
I have a proposal, since you are saying this is a North Germanic language, I'd like to add that these languages do not denote a long vowel by putting 'h' after it, but instead, denote a short vowel by doubling the consonant that comes after, and at least in German's case, only puts 'h' after the vowel if it's the last or only in the word. For example, take the word 'öhnom' in your language, where 'ö' is long. If ö was short, you'd double 'n', as in 'önnom', but if it was long, you'd leave it alone. 

I understand if you know this already and the h-thing is intentional, but I just thought I'd say that, because it would perhaps look more physically appealing and lessen the amount of 'h' in the written text. But again, just do what you wish.

Lufttygger (talk) 14:54, October 27, 2013 (UTC)
