Urracas Japanese
Urakasn Kotonpa [uɾakasəŋkotompa]


Type Agglutinative
Alignment Indirective
Head direction Final
Tonal No
Declensions No
Conjugations Yes
Genders No
Nouns decline according to...
Case Number
Definiteness Gender
Verbs conjugate according to...
Voice Mood
Person Number
Tense Aspect
Progress 0%
Nouns 0%
Verbs 0%
Adjectives 0%
Syntax 0%
Words of 1500
Creator [[User:|]]

Urracas Japanese[]

Classification and Dialects[]

A language of a forgotten Japanese community in Farallón de Pájaros, also known as Urracas, located at the northernmost tip of the Northern Mariana Islands. It underwent significant transformation during its isolation from mainland Japan and contact with the Chamorros, making it incomprehensible with mainlanders.



Labial Denti-alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal m n
Plosive p t k
Fricative s
Approximant w j
Flap or tap ɾ


Front Central Back
High i u
Mid e ə o
Low a


Nasal consonants in syllable-final positions are allophones, assimilating with their subsequent consonants.

Urakasn Kotonpa [uɾakasəŋkotompa] "Urracas language"

Pronunciation of loan words is inconsistent, but generally pronounced with close phonemes.

libro [ɾipəɾo] "book", from Spanish libro via Chamorro libru.

Chamorro [tsamoɾo] "Chamorro"

Writing System[]

Latin alphabets have been adapted.


Labial Denti-alveolar Palatal Velar
Nasal M, m /m/ N, n /n/
Plosive P, p /p/ T, t /t/ K, k /k/
Fricative S, s /s/
Approximant W, w /w/ Y, y /j/
Flap or tap R, r /ɾ/


Front Central Back
High I, i /i/ U, u /u/
Mid E, e /e/ (ə) O, o /o/
Low A, a /a/



Nominalizing Suffix[]

Common nouns in nominative case often get suffixed by diminutive nominalizer -kwa.

amankwa "hermit crab"; Pamani amankwa woryor. "There are hermit crabs on the beach."

nawikwa "earthquake"; Torikwa nigyortat aryorya, nawikwa okyorkamo. "If the birds escape, there might be an earthquake."


Noun cases are indicated by case markers.

Case Suffix
Genitive -n
Dative -ni
Accusative -wo
Ablative -ra
Vocative -y

Maria librowo yomyorta. "Maria read a book."

Mariay, wan librowo wani kayesyore. "Maria, give me my book back."

Wa librowo Mariara toryorta. "I took the book from Maria."

Adjectival nouns[]

Adjectival nouns are nouns playing adjectival rolls. Adjectival nouns are indicated by -n which derives from the genitive case marker.

siman "islandic"; Moro siman piyorikwa naryor. "Such a typical islandic weather."

Yamaton "Japanese"; Yamaton tanpin pitoni totowo uryor. "Sell fish to Japanese travellers."

Merikan "American"; Merikan akintora Merikan sisiwo kapyor. "Buy American meat (SPAM®) from American merchants."



Verbs are indicated by -yor- or -tor-, preceded by verb stems and followed by conjugational morphemes.

yomyor- "read"

sumyor- "complete"


Conjugation Forms
Negative -an
Volitional -aw
Hypothetical -ya
Imperative -e
Prohibitive -na

yomyoran "does not read"; Maria mantinidotwo yomyoran. "Maria does not read newspapers."

yomyoraw "I will/let us read"; Mariaran tenkamiya atonte yomyoraw. "I will read Maria's letter later."

yomyor "read"; Mariaran tenkamiwo yomwasuryorta. "I forgot to read Maria's letter."

yomyor "read"; Wa itunpimo mantinidotwo yomyor. "I read newspaper everyday."

yomyor "read"; Kon librowo yomyor pitokwa conmoverse'syurntaraw. "Whoever read this book will get touched."

yomyorya "if read"; Wan tenkamiwo yomyorya, wan kurasinpuri(wo) wakaryoraw. "Read my letters and you will know how I am doing."

yomyore "read"; Estudienten minay, lepbrosuwo sunpete yomyore. "Students, read the whole text."

yomyorna "do not read"; Examin tokini kon lepbrosuwo yomyorna. "Do not read this text during examinations."


Tense Perfective Imperfective
Past -yorta -torta
Nonpast -yor -tor

Maria yomyorta. "Maria read."

Maria yomtorta. "Maria was reading."

Maria yomyor. "Maria reads."

Maria yomtor. "Maria is reading."

Adjectival verbs[]

Adjectival verbs are verbs playing adjectival rolls. Adjectival verbs are indicated by -aryor-, which derives from the attributive verb *ariyoru "to be". Adjectival verbs conjugates in the same manner as verbs.

Atukaryor- "hot"; Guam Urakasyori atukaryorta. "Guam was hotter than Urracas"

Takakaryor- "high" Saipann yamamo Pagann ponto takakaryorant omopu. "I guess even Saipan's mountain is not as high as Pagan's."



Amaneyon Piton Derechon Norikwa

Sunpeten pitokwa, umarera mintukaraniyori, katu, pokorito pomaretonte pitosikaryor. Pitokwa kotowarito mankokorotowo santukartorte, tankapini parakaran omopiwo motyorte purumapyoraw.

Kana & Chinese characters:


