
This is my page.  I created a username just to make sure that if anyone else edits it, that is known to be not allowed. If anyone has ideas for the language or wants to help with it, they may talk with me.  But, it is based on many very specific concepts, so if ideas and help do not make it in, that is why.  On the other hand, let the loan-words begin...

Joersc (talk) 02:39, March 28, 2015 (UTC)

I saw your message under 'Lexicon' i.e. "How could I put the entire lexicon of a language here once it is well-developed?<" The answer is that you don't. Normally, people create a subpage (or subpages) with a lexicon, and just place a link under the lexicon heading.
What about illogical fallacies? 04:11, March 29, 2015 (UTC)
P.S. Don't worry too much about other people editing your pages. People don't edit other's language pages unless they are just 'cleaning up' e.g. correcting spelling and grammar, fixing up misaligned tables. If you don't want others doing that, just put a message at the top of your page; everybody will heed it.
