Tazidovu has been abandoned, and this page is up for deletion.
Tazidovu has been superseded by what was previously supposed to be its former version, Liwi.
This project is completed.
By all means, please contribute to the language's culture and/or history.
Progress 96%

Tazidovu, originally named Liwi, is an ogliosynthetic auxlang designed to have one word per morpheme.

Head direction
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect


Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
Plain Lateral
Nasal m n ɲ
Plosive p b t d k g ʔ*
Fricative f v s z ʃ h
Affricate t͡ʃ d͡ʒ
Approximant l j w
Tap r

*You optionally don't have to pronounce the glottal stop, and can realize it in a sentence as a diphtong.

Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid ɛ
Mid o
Open a


Most are written one to one, but there are a few variations to make it easier to type in plaintext.

Phoneme Grapheme
/ɲ/ ny
/ʔ/ '*
/ʃ/ sh
/t͡ʃ/ ch
/d͡ʒ/ j
/j/ y

*Not written when starting a word, not required when in the middle of a word.


Tazidovu uses a simple CV(n) syllable structure. The (n) can only be the sound /n/.



In Tazidovu, each word has four possible separate meanings. Let's examine a word such as (gu) for example.

word noun verb adj special
gu water to flow wet blue

(Gu) has four possible meanings. The first is the noun. A word is a noun by default and doesn't modify. The second is the verb. A verb requires a -n suffix in order to become a verb. The third is the adjective/adverb. This is placed after the word it modifies. The fourth and final is the special. Special is usually reserved for colors, and for colors is preceded by the word for color, (hi).


In a sentence, the actor must precede the verb, and the acted must supersede the verb. The actor is not necessarily a subject and the acted is not necessary an object. The actor will always be what interacts with the acted, and the acted will always be the affected thing by the actor.

Let's take a basic sentence, such as "I am going to the store." To begin, we translate each word to their respective Tazidovu form: (Ya) - I, (She-n) - to Move, (chu-Ge-ke) - to the Store 'towards-Place-money'. In theory, you can change up the way your words work in order to not confuse certain ideas. You can be as descriptive or as nondescript as you prefer.

Then, the words are arranged. The hierarchy is shown below:

actor verb acted other
Ya shen - chu geke.

The final form for this sentence is Ya shen chu geke.

But if we have a sentence such as "I was burned", it would look like this instead:

actor verb acted other
- Nyuen ya -

The final form would be Nyuen ya. and not Ya nyuen. because the subject is being acted upon, rather than acting.

(Nyu-en) - Past-toBurn | (ya) - me

There is no need to have just one "other" clause.

Take the sentence "You ate the fish at the pond because you were hungry."

actor verb acted other 1 other 2
Ye nyusan gagu chu gu ja ye nyuwun de.

(Ye) - You | (nyu-san) - past-toConsume | (ga-gu) - Animal-water | (chu) - place | (gu) - water | (ja) - reason | (ye) - you | (nyu-wun) - past-toBe | (de) - hungry

You can imagine the sentence being broken into the elements of a main sentence, and each subsequent extra sentence following, mandated in form by its prefix.

In nouns, the adjectives supersede the word it modifies, while verbs have the adverbs precede it. This is due to the -n suffix, and having adverbs supersede the verb would make pronunciation more difficult.

Word Creation[]

Tazidovu is an example of a compound word: (Ta-zi-do) - Person-sound-information + (Vu) - Small. In many cases, the words presented in Tazidovu won't be enough to discuss every single word. But the process of word creation allows the description of more complex sentences.

There is no single word to describe one thing. Let's take a word for cell phone as an example.

The most basic form of cell phone could be Baja - Hello + far. But you could substitute this for one slightly more complex: Tazidoja - Person-sound-information + far. Further, you could describe it as a Lovutazidoja - Machine-small + person-sound-information + far. As you can see, more complex measures are constituted as separate elements ultimately describing the first element. Further, a word with many morphemes is considered more formal.


The vocabulary for Tazidovu can be found in this spreadsheet . The old vocabulary for the previous attempt, Liwi, can be found in this spreadsheet.

Example Text[]

Tower of Babel Story[]

Tano nyupun matazido. Tano nyuzun geSha'inara, tano nyugan geSha'inara. Tano nyutan chu tano: "Shen, yaye paton zehiho, pa'en zehiho." Tano nyupun zehiho me vahiko nunyupun ze me va. Tano nyutan chu tano: "Shen, yaye paton gedini me gedihe, gedihe lapaman gedu; tano padon teyaye bicha sun yaye." Du nyushen gewe ja zun tano'Adama ton gedini me gedihe. Du nyutan: "Zun, mataru, mataru pun matazido. Mataru jepan, mataru din binyutoma. Shen, ya pashen gewe, ya pasun matarutazido, mataru nupukan matarutazido." Du nyusun cho geSha'inara chu geno, tano nyudin ton gedini me gedihe. Tege nyukun Babela ja geji nyusun tano, du nyusun cho geBabela chu geno.

English translation
And the earth was of one tongue, and of the same speech. And when they removed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Sennaar, and dwelt in it. And each one said to his neighbour: Come, let us make brick, and bake them with fire. And they had brick instead of stones, and slime instead of mortar. And they said: Come, let us make a city and a tower, the top whereof may reach to heaven: and let us make our name famous before we be scattered abroad into all lands. And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of Adam were building. And he said: Behold, it is one people, and all have one tongue: and they have begun to do this, neither will they leave off from their designs, till they accomplish them in deed. Come ye, therefore, let us go down, and there confound their tongue, that they may not understand one another's speech. And so the Lord scattered them from that place into all lands, and they ceased to build the city. And therefore the name thereof was called Babel, because there the language of the whole earth was confounded: and from thence the Lord scattered them abroad upon the face of all countries.
Person-all past-have one-person-sound-understand. Person-all past-see place-Shinar, person-all past-live place-Shinar. Person-all past-say towards person-all: "Go, me-you future-make rock-color-red, future-burn rock-color-red." Person-all past-have rock-color-red and clay-color-black no-past-have rock and clay. Person-all past-say towards person-all: "Go, me-you future-make place-building-many and place-building-big, place-building-big may-future-touch land-god; person-all future-know name-me-you time-infrontof throw me-you." God past-go place-down reason see person-all-Adam make place-building-many and place-building-big. God past-say: "See, one-person-plural, one-person-plural have one-person-sound-understand. One-person-plural this-end, one-person-plural building-past-creation-only. Go, me future-go place-down, me future-throw one-person-plural-person-sound-understand, one-person-plural no-future-understand one-person-plural-person-sound-understand." God past-throw from place-Shinar to place-all, person-all past-stop make place-building-many and place-building-big. Name-place past-become Babel reason place-that past-throw person-all, god past-throw from place-Babel towards place-all.