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Simplicity and completeness are the core tenets of şi. Language is a symbolic - written and spoken words - representation of problems and solutions. Language is made of statements, just as a molecule is made of atoms.

The Statement[]

A statement is a series of words that express one basic truth. For example, "one and one make two" is a statement in English. This type of statement is known as a declarative statement.

Parts of Speech[]

English traditionally has eight parts of speech: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction, and interjection. In comparison, şi has three: object, function, and logical operator. These three serve the same purpose as those eight of English, and thus are merely generalized forms.

The Object[]

An object has a value. In English, a noun is an object, and a pronoun is a indirect reference to an object; thus, they fall into this category. An adjective modifies a noun - i.e. a noun possesses an adjective, as one would an object - thus it has value, and is also an object. The same applies to an adverb or a preposition, since they modify verbs and therefore have values.

The Function[]

A complete English sentence requires a "subject" and a "predicate." [1] The "subject" is an object, and the "predicate" is a verb which uses that object, in a sense. Similarly, a function (as in mathematics) requires an input variable to use. Therefore, a verb is a function. An interjection is also a function - one that does not use an object.[2]

The Logical Operator[]

Simple expressions can be made with objects and functions. However, more complex expressions can be made when words such as "if," "and," or "but" are used. These conjunctions and related words fall under the category of logical operator. Whereas an object can modify another object, a logical operator modifies entire statements.


  1. The shortest sentence in the English language is "go," which at first sight seems to have no subject. The subject, in fact, is understood contextually and therefore present.
  2. To use a mathematical analogy, the function f(x) = 5 does not use x.