
Type Fusional
Alignment Active-Stative
Head direction Initial
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations Yes
Genders Masculine, Feminine, Neutral
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Nouns Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Verbs Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words of 1500
Creator [[User:|]]

Classification and Dialects[]

Keep in mind this page is not finished - I am just saving this page to work on this later

Siqahic (natively pronouced sɪqaʕa, and the ʕ is pronouced in the same manner as arabic 'ayn, but is glottal) is spoken on a planet called ɢɔndija, which earthlings call Kepler-452B. It first emerged 3600 years ago on the Siqahian Peninsula and only had roughly half of the consonants it has today. Then, between 3200 and 2800 years ago, the language was significantly developed and more consonants were added until it had all the consonants it has today, And around 3100 years ago, the Siqahian Empire was founded by emperor jʌdzɻima ʃɛɴɢ, who had gathered all the sounds in Siqahic and invented the Qirangah Writing System (IPA: qɪraɴɢa), which is derived from the siqahic verb qɪrnɛmn which means to read. The Siqahian empire then expanded greatly, spreading the language in the process across the planet until it reached its peak in 632 A.D, covering 21.3% of the total landmass of the planet. Then, the empire gradually declined until it collapsed in 1433 A.D, but the language still remains spoken today by 19.2% of the population of the planet. The thing that shocks scientists when they study this alien civilization is that how are they so similar to us humans - They look exactly the same as us, have similar anatomical structure for speech, and have the same technology as us humans. No one knows how this is the case, but some scientists have theorized that we and the beings on the planet descended from micro-organisms from the same asteroid, and then the asteroid split into two, and one end headed for earth, and the other headed to Kepler-452B.



A consonant in Siqahic is represented by a letter, which consists of a ʤɛɴqija line, which a form of symbol called ʤɛɴqija is attached to the ends of the line, which consists of vowels, stops and stresses, and a joining point, where from that point on the right side of a consonant, a horizontal line has to be drawn until it touches the next letter (this rule does not apply if the consonant is at the end of the word).

Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m ɱ n ɳ ɲ ŋ ɴ
Plosive p b p̪      b̪ t̪       d̪ t d c        ɟ k g q      ɢ ʔ


f v θ       ð s z ʃ      ʒ x    ɣ χ       ʁ ħ               ع h       ؏
Emphatic Fricative fˤ vˤ θˤ     ðˤ
Affricate ts dz ʧ ʤ
Approximant l ɻ j w
Trill ᴘ       ʙ r ʀ̥      ʀ

Consonantal Alphabet[]

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The Siqahic Language has a total of 51 consonants. Each consonant represents a certain phenome. In Siqahic, there are three near-vowel consonants, which are Alf, Wa and Ya, which normally represent consonants y and w, but can also be used to represent long vowels, and the near-vowel you use to represent a long vowel depends on which vowel you are using. All voiced consonants except Alf and Lamid has a horizontal voice line on top of the consonant. Every consonant in Siqahic has a Jenqiya Line (Siqahic Romanized: Linya'u al-Jenqiya) that a type of symbol called Jenqiya, which includes vowels stops and stresses are either attached above or below the jenqiya line. Each consonant also has a Gematrial Value, which means that the Siqahians use Siqahic consonants to represent numbers on a base-100,000 numeral system, and the gematrial value of the consonant is what number it represents on the Siqahic Numeral System.

Four consonants in the Siqahic Alphabet are not in the IPA, so here is what there pronunciation symbol means:

t̪θˤ = Pronounced similar arabic 'dad but unvoiced

d̪ðˤ = Pronounced exactly like arabic 'dad

ع = Pronounced exactly like arabic 'ayn

؏ = Pronounced in the same manner as arabic 'ayn, but is glottal

Siqahic Consonants Table
A.Order Romanization Letter Name Sound Gematrial Value
1 a Alf a 1
2 p Pat p 2
3 b Bat b 3
4 P'at 4
5 B'at ʙ 5
6 P'hat 6
7 B'hat 7
8 f Fa f 8
9 v Va v 9
10 w Wa w 10
11 F'a 20
12 V'a 30
13 Tat (Dental) 40
14 Dal (Dental) 50
15 t Tat (Alveolar) t 60
16 d Dal (Alveolar) d 70
17 th That θ 80
18 dh Dhal ð 90
19 t' T'ad t̪θˤ 100
20 d' D'ad d̪ðˤ 200
21 ts Tsad ts 300
22 dz Dzal dz 400
23 tk Tka c 500
24 dg Dga ɟ 600
25 s Sigm s 700
26 z Zat z 800
27 sh Shigm ʃ 900
28 zh Zhat ʒ 1000
29 r Raw (trill) r 2000
30 Raw (liquid) ɻ 3000
31 l Lamid l 4000
32 ch Cha ʧ 5000
33 j Ja ʤ 6000
34 y Ya j 7000
35 m Meem m 8000
36 mn Mneeng mn 9000
37 n Noon n 10000
38 k Kap (Velar) k 20000
39 g Gam (Velar) g 30000
40 x Xap (Velar) x 40000
41 xh Xham (Velar) ɣ 50000
42 q Qap (Uvular) q 60000
43 Gam (Uvular) ɢ 70000
44 kh Khap (Uvular) χ 80000
45 gh Gham (Uvular) ʁ 90000
46 Hat (pharyngeal) ħ 100000
47 ' 'aiyut (pharyngeal) ع 100000^2
48 h Hat (glottal) h 100000^3
49 ' 'aiyut (glottal) ؏ 100000^4
50 ' Ah'ah ʔ 100000^5
51 a/h Hah a/h 0

Jenqiya (IPA: ʤɛɴqija)[]

Vowels are represented as a ʤɛɴqija symbol that either latches on top or on the bottom of the ʤɛɴqija line on a consonant. There are two types of ʤɛɴqija symbols in siqahic - the first is an air ʤɛɴqija symbol, which always is placed on top of the ʤɛɴqija line, and the second is an earth ʤɛɴqija symbol, which is placed on the bottom of the ʤɛɴqija line. A ʤɛɴqija symbol can either be a vowel, a stop, a stress, a vowel lengthener (placed on near-vowels to produce extra long vowels), or a number indicator, placed on a letter to indicate that it is a number, since each consonant has a gematrial value.


There are three types of vowels in Siqahic - An air vowel, which is place above the consonant, and to make a long air vowel, you have to place alf after the consonant before the vowel, then there is a water vowel, which goes under the consonant, and to make a long water vowel, you need to put ya after the consonant instead of alf, and then there is a land vowel, which has the same rules as the water vowel except wa is used to make a long vowel instead of ya.

Air Vowel a æ ɛ ɔ
Water Vowel i ɪ e
Land Vowel u ʊ o

Stresses, Stops and Diphthongs[]

Just like vowels, Stresses and stops have to be above the letter, and they to have their own symbols. The symbol of a stress is a circle on top of a letter that is attached to the consonant via a stick that comes out of the letter, and a stop is a square above a consonant connected to the consonant via a straight line just like the stress. If a stressed consonant has a vowel after it, the stress symbol will then be a line instead of a circle above the consonant and below the vowel if it is above the consonant. To make a diphthong in siqahic, you need to put a stress on the letters of ya or wa, after a consonant with a vowel symbol on it. The first letter in the diphthong is dependent on the vowel on the consonant before the Ya or Wa. For example, if the letter bat had and an a vowel over it, the first letter of the diphthong would be a. Now the second letter of a diphthong is dependent on whether the letter that was stressed after the consonant is alf, ya or wa. if it is ya, then the second letter of the diphthong is i, but if it is wa, then it would be u, and if it was alf, then the second letter world be a. This makes a total of 33 possible diphthong combinations. If that letter bat with the a vowel on it had a ya next to it, the diphthong would be pronounced ai, and the word would be pronounced bai.


Diphthongs require a stress on a near-vowel after a vowel to be written in Siqahic, and there are only three near-vowels in Siqahic - Alf, Wa and Ya, which means there is only three vowels that can go in the second vowel of a diphthong in siqahic - a, u and i, which means diphthongs like aɪ and ɛɪ do not exist in Siqahic, and instead you have to use the diphthongs as ai or ɛi when you are transliterating a word from a language that has those diphthongs.



If a word in Siqahic is masculine, it will have a short a vowel added to the end of the word, if it is feminine, it will have an i vowel added instead of an a vowel, and if the word is neutral, it will have a u vowel added to the end of the word. If a noun has any gender, than the noun's gender will determine whether the word is feminine or masculine, except if it is a possessive noun, as in 'his house'. In this case, the word's gender would not be dependent on the noun itself, but on the owner of the noun. For instance, house is ʃæɢaːɢɛm (Romanized shag̊ag̊em) and his in Siqahic is χa (Romanized kha), so his house in siqahic is χa-ʃæɢaːɢɛma, which is masculine because his is masculine. For determining a verb's gender, you have to determine the gender of the noun that is doing the verb, and that will be the verb's gender, and the adverb's gender will be determined by the verb it is describing. An adjective's gender is also determined by the noun it is describing, and a preposition's gender is determined by the noun it is referring to. For example, in the phrase 'under the bed' the gender of the preposition 'under' would be determined by the noun 'bed' which has no gender, so 'under' would also have no gender.


There are four forms of nouns in Siqahic - Singular (one), Dual (two), Plural (3 - 99999), and Post-Plural (100000+) since the Siqahic Numeral System is base-100000. There are two rules for pluralizing nouns in Siqahic. The first rule applies if the noun does not begin with the letters ah'ah or alf, and using this rule, you have to add bæ to the beginning of a singular noun if you want to make it dual, ʔæ if you want to make the noun plural, and xæ if you want to make the noun post-plural. The second rule applies if the noun begins with ah'ah (ʔ) or alf (a), which is the same as the first rule for dual and post-plural, but for plural, the ah'ah/alf has to be transformed into a pharyngeal 'aiyut (ʕ). An example of this is the noun ʔæq'ju:tsa (Romanized 'aqyutsa), which means an event where one's secret was revealed outside their control and will, and it happened by chance. To dualize this noun, you add bæ like rule 1 and and to make it post-plural, you also add xæ like rule 1, but to make it plural, you turn ʔ into ʕ, so the plural of ʔæq'ju:tsa is ʕæq'ju:tsa.

Pluralization Rule 1
Singular Meaning Dual Plural Post-Plural
ʃæɢaːɢɛm house bæ-ʃæɢaːɢɛm ʔæ-ʃæɢaːɢɛm xæ-ʃæɢaːɢɛm
mo̞iŋg city bæ-mo̞iŋg ʔæ-mo̞iŋg xæ-mo̞iŋg
qæra chapter bæ-qæra ʔæ-qæra xæ-qæra

Pluralization Rule 2
Singular Meaning Dual Plural Post-Plural
ʔæq'ju:tsa information leak bæ-ʔæq'ju:tsa ʕæq'ju:tsa xæ-ʔæq'ju:tsa
ʔɛɲjɔm nation bæ-ʔɛɲjɔm ʕɛɲjɔm xæ-ʔɛɲjɔm
ʔægdan screen bæ-ʔægdan ʕægdan xæ-ʔægdan


In Siqahic, There are six main tenses - certain past, present, future and uncertain past, present and future. Take the verb



Example text[]
