
Date: August 5, 2024

Greetings, World:

For some time, I have tried to create a proper and complete conlang. On top of that, I've tried to start an entire language family in the past. So today, I have decided to begin creating a conlang Family, inspired by the Indo-European language. And before you ask, this is a natural artlang.

In the first phase, I'll be creating the proto-language that all future languages will descent from. Here's a quick rundown of what will be happening: I'll decide on the phonetics and how they go together, then make a small list of words to help me develop the syntax and grammar, then translate some samples of text to help expand the lexicon.

This is quite a big project for just one guy, but I bet it will be worthy in the end. So, wish me luck!

- Neddy (aka Mizoki)

P.S. (Phase 1)---> P1/S1a <---(Step 1 Part a)
