tora-go = 虎語, "Elvish Japanese", kuendennä nihongo = KUENDEゃ日本語
Type Parody/pidgin/creole
Alignment Left to right, top to bottom
Head direction SVO
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations No
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Nouns Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax Expression error: Unexpected < operator.%
Words ? of 1500
Creator Meztli72



Tora ("tiger" (虎) in Japanese) or Tora-go (虎語) (also coloquially known as "Elvish Japanese" (kuendennä nihongo = KUENDEゃ日本語) ) is an artificial language by me (Meztli72), created in February 2024, as a parody of the Japanese language where most vocabulary comes from Quenya, another artificial language created by the writer J.R.R. Tolkien. It's spoken at Elvish City ("kuendennä opala / kuendennä-to = KUENDEゃOPALA / KUENDEゃ都" in Tora), a super giant futuristic mega city ("to" = 都, "tostomëna" = 都市圏 ) of 82800 km^2 (31968 mi^2) of surface (urban parts only) composed by 9 sub-cities or "osto" = 市; including the rural areas, junctions and such stuff it's much, much bigger!!!


Elvish City

Elvish City, the place where Tora is spoken (approximate looks).

Samples and more info (incomplete) is located at my DeviantArt Tora page:


An Elvish City sketch-like map is located here:


Note: the Tora transcription words which must be written using "Tora katakana" are written in capitals. Example: Zelda = zëruda, zelda = ZERUDA, ZELDA






Classification and Dialects[]

- Standard dialect (hiöyun holambe = 標準方言). Spoken in the following mega sub-cities of Elvish City with subtle variations:


Central Business District or Downtown = enetia karaitîe taranna (CBD), undösuto = 中心業務地区, CBD, UNDOSUTO;

Neo Rivendell = neo arkimbele-osto = NEO割目深谷市, NEOARKINBELE市, NR市;

Neo Minas Tirith = neo tiristemindon-osto = NEO守護塔市, NEOTIRISTEMINDON市, NMT市;

Clover = neldelässe-osto = 三葉草市;

Valinor = balinör-osto = BALINO一R市;

Eärendil = eärendil-osto = 海恋人市, EARENDIL市;


- Dialect of Neo Tokyo (neo tökiö no holambe = NEO東京no方言). Spoken in Neo Tokyo (neo tökiö-osto = NEO東京市, NT市);

- Dialect of Liquidambar (kaedenisimalda no holambe = 楓香木no方言). Spoken in Liquidambar (kaedenisimalda-osto = 楓香木市);

- Dialect of Swallow (tuilindo no holambe = 燕no方言). Spoken in Swallow (tuilindo-osto = 燕市).


Variable, similar to Latin, Italian, Spanish, though. Even Japanese and Quenya, its main influences (imagine Quenya's sound as Italian and Finnish at the same time; some people would sound as Japanese people trying to pronounce Romance [Latin-based] languages, others would sound as Romance-language native speakers trying to pronounce Japanese :D ). Neo Tokyo dialect is pronounced a lot like Japanese even confusing L and R sounds, also almost muting all the non-silent Us. In Liquidambar dialect, Rs are usually trilled. In Swallow dialect, is pronounced a lot like Brazilian Portuguese in some parts of that mega city.


There's a silent or almost silent U sound resembling the one in Japanese (ex.: tatsu = "to pass, elapse, expire", [Japanese origin], sounds like "tats"; köruka = "box, container" [Quenya origin], sounds like "körka", etc.).


R sound is variable: tap, trill or whatever, depending on dialect and the speaker. As examples: rusko = "fox" [trilled in some dialects], enär = "sun" [final Rs are sometimes trilled in some dialects], raumo = "storm" [same as "rusko"], nurru = "to mumble" [same], etc. If we use Tora "kana", geminated Rs are written as a single R: nurru = nuruゅ just like in Japanese kana.


About consonants pronunciation: g is pronounced like in "goat", h like in "here", r is either flapped or trilled as aforementioned (never as in English!), s like in "sound", w like in "wind", x is like in Spanish "jota" or in Scottish "loch", y like in "you" or stronger like in "jab", z like in "think", sh and ch like in Japanese, l like in Spanish or Italian (never as in English!). The rest is pronounced the usual way like in the aforementioned base languages at the beginning of this page.


Basic phonology is evidenced in the Tora scripts. The vowels a, e, i, o, u are pronounced like in Spanish or Italian. Vowel U is pronounced more or less like in Japanese in Japanese-origin words (as the muting or weak ones found there).


Umlauted vowels ä, ë, î, ö, ü are pronounced as long vowels or just to mark stress. Default stress is like in "father" or "orange". Japanese-based words are pronounced the same stress as in Japanese (mashita = mashiTA, kotodes = kotoDES, shimas = shiMAS), with very few exceptions (ex.: üshi = "cow").


Sometimes stress rely on the following: diphtongs like "ia", "ie", "io" are considered as a single syllabic unit. So default stress of words like bania = "beautiful", xania = "understand" and xuinia = "swirl, spiral" is as BAnia, XAnia, xuInia.


Tora Flag

Flag of the Tora language.

Some Quenya-origin words are Japanized in the transcription to Tora scripts and Latin script and they will sound almost the same way as in Quenya as they feature the Japanese language feature of vowel muting: Tora torudo ("eight") <--- Quenya toldo, Tora köruma ("ring") <--- Quenya corma, Tora üruka ("bad, evil") <--- Quenya ulca, Tora änuta ("to give") <--- Quenya anta, Tora amöruta ("to heave") <--- Quenya amorta, Tora pinudë ("hair" [of head] ) <--- Quenya findë, so they are pronounced as "tordo, körma, ürka, änta, amörta, pin". Several non-Quenya-origin words also feature this phenomenon.


Writing System[]

It's strictly phonetic. It can be written using standard Latin script as in English, Japanese kana or any phonetic system as long it matches the sounds properly:


a, ä, b, d, e, ë, f, g, h, i, î, k, l, m, n, o, ö, p, r, s, t, u, ü, w, x, y, z, sh, ch, ts


or with the special scripts I invented resembling those from Japanese: "Tora hiragana" and "Tora katakana". Kanji (Chinese characters) are used as done in Japanese. There is also a "Tora mode" Tengwar script for writing in Tora. In the future, I will add "Tora mode" Sarati script.


The names of the letters and some special symbols are as below:


a/あ = bîlia
ä/っあ = anda bîlia
b/ば = umbar
d/だ = ando
e/え = yanta
ë/っえ = anda yanta
f/ふ = förumen
g/が = üngue
h/は = hiärmen
i/い = telko
î/っい = anda telko
k/か = kuese
l/ら゚ = lambe
m/ま = malta
n/な = numen
o/お = anna
ö/っお = anda anna
p/ぱ = parma
r/ら = romen
s/さ = silme
t/た = tinko
u/う = bala
ü/う = anda bala
w/わ = semo bala
x/はゝ = huesta
y/や = anga
z/ざ = zule
sh/し = harma, shî
ch/ち = kalma, chî
ts/つ = solmennä tinko
~ = bänemi tëngue
-n, ん, ン = ereamni numen
ー = chöon tekko
ゅ = döshi tëngue
ゃ = ansödair tëngue
ょ, ョ = borimasa tëngue
々 = kanyi borimasa tëngue
っ, ッ = torista tëngue
と, ト = linki tëngue
ユ = nekëtia tëngue
ㅛ = shëosog tëngue
etc.  ......


The full scripts table is located at:


We can classify these letters as Tolkien himself did with his Tengwar (letters): as five series (tëma = 系列, Quenya "téma") depending mainly upon phonological articulation point: tinkotëma (TINKO系列, Quenya "tincotéma"), parmatëma (PARMA系列, Quenya "parmatéma"), kalmatëma (KALMA系列, Quenya "calmatéma"), kuesetëma (KUESE系列, Quenya "quessetéma") and the brand-new (invented by me) telkotëma (TELKO系列, Quenya "telcotéma"). Tolkien's "tyelpetéma" (Tora tielpetëma = TIELPE系列) doesn't exist in Tora:


Name Of Series (tëma = 系列) Symbols/letters

(sianchon = 記号)

Name Of Letters In Latin Script Name Of Letters, Tora Transcription Point Of Articulation (for consonants)
tinkotëma = TINKO系列 t, d, z, n, r, s, h, ts tinko, ando, zule, numen, romen, silme, hiärmen, solmennä tinko TINKO, ANDO, ZULE, NUMEN, ROMEN, SILME, HIAーRMEN, 波ゃTINKO Dental
parmatëma = PARMA系列 p, b, f, m, u, ü, w parma, umbar, förumen, malta, bala, anda bala, semo bala PARMA, UMBAR, FOーRUMEN, MALTA, BALA, 長daBALA, 簡BALA Labial
kalmatëma = KALMA系列 ch, y, sh, o, ö, l, e, ë kalma, anga, harma, anna, anda anna, lambe, yanta, anda yanta KALMA, ANGA, HARMA, ANNA, 長daANNA, LAMBE, YANTA, 長daYANTA Velar
kuesetëma = KUESE系列 k, g, x, a, ä kuese, üngue, huesta, bîlia, anda bîlia KUESE, UーNGUE, HUESTA, BIーLIA, 長daBIーLIA Labialized velar
telkotëma = TELKO系列 i, î telko, anda telko TELKO, 長daTELKO Palatal (labelled this way just to justify classification, no consonants here)



As special case, for English-origin Japanese-origin Tora words, the ending transliteration SHON is written the following way: concatenating the Tora katakana symbols for "ts", "e" and "n"; the ending transliteration YON is written concatenating the Tora katakana symbols for "tso", "e" and "n":



Tora katakana transliteration of the English-based endings SHON and YON.


but using other script different from this, it's transliterated as the usual phonetical way:


conurbation: konabëshon = KONABEーSHON
television: terebiyon = TEREBIYON




Basic Tora grammar is exactly the same as in English (but there are not articles):

alda sama töa nalös, mär sama piwi penna
木持大花, 家持小扉
"The tree has a big flower, the house has a small door"


nai änuta lie bininda parimä tan yonki maririn orba
"I give you a blue book and some yellow apples"


pîtä benkiö ame kuesto, ketika an ukutengä bininda mëgane
PIーTAー勉強ameKUESTO, 間AN買青眼鏡
"Peter study for the exam, while Anne buys blue glasses"


kono taurë sama bania säne, tan sono masto sama yonki melima male
kono mori sama bania säne tan sono masto sama yonki melima male
"This forest has a beautiful pine and that (small) village has some nice streets"


sono tamardano mura sama xäura tîrion tan kono tosto nomeichî sama yonki bania mindo
"That rural (large) village has an enormous watchtower and this urban place has some beautiful central towers"


There is no gender, no conjugation, etc. There is a plural mark only used when necessary to avoid confusion: -yo (ㅛ). As example:

kore wa, xäura taurë-yo des (or kore wa, xäura mori-yo des). löra kueto kono kuetta-yo atsë edelo-yo mashita
korewa, 巨大森ㅛde∼. LOーRA言tokono言葉ㅛatseー旅行者ㅛmashita
"Here they are, the giant forests. These words were said by Laura at the travellers"


The genitive structure (X of Y, Y's X) is achieved using the particle "no". Ex.: mountain of apples = orba no uron = 檎no山 , Peter's jacket = pîtä no bakko = PIーTAーno夾克 . Sometimes there are special words to indicate this; as examples: queen of (the) stars = elëna tari = 星a女王 , ring of gold = laurëa köruma = 金色指輪 , king of (the) trees = aldaron aran = 木ron王 , avenue of trees = aldëon = 並木路 .


For pronouns, we obtain my, your/thy, his, her, its, our, your [plural], their appending "no" after the usual pronouns I, you/thou, he, she, it, etc. (see list of Tora pronouns below). Ex.: my car = nai no nolorë = 私no車 , your garden = lie no tärua = 你no庭 , her computer = së no pasokon = 彼女no電腦 , our books = waremë no parimä-yo = 我々no本ㅛ , etc.


All past tenses are expressed using mashita, future tenses with shimas = shima∼, conditional future tenses with ama+shimas:

nai mata yäbte mashita
"I was eating fruit(s)/I ate fruit(s)"


kore kara, së ikimas ni tuilindo-osto lö densha shimas
korekara, 彼女行ゅni燕市loー電車shima∼
"From now on, she will go to Swallow City by [electric] train/she's going to go to Swallow City by [electric] train"


ama, shila nielo kotö së no bania öma atsë arumëndora no mär shimas
ama, SHILA歌ゅkotoー彼女no美声atseーARUMENDORAno家shima∼
"Sheila would sing with her beautiful voice at Almendra's home"


However, there are some special words to avoid repetitive sequences like mashita mashita, shimas shimas, etc. like, for example: shörai, tsumorides = tsumoride∼, kakoni, etc. [DETAILED INFO SOON]


Some particles are used for the following: to verbalize a word, add the suffix (ex.: to control = mahta kä = mahtaゅ); to turn a word into a noun, add the suffix koto (ex.: eating (noun) = mata koto = 食koto); to turn a word into an adjective, add the suffix nnä (ゃ) (ex.: magical = sairinannä = 魔法ゃ), it's also used to turn a word into a gerund or participle in a very generic way (something characteristic of Tora). The suffix used to indicate past tense is -shitä = ∼ (the "-ed" in English): ex.: wanted = hoshides-shitä = 欲shide∼∼. The English "-ly" is -kuni: ex.: softly = muse-kuni = 柔kuni.


Special particles: renda = renda [-related], tantäino = 倍no [-fold], rëa = rea [-like, -esque], räed = raed [-wise], etc. Ex.: birds-related = aiwëyorenda = 鳥renda, fourfold = yontatantäino = 4倍no, Sindarin-esque/Sindarin-like = sindarinrëa = SINDARINrea, quickwise = limberäed = 速beraed.


Negation: basic negation of verbs is the particle "-nyo" = ユ (pronounced "niö"). Ex.:


lie ikimas-nyo ni neo arkimbele-osto ëntö isilda shimas
"You won't go to Neo Rivendell City next month"


There is a generic negation particle: "la-" = 無 , as in English "un-": ex.: unhappy = labalin = 無嬉 , unsorted = lakubunome-shitä = 無区分ゅ∼.


The imperative tense is achieved using "niatte": ex.:

samachitöbu waremë karaitîe kanistale niatte, toshitë kuo-san yatte atsë mirtamarda mashita onegaishimas
持chi運bu我々KARAITIーE報告niatte, toshite郭sanyatteatseー証券取引所mashitao願ishima∼
"Please, bring us the business report as Mr. Kuo did at the stock exchange"


Ex.: go, go, go! = ikimas, niatte, niatte! = 行ゅ, niatte, niatte! Ex.: don't tell him, don't do that! = niaru-nyo sö niatte, niatte! = 言ruユ彼niatte, niatte!


The verb "to be" doesn't exist in Tora, it's replaced by the following:

I am = nai des = 私de∼
I am not = nai katades = 私katade∼
I was = nai des mashita = 私de∼mashita
I was not = nai katades mashita = 私katade∼mashita
I will be = nai des shimas = 私de∼shima∼
I won't be = nai katades shimas = 私katade∼shima∼
I would be = ama, nai des shimas = ama, 私de∼shima∼
I would not be = ama, nai katades shimas = ama, 私katade∼shima∼
Am I? = nai deska? = 私de∼ka?
Am not I? = nai katades ka? = 私katade∼ka?
Was not I? = nai katades mashita ka? = 私katade∼mashitaka?



"ka" is used to end a question, like in Japanese.


There's a particle also called "ka" (ヶ) to distinguish between phrases related to time units; for example: compare "April" with "four months":

yonta-isilda (or biresse) VS yonta ka-isilda
4月 VS 4ヶ月
"April VS four months"


gompë ka-isilda tatsu mashita, ima gompë-isilda des
gompë ka-isilda tatsu mashita, ima notuile des
5ヶ月経tsumashita, 今5月de∼
"Five months have passed, now it's May"


ima kokonoka des. kuë ka-hiär tatsu irai waremë autalesta kaedenisimalda-osto itta mashita
今9日de∼. 9ヶ日経tsuirai我々去ゅ楓香木市ittamashita
"Now is the 9th day of the month. 9 days have passed since we left Liquidambar City"


böiyä atani-go espasio tänsaki amalakko nin sen kuë-yak nana-kuayu nana buiden mashita, roxta xäire îmbe enär tan pröksima sentäuri nin zengo torudo-kuayu-yonta-sen ka-buiden shimas
BOIYA一2号宇宙探査機打ma上konin1977年mashita, 到距離i間be太陽tanPROKSIMA.SENTAURInin前後84000ヶ年shima∼
"Voyager 2 probe was launched in 1977, it will reach the distance between Sun and Proxima Centauri in about 84000 years"


There are also some complex grammar structures in Tora. For example:


mëstelu, nai no pano kaiznara ita së kueto mashita, sana kotodes
mestelu, 私no計画kaiznaraita彼女言tomashita, sanakotode∼
mëstelu, nai no pano kotodes, kaiznara ita së kueto mashita
mestelu, 私no計画kotode∼, kaiznaraita彼女言tomashita
"My plan must be achieved/be done because what she said"


nionaiwëyo lokse kamna chino tarlintetîe, tumpo tan ailîn no zön
蜂鳥束近chino高速道路, 納屋と湖noZOーN
"A bunch of hummingbirds near the zone of the expressway, the barn and the (small) lake"


Compare with the following:


nionaiwëyo no lokse kamna chino tarlintetîe, tumpo tan ailîn no zön
蜂鳥noLOKSE近chino高速道路, 納屋と湖noZOーN
"A cluster of hummingbirds near the zone of the expressway, the barn and the (small) lake"


Notice that it's different depending on using "bunch" or "cluster":


bunch = lokse = 束 ---> "a bunch of X" = X lokse = X束
cluster = lokse = LOKSE ---> "a cluster of X" = X no lokse = XnoLOKSE


but there is an exception:


Jing-Jin-Ji Cluster [conurbation in China]: yinyinyî lokse = 京津冀都市群 <YINYINYI, LOKSE are written in Tora katakana in the kana transcription, for example, as "furigana"> and not "yinyinyî no lokse".


Chinese origin words which are kana transcriptions are always written in Tora katakana: ex.: Shanghai = shanhai = 上海, transcription SHANHAI, charlatan = petenshi = PETEN師, transcription PETENshi (although "shi" has Chinese origin, these "onyomi" readings of kanji are usually written in Tora "hiragana" instead of Tora katakana). Another example is Chongqing = yukë, chonchin = 重慶, transcriptions "yukeー" (Tora hiragana because is the Japanese translation of "Chongqing") and "CHONCHIN" (Tora katakana because is Chinese-origin word/Chinese-like pronunciation in Japanese phonetics). Same with:


Shenzhen = shinsen, shenchen = 深圳 (transc. "shinsen" [Jp] and "SHENCHEN" [Ch] );

Guangzhou, Canton = köshu, kuancho = 広州 (transc. "koーshu" [Jp] and "KUANCHO" [Ch] );




kanasta amastëlu, sö no xäura raî xen-yo kirakira elbëa
多分amastelu, 彼no巨大緑目ㅛ輝々ゅ星bea / 多分amastelu, 彼no巨大緑目ㅛKIRAKIRAゅ星bea
"Perhaps his enormous green eyes might twinkle like stars"


shila wara-nyo totemo kaiznara (së) läsuta-nyo kakoni mashita
SHILA笑ゅユtotemokaiznara |彼女| 聴ユkakonimashita
"Sheila didn't laugh a lot because she wasn't listening carefully"


ima yüyokka des. kuayu-yonta ka-hiär tatsu irai karemë autalesta neo tiristemindon-osto itta mashita
今14日de∼. 14ヶ日経tsuirai他去ゅNEO守護塔市ittamashita
"Now is the 14th day of the month. 14 days have passed since they left Neo Minas Tirith City"


nai nyo lie yatte sono mashoo shimas
"I won't let you do that"


könnia des. mi-silume yonta-kuayu-hi-pun kuayu-fu-piö des
夜de∼. 3時間41分12秒de∼
夜de∼. 三時間四十一分十二秒de∼
"It's night. It's 3 hours, 41 minutes and 12 seconds"


(for telling the time in Tora! "hour" = silume = 時間 [Quenya-origin word] if it's night)


äure des. kuayu-hi-yikan fu-kuayu-pun mi-kuayu-torudo-piö des
日de∼. 11時間20分38秒de∼
日de∼. 十一時間二十分三十八秒de∼
"It's day. It's 11 hours, 20 minutes and 38 seconds"


(same. "hour" = yikan = 時間 [Japanese-origin] if it's day)


but if minutes and seconds are not shown, yi = 時 is used instead of yikan for hours at day. For hours at night, silume remains unchanged except for the kanjis: silume = 時 :


nopo fu-silume des. pîtä tënia atsë pogo mi-yi shimas. shila tënia atsë nopo kuayu-yi imenese shimas
"It's 2 AM. Peter will arrive at 3 PM. Sheila will arrive at 10 AM instead"



yüyio senshu nyo tenis osuru öoken aete, atsë ariake stayiamu kaiznara mëtima fushöyi
両選手ユTENISosuruoーokenaete, atseー有明STAYIAMUkaiznara最後不祥事
"Both players dare not play tennis anymore at the Ariake stadium because the last scandal"


sarîa hatachi deska? së sono shukudäi kotodes shimas ka?
SARIーA20歳de∼ka? 彼女sono宿題kotode∼shima∼ka?
"Is Saria 20 years old? Will she get done that homework?"


kasäntua sä öotiele niatte ekenin. yimäma mini-mai, yimäma atani-mai,... ö, wagi ka?
積a它o一otieleniatteekenin. 羊1個, 羊2個, ... oょ, 山羊ka?
"Please stack it anyway. One sheep, two sheep... oh, a goat?"


non atani-isilda-hatsuka baru atani-isilda-atani-kuayu-mini-hiär, kihon nolorë no chüningu shimas, sana kotodes, nan/demo hianka sharanta-yo tënia-nyo tennä sandë-isilda-kokonoka shimas. soshte, garu nötime häpia nan bäiba koto iliasë ga arimasen
non 2月20日baru 2月21日, 基本車no整shima∼, sanakotode∼, nan|demo|他kaSHARANTAㅛ着aゅユtennaー3月9日shima∼. soshite, garu少time遅anan煩ibaゅkoto全se一gaarimasen
"On February 20th or February 21st, the basic car's tuning will be done, but the other spare parts won't arrive until March 9th. Therefore, there's a few delay but there's no bothering at all"


ilkualmento, oromandi lenna kotö karemë no asobunnä yüyio ranki tan yalki mashita, haru kotö wingildi chansudes erkueza. nomelö amastëlu, karemë kekenna lie ratiö iumademonaku
逐次, 森ro精霊di来kotoー他no遊ゃ両腕ㅛと脚ㅛmashita, 留kotoー若蟲diCHANSUde∼erkueza. 所loamastelu, 他訪問ゅ你ratioー言umademonaku
"One after another, the wood spirits came with their playful arms and legs, despite having the opportunity to stay with the nymphs. By the way, not to mention that they might visit you soon"


ama, amächua musën-gai nome-shitä îmbe chekîrian-machi tan panalikoalda-chö, atsë minami no eärendil-osto omiondo katades shimas ka?
ama, AMACHUA無線街置ゅ∼i間be蘭町と白蝋木町, atseー南no海恋人市omiondokatade∼shima∼ka?
"Wouldn't the Amateur Radio Special Zone be located between Orchid Town and Ash Tree Town, only at the southern part of Eärendil City?"







0 = zero, nul
1 = mini, hi
2 = atani, fu
3 = sandë, mi (sometimes nelde in compounds)
4 = yonta, shanta
5 = gompë
6 = lokuë
7 = nana
8 = torudo [stress as TOrudo]
9 = kuë
10 = kuayu
11 = mînkue, kuayu-mini
12 = yünkue, kuayu-atani, rasta
13 = kuayu-sandë
20 = atani-kuayu
100 = yak
200 = atani-yak
1000 = sen
2000 = atani-sen
10000 = kuayu-sen
20000 = atani-kuayu-sen
100000 = yak-sen
200000 = atani-yak-sen
1000000 = milian




red = naroa = 赤
orange = kuruina = 橘色
yellow = maririn = 黄
green = raî = 緑
blue = bininda = 青
purple = narinda, bioletti = 紫
pink = pinku = 柔紅, 柔紅色
white = pana = 白
black = morë, kuro = 黒
brown = kastän = 茶色


yes = hai, ee, sodes, iei = hai, ee, sode∼, iei
no = lä, nei = laー, nei




I, me = nai = 私
you, thou, thee = lie = 你, 汝 [stress at liE]
he, him =  = 彼
she, her =  = 彼女
it =  = 它
we, us = waremë = 我々
they, them = karemë = 他


Some animals:


cat = nekosa = 猫
dog = kura = 犬
bird = aiwëyo = 鳥
duck = nenaiwëyo = 水鳥
elephant = andamunda = 象
sheep = yimäma = 羊
goat = wagi = 山羊
dragon = löke = 龙, 龍, LOーKE
dolphin = iruka = IRUKA
cow = üshi = 牛
bull = mundo, öoshi = 雄牛
giraffe = kirîn = KIRIN
rabbit, hare = lapatte = 兎
monkey = munki = 猿
sparrow = maraiwëyo = 雀, MARAIWEYO
penguin = helkewëyo = 氷鳥
goose = barän, baranwëyo = 鵞鳥, BARAN鳥
lark = aimenel, lirulin = 百灵鳥
swallow = tuilindo = 燕
squirrel = kastaniano = 栗NIANO
wolf = narmo = 狼
fox = rusko, kitsnë = 狐
bear = morko, kuma = 熊
unicorn = eretildo = 一角馬
donkey = sioba = SIOBA, 兎馬, 驢
frog, toad = isele = 蛙, ISELE
butterfly = warinchö = 蝶
snail = koakolindo = KOAKOLINDO, 蝸牛, 庭小牛
bee = niön = 蜂, 蜜蜂
ladybug = köpi = 天道虫
crow, raven = kuako = 烏, 鴉
parrot = parot = PAROT, 鸚鵡, 鵡
swan = älkua = 白鳥
pony = merlen, pönî = 子馬, 小馬, PONIー
tiger = tora = 虎
mouse, rat = niano, niarro = 鼠
snake, serpent = anko = 蛇
horse = rokko = 馬
rooster = kokax = 雄鳥
pig, swine, pork = moxen = 豚
lion = rau = RAU, 獅子


Days of week:


Monday = isilyöbi = 月曜日
Tuesday = huruyöbi = 火曜日
Wednesday = nenyöbi = 水曜日
Thursday = toayöbi = 木曜日
Friday = rautayöbi = 金曜日
Saturday = ambaryöbi = 土曜日
Sunday = enaryöbi = 日曜日


Months of the year:

January = erîntion, mini-isilda = 1月, 睦月
February = nenime, atani-isilda = 2月, 如月, 衣更着月
March = sulime, sandë-isilda = 3月, 弥生月
April = biresse, yonta-isilda, shanta-isilda = 4月, 卯月
May = notuile, gompë-isilda = 5月, 皐月, 早苗月
June = elnärie, lokuë-isilda = 6月, 水無月
July = kërmie, nana-isilda = 7月, 文月
August = urime, torudo-isilda = 8月, 葉月, 葉落chi月
September = yabanie, kuë-isilda = 9月, 長月
October = narkuele, kuayu-isilda = 10月, 神無月
November = hisime, mînkue-isilda = 11月, 霜月
December = ringare, yünkue-isilda = 12月, 師走月


Numbering the days of the month [WARNING: they follow the irregularities found in Japanese!]:


day 1 of month: tsuitachi = 1日
day 2 of month: futsuka = 2日
day 3 of month: mikka = 3日
day 4 of month: yokka = 4日
day 5 of month: itsuka = 5日
day 6 of month: muika = 6日
day 7 of month: nanoka = 7日
day 8 of month: yöka = 8日
day 9 of month: kokonoka = 9日
day 10 of month: töka = 10日
day 11 of month: mînkue-hiär = 11日
day 12 of month: yünkue-hiär = 12日
day 13 of month: kuayu-sandë-hiär = 13日
day 14 of month: yüyokka = 14日
day 15 of month: kuayu-gompë-hiär = 15日
day 16 of month: kuayu-lokuë-hiär = 16日
day 17 of month: kuayu-nana-hiär = 17日
day 18 of month: kuayu-torudo-hiär = 18日
day 19 of month: kuayu-kuë-hiär = 19日
day 20 of month: hatsuka = 20日
day 21 of month: atani-kuayu-mini-hiär = 21日
day 22 of month: atani-kuayu-atani-hiär = 22日
day 23 of month: atani-kuayu-sandë-hiär = 23日
day 24 of month: niyüyokka = 24日
day 25 of month: atani-kuayu-gompë-hiär = 25日
day 26 of month: atani-kuayu-lokuë-hiär = 26日
day 27 of month: atani-kuayu-nana-hiär = 27日
day 28 of month: atani-kuayu-torudo-hiär = 28日
day 29 of month: atani-kuayu-kuë-hiär = 29日
day 30 of month: sandë-kuayu-hiär = 30日
day 31 of month: sandë-kuayu-mini-hiär = 31日
day 31 of month [formal]: misoka = 晦日


A curiosity: the Chinese Zodiac in Tora (WARNING: I don't believe in horoscopes, I just Love Eastern stuff). Notice that the animals' name is sometimes different because they're pure Quenya-origin words, as a sort of archaism:


Rat (1st Chinese Zodiac sign): niano, niarro = 鼠, 子鼠, 子; earthly branch 子 [origin: Quenya]
Ox, Cow, Buffalo (2nd Chinese Zodiac sign): yakso = 牛, 丑牛, 丑; earthly branch 丑 [Quenya]
Tiger (3rd Chinese Zodiac sign): tora = 虎, 寅虎, 寅; earthly branch 寅 [Japanese]
Rabbit, Hare, Cat (4th Chinese Zodiac sign): lapatte = 兔, 卯兔, 卯; earthly branch 卯 [Quenya]
Dragon (5th Chinese Zodiac sign): löke = 龍, 龙, 辰龍, 辰龙, 辰; earthly branch 辰 [Quenya]
Snake (6th Chinese Zodiac sign): anko = 蛇, 巳蛇, 巳; earthly branch 巳 [Quenya]
Horse (7th Chinese Zodiac sign): rokko = 馬, 午馬, 午; earthly branch 午 [Quenya]
Goat, Sheep, Ram (8th Chinese Zodiac sign): mäma = 羊, 未羊, 未; earthly branch 未 [Quenya]
Monkey (9th Chinese Zodiac sign): munki = 猴, 申猴, 申; earthly branch 申 [Welsh]
Rooster (10th Chinese Zodiac sign): kokax = 雞, 鸡, 酉雞, 酉鸡, 酉; earthly branch 酉 [Quenya]
Dog (11th Chinese Zodiac sign): kura = 狗, 戌狗, 戌; earthly branch 戌 [Finnish]
Pig, Wild Pig (12th Chinese Zodiac sign): moxen = 豬, 猪, 亥豬, 亥猪, 亥; earthly branch 亥 [Welsh]
Chinese zodiac: kerbakorin = 生肖 [Quenya]


Another curiosity: fictional trees Tolkien invented for a fictional place called "Nísimaldar", in his legendarium. All are Quenya origin words; "mallorn" is Sindarin word for Quenya "malinórnë":


oiolairë: oioläire = 常夏木, OIOLA一IRE
lairelossë: lairelösse = 夏雪白木, LAIRELO一SSE
nessamelda: nessamelda = 若女最愛木, NESSAMELDA
vardarianna: bardarianna = BARUDA賜木, BARUDARIANNA
yavannamírë: yabannamîre = 果与人宝石木, YABANNAMI一RE
laurinquë: laurînkue = 黄金花木, LAURI一NKUE
mallorn [pl. mellyrn], malinórnë: malinörne = 黄金木, MALINO一RUNE
taniquelassë: tanikuelässe = 高白峰葉木, TANIKUELA一SSE


Some basic vocabulary:


about = marungä = marungaー
again, one more time = attä = attaー
air = bista = 気
all, whole, entire = kuanda = 全
almond = ämondo = AーMONDO
also = yando = yando
always = ilüme, mesumo = 常, ilume, mesumo
among, amid, amidst, amongst = imika = 中mika
and = tan = と
anything = înhiubez = 何bez
anyway(s) = öotiele = oーotiele
apple = orba = 檎, ORBA
apricot = asalda = 杏
as = toshitë = toshite
awesome, amazing, wonderful, great = subärashii = 素晴rashii, subarashii
beautiful = bania = 美
before = öpö = 前o
best = ichiban, kanson = 一番, KANSON
between = îmbe = i間be
beyond = pella = 超lla
brain = kasenda = 脳
branch = olba = 枝
bread = massa = 麺包, MASSA
bridge = yanue = 橋
bullet train = shinkansen = 新幹線
but = nan, demo = nan, demo
car = nolorë = 車
cave = rotele = 洞
cloud = lumbo = 雲
clover = neldelässe = 三葉草
color = kuila = 色
computer = pasokon, konpiütä = 電腦, KONPIUーTAー
cup = yulma = 杯
cute = kawaii, moeru [MORE KANJI COMING SOON, I'M TIRED!]
day = äure, hiär
down, below, under = pönno
drawing [noun] = ë
dream = olosa
dwarf = käsar
earth [planet] = ambar, chikiü
earth [soil] = kemen
elf = kuende
every day = mainichi, ilkuainär
everything = îlkua, subete
everywhere = ilkuaimara
excuse me = sumimasen
eye(s) = xen
fairy = insumi
flower, blossom = nalös
forever = tenoyo, oyala = 永遠yo, 永遠la
from now on = kore kara
front, in front = mae
fruit(s) = yäbte
fun = tanoshi
galaxy = galaksia = 銀河
garden = tärua = 庭
gold = malta, laurë
good luck = märiena = 幸運a
good bye = aba, abariël, sayonara, chiao = aba, abarieーl, sayonara, CHIAO
heart = kokoro, enda
hello, hi = aia, haia, konnichiwa = aia, haia, konnichiwa
here = sise = sise
hobbit = perian = PERIAN
hot = kenchi
house, home, dwelling = mär, marda
however = demo, nan = demo, nan
human = ningen
ice = helke = 氷
if = kumoshi = kumoshi
I'm sorry = nierînkua, gomen = nierinkua, gomen
internet, net = räima = 網, RAIMA
island = töl, shima = 島
jewel = mire = 宝石
joy, delight, pleasure = alase = 喜se, 歓喜, 歓楽
king = aran = 王
last = mëtima, telda = 最後
leaf = halassë = 葉
light [noun] = kalina
little, small = piwi
magic = sairina
many = olimbe
maybe, perhaps = kanasta
moon, month = isilda
money = ponn
most = muiän
mother = amîl
music = indalë
my name is [...] = nanie [...], [...] des
nevertheless = sore demo, sorenän
nice = melima
no problem = möndainai
nothing = munta
now = ima
of = no
off = itü
on = non
only = omiondo
or = baru
orange [fruit] = kulma
out = etë
park = köen
person = nasë, yin
plant = laima
please [formal] = onegaishimas
please = ekenin, kudasai
prince = kondo
princess = aranël
private = bera
queen = tari
rainbow = irukuînga
rain = sade
real = änua
really = anuaso
river = sire
road, street, way = male
robot = robotto
same, similar, alike = imia
see you = matane
ship = kîria
smile = kueni
snow = lossë
so (also, like that) = ta
so (therefore) = sorede
so (very) = ole, totemo
somebody = namo
something = yotain
sometimes, not very often = tokidoki
song = uta
spaceship = nabe
sports = spötsu
spring [season] = pönna
star = elen
stone = ondo
sun = enär
sweet = lise
technology = teknöroyî
television, TV = tibi, terebi, olaira
thank you, thanks = arihanta
thank you, thanks [more formal] = arihantaniel
that [conjunction] = chö
that [introducing, emphatic] = sore wa
that's true, it's true = sodesnë
then = sän
therefore, thus = soshte
thing, stuff = mono
this [introducing, emphatic] = kore wa
thus = sië, sîn
time = kunna, yikan, toki
to = ni
to ask = makueto
to become, to flourish = ichi
to believe = sabu
to can = poru
to come = lenna, utule
to dare = aete
to do = yatte
to eat = mata
to find = hiruba
to get = mora
to give = änuta
to go = ikimas
to have = sama
to know = ista
lo let = mashoo
to like = diatanda
to live = kuina
to live [at a place, inhabit] = kuinäsua
to look (at) = ieta
to look for, to search, to seek = saka
to love, to like a lot = daiski
to make = karatsuku
to make [aux.] = tiarichi
to need = maru
to say = kueto
to see = ieta
to stop = pusta, lü
to tell = niaru
to think = sanuë kä
to travel, to take a trip = lenda
to understand = xania
to want = hoshides
to want not [without verb] = iranai
too = aka
tower = marto
tower (watchtower) = mindo
train [electric] = densha
tree = alda
tune, song, track = lindalë
universe, space, cosmos = espasio
up, above, upon, on = pänna
very = ole, totemo
very much, a lot, so much = totemo
water = nen
welcome = amatülia, irashaimasë
well, good, right, correct = märie
what = nani
what [ex.: what I do] = ita
what's your name? = essë deska?
when = 
where = mara
whether = kadöka
which = mika
who = man
why = pamu
with = kotö
without = katä
world = sekai
year = buiden
you're welcome = doitama
you're welcome [more formal] = doitamatülia



More advanced example vocabulary (using kanji, capital Latin letters mean that Tora katakana has to be used):


abyss: undume = 深淵, 淵 [origin: Quenya]
airbag: bistapoko = BISTAPOKO [Quenya]
banking: telpemarda karaitîe = 銀行業務 [Quenya]
beautiful and dear, beautiful dear: banimelda = 美ni愛da [Quenya]
camshaft: kamualda = KAMUALDA [Quenya+Japanese]
captain [air force], pilot in command, PIC: bilhesto, hesto = 機長 [Quenya]
condition [state, situation]: söma = 状態, 状 [Quenya]
consciousness: oresana = 意識, oresana [Quenya]
conurbation: konabëshon = KONABE一SHON [Japanese]
countryside, rural area: tamarda = 田舎 [Quenya+Japanese]
extended version: kakuchöban = 拡張版 [Japanese]
extension, prolongation, expansion: täima = 拡張 [Quenya]
fever: ürime = 熱, 発熱 [Quenya]
forest spirit [alt.]: oroman [pl. oromandi] = 森ro精霊 [森ro精霊di] [Quenya]
gearbox: atamëntie, atamëntie köruka = ATAMENTIE, ATAMENTIEKORUKA [Quenya]
inquiry: makuetta = 質問 [Quenya]
iron-handed: angamäite = 鉄mai手, 鉄no手, 鉄手 [Quenya]
lonely: eressëa = 寂ea, 淋ea [Quenya]
medium level: pusalanda = 中級 [Quenya+Indonesian]
metropolitan area [as technicism]: tostomëna = 都市圏 [Quenya+Japanese]
might [noun]: melehte = 力 [Quenya]
necessary: mäuya = 必要 [Quenya]
nobody: ükuen = 誰kuen [Quenya]
potato: kemorba = 土檎, KEMORBA [Quenya]
ramen: rämen = 拉麺, RA一MEN [Japanese]
-related [particle]: renda = renda [Quenya] <ex.: birds-related = aiwëyorenda>
relentless: masabatiarsanoenka, lamasabatiarsarëa = 容赦no欠, 無容赦rea [Quenya]
rice paddy: ta, da = 田 [Japanese]
same way: imiale, imia tiele = 同方法 [Quenya]
series [enumeration in a row]: tëma = 系列 [Quenya]
stupid: baka, bakannä = BAKA, BAKAゃ [Japanese]
subway, metro, underground: kemenuanga = 地下鉄 [Quenya]
throne: mahalma = 玉座 [Quenya]
to change oneself: bîria = 変riaゅ [Quenya]
to discover: tüba = 発見ゅ [Quenya]
to get excited: morabalda = 得ゅ興奮ゃ, 得ゅ興daゃ [Quenya+<invented>]
to order, to indicate, to command, to appoint: kan = 命nゅ [Quenya]
to overwhelm: sangalanta = 圧倒ゅ [Quenya]
to pull: osaka = 引ゅ [Quenya]
to realize, to become aware: olköiba = 気付ba [Quenya]
town/village [adm. division], commune: chö, machi = 町 [Japanese]
tutorial: tentaluettelo = TENTALUETTELO [Quenya+Finnish]
workout (gym, etc.): molete = MOLETE [Quenya]




Example texts[]

1) A mini biography of Esmeralda (Wikipedia), a fictional character:


In Latin script:


esmeralda |umareru-shitä äniesu| kakuno yinbutsu des, nin biktor iugo no mini-sen torudo-yak sandë-kuayu |tan| mini buiden shösetsu ||notrudam no semushi|| |fransu-go: Notre Dame de Paris|. së fransu-yin roma-yin nesa onnanoko tan liltanasë des |kamna parimä no tielma, panteku-shitä des chö, së no kuireleingolënnä |änua| amîl fransu-yin onnanoko des mashita|. mëttani-kuni ieta-shitä katä së no kashkoi wagi yali des. kuanyi kuayu-lokuë-sai, sama asëa tan kändai kokoro.


With kanji (capital Latin letters mean using Tora katakana script):


ESMERALDA |生mareru~A一NIESU| 架空no人物de~, ninBIKTORIUGOno一千八百三十 |と| 一年小説 ||NOTRUDAMnosemushi|| |FRANSU語: Notre Dame de Paris| . 彼女FRANSU人ROMA人若女nokoと踊ta子de~ |近本no終, 明teku~de~cho一, 彼女no生物学ゃ |実在| 母親FRANSU人女nokode~mashita| . mettanikuni見~kata彼女no賢i山羊YALIde~. 約16歳, 持優eaと寛大心.


English translation:


Esmeralda ( born Agnès) is a fictional character in Victor Hugo's 1831 novel "The Hunchback of Notre-Dame" (French: Notre Dame de Paris). She is a French Roma girl and dancer (near the end of the book, it is revealed that her biological mother was a French woman). She is rarely seen without her clever goat Djali. She is around 16 years old and has a kind and generous heart.



2) A Quenya poem by J.R.R. Tolkien called "The Last Ark" ("Oilima Markirya" in Quenya), now in Tora. "Oilima" is a more archaic version of "métima", in Tora mëtima = "last, final":


mëtima markîria
kopëizion, man ieta pana kîria
hehta mëtima kaigan
sinde fairë-yo
nin së no ringa süma
nitëa mäiwe-yo yäime
kopëizion, man tiruba pana kîria
bilwa toshitë warinchö
nin kelumennä kä baya
non rama-yo nitëa elen-yo
baya faläsuta kä
fale bänkue kä
rama-yo tintila
kalina fîru ka?
kopëizion, man läsuta sure räbe
nitëa taurë no halassë-yo
pana kurondo-yo yarra kä
nin isilda ilkala
nin isilda pîka
nin isilda lanta
nitëa loikolîkuma
räumo nurru
undume ito ka?
kopëizion, man ieta lumbo-yo ahosta
menel-yo küna
pänna ruxannä uron-yo
baya-yo amöruta
undume haku
yära tuesha
pella elen-yo
pänna lantannä marto-yo
kopëizion, man tiruba räkina kîria
non tuesh kurondo-yo
pönno rükina ilwe-yo
pürea enär tihta
non axo-yo ilkala
nin mëtima arin ka?
kopëizion, man ieta mëtima andune ka?


English traslation:


The Last Ark
Who shall see a white ship
leave the last shore
the pale phantoms
in her cold bosom
like gulls wailing
Who shall heed a white ship
vague as a butterfly
in the flowing sea
on wings like stars
the sea surging
the foam blowing
the wings shining
the light fading?
Who shall hear the wind roaring
like leaves of forest
the white rocks snarling
in the moon gleaming
in the moon waning
in the moon falling
like a corpse-candle
the storm mumbling
the abyss moving?
Who shall see the clouds gather
the heavens bending
upon crumbling hills
the seas heaving
the abyss yawning
the old darkness
beyond the stars
upon fallen towers
Who shall heed a broken ship
on the dark rocks
under ruined skies
a bleared sun blinking
on bones gleaming
in the last morning
Who shall see the last evening?



3) A poem in Quenya by Vicente S. Velasco, called "Ríanna":


namärië, banalima rîanna, melda na kuimele!
lie änuta waremë melme tan balinsa/alase mashita,
tan kopëizion, waremë ëtusen-nyo karemë.
namärië, banalima rîanna, ardanalös!
lie no mär no kalina kuala nitëa lîkuma nin sure mashita,
nan kopëizion, waremë no melme ame lie kuala-nyo nin waremë no kokoro-yo.
namärië, banalima rîanna, kokoro-yo no tari!
bilu ima ni nishi niatte, non laurëa rama-yo,
tan ama, lie no fëa poru serin nin öyano almäre.


English translation:


Ríanna (neologism meaning "Princess")
Farewell, fair Princess, beloved lady!
Thou gavest us love and happiness,
and we shall not forget them.
Farewell, fair Princess, Flower-in-the-Realm!
The light of thy house hath died like a candle in the wind,
but our love for thee shall not die in our hearts.
Farewell, fair Princess, Queen-of-Hearts!
Fly now to the West on wings of gold,
and may thy spirit rest in everlasting bliss.



4) A Quenya song by Tolkien (untitled, but known as "Fíriel's Song", 1940):


fîriel no uta
atar karatsuku sekai ame kuende tan fîrima mashita
tan sö änuta sä nini heru-yo no nonda-yo mashita. karemë nin nishi des.
karemë äire [ayäna], almarëa tan melda na des, hëkua mordonnä kuën.
sö lanta mashita. melkor banwa hö ambar des: märie des.
ame kuende, karemë karatsuku isilda mashita, nan ame ningen, naroa enär,
mika, karemë bania des. ni kuanda, karemë änuta nin mesër ilübatar no anna-yo mashita.
sekai banalima des, ilwe, umi, kemen tan kuanda tana, nin karemë des. nümenor ihana des.
nan nai no kokoro serin-nyo sise tenoyo mashita, [OR nan sëre ame nai no kokoro ga arimasen, sise tenoyo,]
ame sise tele des, tan garu tielma tan kuëlie shimas,
mä îlkua nötie-shitä des, tan îlkua amanötie-shitä yattö,
nan ananta sä faren katades shimas, ufärea!
nani atar, ö atar, änuta nai nin sono äure shimas ka,
pella tielma mä nai no enär sîchî mashita ka?


English translation:


Fíriel's Song
The Father made the world for elves and mortals
And he gave it into the hands of the Lords. They are in the West.
They are holy, blessed, and beloved: save the dark one. ["save" = except]
He is fallen. Melko [Melkor] has gone from Earth: it is good.
For elves they made the Moon, but for men the red Sun;
Which are beautiful. To all they gave in measure the gifts
Of Ilúvatar. The world is fair, the sky, the seas,
The Earth, and all that is in them. Lovely is Númenor.
But my hearth [heart] resteth not here for ever,
For here is ending, and there will be an end and the fading,
When all is counted, and all numbered at last,
But yet it will not be enough, not enough.
What will the Father, O Father, give me
In that day beyond the end when my Sun faileth?


