The author wishes to make it clear this project is currently undergoing significant construction or revamp.
Feel free to contribute to the lexicon. Thank you.
Type Isolate
Alignment Nominative-Accusative
Head direction Initial
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations No
Genders 1
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words 100 of 1500
Creator CyanSurfer
SimplaLang Flag

”SimplaLang” written in Simpla script.

This article is still under construction, feel free to expand upon it, and fix SPaG issues if needed!

Classification and Dialects[]

The language is classified as an isolated language, it was designed to be a fairly simple language to learn, there are an infinite of dialects due to the fact that this language isn’t tonal.


The language was invented in 1788 by Dr. Aurelia Sinclair, her research are what got her interest, and then eventually led to the birth of SimplaLang. It had only began in the United Kingdom, and been slowly getting more speakers across Mainland Europe to eventually the Americas, Asia, and along with Africa.


Old Photograph of Dr. Aurelia Sinclair



Labial Coronal Dorsal
Nasal m n ŋ
Plosive p b
/p-ʙ̥/ /b-ʙ/
t d
/t/ /d-ɾ/
k g
/k-q/ /g-ɢ/
Fricative f
Sonorant w



Front Back
Close i


Mid e
Open a


a e i o u
a ae ai ao au
e ea ei eo eu
i ia ie io iu
o oa oe oi ou
u ua ue ui uo


The language follows a (C)V(C) pattern, so consonants aren’t allowed to cluster. SimplaLang Syllable Structure

Writing System[]

SimplaLang Alphabet

Letter m n ŋ p t k b d g f s h
Sound [m] [n] [ŋ] [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g] [f] [s] [h]
Letter w j l a e i o u
Sound [w] [j] [l] [a] [e] [i] [o] [u]

Letter м н ң п т к б д г ф с х
Sound [m] [n] [ŋ] [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g] [f] [s] [h]
Letter ў й л а е и о у
Sound [w] [j] [l] [a] [e] [i] [o] [u]

Letter م ن ڠ پ ت ك ب د غ ف س ه
Sound [m] [n] [ŋ] [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g] [f] [s] [h]
Letter و ج ل ــَـ ــِـ ــِـ ــُـ ــُـ
Sound [w] [j] [l] [a] [e] [i] [o] [u]

Letter फ़
Sound [m] [n] [ŋ] [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g] [f] [s] [h]
Sound [w] [j] [l] [a] [e] [i] [o] [u]

Letter μ ν νγ π τ κ μπ δ γ φ σ η
Sound [m] [n] [ŋ] [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g] [f] [s] [h]
Letter β ι λ α ε ι ο υ
Sound [w] [j] [l] [a] [e] [i] [o] [u]

Sound [m] [n] [ŋ] [p] [t] [k] [b] [d] [g] [f] [s] [h]
Sound [w] [j] [l] [a] [e] [i] [o] [u]


Simpla Keyboard



The language is Nominative-Accusative, so it uses the SVO (Subject-Verb-Object) word arrangement.


The prefix “na” is used to negate a word.


Singular Plural
1st Person Gi Gi-gi
Second Person Lu Lu-lu
Third Person Ti Ti-ti

Number System[]

Number System
Arabic Old Arabic Roman English SimplaLang
0 ٠ Zero Nos
1 ١ I One Bo
2 ٢ II Two Ju
3 ٣ III Three Sit
4 ٤ IV Four Jo
5 ٥ V Five Gaŋ
6 ٦ VI Six Os
7 ٧ VII Seven Bep
8 ٨ VIII Eight Ja
9 ٩ IX Nine Kif
10 ١٠ X Ten Dis
50 ٥٠ L Fifty Gaŋdis
100 ١٠٠ C One Hundred Tol
1,000 ١٠٠٠ M One Thousand Tof

Days of the Week[]

English SimplaLang
Monday Jumon
Tuesday Wonon
Wednesday Honon
Thursday Sailon
Friday Tuton
Saturday Miŋon
Sunday Siŋon


English SimplaLang
January Boihodis
February Juihodis
March Sitihodis
April Joihodis
May Gaŋihodis
June Osihodis
July Bepihodis
August Jaihodis
September Kifihodis
October Disihodis
November Disboihodis
December Disjuihodis

Family Members[]

Category English Written
Family Groups whole family halfamil
household famil
parents Road
cousins Kuso
children Wakjan
grandchildren Dubwakjan
in-laws Lefel
Grandparents grandfather Dubpapa
grandmother Dubmama
Parents father Papa
mother Mama
Parents-in-Law father-in-law Lefelpapa
mother-in-law Lefelmama
Parents' Siblings uncle (father's brother) Vilotio
uncle (mother's brother Vilotio
aunt (father's sister) Vilatio
aunt (mother's sister) Vilatio
Siblings older brother Vies Fafa
brother Fafa
older sister Vies Sasa
sister Sasa
Cousins cousin (father's brother's son) Vilokuso
cousin (father's brother's daughter) Vilakuso
cousin (father's sister's son) Vilokuso
cousin (father's sister's daughter) Vilakuso
cousin (mother's brother's son) Vilokuso
cousin (mother's brother's daughter) Vilakuso
cousin (mother's sister's son) Vilokuso
cousin (mother's sister's daughter) Vilakuso
Siblings-in-Law brother-in-law (husband's brother) Lefelfafa
sister-in-law (husband's sister) Lefelsasa
brother-in-law (wife's brother) Lefelfafa
sister-in-law (wife's sister) Lefelsasa
Children son Vilowakjan
daughter Vilawakjan
Niblings nephew Vilonevo
niece Vilanevo
Children-in-Law son-in-law Lefelvilowakjan
daughter-in-law Lefelvilawakjan
Grandchildren grandson Dubvilowakjan
granddaughter Dubvilawakjan


Countries in this language are named after what the citizens call themselves, combined with the suffix “-lon” meaning “country”.

Native English SimplaLang
Polska Poland Pol-lon

Basic Phrases[]

These recordings were made by an American speaker with Volhynian features.



Welcome Tenemi
Hello Sita
How are you? ¿Hao lu da?
Reply to 'How are you?' ¿Dub i lu?
Long time no see To da uju man
What's your name? ¿Ke lun nam da?
My name is... Mi nam da...
Where are you from? ¿Lu da de kije?
I'm from... Gi da de...
Please to meet you. Dub Sita
Good morning (Morning greeting) Dub alok
Good afternoon (Afternoon greeting) Dub isina
Good evening (Evening greeting) Dub isina
Goodnight Dub nadol
Goodbye (Parting phrases) Lemisa
Good luck! Dubetaru
Cheers! Good Health! (Toasts used when drinking) Dubetaga
Have a nice day Dub on
Bon appetit / Have a nice meal Bitori
Bon voyage / Have a good journey Bitomisa
I understand Bitomari
I don't understand Bitomogo
Yes Jai
No Nai
Maybe Mai
I don't know Majai
Please speak more slowly
Please say that again
Please write it down
Do you speak Drevljanski?
Yes, a little (reply to Do you speak...?)
Speak to me in Drevljanski Drejik Sak Bitas
How do you say ... in Drevljanski? ¿Drejik Sak ... Vojo?
Excuse me Ahen
How much is this?
Sorry Gi elo
Please Mapini
Thank you
Reply to thank you Mapoa
Where's the toilet / bathroom?
This gentleman will pay for everything Mapue
This lady will pay for everything
Would you like to dance with me?
I miss you Jabarini
I love you Jabar
Get well soon
Go away!
Leave me alone! ¡Lajakalat!
Call the police!
Christmas greetings Dub pola
New Year greetings Dub him yija
Easter greetings Dub alisu
Diwali greetings Dub posa
Birthday greetings Dub on o geb
One language is never enough
My hovercraft is full of eels


Verb Meaning
Nom Eat, Consume, Devour, Ingest
Jog Use
Nim Sleep
Wun See, Spot, Glimpse, Percieve
Sil Speak, Talk, Chat
Rit Write
Wia Make, Build, Construct, Erect, Fabricate
Tantam Dance, Jig, Gambol
Sitoŋ Like, Love, Enjoy
Jiŋ Swim
Sib Walk, Stroll, Saunter, Amble, Trudge, Plod, Hike, Tramp, Trek
Al Sing
Jik Jump, Hop
Bat Give, Transfer, Send
Fus Hear, Listen
Vot Drink, Consume
Sal Laugh
Pip Play, Engage, Enjoy
Gis Ask
Mam Touch, Contact
Nol Smell, Sniff
Lot Remember
Lonin Think
Hap Smile
Sak Cry, Bawl
Tanken Explore
Fis Control, Order
Elo Apologize
Da Be
Hat Protect
Fugi Cover
Tot Take, Grab
Alkan Reach
Las Stand
Swear Words[]
English SimpaLang
F*ck Kimisa
Sh*t Kakaju
Bi*ch Koema
A$$ Laiki
D*ck Daojaka
C*ck Daojun Dao
P€n*s Dao
Asshole Laikiheaba
S*x Dao Laiki

Auxiliary Verbs[]

Tense SimplaLang English Translation
Present Tense nom eat
Past Tense ba nom ate
Future Tense mu nom will eat


When specifying the plural of a noun, you simply say the word twice unless the amount is specified.

Noun Meaning
Jan Person
Lum Animal
Tam Tree
Tu House
On Day
Fi Fire
Kos Stone
Tala River
Miku Cat
Fina Bird
Siŋ Sun
Jum Moon
Kul Water
Tamla Fruit
Mitan Mountain
Vison Road
Sika Sky
Wuna Wind
Solo Voice
Siaŋ Language
Lon Country
Lin City
Lu•von Province, State
Katha Chair
Yaf Music
Hodis Month

Body parts in SimplaLang, the names originate from the verbs with -ən as a prefix like the -er in English. Body parts in SimplaLang, the names originate from the verbs with -ən as a prefix like the -er in English.


When referring to colors like “Maroon” or “Pink”, you add the words “Tamno” or “Fetlo” and then the base color.

Names of Colors
Color English SimplaLang Pronunciation Type
Red Red Lim [lim] Primary
Solid orange Orange Nal [nal] Secondary
Solid yellow Yellow Kapi [kapi] Primary
Lime Green Naŋ [naŋ] Secondary
Solid blue Blue Bu [bu] Primary
Magenta Magenta Rosa [rosa] Secondary
Solid black Black Nik [nik] Achromatic
Solid white White Wibo [wibo] Achromatic
Adjective Meaning
Uju Long, Lengthy
Iwi Short
Am Big, Large
Im Small, Tiny
Tamno Dark
Fetlo Bright, Light
Wak Young
Vies Old
Vilo Male
Vila Female
Lefel Related
Dub Good, Great, Grand
Hal Whole, All


Preposition Definition English
Te Following another event. After
Fe Preceding another event. Before
Fa Higher than something. Above
Fo Lower than something Under
Ni Apart from something. Beside
Lia At the back of something. Behind
Se Within something. Inside
Pe Beyond the boundaries of something. Outside
Su A short distance away. Near
Wi Accompanied by something. With
Nawi In the absence of. Without
Bit Across the space separating 2 objects. Between
Uta Surrounded by. Among
Lo Held by. On


Exclamation Meaning
Jai Yes, Yeah
Nai No, Nope
Lil Wow
Ual Ew, Yuck


Example text[]

  • She is eating.
Ti da nom.
  • We will see.
Ti-ti mu wun.
  • The cat sleeps.
A miku nim.

Comment Instructions[]

Newest comments go at the top.

Copy this template and customize it. It is advised to use the source editor.

Posted By sample


"Rant alert: (this might come off as aggressive lol I'm just asking questions): phonology, why are there allophones that contradict with each other when there are minimal pairs in the language? Why is the letter Eng used when it isn't on any keyboards at all? Why are there so many diphthongs, with annoying minimal pairs like AO vs AW. if you want a large diphthong inventory, just use the vowels A E and O and add -i or -u to the end, or i- and u- to the beginning, then add IU and UI. that's the same thing i did for my unnamed IAL, and it keeps the diphthong count high while preserving recognizability. Why are there symbols in the OA-like alphabet that are distinguished only by length? that will just make syllable blocks and cursive unreadable. why don't you just add a line through A and O to indicate length, which would fix all of these issues? Why are the syllable endings so restrictive? Why is the dictionary just i giant list of all possible syllables?"
Posted By Randomdude567

“Because I was inspired by the script and this is like the only way to comment without the actual feature.”
Posted By CyanSurfer

"Why does the modern script looks like Oa"
Posted By Numberblock12vy

"Why do i have to comment like this"
Posted By Dmitrij201

Posted By CyanSurfer
