'fa*r. (yuk'yn yu ya yu fye-kosvla-ds'fyar)
