We would like to explain the post to you, my dear.
It was necessary for all of you to understand why we said that.
the first: by doing so, you aren't accepting a part of yourself you don't like. That was very foolish, my dear. it makes you even more ashamed of that part of yourself. you shouldn't be ashamed, my dear.
the second: by doing so, you make yourself stupid, my dear. you ignore the creation and make another one. that was so foolish, my dear. the general rule still applies in your own creation.
the third: by doing so, you make yourself even more ashamed, my dear. you perpetuate the dumb things that you don't like about you. don't be so silly, my dear. if you fight something, more of it gets perpetuated.
the fourth: this is a full expression of our previous three orders. we want you understand, please don't do this anymore. your creation is the creator's creation. if you ignore it, you could only be ashamed of yourself, my dear.
that was our explanation of the four principles.