Lingua ragusina
Type Italo-Dalmatian Romance
Alignment Nominative-accusative
Head direction Final
Tonal No
Declensions Yes
Conjugations Yes
Genders Two
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words of 1500
Creator exospheric-pressure

Ragusian (ragusina [ragu'zina] or lingua ragusina [ˈliŋɡwa ragu'zina]) is a Italo-Dalmatian Romance language of the Indo-European language family. It is an official language in Ragusa and Croatia. It has an official minority status in Montenegro, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Italy, and Albania. Ragusian is also spoken by large expatriate communities in the Americas and Australia. Many speakers of Ragusian are native bilinguals of both Ragusian and their local regional languages.

Classification and Dialects[]



Bilabial Labio-dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n (ŋ)1
Plosive p b t d k g
Fricative f v s z ʃ ʒ (ç)1 x
Approximant ɫ j ʎ
Trill r

1 Allophonic sound


Front Central Back
High i u
High-mid e o
Mid (ə)1
Low-mid ɛ ɔ
Low ä

1 Allophonic sound

Writing System[]

Letter IPA Diacritics
A /a/ â, à
B /b/
C /c/, /ʃ/ (before i, e)
Ç /ʃ/
D /d/
E /e/, /ɛ/ ê, è, ë
F /f/
G /g/, /ʒ/ (before i, e)
H /∅/, /ʔ/ (intervocalic)
I /i/ î, ì, ï
J /ʒ/
L /ɫ/
LL /ʎ/
M /m/
N /n/
O /o/, /ɔ/ ô, ò
P /p/
Q /kw/, /k/
R /r/
S /s/
T /t/
U /u/ û, ù
V /v/
Z /z/



masculine feminine
definite indefinite definite indefinite
sg il un la na
pl i1 le ne

1 j' when the following noun begins with a vowel (e.g., j'invern d'Itaglia "Italian winters")


C e o a
singular C Ce Co a
plural C e
C e o a
singular nazion cane Co a
plural nazion can e e


o-type masculine feminine e-type masculine feminine
sg o a sg e e
pl - e pl - -
o-type masculine feminine e-type masculine feminine
sg intimo intima sg verde
pl intim intime pl verz


essè "to be"
present participle sente past participle parlato
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present stressed sono es e semo sete sont
clitic son s'mo s'te
imperfect stressed gio'ra t'era era eram ereste erant
clitic era
preterite "to have" + past participle
future giua + present indicative
conditional gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present sem si si sim siz sent
past vos vosse vosse vossem voste vossent
subjunctive cagio catu cal / cala canoi cavoi cai / cale
present sem si si simo siz sent
perfect forem fores foret foremo forez forent
imperative - tu - - voi -
positive - es - - sete -
negative - non essè - - non essè -
parlà "to speak"
present participle parlante past participle parlato
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present parlo parle parla parlam parlez parlant
imperfect parlavo parlas parlava parlamo parlastez parlont
preterite "to have" + past participle
future giua + present indicative
conditional gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present parlem parle parle parliam parlemen parlento
past parlà parlà parlariat parlariam parlariaz parlarant
subjunctive cagio catu cal / cala canoi cavoi cai / cale
present parlè parlè parlè parlemo parlese parlent
perfect parlasse parlassa parlasse parlassam parlassaz parlassant
imperative - tu - - voi -
positive - parla - - parlate -
negative - non parlà - - non parlà -
andè "to go"
present participle parlante past participle parlato
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present vado, va'o vade va andem andez vent
imperfect andevo andes andeva andemo andestez andent
preterite "to have" + past participle of andè stem
future giua + vado, va'o giua + gi giua + gi giua + gim giua + giz giua + giont
conditional gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present andem ande ande andiam andemen andento
past andè andè anderiat anderiam anderiaz anderant
subjunctive cagio catu cal / cala canoi cavoi cai / cale
present vaià vaià vaià andemo andese vadent
perfect isse issa isse issam issaz issant
imperative - tu - - voi -
positive - va - - vate -
negative - non andè - - non andè -
hà "to have"
present participle past participle hato
person singular plural
first second third first second third
indicative gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present ho has ha hâm hâz hânt
imperfect havo havas hava havamo havastaz havant
preterite "to have" + past participle
future giua + present indicative
conditional gio tu il / la noi voi i / le
present am as at amo az ant
past à areà àreto aremo arme anto
subjunctive cagio catu cal / cala canoi cavoi cai / cale
present hâmo hâmen hânto
perfect hasse hassa hasse hassam hassaz hassant
imperative - tu - - voi -
positive - - - hate -
negative - non hà - - non hà -


Balkan Characteristics[]

Wackernagel's Law[]

Clitic position
First position 1 2 3 4 Third position
Marco giua aisso ci dato
Marco giua aissoci dato.
Mark will have given it to him.

Future tense[]

The future tense is created using an analytic clitic, giua, which is a second-position clitic (see Wackernagel's Law).


The preterite (more often called the past perfect or, in Ragusian, the historical past) is formed with the verb, meaning to have.

Re-narrative mood[]

Loss of the Infinitive[]

The use of the infinitive (common in other languages related to some of the Balkan languages, such as Romance and Slavic) is generally replaced with subjunctive constructions, following early Greek innovation.

I want to go.
voglio ca va'o
I want that I go



singular plural reflexive
first second third first second third
m/n f m/n f
Nominative gio tu il la noi voi i le -
Accusative stressed me te cio ce loro è se
clitic mi ti ço ci na va lo
Prepositional stressed a me a te aisso aissa a noi a voi a loro si
clitic mi ti so sa na va lo
singular plural
first second third reflexive first second third reflexive
consonant onset masculine object singular mo to e so nostro vostro ilo so
plural mi toi i1 si noster voster il si
feminine object singular ma ta a sa nostra vostra ila sa
plural me te e se nostre vostre ile se
vowel onset m' t' N/A s' N/A s'

1 j' when the following noun begins with a vowel (e.g., j'anem "their souls")

who what where when why how
Nominative unstressed ki ca û cando parca com
stressed d'û come


Word Plural Definition Gender Etymology Notes
verza verze vegetable f. viridia "cabbage"
verde verz green, greenery m. viridis
drecto drect right, law m. directus
nazion nazion nation, country f. natio
tremò tremor tremor, shake m. tremor
derelizion derelizion dereliction, neglect, abandonment f. derelictio
inverno invern winter m. hibernus
compagnon compagnon companion m. companio
lingua lingue language, tongue f. lingua
can cagn dog m. canis
cagna cagne bitch (all senses) f. cania
zidà zidar mason, bricklayer m. Hr. zidar
oftimo oftim the best, top marks m. optimus
somno sogn sleep, rest m. somnus
sogno sogn dream, pie in the sky m. somnium
realite realiz reality, realness f. realitatem
figlio fill son m. filius
figlia figlie daughter f. filia
fratè frar brother m. frater
sora sore sister f. soror
mâre mâir mother f. mater
pâre pâir father m. pater
mare mair sea m. mare
cena cen dinner f. cena
scola scole school f. schola
universite universiz university f. universitas
revoluzion revoluzion revolution f. revolutio
glacia glacie ice f. *glacia
pace paç peace, ceasefire f. pax
gherra gherre war, combat f. guerra
persona person person f. persona
fromaggia fromaggie cheese f. Fr. fromage
pandemia pandemie pandemic f. pandemia
posteglia posteglie bed f. Hr. postelja
forza forze force f. *fortia
bocca bocke mouth f. bucca
pecugna pecugn money, (fig.) treasury f. pecunia
côssino côssin pillow m. *coxinum
castite castiz chastity f. castitas
infidelite infideliz infidelity f. Fr. infidélité
pagliaç pagliaç lighter m. Hr. upaljač
aqua aque water f. aqua
baseleca baseleke church (building) f. basilica
eccleza eccleze church (institution) f. ecclesia
nocte noç night f. nox
dia die day f. dies
calego caleg fog, mist m. caligo
camisia camisie shirt f. camisia
catedra catedre seat, chair f. cathedra
pantegana pantegan rat f. Wanderwort
piva pive beer f. Hr. piva
amico amig friend (male) m. amicus (female) amica/amiche
artizano artizan artisan, craftsman m. *artitianus (female) artizana/artizane
artizanalite artizanaliz artisanality, craftsmanship f. *artitianus
gôto gôz drinking glass m. Ven. gòto
victo vict food, board m. victus
alimento aliment food (formal) m. alimentum
orgoglio orgoil pride, arrogance m. orgollio
riza rize root, (figurative) source f. ῥίζα
coghilagia coghilagie shellfish f. Fr. coquillage
aglio ail garlic m.
pezeglino pezeglin parsley m.
hemeglia hemeglie hop f. Hr. hmelj
butro buter butter m.
peoce peoç mussel f.
grasso grass fat m. crassus
besogna besogn need f. *bisonium
necessite necessiz necessity, need f.
ivaraco ivarag halibut m. Hr. ivarak
tòssego tòsseg toxin, poison m. Ven. tòsego
biologia biologie biology f. biologia
cite cite city f. civitas
storia storie story, history f. historia
anema anem soul, spirit f. anima
anemo anem mind, courage, opinion m. animus
spirito spirit spirit (all senses) m. spiritus
comnato comnat brother-in-law m. cognatus (female) comnata/comnate
soccro socker father-in-law m. socer (female) soccra/soccre
genero genèr son-in-law m. gener
nora nore daughter-in-law f. nurus
conskero consker in-laws (collective) m. consocer
diocese dioces diocese f. diocesis
rege rej king, monarch m. rex (female) regina/regine
côssa côsse thigh f. coxa
limaça limace slug f. limax
jaloste jaloç sorrow, sadness, grief f. Hr. žalost
larema larem tear (eye water) f. lacrima


Word Definition 1s Etymology
comprendrè to understand comprendo comprehendere
intellegè to understand integliegio intellegere
nascè to be born naço nascere
notà to swim noto notare
parlà to speak parlo parabolare
venì to come veno venire
cenà to dine, to eat dinner ceno cenare
amà to love amo amare
to give do dare
manducà to eat manduco manducare
sapè to know irregular sapere
menà to lead meno menare
cocenà to cook coceno coquinare
trincà to drink trinco Ger. trinken
ostentà to show, to demonstrate ostento ostentare
skepazà to coat, to cover skepazo Gk. σκεπάζω
balancià to balance balancio Fr. balancer
complementà to complement, to be a complement to complemento complementare
spesegà to work spesego Ven. spesegàre
kerà to ask; to ask for kero quaerere
credà to believe; to believe in credo credere
ignà to send; to envoy igno inviare
juzigà to judge; to pass judgment juzigo iudicare


Word m. pl. Definition Etymology
verde verz green, verdant viridis
pessimo pessim worst, awful pessimus
oftimo oftim best, fantastic optimus
bono bon good bonus
dolce dolç sweet, gentle, mild, dear dulcis
tòssego tòsseg toxic, poisonous Ven. tòsego
prodego prodeg lavish, extravagant, prodigal prodigus
sancto sanct holy, sacred, holy, sanctified sanctus
artizanale artizanal artisan, craft (attributive) *artitianus


Word Definition Example Etymology
con with cum
issem together with, along with Veni issem a me. "Come with me." insemel
in in, on Son nella casa. "I'm in the house." in
da from de + ab

da + article combined form
da + il da'l
da + la dalla
da + i dai
da + le dalle
in + article combined form
in + il n'il
in + la nella
in + i igni
in + le nelle


Word Definition Etymology
cednom another Hr. (jo)š jednom


Word Definition Etymology
giamo now, yet, still, already Dal. jamo
coç so, like (this), thus eccum + sic
coge today hunc + hodie
meco with me mecum
sonde often subinde
troppo too much troppus
tanto so much, very tantus


Word Definition Etymology
affin ca so that, in order to (+ subjunctive) al + fin + ca "to the end what"
ma but magis
domentre while, during dum + interim
e and et
parca because pro + quid


Number Cardinal Ordinal
one uno primo
two doe secondo
three tre terza
four catro carto
five cinco cinto
six sêsto
seven septe septimo
eight octo octavo
nine nove nono
ten dece decemo
eleven unsadece unsadecemo
twelve dosadece dosadecemo
twenty dodece dodecemo
twenty-one dodece (e) uno dodece-primo
thirty tredece tredecemo
forty catrodece catrodecemo
fifty cincodece cincodecemo
sixty sèdece sèdecemo
seventy septedece septedecemo
eighty octodece octodecemo
ninety-nine nodece (e) nove dodece-nono
hundred cento centesimo
hundred and one cento (e) uno cento-primo
hundred and ten cento (e) dece cento-decemo
hundred and eleven cento (e) unsadece cento-unsadecemo


Phrase Definition Example
a perdita d'oclo as far as the eye can see
spirito de corpo esprit de corps

Comparative Vocabulary[]

Basic Phrases[]

Example text[]

La Prece de Domin (The Lord's Prayer)
Latin Ragusian English
Pater noster, qui es in caelis, Padre nostro, ca es igni cel, Our Father, who art in heaven,
Sanctificetur Nomen Tuum. Si santificato To Nom. Hallowed be thy name.
Adveniat Regnum Tuum. Vena To Remno. Thy kingdom come.
Fiat voluntas Tua, sicut in caelo, et in terra. Si facta Ta volonte, com in Celo coç in Terra. Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie. Dava coge nostro pan quotidiano. Give us this day our daily bread.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra, E remitt a me noster debet, And forgive us our trespasses,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris. Com nolo remittamo a noster debet. As we forgive those who trespass against us.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem, E non mena no in tentazion, And lead us not into temptation,
Sed libera nos a Malo. Ma liberano da'l mal. But deliver us from evil.
Amen. Amen. Amen.
John 3:16-19 (Douay-Rheims Bible)
Latin Ragusian English
[16] Sic enim Deus dilexit mundum, ut Filium suum unigenitum daret: ut omnis qui credit in eum, non pereat, sed habeat vitam aeternam. Parca DEO tanto ama il mondo ca davo so Figlio unigenito; affin ca omne ki credè in CIO, non morià, ma hà un vita eternale. For God so loved the world, as to give His only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in Him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting.
[17] Non enim misit Deus Filium suum in mundum, ut judicet mundum, sed ut salvetur mundus per ipsum. Parca DEO non ignava so Figlio da'l Mondo pa'l juzigà de'l Mondo, ma se parca il Mondo salvè per CIO. For God sent not His Son into the world, to judge the world, but that the world may be saved by Him.
[18] Qui credit in eum, non judicatur; qui autem non credit, jam judicatus est: quia non credit in nomine unigeniti Filii Dei. Il ki creda in CIO non ê condemnato; ma il ki non creda ê giamo condemnato, parca non creda n'il nom de'l Figlio unigenito de DEO. He that believeth in Him is not judged. But he that doth not believe, is already judged: because he believeth not in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
[19] Hoc est autem judicium: quia lux venit in mundum, et dilexerunt homines magis tenebras quam lucem: erant enim eorum mala opera. E casto ê il juziço: la luce ê veno da'l Mondo, e j'omegn havant preferenzia delle tembre alla luce, parca era e opre mail. And this is the judgment: because the light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than the light: for their works were evil.