
The following is a list or morphemes (not words, as the language is polysynthetic) in the Shataranjan language.


Words will be listed in their base form. Nouns, pronouns, determiners and adjectives will be listed as singular, ergative case.

Word Part-of-speech type Translation Additional notes
amakh v to give
beraatsi adj red/orange
bvonh adv now, currently
cyunes n battlefield
dla adv not
dzelh v to be
ebvi n stranger
etshe n justice
faanyi adj purple/magenta
gghat v to have
gjaaseng adj good
golitshi adj green
grooj v to die
judze n battle
ketshaar n weapon
kicyal v to like
kheja n language
khuura adj scary, dreaded
lagghe adj cold
lhenlhi adj yellow
lhufe adj hot, warm
matsa n head, top
meeta n rock, stone
mogha v to arrive
naaref v to walk
nijaqh v to lose
oozep n danger
pfiigh v to hate
pos v to live
qhat v to speak
qhumi adj (dark) blue
ran n land
shaati adj black
seeda n power, rage
subzor v to explore
taati adj white
tikha n sky
tlhiiqh v to use
tsuva n sand
voozhi adj infrared
zhi n queen, governor
zuug v to fight
zuuge n war